
Chapter 972

hk960 conflict escalation !

Ma Huatang was still thinking about who was so generous and presented a significant ‘Hacker Medal of Honor’ to Big Penguin. When Ma Huatang listened to the report of twenty-hour emergency intelligence On-duty Personnel, he fully understood.

It’s all Shi Lei is doing a ghost!

Although Ma Huatang has no evidence, as Shi Lei does not like Big Penguin, Ma Huatang does not like Dream Entertainment. His First feeling is that Shi Lei is harming him.

I have to say that Chief Ma’s First feels very accurate. It’s a pity that, without evidence, Chief Ma simply couldn’t get on the table. If Chief Ma wants to force Shi Lei to be accused, it will only be ridiculed by Shi Lei’s for lack of evidence.

‘terrorist …terrorist …’Ma Huatang in the heart Sneer, ‘Shi Lei, you are so hearty, is this going to push me and Big Penguin to death? ‘

At present, the tone of World is overall in the peaceful development of Phase. The identity of terrorist is rejected by the whole world. It is Xia Nation or Li Jian Nation, and they all hate terrorist.

Fortunately, with the exception of Fei Lu Nation, no other Nation believes that Big Penguin Company is a terrifying group. Otherwise, Big Penguin Company will win the prize, and Chief Ma will have fun.

The announcement of Fei Lu National Security Agency, after being sent to the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, did not attract attention, or the Gov. Officials of the Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division simply looked down on Fei Lu Nation’s National Security Agency.

Xia Nation’s diplomatic approach is indeed a peace policy. But it does not mean that Xia Nation will casually provide the right to pass and investigate rights, even the right to arrest, to the surrounding small countries. [

That is absolutely impossible!

Xia Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, which only responded to the Fei Lu National Security Agency, let them come up with specific evidence and allow them to further investigate as long as there is concrete evidence.

In fact. Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, more or less guess what is happening inside. Although they are not sure Shi Lei, or others are framed by Big Penguin Company, they know that Big Penguin Company is embarrassing.

The Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division was able to affirm that the Big Penguin Company was embarrassing, in fact because the Big Penguin Company lacked the motive for attacking the Fei Lu Nation Port of Manila.

The Big Penguin Company is a Business Company, and although it also has Hacker power, those Hacker forces are only intended to protect the Big Penguin Company. Rather than invading other Nation’s Ports, Government Station OffiCIA l Website or something.

The only thing that can do this is the real Hacker, and the tech-savvy Hacker. The so-called high-tech Hacker is not only because of its high-tech, but also can be invaded into Port of Manila’s Management System; also because of the technically savvy Hacker. Usually more things go through, and there is less compassion in the heart. It’s easier to make some pure Hacker behavior. For example, simple destruction.

The reply from the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division made Fei Lu National Security Agency Leader Conn Wolmer violent.

At the Headquarters of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, Conn Wolmer irritated the Fax of the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division into pieces, then threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

“Damn Xia Nation! Damn Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division! You guys. I dare not let us investigate! Hey, don’t blame us for being unkind! Goldman, damn Goldman, where did you go?” Conn Wolmer yelled at the name of the assistant.

A twenty man five-six young man. Walk in from outside the office, bow your head and try to show a respectful attitude. “Bureau Chief, is there anything to tell?”.

“Damn Goldman, telling all the information Security SpeCIA list in the bureau, and the guys, all ready for me, we have to give Xia Nation’s Big Penguin Company a little lesson!” Conn Wolmer didn’t care about his identity. It is a blatant demonstration of the power of Nation to deal with the company Company.

This kind of situation exists in all countries of the world. Anyway, it is against foreign companies. As long as they are not caught, they will invade when they invade. Is it possible to check the water meter internationally?


Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei looked at the Fei Lu National Security Agency and posted an announcement on the OffiCIA l Website home page with a faint smile on his face. Originally, Shi Lei was also prepared to provoke Fei Lu Nation, which seems to be no longer needed! [

The current Fei Lu Nation, like the violent Lion, belongs to the rhythm that can’t stop. Although there is no sentence in the Fei Lu National Security Agency announcement, mentioning the Big Penguin Company exactly as stated ‘a suspect Company’, the announcement of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, the Big Penguin Company was pulled in, Hope Big Penguin The company’s cooperation, precisely as stated naked, indicates that they suspect the Big Penguin Company, the initiator of the Port of Manila event.

“hā hā hā !” Shi Lei hā hā Laughing, the so-called people bad luck, drinking cold water will also sew. Is Chief Ma now feeling this Right?

Shi Lei has worked with Fei Lu National Security Agency in last life. He knows that Fei Lu National Security Agency is very self-disciplined and they will invade the Big Penguin Company’s Server.

‘Fei Lu Nation’s Little Ones, hurry up to the Big Penguin Company, where you have the thing! ‘Shi Lei is calling in the heart.

As if there was a mysterious power in the dark, in response to Shi Lei’s call, the power of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, just preparing for accomplish, immediately killed the network of the Big Penguin Company.

Xia Nation, Shenzhen.

The Broken Knife Group, led by Broken Knife, got nervous after the news was released by the Fei Lu National Security Agency. He also knows the virtues of the Fei Lu National Security Agency. He is also very certain that the Fei Lu National Security Agency will invade the network of the Big Penguin Company.

Broken Knife called Ma Huatang’s confidential cell phone number and reported to Ma Huatang, “Chief Ma, we have a big problem, and the Fei Lu National Security Agency will probably invade us.”

After Ma Huatang was framed, he was very upset. He replied coldly: “They dare to come, then call them back!”

Broken Knife smiled, “Chief Ma, I am afraid we are not the opponents of the Fei Lu National Security Agency. The overall strength of the Fei Lu National Security Agency exceeds that of the Hacker Union, even if we add the Hacker Union, plus the Dark Night Dynasty. It is also unlikely to withstand the invasion of the Fei Lu National Security Agency.”

“So great?” Ma Huatang was shocked. He also looked down on the Cyber ​​Security power of Fei N Nation, a small Nation. But now I wake up, Fei Lu Nation is also a State Apparatus, Big Penguin Company is not the future network absolutely Overlord, it is impossible to fight against Fei Lu Nation.

“Well, we can’t stop Fei Lu Nation! Boss, why don’t we stop and maintain Right? As long as we stop the maintenance today, the staff of Fei Lu National Security Agency threatens us. They come in once, Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security The Intelligence Division can close one eye with one eye. If they come in second time, the Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division will definitely not let them go. At that time, we are also Safety!” Broken Knife strongly recommends that Ma Huatang soft, do not force Against the Fei Lu National Security Agency.

Ma Huatang was originally prepared to promise, but in his mind, the sarcasm that Shi Lei called before suddenly appeared. He bit his teeth: “Broken Knife, don’t we have a chance to win?”

Broken Knife was silent for a moment, finally started talking: “No! But…”

“But what?” Broken Knife kept talking, and Ma Huatang asked anxiously.

“Boss, this is a big bet! We bet Fei Lu National Security Agency even though invaded us, they will not destroy our data, just investigate us. We did not invade the Port of Manila of Fei Lu Nation, nor did we Invading Fei Lu Nation’s peopleTelevision Station OffiCIA l Website. Fei Lu National Security Agency in our Internal Network, can completely investigate these situations. As long as they are investigate clear, Hope can calmly leave our Internal Network.” Broken Knife Speaking of a next strategy.

Give your life and death to others to master, this is exactly as stated next!

Ma Huatang carefully considered Broken Knife’s proposal. In the end, he did not affirm or deny it. Instead, he chose a compromise solution and said: “Broken Knife, disconnect all our Backup Servers, including First Backup Server and Second Backup. Server, leaving only the Main System! During this period, issue announcement, Big Penguin Company PaYM ent System Upgrade, suspend payment channels for all paid services.”

Big Penguin Company has two Backup Servers, one for synchronous backup and one for asynchronous data backup, which can perfectly protect Big Penguin Company’s data safety.

Broken Knife owns the full management authority of the Big Penguin Company. He immediately instructed Ma Huatang’s order. Within a minute of Broken Knife’s implementation, the Cyber ​​Security of Fei Lu National Security Agency killed the Big Penguin Company’s Internal Network. Among them.

In the face of the ‘powerful’ of Fei Lu Nation, Broken Knife led the Broken Knife Group to resist, as predicted by Broken Knife, they are not opponents of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, less than five minutes, completely The defeated.

Fei Lu National Security Agency successfully entered the Big Penguin Company OffiCIA l Website’s Server. When they entered the Big Penguin Company OffiCIA l Website Server, they quickly found a data.

After the Decryption analysis of the Fei Lu National Security Agency, that data is the data library data file of the Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System!

The Fei Lu National Security Agency retained all the evidence and then sternly protested to the Xia Nation Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division. Fei Lu National Security Agency found the data library data of the Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System in the OffiCIA l Website Server of Big Penguin Company. This is a very fortunate thing, and the evidence they found!

Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System’s data library data, in the Fei Lu National Security Agency’s view, is exactly as stated iron evidence, it is stored in the Big Penguin Company’s OffiCIA l Website Server, what does this mean?

Can’t you represent the Big Penguin Company and invade Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System?

(To be continued…)
