
Chapter 974

hk962 collude with each other?

Shi Lei’s violence against Fei Lu Nation, Xia Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, actually has more or less understanding. Although they are very clear, Shi Lei’s ability is not enough to destroy Fei Lu Nation’s network to that extent, but they are also suspected of the same thing as Angel Parliament, that is, the relationship between Shi Lei and Mr. M.

It is rumored that the relationship between Shi Lei and Mr. M has broken down, and the two have turned against each other. But the real situation does not seem to be the case. Mr. M is a mysterious, world-renowned World Summit Grade Hacker. If Shi Lei betrayed him, why didn’t he have a press Shi Lei?

Unless there are two situations, it is possible to let Mr. M temporarily retreat without looking for Shi Lei’s trouble.

First, Mirror Science and Technology Group Company has a very strong power. Mirror Science and Technology Group Company, the power that is currently showing is indeed very large, on the technical aspect, or the ambition aspect.

Mirror Science and Technology Group Company, has swallowed mCompany, knowing that mCompany is related to Li Jian Nation’s numerous secrets. Although Mirror Science and Technology Group Company made some compromises, it still got mCompany!

The second possible situation, precisely as stated Shi Lei and Mr. M, there is no such thing as a revenge, even Mr. M exactly as stated behind the Mirror Science and Technology Group Company.

As for Mr. M, why choose Shi Lei as an agent. This issue is troublesome for many people. Among them, the Stockholders of the Capital City Patriot Company are even more puzzling about this issue.

On June 4, it was more than five in the morning.

The Big Penguin Company and the Fei Lu National Security Agency did not respond quickly in the provocation of ‘mutually’. Whether Fei Lu Nation or Big Penguin Company is aware that the situation is not right. They fell into the trapof other people. [

Shi Lei Although there are some regrets, Big Penguin Company and Fei Lu National Security Agency have maintained a calm restraint, but Shi Lei does not care about the results. Anyway, there are only a few excuses for some things.

With both hands left on the keyboard, Shi Lei glanced at the cell phone on the computer desk and suddenly gave a chuckle. “Chief Ma, you are really calm. I suspect that all this is behind me, but still Don’t contact me for verification?”.

Shi Lei can guess what Ma Huatang might analyze, including Ma Huatang’s ability to analyze, all of which are related to Shi Lei’s guess. Just, those are just guesses. There is no evidence from Chief Ma.

“Izual, are all the intrusions cleared?”. Shi Lei asked about Izual. To ensure that you lose.

Izual as High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. The Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module is so powerful, how can such a Low Grade error occur?

“Sr, all intrusion traces, sync clear accomplish.” Izual responded.

Shi Lei yawned and looked at the bottom right corner of the Number One Server screen, which is now 5:31 on the morning of June 4. Shi Lei finally got some sleepiness. He stood up from the ergonomic health chair and walked to the bathroom.

After a rush of washing, Shi Lei lay in bed and quickly fell into a dream. After Shi Lei slept. Big Penguin Company’s Chief Ma, currentlyly and Fei Lu National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief Conn Wolmer, conducted a telephone communication negotiation.

Needless to say, although Chief Ma doesn’t know Conn Wolmer’s phone, Conn Wolmer, as a National Security Agency Leader, can definitely find Chief Ma’s phone number.

“Hello, Mr. Ma, I am the Bureau Chief of Coni Lu National Security Agency, Conn Wolmer.” Conn Wolmer said politely, without self-sustaining identity, he showed a superior attitude.

Ma Huatang received a phone call from Conn Wolmer. His face was amazed. He made a snoring gesture to the female secretary, then quickly went to the study. When he closed the study door, he said, “Hello. Mr. Wolmer, I am Ma Huatang of Big Penguin Company.”

Ma Huatang took the phone with his left hand and guessed, why did Conn Wolmer call him.

I haven’t waited for Ma Huatang to think about it, Conn Wolmer directly started talking: “Mr. Ma, about our Fei Lu National Security Agency, invading and destroying your company Server, on behalf of our Fei Lu National Security Agency, officially stated that this matter Not what we did, but lurking in your company Internal Network, other Hackers are doing damage. I know that our explanation is very pale for your company, we have no evidence that the other forces have existed in Hacker. But I want to say…”

“Mr. Wolmer, sorry for the inconvenience, please allow me to interrupt you.” Ma Huatang interrupted Conn Wolmer in a polite manner, which made Conn Wolmer in the heart uncomfortable.

As the Bureau Chief of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, Conn Wolmer has his own temper. Since becoming the Bureau Chief of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, Conn Wolmer has never been interrupted while talking. [

Fortunately, Chief Ma, Conn Wolmer is very happy with the next words!

“Mr. Wolmer, you said, I believe. Because, I also represent Big Penguin Company, officially declare that our Big Penguin Company has not released any announcement information on the OffiCIA l Website homepage. Our Big Penguin Company’s Internal Network and Server, also controlled in the hands of a Hacker. If I guess there is nothing wrong, we have become the chess pieces of others, let others have artificially our network.” Ma Huatang’s tone is a bit cold.

Conn Wolmer listened and sighed: “Mr. Ma, you are right, although you don’t want to admit it, but we have become the chess pieces of others. The whole thing, from beginning to end, reveals a kind of The strange taste is just that we didn’t find it. Mr. Ma, for this invisible behind-the-scenes Black Hand, don’t you know if you have any doubts?”

Ma Huatang His eyes are cold, how can he have no suspect target? The biggest suspect target, suspect is the Shi Lei of Dream Entertainment Company!

‘Shi Lei ah Shi Lei, I am afraid you can’t think of it, the result of your careful layout, actually did not produce results! ‘Ma Huatang in the heart ridiculed, Shi Lei spent so much energy. From now on, Fei Lu National Security Agency is ready to deal with Shi Lei with Big Penguin Company.

“Mr. Wolmer, I have a doubtful target. This person has a very bad relationship with me. He hasformly repeatedly suppressed our Big Penguin Company. Every time we confronted him, it was always exhausted by all kinds of Hacker. This time, before we had a misunderstanding, I got a call from that person. From his tone, I heard it. He seemed to know these things in advance.” Ma Huatang black Shi Lei.

At Ma Huatang in the heart, he doesn’t care if Shi Lei is embarrassed. If this thing is behind Shi Lei in the manual, that’s right, they are looking for the right person!

If this thing is someone else behind the scenes, there is no big relationship. Anyway, Ma Huatang and Shi Lei’s have a very bad relationship. With Fei Lu National Security Agency, Shi Lei and Dream Entertainment have been killed. Ma Huatang is too happy, but how Will you consider, is Shi Lei awkward?

“Who is that person?” Conn Wolmer asked. Although Conn Wolmer also considered, Ma Huatang will not use their Fei Lu National Security Agency to eliminate their competitors.

For this issue, Conn Wolmer doesn’t care at all. Because, after Ma Huatang said the target, Conn Wolmer will also carefully investigate, at least to confirm, the target has the ability to black out Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System Right?

“Xia Nation, Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei!” Ma Huatang said it directly, with a sinister smile on his face and a touch of fun.

“Dream Entertainment Company? Mirror Science and Technology Group that? The one that acquired mCompany?” Conn Wolmer asked in a row.

If it is the Dream Entertainment Company of Mirror Science and Technology Group, they really have the strength to break through Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System. After all, the Dream Entertainment Company formerly stunned many of Hacker’s invasions, and even now, there are countless Hackers every day, constantly attacking the Dream Entertainment Company’s Server. Dream Entertainment Company, has never been compromised by Hacker.

Dream Entertainment’s Worldwide First Motion Sensing Operation Platform game, the economic value of Brave’s World Create, is currently rapidly promoted. The price of one piece of Brave’s World Virtual Equipment, currently challenging the limits of people’s tolerance.

In the Virtual Goods Trading System opened by Dream Entertainment Official, a piece of Brave’s World’s weapon has been speculated to the price of 12 million!

Currently in 2007, Xia Nation Second’s online game legend is still hot, and Virtual Goods Trading, which has repeatedly created all kinds of high-priced records.

Although the legend also created items that are worth more than Hundred-thousand, the legend has been in operation for many years, and the vitality is gradually overdrafting, and the high value of Virtual Goods is very rare. On the contrary, Brave’s World is completely different, and there are many high-value Virtual Goods in Brave’s World.

Using an image metaphor to describe the relationship between legend and Brave’s World’s, you can compare the legend to setting sun, currently sinking, and about to fall into the deep sea; and Brave’s World is morning sun, still rising slowly!

For these reasons, Brave’s World is becoming more and more famous in the Worldwide context. Conn Wolmer of Fei Lu National Security Agency knows Dream Entertainment Company although he does not play games.

Ma Huatang affirmed Conn Wolmer’s issue, “Mr. Wolmer, it’s the Dream Entertainment Company, I think you should be very clear, they have all the technical strength, and it’s possible!”

“Èn!” Conn Wolmer also responded affirmatively, “Mr. Ma, about Dream Entertainment Company, what is your opinion about the relationship between us?”.

(To be continued…)

Ps: [declaration]

This book is a virtual structure empty novel, do not hook with real world.

Any similarity is purely coincidental!
