
Chapter 969

hk957 QQ|Penguin corpse !

On June 4, at 4:11 am.

Shi Lei is super god today. As a non-night “sex” animal, Shi Lei has not had any sleepiness. This is an incredible thing. Perhaps it is because the things of Fei Lu Nation, the capital of Port of Manila, are very interesting. Does Shi Lei have no sleepy?

Fei Lu Nation, Port of Manila.

The Port Cyber ​​Security Specialist and Rudema Iven of the Port Authority looked at the computer monitor. I saw the blue veins on his neck stretched and the cold sweat on his forehead.

‘Oops, what is the situation, the Port Affairs Management System is actually crashing! ‘Rudema in the heart, Port Affairs Management System and related hardware supporting equipment, total cost of more than 300 million US Dollar, if the Port Affairs Management System collapsed, perhaps not a major event, Port Affairs Management System What about internal data?

Hardware Has Value ,data Price!

Harbor Chief Desen Palau stared at Rudema suspiciously. He seemed to feel something wrong. He asked: “Rudema, how much time do you need to recover our Port Affairs Management System?”

Rudema naturally did not dare to answer the truth, perfunctor: “Desen Bureau Chief, we are currently viewing the issue, I suspect that we were attacked by Hacker, I am afraid it will take a little time to recover System.”

“Hēng!” Desen coldly snorted, turned to look at the other Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel and asked: “Is anyone telling me what is System now?”

The personnel of the Cyber ​​Security Department all bowed their heads and did not dare to look at the Desen Bureau Chief. Desen Palau has a long history and has a very large amount of energy. The staff of the Manila Port Authority, no one is not afraid of him.

“I only give you half an hour at most! After half an hour, if you return to the Port Affairs Management System, you all go to Nanyue Nation!” Desen Bureau Chief yelled.

however. Desen Bureau Chief Just finished, the computer in front of Rudema, the screen suddenly went dark. Then after a few seconds, the computer screen lights up again. Started the self-inspection of the information, as if it were just an unexpected restart.

However, when the computer’s self-test information, prompting ‘Hard Disk or Hard Disk not installed’, Rudema in the heart snorted, he quickly looked towards the main processor’s Hard Disk light.

However, the main processor’s Hard Disk light. It didn’t light up at all, and there wasn’t even a short flash of normal reading of data. This abnormal situation can only prove one thing. That is the malicious Virus in the computer, and the malicious Virus shields the Hard Disk light.

Instead of a multi-poisoned main processor, Rudema took out the portable Notebook Computer and connected the internal network of Port of Manila from the internal network. An attempted Signed In asynchronous data backup of the standby server of the System.

When the login prompt of the standby server is displayed, Rudema is slightly sighed in relief. However, when Rudema types the correct account number and password and clicks confirm, the prompt is a password error.

If it is normal. Rudema will definitely re-enter it once. But just Rudema entered the user name and password, he dared 100% to determine, absolutely no input error.

The correct password, but the password is wrong, this is an abnormal situation!

Hacker usually uses this method to spoof the user’s correct account and password. Also in other words, on the user first time entered the account and password, is not correct, the disguised Signed In box will prompt an error. When the user second time types the user name and password, the bugdy program lurking in the real Signed In box will automatically intercept the information entered by the user second time.

As long as the first time and second time information are consistent, it proves that the account and password entered by user are actually available. This trick is very useful in the hands of Hacker. Ordinary user also recognizes this small means, after all, the input password is wrong, the average person will care? If it is wrong, it will be wrong. Just enter it again, isn’t that right?

Rudema noticed that Backup Server had an issue. He scanned the Safety of the Signed In box and found nothing wrong with it, especially the buggy program.

This situation makes Rudema a bit strange. However, since no abnormalities were scanned, Rudema entered the account name and password again in an attempt to sign the In standby server.

However, when Rudema clicked on Confirmed Signed In, his Notebook Computer screen suddenly appeared as a screen, and the entire screen became a snowflake like a TV channel without a program. [

In the snowflake picture, there is a [email protected] that is somewhat violated, because this QQ|Penguin, with a corpse hat, has a yellow color Talisman on the forehead, in the snowflake picture Jumping, full of a kind of evil beauty.

I am afraid I am surprised if there are netizens with Xia Nation present. Because this Corpse Penguin and Big Penguin Company’s QQ|Penguin logo is almost the same, except that the color and color are different, but it has the familiarity of people and feels like the Big Penguin Company logo. feel.

On Rudema’s notebook screen, after the snowflake-like picture and the messy Corpse Penguin appeared, in the Port Authority, all the desktop computers connected to the Port Affairs Management System appeared on the screen. The entire Port Affairs Management System was caught in a complete mess and speeded up the crash.

On the other hand, Shi Lei, with the help of Izual’s, confirmed the location of the 031 area of ​​the Lulutian warehouse. Shi Lei controlled the nearby gantry crane and installed the high-end car container imported by Li Jian Nation, which was lifted up to three. Ten meters of High Degree, then disconnected the power supply of the electromagnet.

The magnetic “magnetism” of an electromagnet is generated when it is energized. If it is not energized, it is like an iron block of the Ordinary. The container of the high-end sedans imported from Li Jian Nation was pulled up by the electromagnet at a height of 30 meters. When the electromagnet lost its magnetic force, the container could only fall from the air.

“hōng ~ ”

What are the consequences of a container with a high-end car falling from a height of 30 meters? Shi Lei’s imagination is limited, guessing what will happen inside, but the results will certainly not be too good.

The 031 area of ​​the “Dew” warehouse is located in the area of ​​the Port of Manila compared to the Core. After all, such expensive goods are not stored in the Core area. How can it be?

The container fell from a height of 30 meters. The bang on the other containers caused the attention of the Port of Manila staff personnel, who found a gantry crane hoisting another container. On the container, there is a striking sign. Remind that the cargo inside the container is very precious.

Will Shi Lei care about the precious goods inside the container?

The answer is of course!

If the goods inside the container are not precious, Shi Lei is too lazy to play the game of stacked wood. Although Shi Lei’s technique of stacking wood has a little bit of unreliable, it is also a remote “fighting” control of Right? Port of Manila. Staff personnel, should be able to forgive Shi Lei technology is not refined.

Port chief management Bureau Chief Desen Palau, sitting not far from Rudema. He personally monitored the Cyber ​​Security Department and urged the Cyber ​​Security Department to restore the Virus’s Port Affairs Management System as soon as possible.

Poor Desen Palau, he didn’t know Rudema at all, he didn’t dare tell him. The Port Affairs Management System has been difficult to recover. Because the Port Affairs Management System crashed across the board, and Backup Server was also compromised.

This means that not only is the Port Affairs Management System out of issue, but the data of the Port Affairs Management System is also issued. Backup Server has not been spared.

Port of Manila is not only subject to management difficulties, but also questioned by numerous cargo owners. Because the data library of the Port Affairs Management System is gone, the goods piled up in Port of Manila, who made it clear. Who is it?

Rudema currently considered how Desen should be told how bad the current situation is. Rudema is very clear, if you tell Desen so, I am afraid he will be thrown into the sea and die. Rudema didn’t want to die, and Rudema’s subordinate didn’t want to die, so the entire Cyber ​​Security Department remained silent.

Eyes closed Desen was awakened by the cell phone ringing, opened his eyes, he picked up the cell phone and glanced at it, then pressed the answer button, “What happened? I Hope He heard a good news!”

On the other end of the line, there was a nervous voice. “Desen Bureau Chief, the gantry crane in the 031 area of ​​the “Dew” warehouse was out of control. It has already hoisted and threw four valuable containers. According to the memories of the on-site management staff, those Inside the container, there is a premium sedan imported from Li Jian Nation.”

“What? What kind of joke? The gantry crane will get out of control? Who is driving the gantry crane? I want to lick his skin!” Desen Palau is not a kind person, climbed from the most bottom level to the position of Bureau Chief, he stepped on it. The shoulders of several people have also hurt a lot of people.

“Bureau Chief, the gantry crane in the 031 area, no one is “fucking”!” The personnel in the phone, reported more nervously.

“Fart!” Desen Palau yelled: “You treat me as Idiot? You Idiot, you give me a wait, I will come over!”

Desen Palau hangs up directly and then looks towards towards Rudema, in a warning tone: “Rudema, my Hope, when I came back, the Port Affairs Management System was all right!”

Rudema is calm and calm, and the expression is natural: “No issue, Bureau Chief, this is just a small issue, give me some time, I will handle it well.”

Desen nodded and trusted Rudema. He took several related mechanical engineers and rushed to the 031 area to prepare for the ‘runaway’ gantry crane.

When Desen left, Rudema was slightly sighed in relief. He stood up in his notebook and said in a serious tone: “You are waiting for me here, I want to go back to Office and take a thing. This thing is related to us. Can I clear the Virus of the Internal Network and if I can clear it, I can restore the Port Affairs Management System.”

Most of the Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel did not suspect Rudema. Only two people followed and stood up to Rudema. The whispered: “Rudema Section Head, let’s go with you.”

Rudema glanced at the two men and nodded. “Well, you just helped me take the thing!” After the talk, Rudema took the two men and quickly left the office of the Port Authority.

It was four o’clock in the morning, and the Rudema three people stared at the night, and quickly disappeared into the night. They chose to flee. In particular, Rudema, he is very clear about what the current situation of the Port Affairs Management System is, and the rhythm that cannot be recovered at all. Instead of staying behind by Desen Palau, it is better to hurry and get new student|life. Staying is dead, there is still a glimmer of life to escape, this choice question, Rudema still hesitate?

In fact, Rudema flees and can’t just blame Rudema. The Desen Bureau Chief also has a very big responsibility. If the Desen Bureau Chief’s “sex” is not so violent, his privilege is not that big, and Rudema may stay. Well, Desen Bureau Chief in Port of Manila, really can only cover the sky, Rudema can not help but escape!

After Rudema left, within the Port Affairs Management System, Corpse Penguin launched the attack again, and the logo of Corpse Penguin was recognized by a Cyber ​​Security Department’s personnel…


: Acting on orders…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗