
Chapter 976

hk964 Stars and Stripes?

On June 4th, at 8 o’clock in the evening.

Shi Lei currently living room, eating a nutritious dinner. The so-called nutritious dinner, precisely as stated light taste, even the oily stars do not have a few light taste dishes.

“Izual, are these things determined to be humans to eat?”. Shi Lei put down the chopsticks and said that she missed the cooking of Ouyang Xiang, but Ouyang Xiang rarely came back and concentrated on the work.

Ouyang Xiang is so desperate to work, except because of her inheritance of her father’s Police Force vocation and belief, but also because she does not know how to face Shi Lei.

Shi Lei also knows this, and Ouyang Xiang’s relationship with him is not well handled. The two tacitly did not discuss this embarrassing issue, but avoided each other.

“sr, after the system analysis, this nutritional dinner is the best for you.” Izual just responded and immediately issued an alarm: “sr, the Defense System was attacked, the strength of the attack increased rapidly, reaching 100tflops, More than 300tflops, the attack strength of 500tflops has been broken!” Izual reported several data in succession.

This violent attack, if Dream Entertainment Company does not have wnMiwang auxiliary defense, I am afraid that when the attack strength exceeds 300tflops, it has been compromised.

“attack origin?” Shi Lei stood up and was not too anxious. Although the attack strength exceeds the 500tflops calculation speed, wnMiwang’s computing resources are more, and the Defense System’s defense mode is more advanced.

Even if the attack computing resources are more than twice that of wnMiwang, you can’t beat wnMiwang and the Defense System. [

As for the issue of attack origin, Shi Lei in the heart has speculation. 500tflops’s attack computing resources is definitely not a small amount, and the general company and the organization simply can’t get it.

Even the Angel Parliament. It is also impossible for Raphael to control so much computing resources. Even Second Giant, it is impossible to control so many elephant computing resources. Maybe First Giant may have so much computing resources, but First Giant will never use so much computing resources to invade.

Shi Lei also prioritized the possibility of the Big Penguin Company. It is not Shi Lei who can’t look down on Chief Ma. It is really impossible for Chief Ma to have so much computing resources. Think about the poor service of the next generation ‘dropped city and weak warrior’, and you can know how bad the quality and quantity of Big Penguin Company’s Server is.

After ignoring the suspicion of Big Penguin Company, the only questionable one is accurately stated as Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation, National Security Agency of Nanyue Nation. I have been beaten by Shi Lei before. They should now be married with their tails, and they don’t know. Shi Lei, who played them badly, could invade Dream Entertainment Company?

Then the only one is suspect. Only Fei Lu National Security Agency!

Fei Lu National Security Agency may get some clues from the Big Penguin Company. Thus, the Dream Entertainment Company was related to the Port of Manila incident. therefore. They have reason and motivation to invade Dream Entertainment Company.

Shi Lei walked into the bedroom, sat in the ergonomic health chair, stared at the screen of Number One Server and looked at the progress of Izual’s investigate. Izual’s Black Magic Software, tracking ability is far less than Shi Lei personally played, Shi Lei hands on the keyboard. Quickly typed a line of source code. After a while, Shi Lei traced several real paddresses.

‘Sure enough is the Fei Lu National Security Agency? ‘Shi Lei determine the true paddress tracked to the location of these real paddresses. All in Fei Lu Nation, want to investigate the specific address, you need some investigate.

However, Shi Lei does not want to proceed to the next investigate, because the next step of investigate does not make sense.

Even if Shi Lei found the exact evidence that proved to invade the Dream Entertainment Company’s Security SpeCIA list, which is exactly as stated Fei Lu National Security Agency? Don’t think that only Xia Nation will use the temporary worker, and Fei Lu Nation will use this trick too!

Once Shi Lei found the exact evidence, the Security SpeCIA list that was found became a temporary worker of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, even an external personnel, whose behavior was related to the Fei Lu National Security Agency.

This reason is very good, general use in the whole world!

‘Fei Lu National Security Agency, since you want to play, I will play with you! ‘Shi Lei in the heart laughed, The Steel and Iron took more than two hours, nearly three hours to get to AIRE n Island.

For a while, Shi Lei had no other things to do. It was a very interesting thing to play around with Fei Lu National Security Agency. The power of the Fei Lu National Security Agency is not much stronger than the Nanyue National Security Agency. Shi Lei can deal with them completely without being caught by them.

Fei Lu National Security Agency and Nanyue National Security Agency met Shi Lei and counted them as bad luck! [

Worldwide’s World Summit Grade Hacker, most of them have their own things to deal with, and only Shi Lei, the born-again person, will be so casually bullying them.

Shi Lei found the network location of Fei Lu National Security Agency along the anti-tracking Security SpeCIA list. Without the true paddress of these Specialist, Shi Lei would like to find the network location of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, which is still a hassle.

Hacker wants to invade a target, first need to know the network location Right of the invading target?

For example, if the Fei Lu National Security Agency wants to invade the Dream Entertainment Company’s Server, then they must first know the Dream Entertainment Company’s Server network address. If they don’t know the network address, how can they invade?

Shi Lei found the network address of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, which controls the resources of wnMiwang, the implement flaw scanner. Izual issued a prompt when Shi Lei was preparing to masquerade as a normal access to the information and invaded the server of the Fei Lu National Security Agency.

“Sr, Second Generation The Steel and Iron, found an unexpected target on the sea.”

Shi Lei stopped the action of preparing to invade the Fei Lu National Security Agency and pointed to the Second projector: “Show the situation on the Second projector.”

Izual quickly showed the information, which was detected by Second Generation The Steel and Iron on-board radar. It is about 167 kilometers from Second Generation The Steel and Iron. There is a ship on the sea.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s on-board radar goes far beyond the On-board radar scanning range of First Generation The Steel and Iron. Since N235 Metal provides a more reliable Power Source supply, on-board radar can also be used. The version of the power. Therefore, Second Generation The Steel and Iron can find targets at a great distance.

“Izual, here is the country’s sea Right?” Shi Lei asked.

Xia Nation’s waters are vast, and even if it leaves the coastline for more than two thousand kilometers, it is still the sea of ​​Xia Nation. Therefore, Shi Lei is also determined to determine whether Second Generation The Steel and Iron is still in the sea of ​​Xia Nation.

“Sr, The Steel and Iron is currently in the territorial waters of Xia Nation, but outside the eighty-nine nautical miles, one hundred and sixty miles from the Forty-eight point, it is exactly as stated on the edge of the Xia Nation territorial sea, which belongs to the high seas. A ship did not enter the territorial waters of Xia Nation.” On the No. 2 projector, Izual showed the location of Second Generation The Steel and Iron and the ship, and showed the surrounding seas.

“Is the ship in the high seas?”. Shi Lei’s eyes turned, and the ship discovered by Second Generation The Steel and Iron was in the open sea, indicating that the ship was at least not a Xia Nation ship. If it is a vessel of Xia Nation, there is no need to deliberately stay in the open sea. Only other ships of Nation will stay outside the high seas and prevent the misunderstanding from entering the territorial sea of ​​Xia Nation.

“Izual, how much time would we waste if we were to investigate this ship?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Izual continues to display the relevant information on the No. 2 projector. The direction of The Steel and Iron is moving toward the north latitude 9° and the east longitude 115°. The direction of the ship is actually above this latitude and longitude, but the division is not the same. Therefore, even if it is bypassing, it will not consume too much time.

“sr, if you want to detect the ship, it will add 7 minutes to 8 minutes 30 seconds.” Izual gave accurate data.

Shi Lei nodded: “Izual, which Nation is this ship?”

“sr, the method is determined. If you ask for a line call, you may be exposed to our location information and Identity Information. Is it via wire communication? If you are making a line contact plan, you must observe it closely.” Izual gave two choices. Program.

Near-investigate will only waste less than ten minutes, Shi Lei is completely acceptable, “investigate investigate this ship, see which Nation it is, if not our Xia Nation, and I hate Nation Affiliation, then let it go!”

Izual immediately took control of Second Generation The Steel and Iron to the scheduled target. The on-board radar found ships from The Steel and Iron 167. The Steel and Iron cruises at 320 kilometers per hour. Also in other words, it only takes half an hour and a little bit of time. The Steel and Iron can Arrived near the target.

Shi Lei patiently waiting for half an hour, in fact, half an hour, Shi Lei in and Fei Lu National Security Agency to play, Fei Lu National Security Agency has been tapping less than Dream Entertainment Company’s Server, Shi Lei is attacked Fei Lu National Security The Agency’s several Security SpeCIA list computers have completely Destroy their computer storage equipment.

Half an hour later, The Steel and Iron hovered three kilometers from the target. Target The weather in the sea is very bad, visibility is less than two kilometers, and Second Generation The Steel and Iron is still close to the target.

When in the visible range, The Steel and Iron’s optical aiming system quickly scans the external features of the target.

The flag hanging on the stern flagpole of this ship is a star-striped flag…

(To be continued…)
