
Chapter 967

hk955 Fei Lu Capital, Port issue!

Fei Lu Nation is a typical archipelago of Nation. The entire Nation has 7107 islands and its capital is Manila.

Manila, the capital of Fei Lu Nation, is the most developed area of ​​Fei Lu Nation. It has more than half of the industry companies in Fei Lu Nation, and also has one-quarter of the universities in the country, as well as the largest Port of Fei Lu Nation, Port of Manila.

In 2005, Port of Manila’s throughput was 120 million teu, ranking the full World Port throughput Thirty-third. The so-called teuexactly as stated International Standard Container, which is twenty feet in length, is an important unit of measure for Port throughput and ship cargo capacity.

As the most important port of Fei Lu Nation, the Fei Lu Nation “Government” aspect attaches great importance to the development of Port of Manila and has invested more than 300 million US Dollars to develop the electronic transformation of Port of Manila.

As a modern Port, if there is no electronic management, how to deal with the huge cargo throughput every year?

Electronic information technology provides a convenient management method for Port of Manila. However, this form of organizational management also provides Hacker with the convenience of intrusion.

Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System is not a closed Management System, but a connection to the Internet. After all, the entire Port of Manila’s cargo information needs to be displayed to other agencies for viewing.

Although the Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System has a very strong protection against the general Hacker, there is no fear of being compromised. [

Shi Lei is not a normal Hacker!

Shi Lei is the Hacker of World Summit Grade with the Hacker technology of World Summit Grade! The World Electronic Internet Information System is completely resistant to Shi Lei’s, and there are really few.

Including National Security Agency ns of Li Jian Nation, if they are on duty, their Defense System can’t stop Shi Lei’s invasion. Even rp’s Defense System is not a Shi Lei’s opponent. Of course. All of this is based on the premise of human defense. If you have Safety On-duty Personnel, under the current hardware conditions of Dream Entertainment. Shi Lei will also dare to play with the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. Even Central Intelligence Agency, Shi Lei do not like to deal with them!

Shi Lei currently enjoys dealing with Fei Lu Nation. Especially interested in the Port of Manila by Fei Lu Nation. Shi Lei put his hands on the keyboard and killed the Port Affairs Management System of Port of Manila through Number One Server.

“Izual, recovering the “Sao” attack on Nanyue National Security Agency, integrating wnMiwang resources, preparing to attack the Port Affairs Management System of Fei Lu Nation Port of Manila.” Shi Lei told Izual.

Although the Nanyue National Security Agency cut off the power attack, it has some subordinate departments. According to Shi Lei’s command, Izual conducted a “sang” attack on these subordinate departments.

“yes, sr. command implement.” Izual immediately followed the Shi Lei’s command to start implement.


Shenzhen City.

Chief Ma hangs up Shi Lei’s phone and is forced to get up from the warm bed of the woman secretary. He walks into the bathroom with the cell phone and closes the bathroom door. After the sound insulation was guaranteed, the cell phone was used to call the Broken Knife Group Leader Broken Knife.

After waiting for a while, Broken Knife turned on the phone. As a Hacker of the World Exceed Class, Broken Knife apparently had not slept. Broken Knife Group led by Broken Knife. There are only four members of twenty, they are not the traditional Hacker Organization, but the Hacker Organization that serves Big Penguin.

So, Broken Knife was just watching the battle between Xia Nation Hacker World and Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation Hacker World. He didn’t lead the Broken Knife Group to the battle.

“Boss, what happened to Emergency Situation?” Broken Knife asked neatly.

It’s already past three in the morning. If there are no important urgent matters, Ma Huatang can’t find him at this point in time. Since Ma Huatang is looking for him, it means there is Emergency Situation.

“Broken Knife, our Traffic Information Management System in Shenzhen was invaded by Fei Lu Nation. You should handle it quickly! Shenzhen is our base camp, we can’t lose face!” Ma Huatang told Broken Knife. [

Although the Traffic Information Management System of Shenzhen City was blackened by Fei Lu Nation, there was no relationship with Big Penguin. Sometimes, people are floating in Jianghu, can you not slash? Big Penguin Company’s Headquarters In Shenzhen, Hacker World, Shenzhen defaults to Big Penguin’s domain. If Big Penguin doesn’t even protect his domain, it will become a joke for Hacker World.

If it is just a joke, Ma Huatang may not care, but at Hacker World, it becomes a joke, which means that the strength is weak. The Big Penguin Company is a fat sheep. If it is a weak performance, it will be hit by countless Hackers. Therefore, Ma Huatang and Big Penguin Company cannot be the laughing stock of Hacker World!

“Understood, Boss! Let us deal with this matter!” Broken Knife said affirmatively.

Ma Huatang was more reassured by Broken Knife. He encouraged two sentences and promised some rewards for Broken Knife and Broken Knife Group before they hang up the phone.


Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei and Izual, together with the excess computing resources provided by wnMiwang, currently scan Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System, attempting to find the Law of Port Affairs Management System from outside the Management System.

wnMiwang under the integration of Izual’s, gathered close to 1000tflops, Shi Lei outside the Port of Manila Port Affairs Management System, looking for nearly ten minutes, still did not find System Flaw, then directly use wnMiwang for forced scanning

wnMiwang is very efficient. Although wnMiwang has not scanned System Flaw, Shi Lei uses wnMiwang’s computing resources to directly enter the Port Affairs Management System from Port of Manila’s Official cargo query channel.

Within the Port Affairs Management System, Shi Lei did not directly go to the Black Hand, but rather analyzed how the entire Port Affairs Management System works. It is not the management of the Port, but the way the Data Storage of the Port Affairs Management System works.

‘Asynchronous data backup system? ‘Shi Lei looked at the Port of Manila’s Management System, in the heart, and it was a surprise that the system using asynchronous data backup is usually not easily hacked.

This data backup structure is implemented by differently storing the System and disk array groups. The Backup Server and Main Server are not tightly contacted once the Main Server has been Hacker attacked. Backup Server will autonomously leave the connection to the Main Server, thus retaining the data.

In the case of a normal Hacker, I encountered a system with asynchronous data backup. Usually you will choose to abandon the invasion, or vent your anger in the Main System. Shi Lei did not give up. Did not vent their anger, but secretly “touch” “touch” in the Main Server lurking.

Shi Lei waits for Backup Server to perform asynchronous data backup. Only when the data gapbetween Main Server and Backup Server is reached, the critical value of the design is reached, and the asynchronous data backup system will start working.

That will be Shi Lei’s time!

The process of waiting is very painful, Shi Lei who is idle. The Main Server queries the information inside the data library and queries the Port Affairs Management System to control how many Hardware Facilities.

Port of Manila is the most modernized port of Fei Lu Nation, with quite a few hardware devices. You can do it through the Port Affairs Management System. For example, Port is the most common gantry crane, which is responsible for Port’s land portion, transporting containers into trucks, or transporting containers from Port to land for storage.

Corresponding to this is a mast crane, which is responsible for the standard container. Either the cargo is transported from the ship on land; or it is lifted from the Port to the ship.

These machines, which originally required personnel to operate, are in Port of Manila, all of which can be accessed through the Port Affairs Management System.

Shi Lei tried to crack the Port of Manila’s hardware “operation” as Subsystem, if the crack is successful. Shi Lei can control gantry cranes, or mast cranes, and even control the Port of Manila’s command center.

Shi Lei patiently analyzed the Port of Manila’s Port Affairs Management System. When he discovered some unusual information, Izual suddenly issued a prompt, “Sr, System has tracked the backup channel of the asynchronous data backup system, is it chasing?”

“Let me come!” Shi Lei is not at ease with Izual. Although Shi Lei has optimized Black Magic Software, it is really bad to invade this aspect. Izual is really bad, at least compared with Shi Lei, the gapis still too obvious.

Shi Lei took a look at the backup channel of the asynchronous data backup system discovered by Izual, and peeled off the Backup System of the Backup Server layer by layer. Then quickly go back and query the abnormally found information.

Fei Lu Nation, Port of Manila.

As a Port of Large-scale, Manila Port has four hours of uninterrupted operation, even at three o’clock in the morning, it is still a busy scene.

Manila of Fei Lu Nation is in the same time zone as Xia Nation’s Capital City, so there is no time difference. It is now Xia Nation at 3 am on June 4, and Fei Lu Nation is also this time.

The busy Port of Manila, a Port Forkman, just accomplished a transfer order and is now processing the Second order. Port land forklifts are mainly responsible for transporting some Small-scale goods into standard containers for convenient transportation.

The forklift, Raul Hernan, took the Second order. Since the transfer order was collected together, the Second order was wetted by sweat when the first transfer order was processed, resulting in partial transfer of information. clear. Therefore, Raul Hernan had to use the p that he carried, and entered the transfer order number to find a detailed list.

However, when he enters the transfer order number into p and connects to the Port Affairs Management System and Hope queries the specific transport detailed list, p does not display any data.

Raul Hernan thought that p had gone wrong at first. He tried it several times and still didn’t have any data. When he entered the number of the First Shipping List and still did not check the results, Raul Hernan realized what might happen to the Port Affairs Management System.

Raul Hernan, who found the issue, reported the situation to the Port Authority on First Time…


Very sincere 3200 words, counted at noon, presented 500 words, thanks to genuine subscription support.

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Hey, this passage seems to have not been said for a while?

——— —

[Special thanks] Mingxing, reward 10000, thank you!

[Thank you for your appreciation] King of the Dragon, reward 588 night snow, incense, illusion, and reward 100

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