
Chapter 975

hk963 Tempest is coming!

On June 4th, at 6 o’clock in the morning.

Suddenly there was a light rain, which brought a hint of coolness to Shuangqing City. After nearly an hour of temptation, conversation, discussion, and agreement, Big Penguin Company and Fei Lu National Security Agency formed a temporary alliance.

Although the Fei Lu National Security Agency found the suspects of the Port of Manila incident, they did not have any evidence that the Dream Entertainment Company was related to the Port of Manila incident.

Fei Lu National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief, Conn Wolmer, despite the unanimous agreement with Big Penguin Company, will deal with Dream Entertainment Company under covert conditions. But Conn Wolmer in the heart still has his own concerns. ‘If all this is really the Dream Entertainment Company behind the scenes, how much power does the Dream Entertainment Company have? ‘

However, on what the Dream Entertainment Company is and how powerful it is, Conn Wolmer decided to explore the Dream Entertainment Company with Big Penguin Company.

The strength of the Fei Lu National Security Agency goes far beyond the Big Penguin Company. They chose to work with the Big Penguin Company, just to let the Big Penguin Company cover it. Once the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division is involved, they can get off to the Big Penguin Company. On the body, it indicates the invasion of Dream Entertainment’s personnel, all of whom are employees of Big Penguin Company.

The Big Penguin Company and the Fei Lu National Security Agency agreed to go to the Dream Entertainment Company at 8 o’clock this evening. Because, the Big Penguin Company’s Broken Knife Group, or the Fei Lu National Security Agency’s Security SpeCIA list, are all busy all night, they are people, and they need rest.

At six o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei currently and Duke of Zhou competed in the dream technology. As a Shi Lei’s assistant. High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual, no need to rest, can twenty four hours of uninterrupted work. [

Five of The Steel and Iron from Nanyue Nation Meishan Island, all Safety landed at Shu’an Village, Ruling Security Company training base on the edge of Shuangqing City Shuanghu District. Simultaneously. Li Cai also first accomplished The Steel and Iron of Second Generation Electric Energy Version and sent it to Shu’an Village for assembly.

Izual automatically notified the Rongcheng Military District according to the arrangements left by Shi Lei, indicating that the Hope Rongcheng Military District transported the guides of the Swift Arrow Series and Crush Sea Series to the corresponding locations.

Shi Lei’s pre-arranged guidance should be located at the Xia Nation border. Close to the Yellow Triangle Region, after the Rongcheng Military District is sent, Izual will naturally arrange for the personnel of the Yellow Triangle Region to receive the guide.

Those guides will be temporarily hosted in Second Generation Region and Shu’an Village’s Second Generation The Steel and Iron. After assembling accomplish, Izual will control The Steel and Iron of Second Generation Electric Energy Version. Kapa Town to Yellow Triangle Region, which is Shi Lei’s domain in the Yellow Triangle Region.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron In Kapa Town, Dark Hell’s Old Nest, carrying four Swift Arrow Series guides, and then carrying two Crush Sea Series guides, you can fly to the sea and kill AIRE n Island .

Time is in the drizzle. The sound of the disappearance.

At seven o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei finally got enough rest time, sat up from the bed, and made a significant yawn, still with a bit of tiredness: “Izual, what is it now?”

Izual responded: “Sr, now it’s seventy-point Forty-four points.”

Shi Lei is a little bit stunned, “Forty-four points at seven o’clock in the evening? Doesn’t that mean that I slept more than 12 hours?”

“sr, you have slept for 13 hours and 56 minutes. System has automatically ordered a nutritious dinner for you. In addition, System has automatically adjusted the oxygen content in the air for you to quickly restore your energy.” Izual Changed the oxygen content of the Room, more oxygen, and promoted Shi Lei’s quicker recovery.

Jingya Garden as Shi Lei’s Temporary Old Nest. For its safety, Shi Lei has changed more and more safety configurations. The air purification system configured in the Room can effectively block any air toxins.

This set of System, the value far exceeds the price of the house!

“Izual, Fei Lu National Security Agency and Big Penguin Company, is there any action?” Shi Lei secretly guessed the Fei Lu National Security Agency, or the Big Penguin Company, before going to sleep, and should start with the Dream Month Company.

After all, Ma Huatang Chief Ma of Big Penguin Company, I am afraid I can guess the relationship. In the case of Chief Ma and Fei Lu National Security Agency, there is a private contact, and the Fei Lu National Security Agency is in a hurry to find the Dream Entertainment Company.

Because of this concern, Shi Lei did not completely destroy the Data of the Destroy Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System, but let the Fei Lu National Security Agency take the data back. This kind of staying in the line gave the Fei Lu National Security Agency some comfort, not to let them jump over the wall to deal with the Dream Entertainment Company. [

“sr, our Company’s Main Server, City Supported Server Cluster, has not been attacked by the scale, Big Penguin Company and Fei Lu National Security Agency, and did not launch the Hacker invasion war against our company’s network.” Izual passed the Defense System, did not find Dream Entertainment Company’s Server, was massively invaded.

Shi Lei was slightly sighed in relief, but raised a doubt, why did Big Penguin Company and Fei Lu National Security Agency not find trouble with Dream Entertainment Company?

‘No matter what, what do they want to do, I don’t believe it, they beat the Defense System! ‘Shi Lei in the heart hēi hēi smirk, scorning Big Penguin Company and Fei Lu National Security Agency.

“Izual, our The Steel and Iron? And N235 Metal? Where are they?” Shi Lei asked me about Izual while walking into the bathroom.

Izual reported the situation to Shi Lei. “Sr, Second Generation The Steel and Iron is currently on the sea. It is expected that two hours of Forty will take up to three hours to arrive near AIRE n Island.”

Shi Lei listened to Izual’s report, especially the last sentence, and quickly got out of the bathroom, started talking: “Izual, why send Second Generation The Steel and Iron to AIRE n Island?AIRE n Island is complicated, Spy Satellite all over the world They are all aiming at AIRE n Island, and once The Steel and Iron enters the 50-mile range near AIRE n Island, it will be monitored by the satellite in the sky.”

“Sr, System automatically obtained the weather conditions of the AIRE n Island waters and performed Logical Analysis. The sea area near AIRE n Island is currently mad Storm rain, the Wave High Degree is more than five meters and is expected to last for more than 36 hours. Severe weather. It is the monitoring satellite in the sky, or the monitoring ship around it, and the data information of The Steel and Iron is obtained,” Izual responded.

Shi Lei frowned, Shi Lei was not unconsidered to use the bad weather to attack AIRE n Island. However, the bad weather will affect the satellite communication, in case the connection with Second Generation The Steel and Iron is interrupted, this is a troublesome thing. AIRE n Island Distance to Xia Nation, there are two Three Thousand kilometers!

“Izual, the issue of the communication aspect?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

“sr, please don’t worry about the communication issue, Second Generation The Steel and Iron is equipped with Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, Word Recognition Engine, plus more powerful power, equipped with more powerful On-board Computer processing equipment, as long as Set the attack target for it, it can be automatically controlled in a short time. Even if the communication is interrupted, as long as the time is less than ten minutes, it will not cause much impact.” Izual answered Shi Lei.

Shi Lei took the forehead, and Second Generation The Steel and Iron owns N235 Metal. The internal configuration can be described as a shotgun change. From the previous consideration of energy-saving issues, it has become a state of no fear of energy consumption.

Like the computer’s power settings, from the energy-saving state to the high-performance state, the internal system’s processing capacity has improved a lot.

“So best!” Shi Lei sighed in relief, “Izual, turning the 360° Dead End Camera System of Second Generation The Steel and Iron to the First projector.”

Second Generation The Steel and Iron has a cruising speed of 320 kilometers per hour, far exceeding First Generation The Steel and Iron, and because of the use of electricity as the main Power Source, there is no obvious infrared like First Generation The Steel and Iron. Heat radiation.

Izual quickly projected Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s 360° Camera System into the First projector. The image displayed on the projection cloth was a sea of ​​hope, the sky was very gloomy, and the sea was rolling with waves.

From the picture determine, the waves of the sea, the Steel and Iron will never exceed one meter. So close to the sea, there was a slight accident, and Second Generation The Steel and Iron might fall into the sea.

Shi Lei said that some said: “Izual, The Steel and Iron’s Flying High Degree, is it a bit too low?”

“sr, please rest assured that with the joint determination of Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine and Word Recognition Engine, The Steel and Iron’s optical aiming system can automatically distinguish the High Degree of the spray. Once the High Degree of the spray, it may threaten The Steel. And Iron, The Steel and Iron’s on-board Operating System will automatically adjust The Steel and Iron’s Flying High Degree.” Izual shows the Outstanding performance of Second Generation The Steel and Iron in the projection screen.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron has a terrifying maneuver that climbs Twenty-seven meters in a second, with a spray of about five meters, which causes any trouble for The Steel and Iron.

Looking at the Outstanding’s attribute of Second Generation The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei smiled.

“dīng dōng ~ ”

Outside the Room, there was a ringing of the door.

Izual prompts: “Sr, System automatically ordered a nutritious dinner, did you open the Room door?”

“Well.” Shi Lei stood up and walked toward the gate. When he reached the door, Izual opened the security door and Shi Lei took the dinner from Emerald Lake Guesthouse and placed it on the table.

After a long sleep, Shi Lei didn’t have much appetite. He now puts his mind on Second Generation The Steel and Iron. Once Second Generation The Steel and Iron is in Tempest, he arrives at AIRE n Island, Fei Lu. Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel will welcome Doomsday…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to mqn to read.)


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