
Chapter 978

hk966 is broken!

Pirate, the ancient Profession, Inheritance for thousands of years, is still active in the shadowy corner of the Worldwide Ocean. The most famous Pirate gathering point, precisely as stated Somalia.

In the waters around Xia Nation, there is no news of Pirate’s haunting.

Pirate’s general robbery targets are commercial vessels, especially commercial vessels without armed protection. When the Li Jian Nation Small-scale Frigate-class Sea Cruiser Sea Hawk No. 3 received the line-based information from Izual, all eleven people in the whole ship fell into a ridiculous feeling.

Sea Hawk No. 3 is just a Small-scale Frigate, but it is also Frigate, a Frigate equipped with all kinds of advanced weapon!

“Captain, have I just appeared auditory hallucinations?”. The helmsman Tom asked Rudel Peter, the captain next to him.

The Sea Hawk No. 3 is equipped with a small caliber gun, two guided launch brackets, and several large-caliber Ship-based machine guns. So many weapon, even if it is a blind, I know that Sea Hawk No. 3 is not good.

Furthermore, the flag of Li Jian Nation is hung on the stern flagpole of the Sea Hawk No. 3, representing the vessel of Li Jian Nation. Li Jian Nation is the world’s largest Nation, Li Jian Nation Nationality vessel, with a sense of safety throughout the world.

Li Jian Nation is a human rights supreme Nation. If Pirate dares to rob the vessel that kidnapped Li Jian Nation, Li Jian Nation’s power in Worldwide will quickly lock Pirate’s place. Then, first of all, Li Jian Nation will be very active in rescuing the hostages concerned, and Li Jian Nation will try to satisfy the requirements of Pirate.

However, once Li Jian Nation rescued the hostage and Pirate lost the means to threaten Li Jian Nation, the fierce side of Li Jian Nation will immediately be revealed. [

It is precisely because Li Jian Nation is very aggressive in the whole world. Therefore, in the major oceans of Worldwide, Pirate’s group did not dare to provoke Li Jian Nation’s ships.

The expression on Rudel Peter’s face is also very beautiful. “Tom, I don’t think we have any auditory hallucinations!”

“What?” The helmsman Tom said with shock: “What is the origin of the Clear Sky Pirate Group, how can they have such courage?”

The Clear Sky Pirate Group is just a name that Shi Lei temporarily takes, and Rudel certainly won’t know what the Clear Sky Pirate Group is.

“Kaideli, damn Kaideli, our Ship-based Defense System. Haven’t you found any traces of the enemy?”. Rudel asked the radar soldier Kaideli.

Kaideli responded with a depressed voice: “The captain, the radar feedback shows that there are no suspicious targets around us.”

“Damn! Kaideli, are you sure the radar is broken? Is our Guide System? Is it still working?” Rudel asked Kaideli.

The line electricity information released by the Clear Sky Pirate Group refers to air power. Also in other words, Clear Sky Pirate Group is in the air. In addition, the other party adopted the line propagation information. In such a bad weather environment. Clear Sky Pirate Group is sure to be close to Sea Hawk No. 3.

However, Rudel does not understand, such a bad weather, emptying the so-called airpower of the thieves, how to fly in the sky?

“Captain, I confirmed that the radar did not appear damaged. Our Guide System. It can also be used normally. Ship-based sea-to-air guidance, as long as the enemy dares to appear, I can knock it down!” Kaideli boasted With.

It was only Kaideli’s answer that further deepened the doubts of Rudel in the heart.

‘It’s this Clear Sky Pirate Group. Just lie to us? Maybe they just have a high-power line radio, and they are black into our line communication channel, and then scare us to scare us? ‘Rudel in the heart raised an idea.

After this idea came into being, Rudel felt more and more that the Clear Sky Pirate Group was really just scaring them. After all, Pirate, who dared to attack Li Jian Nation ships, basically did not exist.

After Rudel in the heart thought that the Clear Sky Pirate Group was a Paper Tiger, he quickly notified the entire ship personnel and explained his own fault.

Kaideli as a radar soldier, he stood up and affirmed Rudel’s speech. “You brothers, the captain determines the form is not wrong, that Clear Sky Pirate Group, it is very likely that there is no such thing. I control the whole ship radar, to my ship For Center, the focus is on the surrounding 20 nautical miles, in which we have not found any suspicious targets.”[

Kaideli continues to provide more evidence for Rudel, “Which Clear Sky Pirate Group, black out our line, indicating that if we don’t surrender, they will Destroy us. They also say that their airpower has been targeted. We. Just, there are still no suspicious targets in the air field around 20 in our world!”

The crew of Sea Hawk No. 3 listened to the radar soldier Kaideli saying that the anxiety in the heart was reduced. After all, in such a bad weather, within the range of twenty nautical miles, no suspicious targets were found, which represents the surrounding environment Safety.

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei told Izual that he had been waiting for the Li Jian Nation Small-scale Frigate class Sea Hawk No. 3 to reply after using the line call. However, this left and right, Sea Hawk No. 3 is no reply.

“Izual, the other party’s line, haven’t responded yet?”. Shi Lei asked about Izual.

Izual controls the frontal projector and sends back the real-time image of Second Generation The Steel and Iron for Shi Lei. “Sr, The Steel and Iron has just detected the target and implemented the intensive radar scanning behavior. The Steel and Iron is ultra low Spaces are flying against the sea, and the other’s radar does not detect The Steel and Iron. According to System’s logic, the target may think that we don’t exist, or in such a bad weather, we can’t have air power.”

The sneer on Shi Lei’s face flashed away. ‘Is it a small one? ‘

“Izual, once again through the line, send a call to the target!” Shi Lei hands quickly on the keyboard, the threat that needs to be shouted out, knocked out, let Izual implement.

Izual, according to the text typed by Shi Lei, once again simulated a gloomy middle-aged voice in the line channel of Sea Hawk No. 3, shouting: “The Small-scale ship in front, we are Clear Sky Pirate Group. Now give you two choices, First, stop the boat immediately and hand over all the valuables on board. If you take the initiative to cooperate with us, we will only rob the property and never harm any of you. Our Clear Sky Pirate Group is a reputable, There is a Pirate group of character, our promise, absolutely real and valid.”

“Second choice, you can resist stubbornly, but our Clear Sky Pirate Group will no longer guarantee your personal safety! Give you a minute to consider time. After one minute, if you don’t make a choice, we will automatically default you, tendency Second choice!”

On the Sea Hawk No. 3 Small-scale Frigate Sea Cruiser, Izual can broadcast the whole ship because the line system is controlled by Izual. Izual’s shouts and once again pass to the ears of all the crew.

Although Radar Kaideli has assured all crew members that there are no flying objects in the airspace near the Twenty Sea, but as a soldier of Li Jian Nation, they have a wide range of visions, knowing that some High-tech Aircraft can completely shield the radar from scanning. . Moreover, the soldiers of Li Jian Nation did not have the spirit of the Xia Nation soldiers.

There is a rumor that Li Jian Nation’s army, how to educate soldiers to be captured by the issue. When Li Jian Nation’s soldiers were captured, Li Jian Nation’s army instilled in them the idea that everything is to protect itself as a First premise. Also in other words, on what the enemy needs, as long as it can be provided, it can be provided. If the enemy needs intelligence, then provide intelligence; if the enemy needs supplies, then provide supplies. As long as you can save your life, Li Jian Nation’s soldiers will give priority to life, and there is no self-sacrificing spirit.

The crew of Sea Hawk No. 3 have the mentality that they don’t want to die in this bad weather, because after they die, it is possible to find even the body, let alone leave a suicide note for the family. What, that is simply a delusion.

Helmsman Tom whispered to Captain Rudel, “Captain, Clear Sky Pirate Group, isn’t there near us? If you are near us, please allow me to leave the most Last Item information for my family. Their son is a glorious battle. Dead, not dying from Storm!”

Rudel’s complexity changed, “Tom!”

He turned to look at the helmsman Tom, surprisingly serious, “Tom, according to Kaideli’s radar scan feedback, we are surrounded by the twenty nautical miles, absolutely no aircraft, this is not my collusion with Kaideli in the lily. Maybe there is High-tech Equipment, can avoid radar scanning, but the other party is just a Pirate group, do you think they may have such advanced Equipment?”.

The helmsman Tom’s face gloomy and uncertain, don’t know what to think, wait a moment, the helmsman Tom carefully started talking: “Captain, or else we temporarily surrender to Right? Headquarters is near us, even if this is Clear Sky Pirate Group , hijacked us, as soon as Tempest stops, Headquarters will search for us immediately.”

Rudel Nye shook his head. “Tom, we can’t surrender. We are not the Merchant ship of the Ordinary. We are warships! If we don’t fight at all, we will surrender directly. Headquarters will rescue us, but if you think about it, what will we end up with? ? Military court? Or is Hevin Voss incarcerated?”

A minute passed by, and at the last minute, Captain Rudel Peter picked up the line communicator and responded to Shi Lei.

“Clear Sky Pirate Group, here is the Li Jian Nation Seventh Fleet Third detachment Sea Cruiser Sea Hawk No. 3. Warning, you have entered our warning range. We are now instructing you to withdraw from our warning range immediately. Otherwise, Will be Destroy blow!”

Captain Rudel is still trying to make a final attempt to get Clear Sky Pirate Group to retreat automatically in the name of the Li Jian Nation army. If it is Pirate, I am afraid to hear the name of the Li Jian Nation army and will immediately retreat.

However, Clear Sky Pirate Group is not really Pirate!

Shi Lei listened to Rudel’s answer, but showed a sneer, “kill it!”

(To be continued…)
