
Chapter 968

hk956 Crazy building blocks idea!

Fei Lu Nation has experienced a long history of colonization. Whether it is culture or customs, it has been almost destroyed by Destroy’s “sex”, which has caused Fei Lu Nation to have almost no national history.

The simplest evidence is precisely as stated Fei Lu Nation The name of the general public!

Fei Lu Nation is the Nation of the Asian Area, up to the civilians under the President, and the names are all Westernized. For example, the forklifter Raul Hernan at Manila Port, or the President Joseph Estrada of Fei Lu Nation who retired from 2001, or the current President Arroyo Gloria, all have a Western name.

Fei Lu Nation formerly was enslaved for a long time. As early as 1565, Fei Lu Nation was colonized by the Western half, and it was a permanent “sexual” colonial rule for more than three hundred years. During this period, the Western half teeth severely damaged the culture, history, and human customs of Fei Lu Nation, so that the people of Fei Lu Nation forgot the surnames of the ancestors and chose the traditional name of the Western half-inheritance. .

Subsequently, Fei Lu Nation became the only colony of Li Jian Nation, and then was robbed by Wo Sang Nation, and then returned to the embrace of Li Jian Nation, and finally got the Freedom.

There are only a few things that Fei Lu Nation can never find, and they have forever lost some of their own history. It’s such a tragedy that Nation is dare to be right with Xia Nation. Isn’t it funny?

Although Shi Lei’s is not a good person, Shi Lei has a patriotic heart!

Fei Lu Nation, Port of Manila. [

Raul Hernan reports the information of the p-question transport list to the corresponding Supervisor of the Port Authority. This matter immediately attracted the attention of the Port Authority.

After the initial investigate of the Port Authority. The Port Affairs Management System not only returns the data request of p, but also the normal p-side management interface. The entire Port Affairs Management System seems to be closed for a moment, and any data request will be rejected and no response will be given.

This has happened to make the relevant personnel of the Port Authority aware of the serious “sex” of the issue. They immediately arranged the personnel. Notify the relevant Cyber ​​Security Specialist. Originally, the Cyber ​​Security Specialist, which should be resting in the middle of the night, was all notified by the Port Authority, and they quickly entered the working state, dealing with the Port Affairs Management System and the data feedback.

The Cyber ​​Security Specialist responsible for Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System Safety, in terms of technical aspects. Still a bit of strength. However, they still have some gaps with Shi Lei.

The Chief in Cyber ​​Security Specialist, named Rudema Iven, the man in his thirties with gold-rimmed glasses, gave First a bad impression. Let people first think of this moment, this person is not good thing, absolutely perverted!

In fact, this association is correct! Rudema Iven is really not a good thing, gold-rimmed glasses with glass lenses. Concealing his wretched eyes.

Bureau Chief of Port Manila, named Desen Palau. This year, Forty-nine is very prestigious in Manila Port. After all, he worked in Manila Port for more than five years. He climbed Summit from the grassroots level step by step. His status in Manila Port is ingrained. .

“Rudema, our Port Affairs Management System, what’s the matter? Why can’t we enter the Port Affairs Management System?” Desen Palau asked almost full of anger.

The Port Affairs Management System has just stopped in less than fifteen minutes, and some of the shipping in Manila Port has been caught in a mess. As for the receipt and dispatch of goods, it is shitty mess.

Although Rudema Iven is relatively unreliable and has a serious issue of life style, Rudema’s technical strength is quite good. According to Hacker World classification, Rudema has reached the standard of World Exceed Class.

I saw Rudema pressing the keyboard on both hands and quickly typing in a series of source code. The Port Affairs Management System, which was originally controlled by Shi Lei, accepted the source code after Rudama typed a series of source codes.

It is important to know that Shi Lei has completely blocked the Port Affairs Management System and refused to feedback any data information. If Shi Lei did not yet master Port of Manila’s hardware Controlling Right, Shi Lei had already completely destroyed the Port Affairs Management System.

The Port Affairs Management System accepted the source code entered by Rudema and quickly began the breakthrough Shi Lei’s blockade. Izual immediately reported to Shi Lei.

“Sr, Port Affairs Management System is unsealed, the other party has opened the Safety mode, and our blockade has to be broken through.” Izual reminded Shi Lei about the situation.

Rudema continued on the keyboard with both hands and quickly typed the all kinds command. He suddenly stopped and looked at the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, answering Desen Palau, “Desen Bureau Chief, our Port Affairs Management System, costing more than three Billion US Dollar, how can it strike so easily?”[

Desen Palau watched Rudema take control of the situation, and his face looked good. “Rudema, you will resume our Port Affairs Management System. Every minute, our Manila port will be more serious, not just economic losses. And our reputational loss!”

Rudema nodded solemnly and yelled: “Desen Bureau Chief Please rest assured that I can solve this small issue by using a sentence from Xia Nation, completely as easy as blowing off dust !”

On the other hand, Shi Lei received the Izual’s prompt, he was nervously on the keyboard, typing source code. Shi Lei has found the Port of Manila hardware control interface and is currently injected into it. In order to ensure the success of remote control, Shi Lei not only controls the Hardware System, but also controls the alarm System and canceled emergency plan measures.

“Izual, block those guys and drive them out of the System! With wnMiwang, you can force them out!” Shi Lei told, at this critical time, Shi Lei couldn’t distract Ludema at all.

As a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual has the artificial artificial thinking ability of Extraordinary. After receiving the Shi Lei’s command, Izual immediately started to implement the corresponding plan for the Port Affairs Management System.

Port Affairs Management System Although entering the Safety mode, Rudema led the Security SpeCIA list team, which is currently undergoing manual maintenance. When Izual intervened, Rudema’s team went up. And Port Affairs Management System, once again denied access.

The Port Affairs Management System, which only recovered less than two minutes, went on strike again. This situation makes the port management Bureau Chief Desen Palau very pissed.

“Rudema, our Port Affairs Management System, consumes more than 300 million US Dollars. Is it so fragile? Rudema, some of your shortcomings, I can bear and turn a blind eye, but today, if you deal with it, Not good, you are ready to swim to Nanyue Nation!”

Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation are across the sea, but it is impossible to travel from Fei Lu Nation to Nanyue Nation! Desen’s opinion is, if Rudema can’t do this well, then throw it into the sea.

Rudema’s forehead sweats, the speed of typing source code in his hands, and the spontaneous promotion of a piece, this is “forced out”!

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

“Aha! Accomplish!” Shi Lei finally accomplished the control hardware “Action” as Subsystem, and successfully solved the Reporting System and emergency plan processing methods.

“Izual, what about the Port Affairs Management System? Can we still hold it?” Shi Lei asked, if you can hold the Port Affairs Management System and keep the Port Affairs Management System, Shi Lei can still play. But if it can’t be kept, Shi Lei still likes Destroy, not for Fei Lu Nation.

“Sr, can defend. But defensive behavior, will consume wnMiwang about Forty’s computing resources.” Izual replied to Shi Lei, consuming wnMiwang percent of Forty’s computing resources, just to keep the Port Affairs Management System Controlling Right is not a good deal.

“Is the data backup of the Port Affairs Management System accomplished?” Shi Lei asked again.

Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System has a huge amount of data, and Shi Lei commands Izual to copy all of the data. These data Shi Lei have other uses.

“sr, Data has been copied to accent, which is currently distributed on Six servers of Sixty and can be retrieved locally at any time.” Izual gave the answer.

Shi Lei sneered, “Since the thing you have already got, Izual, then ruin the Port Affairs Management System!”

Izual implements the Shi Lei’s command and puts Destroy’s Moon Virus in the Port Affairs Management System. Moon Virus is in jeopardy, completely ruining Storage Equipment by repeatedly damaging the computer’s Storage Equipment.

When Moon Virus enters the Port Affairs Management System, Shi Lei independent isolates the hardware “Action” as Subsystem. He controls the hardware “Action” as Subsystem and says to himself: “When I was young, I didn’t play the building block game. Now When you grow up, you can play!”

“Izual, Port of Manila’s “show” cargo warehouse, where is the most valuable cargo area,” Shi Lei asked Izual, because Izual copied all the Data of the Port Affairs Management System, Izual can automatically compare the goods. Value, then find the corresponding identification area.

“Sr, the most valuable goods in the “Dew” cargo warehouse are in the 031 area. According to the data library of the Port Affairs Management System, there are a total of Sixty cars imported from Li Jian Nation, with a total value of about 200 million US Dollar. Izual responded.

Shi Lei flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. “Izual, projecting the partition mapcorresponding to Port of Manila, I have to personally feel what it feels like to pile up wood!”

Shi Lei has no childhood memories. He only remembers his parents when he was a child. There is an uncle who is so unreliable that he has no childhood at all. Now he is ready to play stacked wood games in International Standard Containers…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Today will be three more, repay a chapter of x00852alliance lord plus, another chapter plus more accomplish before the commitment period.

Thanks again x00852alliance lord

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗