
Chapter 971

hk959 disaster water east, Pulling Hostility QQ|Penguin!

On the 4th of June, the morning was close to five o’clock.

Fei Lu Nation’s PeopleTelevision Station was opened by Xia Nation Hacker attack in Xia Nation, Fei Lu Nation, Nanyue Nation, and even Wo Sang Nation, New Jia Nation, Nanchao Nation, and more.

At first, Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker World didn’t feel any shame and shame. Anyway, they also turned over “v” CCTV Television Station before.

The Hackers at Xia Nation Hacker World are very excited. Some excited Hackers sent hacked screenshots of Fei Lu Nation people’s Television Station OffiCIA l Website to the major Forums of Xia Nation for viewing by Ordinary netizens.

These Hackers, there is no such thing as the Big Penguin Company’s opinion. It’s a pity that they shot the horse on the horse’s leg this time. Invading the Fei Lu Nation people Television Station OffiCIA l Website homepage, it was a glorious deed. It is also possible to be responsible for the Port of Manila incident, but the Port of Manila incident has not been spread.

In the Xia Nation net world, some of the night cat sub-people, after seeing the Big Penguin Company’s ‘great achievements’, praised the Big Penguin Company in the network.

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei observed the situation of Xia Nation Internet World. When he looked at the large number of netizens and touted the Big Penguin Company, Shi Lei suddenly laughed. [

“Chief Ma, congratulations!” Shi Lei said to himself, on the screen of Number One Server, the Big Penguin Company’s OffiCIA l Website was displayed.

Izual controls the Number One projector and displays the information. It shows that Izual controls wnMiwang, which is a fairly large computational analysis.

After a few minutes. The screen displayed on the Number One Server screen has changed. Shi Lei has the Control Authority of the Big Penguin Company OffiCIA l Website webServer!

“Chief Ma, give you another gift! Hope, you like it!” Shi Lei once again said to himself, Shi Lei gave Chief Ma First a gift, using the Big Penguin Company’s logo, so that everyone thought it was Big. Penguin Company invaded the PeopleTelevision Station Official web page of Fei Lu Nation. At Hacker World, this is a significant achievement, making Big Penguin Company famous.

As for the Second gift. At that time, Chief Ma will know. Shi Lei can guarantee that Chief Ma will definitely ‘like’.

With the PeopleTelevision Station of Fei Lu Nation being broken by ‘Big Penguin Company’, Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker World personnel and Cyber ​​Security people gradually began to withdraw the Fei Lu Nation local network to prevent further attacks by Xia Nation Hacker World.

Nanyue Nation’s Hacker has retreated earlier, and the Nanyue National Security Agency was broken by Shi Lei. The Hackers of Nanyue Nation have been attacking.

From the intelligence collected by Izual, Shi Lei secretly thought that the Hacker War between the three countries was coming to an end. He moved his mind and continued to provoke Fei Lu Nation to let this Hacker war continue.

however. An accident suddenly happened!

Xia Nation, Shenzhen, here is the Headquarters of Big Penguin Company.

Big Penguin’s Chief Ma, after being woken up by Shi Lei’s phone, has not slept. It is about paying attention to the Internet and accurately paying attention to the Big Penguin Company. Chief Ma is also worried. What if Nanyue Nation or Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker attacks the Big Penguin Company?

The Big Penguin Company of 2007 is far less than the Big Penguin Company of the later 2013 years. The Internet monster has not grown to such a large and irresistible level.

When Chief Ma looked at Internet World, he praised the Big Penguin Company everywhere, and when he turned over the Fei Lu Nation people Television Station OffiCIA l Website homepage, Chief Ma also showed a smile on his face. Although Chief Ma is very low-key, he has never advocated open to the public to use Hacker to threaten other forces. On the Internet today, Internet users have already held the Big Penguin Company very high, and Chief Ma is reluctant to clarify this matter.

Again, there is no real and valid evidence that the Hacker invasion was done by the Big Penguin Company. If only the Corpse Penguin, which looks like the Big Penguin Company logo, is the Black Hand under the Big Penguin Company, is it too much fun?

Chief Ma picked up the secret cell phone and called Broken Knife of the Broken Knife Group. After waiting for the call to be connected, Ma Huatang said first, “Broken Knife, what you did at Fei Lu Nation, I am very satisfied! This kind of behavior has brought us a high reputation for Big Penguin. Although there is a little trouble, it is within the controllable range.”[

Broken Knife listened to Ma Huatang’s praise, and there was no happiness at all. Instead, he said: “Boss, this thing, not what we did!”

“Eh?” Ma Huatang glanced, his face was very strange. “Broken Knife, you mean, Hacker who invaded Fei Lu Nation people Television Station OffiCIA l Website, not you?”

Broken Knife replied with a positive tone: “Well, not us. Boss, we have been at the Defense Company’s Server, we have been spoiled by some sporadic screams, so we concentrated on the defense and didn’t invade anything at all. Target.”

Ma Huatang’s face was dark and he guessed in the heart, ‘If it’s not Broken Knife Group, who is it? Is it our enemy? impossible! If it is our enemy, it will certainly not invade successfully, but will lead the Fei Lu Nation Official’s personnel to kill our Big Penguin Company. Is it a good person, help us Big Penguin Company reputation? ‘

Within Hacker World, a Hacker’s reputation is usually related to a fundamental interest of Hacker. For example, a well-known Hacker can easily become a Security SpeCIA list for a certain Large-scale enterprise. If it is an unknown Hacker, it is difficult to have such an opportunity.

The vast majority of Hackers usually don’t give famous opportunities to others. Especially this cross-border black has been known for other Nation targets. The reason is that cross-border blacking other Nation’s network, other Nation usually do not cross the border into Xia Nation, let Xia Nation surrender the so-called Hacker.

After thinking about it, Ma Huatang thinks that before Shi Lei called, he thought of a possible “sex”, that is, Shi Lei is also targeting the Big Penguin Company.

If this is the possibility, Shi Lei is where is the rhythm of the Black Big Penguin Company? It’s all about helping Big Penguin Company, the famous rhythm at Hacker World!

Just as Ma Huatang and Broken Knife were analyzing who was giving a ‘big pie’ to the Big Penguin Company, Fei Lu Nation’s National Security Agency issued an announcement on its OffiCIA l Website overnight.

Fei Lu Nation, National Security Agency, OffiCIA l Website.


To Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division and Big Penguin Company

Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, Big Penguin Company:

Our Fei Lu National Security Agency, hereinafter referred to as ‘we’, after careful investigate and rigorous analysis, now suspects that a Xia Nation company is involved in the invasion of our Hacker event.

The invasion was not a peopleTelevision Station intrusion event, but a suspected company illegally invaded the Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System in the ‘Port of Manila Incident’, causing the Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System to crash and causing the Main The fact that Server and Backup Server data are missing.

A suspect company in this invasion, the role of the “color” is very disgraceful, not only the Hacker in the network, or the terrorist in Reality. A suspected company controlled the Port of Manila’s gantry cranes and mast cranes, causing 46 high-end imported cars and a 50,000-ton wheel to be damaged. It was only a direct economic loss, and it reached 100 Million 70 Million US Dollar. .

Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System crashes, internal data is lost, and direct and indirect loss methods are estimated. Port of Manila will even be caught in the risk of port maintenance.

Such a Hacker behavior, after our careful consideration, will define its “sex” as a ‘terrifying activity’, and we will take an investigate action against a suspect company.

Our Hope Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, Big Penguin Company, cooperates and facilitates our investigate activities.

In order to maintain regional stability and safety, in order to combat terrifying criminal activities, we believe that Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division and Big Penguin Company will cooperate with us to uphold justice and peace.


In the Official Home announcement of Fei Lu National Security Agency, photos of the numerous Port of Manila incident were also revealed. They were not afraid of shame, but Hope won the sympathy of World.

The 50,000-ton-class giant wheel sinks in the ship berthing area of ​​Port of Manila, and the containers stacked together are scattered. From the broken gapof the container, the interior high-grade imported cars can be found.

All of this shows that Port of Manila has suffered a very serious blow!

The announcement of Fei Lu National Security Agency was not only issued on the OffiCIA l Website home page, their person-in-charge, but also the announcement was sent to the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division and the Big Penguin Company in the form of e-ml.

When Ma Huatang was still thinking about it, he received a notice from the Big Penguin Company twenty four hours, emergency intelligence On-duty Personnel.

“Chief Ma, the major event is not good!” twenty four-hour emergency information On-duty Personnel, exclaimed on the phone.

Ma Huatang coldly snorted, “Which is the big noise? Even if it is a sky, there are tall people, what anxious?” Ma Huatang learned the emergency information On-duty Personnel.

I know the emergency information On-duty Personnel, or panic: “Chief Ma, it’s awful, we are defined by the Fei Lu National Security Agency, Terrorist Company, we become terrorist! Chief Ma, Agent of Fei Lu National Security Agency Will you sneak into our Nation to assassinate us Ah?”

“What?” Ma Huatang “exposed” the incomprehensible god “color”, the other said the information is too “chaos”, Ma Huatang method analyzes useful information. “Slowly, what is the situation?”

Twenty four-hour emergency intelligence On-duty Personnel strives to calm down, completes the cause and effect completely, and finally added a sentence, “Chief Ma, we are now finished Right?”

Ma Huatang’s face is darker than he is. He hangs up the phone and screams: “Damn Your Mother!Damn Your Mother! Shi Lei, you are yin!”

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Today is still three more

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗