
Chapter 984

hk972 Worldwide wanted, cbsTelevision Station invitation!

On the 5th of June, it was close to two in the early hours.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron achieved the established strategy Task, Third Generation knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery also accreded the test, and Shi Lei ordered Izual to control the return of The Steel and Iron.

As for Shi Lei, of course, I am sleeping and sleeping!

The night of sleep is always very fast. At 10 o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei is awakened by the cell phone ringtone. The Caller ID is Mu Shuang and Shi Lei presses the answer button.

Mu Shuang’s cold voice came over, “Shi Lei, have you got up?”

Shi Lei’s slightly awkward expression, stunned: “Madam Queen, I just woke up, is there anything I need to deal with?”

“Dream Entertainment Company received a cooperation invitation from Li Jian Nation bsTelevision Station. They also acquired the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition and the rights to broadcast on the network and TV.” Mu Shuang to Shi Lei explained the situation.

bsTelevision Station is one of Li Jian Nation’s five major Stations, the remaining four are b, nb, fox, thew. As one of the five largest television stations in Li Jian Nation’s market share, bsTelevision Station is very concerned about Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World’s related information. [

bsTelevision Station has a strategic vision and they are quite optimistic about the broadcast viewing market of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Therefore, they are willing to let go of their job and look for Dream Entertainment Company cooperation.

“bsTelevision Station? Is it crime scene s and criminal psychology m, that bsTelevision Station Ah?” Shi Lei asked Mu Shuang, previous life, Shi Lei prefers to watch the crime scene, this Li Jian Nation drama, quite Not bad. Let Shi Lei learn a lot of crime scene anti-detection methods.

“Well, this is the bs, do you want to contact them?” Mu Shuang called Shi Lei’s, in fact, not to ask Shi Lei for the solution.

How to deal with the cooperation invitation of bsTelevision Station. Mu Shuang can decide for himself. The reason why I called Shi Lei was that Mu Shuang had some thoughts about Shi Lei, Mu Shuang’s inside in the heart, and indeed like Shi Lei.

Shi Lei is a bit strange, why Mu Shuang will ask him about this ‘little thing’, but Shi Lei is not a funny. He quickly understood the truth and immediately said to Mu Shuang: “Madam Queen, I will come over to the company immediately, we will have dinner together at noon, and then discuss this matter carefully.”

Emerald Building, 38th floor. In Mu Shuang’s Office, she smiled and replied softly: “Okay, I am waiting for you at Company.” After that, Mu Shuang hung up.

In Mu Shuang’s Office, Ling Yumo sat on the leather sofa in the Small-scale business meeting area, looking at the coffee table. I don’t know what she is in the heart, thinking about it.

“Yumo Younger Sister, Shi Lei promised to come to the company.” Mu Shuang said to Ling Yumo.

Ling Yumo is not currently studying at Shuangqing Medical University, but is involved in the management of YuMo Medical Limited Company. She will wait until the new semester of September and go directly to Shuangqing Medical University.

“Oh, Elder Sister Mu Shuang, I don’t understand something, I want to ask you.” Ling Yumo took out some documents from YuMo Medical Limited Company and asked Mu Shuang about the company’s management of aspects.

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei simply washed it and sat in front of Number One Server. The information retriever is opened to view the various types of information collected by the information retrieve system.

Among them, a top-level information, caused Shi Lei’s attention.


Worldwide Discounts: Clear Sky Pirate Group! 》[

Worldwide by ‘Clear Sky Pirate Group ‘!

What information is provided about you, as long as it is related to the Clear Sky Pirate Group. Will receive a certain amount of rewards.

If you provide an analysis that will help you find the Clear Sky Pirate Group, we will reward you Hundred-thousand to 1 Million US Dollar; if you provide an information that points directly to the Clear Sky Pirate Group’s hiding place, we will give Your 1 Million to 3 Million US Dollar reward.

If you grab the Clear Sky Pirate Group member directly and have clear evidence that the captured person is indeed a member of the Clear Sky Pirate Group, we will reward you 3 Million to 5 Million US Dollar at one time.

This reward announcement is permanent and valid. Regarding your identity, we will fulfill our promise as long as we can provide information about Clear Sky Pirate Group. If your identity is not convenient to provide clues, we can guarantee that your identity will be kept confidential. Also, we can provide the nationality of Fei Lu Nation, give your citizen’s identity, and provide a policy of asylum.

——Fei Lu National Security Agency


Fei Lu National Security Agency’s OffiCIA l Website homepage, as well as Fei Lu Nation’s numerous news media, and even bb and nn broadcast this worldwide reward offer.

The original Clear Sky Pirate Group, which has become a huge news item for a moment, even some Xia Nation netizens are discussing this matter.

Shi Lei smiled and watched the Fei Lu National Security Agency’s Worldwide rewards, with a sigh of tone: “yō yō yō, Clear Sky Pirate Group, is it worth at most 5 Million US Dollar?”

Clear Sky Pirate Group is just a Pirate group created by Shi Lei!

Shi Lei originally wanted to play around with Fei Lu National Security Agency, leaving a message in their officially announced channel, indicating that they knew about Clear Sky Pirate Group, but the cell phone on the computer desk suddenly rang, Shi Lei chose Priority call.

The calls number is an unknown number, and Shi Lei guesses that it is not a secret call from Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, exactly as stated Rongcheng Military District. Only these two companies like to use secret telephones. Other organizations that prefer to use secret telephones are not familiar with Shi Lei.

“Hey, I am Shi Lei.” Shi Lei self-reported the doorway.

In the cell phone’s earpiece, He Zhenbang’s hearty voice came over, “hā hā hā , Shi Lei brat , doing beautifully!”

Shi Lei deliberately confused: “Commander He, what are you talking about?”

“You brat, what’s wrong? What about AIRE n Island, we don’t know. Right, you brat is getting more and more insidious, even use the name of our Rongcheng Military District, release a notice to Navy, let them receive AIRE n Island. Now all the Old Ghosts of Navy are asking me, let me tell them how our Rongcheng Military District destroyed Fei Lu Nation Nine No. 10 military naval vessel. Shi Lei brat, you tell me Say, how do you do it?” He Zhenbang pulled the name of Navy and just wanted to ask about the detailed process of destroying the nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

AIRE n Island is about three Thousand kilometers from the coastline of Xia Nation. This long-range voyage, the general airplane fundamental approach to AIRE n Island, is one of the reasons why the Xia Nation method retracts the AIRE n Island.

He Zhenbang Although he suspected that Shi Lei had attacked AIRE n Island with The Steel and Iron, due to the weather, the Military Satellite of Rongcheng Military District could not find the steel and Iron over the AIRE n Island.

Furthermore, although The Steel and Iron’s transition range has reached 3358 kilometers, the transitional voyage is to give up some unnecessary weight and carry a Fuel-based voyage. Also in other words, can not carry on-board weapon, including guide, on-board firearm, medicine, can not carry, all carry Fuel, and to carry an external fuel tank, flight speed aspect can not be guaranteed.

For this reason, He Zhenbang, who asked the Specialists, was shocked. He was eager to know what method Shi Lei had used to radiate the range of attacks to AIRE n far beyond Three Thousand kilometers. Island.

Shi Lei’s face showed a mysterious smile. This is his accomplish Hidden Task, which revealed some information to the Rongcheng Military District, so that the Rongcheng Military District will continue to maintain his relationship with him.

“Commander He, you don’t have to guess this thing. It’s not what I did. It’s a good cut. People say Fei Lu National Security Agency, it’s a Pirate group called Clear Sky Pirate Group. Good Job. If I know the information of this Clear Sky Pirate Group, I can’t go to the Fei Lu National Security Agency to get a little bounty!” Shi Lei said with a smile, did not tell the truth.

Cooperation with the Rongcheng Military District, to keep a little mystery for yourself, for Shi Lei, only benefits, absolutely no harm!

He Zhenbang obviously knows that Shi Lei is perfunctory, but he can’t force Shi Lei to exert pressure. The power that Shi Lei has mastered has already formed a climate. He is not the former soft persimmon that can be kneaded at will.

He Zhenbang repeatedly put Shi Lei’s words, but Shi Lei’s defense is not one drop of water can leak out, and did not reveal a little bit of news. Finally, He Zhenbang Nai ended the conversation with Shi Lei.

After hang up the phone, Shi Lei’s face was more intense. In this confrontation, Shi Lei took the upper hand and stabilized his status again. Shi Lei’s choice to work with the Rongcheng Military District is actually a practice with the tiger.

If he is not strong enough, the Rongcheng Military District can swallow him at any time! Not only the Rongcheng Military District, but also the Nation executives. Shi Lei’s in the heart It is clear that Nation is not unaware of what he does, but can tolerate what he does.

Shi Lei, though he is inside Dark, has not done anything very well, basically obeying the mainstream concept of right and wrong. Plus, he often helps Nation deal with things that Nation doesn’t handle, so Nation can tolerate him.

Shi Lei sees this very clearly and reciprocally. What he should do to protect himself, Shi Lei is also very clear.

Fighting Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel in AIRE N Island is both to help Xia Nation recover AIRE n Island and Shi Lei ‘show muscle’ and ‘show power’ in order to protect themselves. It’s not just a painful egg, going to AIRE n Island.

Shi Lei hasn’t talked that much yet!

“Izual, show me the situation of Brave’s World’s data!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Recently, Shi Lei has been busy picking up Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation, but ignores the concern about Brave’s World’s situation. As Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition approaches, the enthusiasm of the Gamers is growing in Brave’s World…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to mqn to read.)

Ps: Yesterday I suddenly looked at the user of the post, very happy, 6000 people have been embarrassed, welcome you to the starting point to support genuine! 9