
Chapter 977

hk965 We are Pirate!

The Stars and Stripes is the national flag of Li Jian Nation. Its official name is Flag of the United States. It consists of fifty blue-and-white stars and thirteen red and white stripes.

The Stars and Stripes are hung on the flagpole of the tail of the ship, which means that this ship belongs to Li Jian Nation!

Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s Optical Aiming System has been accomplished to scan the entire ship. Unfortunately, Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine and Word Recognition Engine, together with Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, can’t form Image Recognition Engine.

The Image Recognition Engine goes far beyond the three Graphical and action aspects of the Engine, such as the current situation, the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine and the Word Recognition Engine, which together can recognize the complete contour of the ship and feed back . However, let the three Graphical and action aspect of the Engine, the absolute method of constructing the ship’s structural diagram, also through the ship’s outer contour, simulation analysis, comprehensive engineering, construction, mechanics, shipbuilding expertise, etc., to build A three-dimensional structure diagram of the ship.

If this is more difficult to understand, you can change the object analysis in another way. Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, which recognizes human FaCIA l Feature; Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, which recognizes human’s Dynamic Behavior; Word Recognition Engine, which recognizes human details, including text on clothing, spots on the face, etc. But they are combined to analyze the three-dimensional model of human beings.

Image Recognition Engine will be Possible!

Image Recognition Engine can build a human three-dimensional model image to quickly analyze human body structural weaknesses based on Ergonomics, anatomy, medical surgical knowledge, etc., and then provide results related to the attack plan, uniform plan, and so on.

You can also explain it in another way, if you say someone who doesn’t understand the car. I have the Image Recognition Engine and loaded the relevant Specialist knowledge data library. According to the Image Recognition Engine, a person who doesn’t understand the car at all can also repair the car. [

If this is the second time, Second Generation The Steel and Iron is equipped with Image Recognition Engine. Then it will be able to easily analyze the ship’s construction structure and then destroy the ship with minimal consumption.

Shi Lei looked at the picture of the ship feedback from Second Generation The Steel and Iron. According to the ship number identified on the side of the hull, Shi Lei found the ship’s data, which is a Li Jian Nation’s Small-scale Sea Cruiser. This Sea Cruiser is nominally not under military control. However, it is a military use Level vessel. According to the Military naval vessel’s Grade, it belongs to the rank of Small-scale Frigate.

‘A Small-scale Frigate? Is there any Li Jian Nation’s Fleet near here? ‘Small-scale Frigate Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to enter such a deep sea area, and only with the Large-scale Fleet, it is possible to come to the deep sea.

If there is a Large-scale Fleet nearby. Shi Lei will consider letting go of this Small-scale Frigate. Lest you get rid of the Small-scale Frigate and get the Large-scale Fleet, it’s definitely not fun.

“Izual, haven’t you cracked the other’s line communication?” Shi Lei asked Izual, Second Generation The Steel and Iron, from Li Jian Nation’s Small-scale Frigate, which is less than two kilometers away, about one nautical mile.

This kind of close range. The Steel and Iron can completely seize each other’s cable channels and then try to get in. As long as you hack into the other party’s line channel, you can know the other party’s communication information, and thus determine the other party’s situation.

“sr, please wait a moment, currently try to crack the line communication password.” Izual responded to Shi Lei. The password of the line communication, if the method is cracked, it will get the other’s information.

After waiting for about three minutes, Izual finally prompted Shi Lei to successfully crack the Li Jian Nation Frigate’s line communication password. Izual does not crack the password of the entire line communication channel. Instead, it cracked the local information channel of this Small-scale Frigate.

Through the cable channel, Izual invaded the Small-scale Frigate’s Ship-based System to obtain the local unencrypted information of the Small-scale Frigate. If you crack the password of the full channel of the line communication, it is a must, the line communication channel used by Small-scale Frigate. The Lijian ** party encryption protocol was adopted.

If you crack Li Jian Nation’s military encryption protocol, Shi Lei can monitor many of the R&D’s information. It is a pity that Li Jian’s line of information encryption protocol, the Security Level is very high, and Shi Lei has no way to take them.

“sr, currently connected to the line communication channel of Small-scale Frigate, the current signal is converted, and the conversion is accomplish. Do you need synchronous translation service?” Izual provides a full range of services for Shi Lei.

Shi Lei refused the simultaneous translation. Although Izual’s synchronous translation is very accurate, Shi Lei can understand English, he needs to listen to the tone of the other party, and the habit of speaking. These thing Izual simulations always have some distortion.


Li Jian Nation, Sea Cruiser of Small-scale Frigate Grade.

The Small-scale Frigate is constantly in the middle of the Tempest and the waves. The crew of the Small-scale Frigate has only 11 names. The captain’s name is Rudel Peter. [

The helmsman on the Small-scale Frigate, turned to look towards the right of Captain Rudel, with an anxious started talking: “Captain, Headquarters aspect has not yet been communicated?”

Rudel is silent. According to the bad weather of Tempest, the charged black clouds in the sky have seriously hindered the communication of the line. Shi Lei’s guess is correct. The Small-scale Frigate did not come to the deep sea alone, but followed a Large-scale BAT&T le Cruiser. Their Task is distributed in the waters around AIRE n Island, monitoring the ships around, especially the vessels of the Xia Nation nationality.

Li Jian Nation aspect, suspected of provoking the personnel of the Three Kingdoms Hacker War, origin from Xia Nation, and with this Hacker war, the Fei Lu Nation on the AIRE n Island is No. 10 military naval vessel Destroy. In this case, Li Jian Nation is absolutely not allowed. They sent a Large-scale BAT&T le Cruiser overnight, with a group of Destroyer and Frigate, to the high seas outside AIRE n Island.

Once Xia Nation wants to force Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel, Li Jian Nation will never sit back and ignore it.

Rudel turned to look at the helmsman and sighed with a sigh: “I will contact Headquarters again!”

The line radio on the Small-scale Frigate has limited power. If it is under normal weather, the communication distance is more than two hundred nautical miles. But the current weather, Rudel is not very clear about the scope of the contact.

“hū called Headquarters, call Headquarters, here is Sea Hawk No. 3, here is Sea Hawk No. 3, the waters we are in, the weather is very unsatisfactory, we request to return, or go to the wind near AIRE n Island.” Rudel took At the line, trying to contact the Headquarters.

Rudel tried ten times in a row, and in the line communication, except for the voice of ‘zī zī zī ‘, there was no other feedback on information.

“Tom, how long can we hold on?” Rudel asked the helmsman.

The helmsman Tom showed an anxious look. “The captain, the wind and waves continue to increase. An hour ago, the waves were only 4 meters, the wind speed was only 60 kilometers, and now the wind speed has increased to 80 kilometers, and the waves have reached the High Degree of 5 meters. According to this increase in speed, we can only hold for at least two hours at most. Our Frigate tonnage is too light, and the law is stable in the big waves.”

Rudel sighed, “Two hours? Try to stick to it! Line communication channel, temporary method and Headquarters contact. If after thirty minutes, still get contact with Headquarters, we will return!”

After Rudel confirmed the final plan, he continued to use the line station and contacted the Headquarters of the Large-scale BAT&T Le Cruiser.


Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Izual invaded Li Jian Nation Small-scale Frigate’s line communication channel, and transferred the Small-scale Frigate line communication to all of the Number One Server that Shi Lei mastered through Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Shi Lei eavesdropped on all the Small-scale Frigate’s information, including the conversation between Rudel and the helmsman Tom. Shi Lei’s eyes revealed a smile, in the heart secretly said: ‘It turned out to be Li Jian Nation’s Small-scale Frigate. Want to return? Maybe, just wait for the next life! ‘

The relationship between Li Jian Nation and Xia Nation is definitely not very friendly!

Li Jian Nation often promotes the Xia Nation threat theory, and also draws a small Nation around Xia Nation, desperately trying to find trouble with Xia Nation. For example, Fei Lu Nation, based on AIRE n Island, always makes a dispute with Xia Nation.

Nanyue Nation also has a similar island, but Nanyue Nation is a bit low-key, most people don’t know, and Nanyue Nation also captures the island of Xia Nation.

Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation, these small Nation around Xia Nation, why is it so hanging? Without Li Jian Nation behind them, they would never dare to fight Xia Nation.

Xia Nation has been inferior to Big Bro for many years, but has the potential and strength to become Big Bro. Just Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation, if you want to compete with Xia Nation, the formerly Big Bro, you will definitely die.

“Izual, open the line control, prepare to use the Second Generation The Steel and Iron as the base point, and send a wire and electricity notice to Li Jian Nation’s Small-scale Frigate. The content of the notice is in accordance with the text command implement.” Shi Lei told Izual And quickly on Number One Server, typed a line of commands that need to be published. .

Izual immediately took control of Second Generation The Steel and Iron and launched a lineage information attack on Li Jian Nation’s Small-scale Frigate.

“Small-scale ships in front, stop the boat immediately, we are Clear Sky Pirate Group, your ship has been locked by our air power, your line has been controlled by us, if you do not stop, we Will destroy you!”

The text command issued by Shi Lei is pretending to be Pirate, ready to use Pirate’s identity to find Li Jian Nation!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to mqn to read.)
