
Chapter 970

hk958 committed QQ|Penguin, although far away! To: x00852alliance lord plus more

Port Authority, office hall. On June 4th, Twenty-seven points at four in the morning.

A Security SpeCIA list from the Port of Manila Cyber ​​Security Department, looking at Corpse Penguin on the desktop screen, his brow slightly wrinkled, and as he looked, he pulled out the cell phone.

2007’s cell phone already has some of the more ‘advanced’ features, such as browsing the cell phone web page. The youngster who looks like Twenty-seven is eight years old and is the youngest member of the Port of Manila Cyber ​​Security Department. His name is Canlevin Carter.

Canlevin took out the cell phone and typed the cell phone OffiCIA l Website of Xia Nation Big Penguin Company. Cell phone Browse multinational web pages, loading speed is slightly slower.

When the cell phone web page was loaded, Canlevin looked at Big Penguin Company’s logo and then looked at Corpse Penguin on the desktop computer screen. After repeated comparisons, Canlevin issued a cry out in surprise.

“Rudema Section Head, I think I know who is invading us!” Canlevin exclaimed.

However, when the Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel, looking for Rudema, found that Rudema had not returned. Canlevin found the connection between the Big Penguin Company and the Port Affairs Management System. He was anxious to get a job in front of Rudema, so he took out the cell phone, dialed Rudema’s phone number, and deliberately set up the hands-free state.

However, when the cell phone in the hands-free state prompts Rudema’s cell phone to turn off the machine, some of the Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel eyes start to blink. When they are familiar with each other, they have more eyes to meet. [

These people more or less understand what Rudema is doing. Returning to Office to take data is Fake, sinful sneaking is true!

“Oops. I suddenly remembered that my family is still stewing, I want to go back to turn off the fire!” A staff member of the Cyber ​​Security Department found a very good reason.

More than four o’clock in the middle of the night, what soup is stewed Ah?

With the first leader to escape, the other Cyber ​​Security Department personnel, each looking for reasons for lameness, quickly left the Office of the Port Authority. Fortunately, this time is four o’clock in the morning. No one else works together except their personnel in the Cyber ​​Security Department. Otherwise, they want to leave the law.

In the blink of an eye, only one of Canlevin was left in the office of the Port Authority. He bit his teeth and placed the cell phone on his desk. The cell phone web page OffiCIA l Website of Big Penguin Company is displayed on the cell phone screen.

After doing this, Canlevin also quickly left!

The Cyber ​​Security Department of the entire Port Authority has not even left a single person. In a Nation department of Fei Lu Nation, there is a situation in which the staff personnel are stalking.

In fact, it is not too strange to have such a situation. If you have a good understanding of Port of Manila, you can understand that this happens. The Port of Manila is completely in the hands of Desen Palau. Desen’s privilege in Port of Manila is so great that even if Port of Manila ‘mysteriously disappeared’ some staff personnel, Fei Lu Nation would not be careful about investigate.

Desen Bureau Chief has a lot of excuses, usually used, precisely as stated ‘missing’ staff personnel. I chose an ocean freighter to sneak into the bustling country of Western.

Acting as the security guardian of Port of Manila’s electronic organization. The Cyber ​​Security Department knows more about the inside story. If they are now solving the issue for Desen, Desen let them swim to Nanyue Nation, which is definitely not a joke.

Port of Manila, in the 031 area of ​​the “Day” warehouse, Shi Lei is controlling the gantry cranes, hoisting and dropping one International Standard container, and feeling the fun of stacked wood, although Shi Lei uses The building blocks are not standard building blocks, but also have the function of building blocks.

“Izual, how many containers are there?” Shi Lei asked Izual, the container with Li Jian Nation imported high-end cars, and how many, he calculated the calculations, what kind of shape to pile up.

“Sr, there are 13 containers, their corresponding locations, the projector has been projected.” Izual answered Shi Lei’s question.

Shi Lei controlled the gantry crane in the 031 area, hoisted a container, quickly pulled up the 30-meter High Degree, then moved a distance and threw it straight.

When the container fell to the ground and made a loud noise, the Desen Bureau Chief just happened to bring someone over. Desen Bureau Chief looked at the gloomy container with a gloomy face and shouted: “Who is this gantry crane?”

The person-in-charge at the scene quickly said: “Desen Bureau Chief, you see, this gantry crane, no one is “following”. After our analysis, it should be an error in the automation program, resulting in this gantry crane The car is chaotic and “fucked”.”

“Out of control? Hēng! Out of control, don’t you know the power to cut it off?” Desen Palau was very angry.

The site person-in-charge responded: “We have tried to cut off its power supply, but it has no effect at all. It should be its spare Power Supply System, which is providing power for it.”

“Then give me off its power supply line, whether it is the main power supply or the backup power supply, I don’t believe it, can it work without a power route?” Desen Bureau Chief said decisively.

The site person-in-charge immediately arranged the corresponding personnel to implement this command. Although the power supply route is completely cut off, it will cause troublesome repair work, but it is much better than the current situation.

Izual called the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine to identify the actions of the on-site staff personnel, and Izual immediately reported to Shi Lei.

“sr, Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine has detected human beings, and is currently close to your gantry crane.”

Shi Lei looked at the surveillance video provided by Izual. There was a smile on his face, and his tone disdained said: “Close to the gantry crane? What do they want to do? Do you want to block the gantry crane with your body?”

If there is such a bloody thing, Shi Lei will not subordinate to stay in love!

However, Shi Lei obviously wants to smash the people who are close to the gantry crane. Take out a professional secant knife. This secant knife is specifically designed for live cables. You can quickly cut all the charged cables without being shocked.

The gantry crane, which was preparing to hoist the next container, suddenly made a squeaking sound and then slowly stopped. Obviously, the Power Supply solution was very feasible.

Shi Lei looked at the monitor screen in a depressed mood. The mouth was uncomfortable: “Damn Fei Lu Nation, dare to interrupt my Yaxing! Forget about it, don’t want to play with stacked wood. Ready to play a new game!”

Shi Lei quickly finds the target that can be manipulated in the hardware. At the same time, Shi Lei asked Izual about the internalization of the port and the parking of the vessel.

“Izual, in the screening port, docked near the mast crane. Non-Xia Nation vessels. Right, the bigger the tonnage, the better.” Shi Lei has been tired of the gantry crane, and he has the idea to play with a mast crane.

Izual quickly queries the relevant data in the data library of the Port Affairs Management System. After a few seconds, Izual projects the corresponding location information.

“sr. At the e012 location of the Port Berth, there is a 50,000-ton shipping vessel ‘The Hu River’, which is the asset of Nanyue Nation.” Izual immediately projected the relevant data.

Shi Lei’s eyeballs immediately controlled the mast crane near The Hu River, and Crazy hoisted a container weighing 20 tons. Inside the container. It is equipped with Steel and Iron finished materials for industry. When it was lifted by a mast crane, Shi Lei controlled the mast crane. The rotation started from slow to faster.

In the 031 area of ​​the “Dew” warehouse, the staff of Port of Manila is still cheering them to solve the “runaway” issue of the gantry crane.

The Desen Bureau Chief also showed a smile and cut off the main power supply. He thought of it. The Desen Bureau Chief had reason to be happy and very happy. However, when they did not celebrate what was going on, there was a loud noise in the distance.

The kind of Steel and Iron rubbed against each other, colliding, and deforming the sound, making Desen’s face “color” paler, even the dark night can’t hide.

‘The sound came from the port area of ​​the Port ship. Oops, is there any crane that is crazy? ‘Desen in the heart thought of the worst, and he also began to wonder if Port’s Port Affairs Management System was invaded by Hacker.

Although there has never been a case of Hacker invasion before, it does not mean that Port Affairs Management System will not be invaded by Hacker. Besides, Rudema has just said that the Port Affairs Management System was invaded by Hacker, but Desen thought it was Rudema’s claim to take responsibility.

Desen is not a fool. It seems that it is the rhythm of Hacker’s invasion of the Port Affairs Management System. With his on-site staff personnel, he quickly rushed to the e-zone of the ship’s berth. While running, dial out the phone number and dial the Rudema number.

However, in the cell phone earpiece, the prompt to turn off the machine was sent back, and Desen realized for a moment that Rudema fled and the Port Affairs Management System was invaded by Hacker.

Desen did not entangle Rudema’s sinful flee, and now has no time to tangled, Desen immediately called the Fei Lu National Security Agency and turned to the Fei Lu National Security Agency for help.

After Fei Lu National Security Agency responded to Desen’s seek for help, Desen hangs up. Desen, who hung up the phone, finally found the cause of the sudden noise.

A mast crane hangs a huge container, rotates in the air, and then when the rotation is sufficient, the mast crane throws the container out. The container flew like a cannon to the The Hu River in Nanyue Nation.

The Hu River, despite its 50,000-ton displacement, can also be hit hard on the Hull’s hull when it is hit by a mast crane and heavy containers.

“Damn! Damn Your Mother, what’s the situation!” Desen looked at the situation in front of him, with a crying expression.

Desen knows about the Hu River. From now on, the Hu Hu’s hull damage has been severe. One side of the hull has been pulled out of several heavy holes by heavy containers. The numerous seawater is pouring in, The Hu River hull. Start tilting.

If there are no surprises, The Hu River will sink and it will cause Port blocking. This is a huge disaster! Not only will Port of Manila’s reputation suffer a very serious loss, but it will also pay for The Hu River’s expenses, and the Organization will clean up the wreckage of The Hu River to prevent more damage to Port of Manila. Thinking about these consequences, Desen sweated his head and felt too terrifying!

In order to stop the mast crane and continue to destroy other ships, Desen took the plan to cut the power failure source line again. This solution is very feasible, but Shi Lei is almost enough, or there is no attack target. Let him get tired of it.

At the scene staff personnel cut the power failure source, Shi Lei has released the Port of Manila’s hardware “fighting” for Subsystem, Shi Lei quickly entered the Fei Lu Nation people Television Station.

This is Fei Lu Nation’s Official Television Station, Shi Lei, on the PeopleTelevision Station homepage, leaving a very arrogant text.

‘By QQ|Penguin, though far away! ‘

Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker World controlled the Traffic Information Management System in Shenzhen City, which had a certain impact. Shi Lei left this paragraph and stated that it was a revenge from Shenzhen-related Hacker. Shenzhen QQ|Penguin represents what, I am afraid the personnel in the Hacker circle, I don’t know!

In order to make the revenge more meaningful, Shi Lei once again put the Corpse Penguin logo on the peopleOffiCIA l Website homepage. If Ma Huatang Chief Ma knows, I am afraid it will hurt a lot.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] Gao Zitao, reward 588 night snow and fragrant, reward 200 Nofan big brother, very lazy fish, ★ Alan ★, small flag fLG, reward 100

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗