
Chapter 966

hk954 sings Chief Ma and prepares for Philippine!

Shi Lei Gold Vein data from Nanyue Nation, and finally He Zhenbang of Rongcheng Military District, reached a private agreement: Gold Vein data in exchange for Lin’an Underground Base.

“Shi Lei, Gold Vein’s data, when did you hand it over to me? Where are you now?” He Zhenbang asked anxiously after the two sides reached a consensus agreement.

Shi Lei showed a smug smile. In the face of interests, even He Zhenbang, who is in high position, can’t be excused.

“Commander He, I am in Shuangqing City, the data you need, can be handed over to you anytime, anywhere. Do you need data in electronic files, or paper data?” Shi Lei asked in detail.

He Zhenbang asked very cautiously: “What type of data are you getting?”

“Of course it’s an electronic file!” Shi Lei replied directly, there is no hidden opinion. Even so, it will make He Zhenbang associate, guess the origin of data, but He Zhenbang has no evidence, isn’t it?

“That will give me the electronic file!” He Zhenbang explained the reason. “If you process the electronic file into a paper file, you will not be allowed to have any accidents! This thing, 10 million can’t have any leaks! Right, How many people know this Golden Vein file?”

“A lot of people Right?” Shi Lei used an uncertain tone.

“What?” He Zhenbang in the heart was surprised, though angry: “Shi Lei, are you kidding me?”. [

“hēi hēi, of course not!” Shi Lei responded, then waited for He Zhenbang to get angry and explained: “This piece of data is actually obtained from Nanyue Nation, and Nanyue Nation should be known to many people. As for our Nation Well, Commander He, look at the recent Exceed-scale Gold Ore found? So, no one knows!”

He Zhenbang sighed in relief, “Shi Lei, you encrypt Gold Ore data, I will send someone to Shuangqing City to get it back! Note that the electronic file encryption, 10 million can not be stolen by others!”

“This, Commander He, you can rest assured. I am what identity, you know. Although my technology is nothing in the whole world, you can encrypt this thing, there is no issue.” Shi Lei guarantees.

“Well, I am now telling Shi An to come back to you. You remember. You can only pass the data to Shi An, no one else can do it.” He Zhenbang gave a very cautious command.

The value of 500 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan’s Gold Vein is of great importance, and He Zhenbang is not discreet!

“Okay, I understand!” Shi Lei said in a serious tone, when should I be joking. When should be serious, Shi Lei is quite clear.

He Zhenbang is very satisfied with Shi Lei’s attitude. Shi Lei belongs to the standard knowing when to advance and retreat, knowing right and wrong, and wise. It is a pleasure to deal with Shi Lei, a smart person.

“That’s good, for the time being!” He Zhenbang yawned again, ready to hang up the phone’s rhythm.

“Wait!” Shi Lei suddenly started talking: “Commander He, Group Head Shi alone? You better send someone to protect him! Don’t be surprised. After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, in case this one Things have leaked the wind. Group Head Shi’s Security Issues is really a hassle.”

He Zhenbang thought for a while and accepted Shi Lei’s proposal, “I will arrange six The Steel and Iron. There are two Lion d Combat System Explorers to protect Shi An’s Security Issues.”

Shi Lei showed a glimmer of light in his eyes and immediately asked: “Commander He, Explorer of Lion d Combat System, when did you give it to me? How have I not received it yet?”

Shi Lei reminded He Zhenbang about Shi An’s Security Issues, in fact, to lead the topic to the Lion d Combat System. Shi Lei is looking for the Explorer of the Lion d Combat System in the Rongcheng Military District to protect the safety of Ouyang Xiang. Rongcheng Military District had promised before, but it was delayed.

He Zhenbang coughed twice, “Shi Lei, you are not authentic!”

“Everyone!” Shi Lei didn’t have a slight answer. Just when He Zhenbang tried to trick the position of Gold Vein, it was also an unreasonable act.

“Well, the Explorer you want, wait for a while to come over with Shi An, and only give you four at most, and all four Explorers, all of which are affiliated with Police Equipment of Shuangqing City Police Department, are handed over to Shuangqing City. Police Department management arrangements.” He Zhenbang made a restriction road. [

“Forget about it, Commander He, I am still more comfortable with the assembly of the two The Steel and Iron. The Explorer is handed over to the Shuangqing City Police Department, they can use it? Don’t be kidding!” Shi Lei complained.

If the Explorer is really handed over to the Shuangqing City Police Department, they will definitely be placed in the Equipment Department of the Shuangqing City Police Department and will not be used.

“Commander He, I don’t have a little thought about Explorer. If it’s a fearer, I might have a little bit of interest. I want the purpose of Explorer, you know very well, why bother everyone is not happy?” Shi Lei said very straightforwardly. “Commander He, you can rest assured that I won’t let Explorer shoot easily. If Explorer shoots, it’s just a passive counterattack.”

He Zhenbang thought for a long time, and finally said: “Okay! However, once the Explorer shoots, you must give us a report to the Rongcheng Military District, including the identity of the deceased, the number of shots to kill, the location of the shot. Also, This action is entirely your responsibility. The two Explorers belong to your direct leadership. The Rongcheng Military District does not know this. The reason you give the Rongcheng Military District is investigate the special Task.”

“Understood!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively.

“In this case, Explorer will give it to you!” He Zhenbang agreed with Shi Lei’s statement and decided to hand the Explorer to Shi Lei.

“Thanks to Commander He!” Shi Lei said politely. “It’s so late, don’t bother Commander He rest!”

“Yes, Shi Lei, have you moved in the matter of investigate?” He Zhenbang suddenly asked when he was ready to hang up the phone.

Shi Lei turned his eyes, couldn’t remember what he wanted to investigate, so he asked: “Commander He, investigate what?”

“ke ke !” He Zhenbang coughed twice, reminding Shi Lei: “We had lost four Zhenhai-type Air-To-Surface guides in the Rongcheng Military District some time ago. Isn’t this going to investigate?” .

Shi Lei remembered, he cheated the 40 Swift Arrow Series from the Rongcheng Military District, and the 4 Air-To-Surface guide, indicating that you should learn the lesson Fei Lu Nation. He Zhenbang This is to remind him. Don’t just collect the thing, don’t do anything.

“Commander He rest assured that this thing is currently in the middle of the investigation. At present, there are some eyebrows. For up to five days, I will be able to investigate to the situation!” Shi Lei said a guarantee time.

In fact, Third Generation The Steel and Iron and N235 Metal are all in place, and Shi Lei can get started right away. As long as the Rongcheng Military District will be in place, what Fei Lu Nation, absolutely absolutely unlucky!

“Okay. I am going to sleep first. There is no important thing in the future. Don’t bother me in the middle of the night!” He Zhenbang hangs up without waiting for Shi Lei to answer.

On June 4, just after three in the morning.

Shi Lei is in a satisfying mood. Walked into the bathroom and prepared to sleep and sleep. however. When Shi Lei just groomed accomplish. Izual sent a reminder.

“Sr, the Hacker of Fei Lu Nation, which captured the Traffic Information Management System of Shenzhen City, caused a mess in the Traffic Information Management System of Shenzhen City. Because it was late at 3 am, there was no traffic accident in Shenzhen City, but traffic control. It has very serious consequences.” Izual introduced the specific situation.

Shenzhen City exactly as stated Big Penguin Company’s Headquarters location. Shenzhen City is one of the most developed cities in Xia Nation. There are also quite a few computer technology related companies here. In principle, Shenzhen City’s Traffic Information Management System is impossible to break through by Fei Lu Nation.

Shi Lei heard the Izual’s reminder. After a brief glimpse, he said: “Izual, call Big Penguin Chief Ma’s private call!”

Big Penguin’s Chief Ma, the private phone also keeps twenty four hours to boot. When Shi Lei calls Chief Ma’s private number, he wakes Chief Ma away from sleep.

Chief Ma complained about turning on the bedside lamp. Together with Chief Ma, she was the female secretary of Chief Ma. She was not too happy to ask: “Who?”

Ma Huatang took the cell phone and looked at it. He found that the Caller ID was Shi Lei. He responded with amazement: “Shi Lei of Dream Entertainment.”

“How could he call? Is it still so late? Is it because you want to harass you?” The beautiful female secretary asked.

“I don’t know, I will know after answering!” Ma Huatang made a squeaking gesture to the pretty female secretary, and then pressed the answer button.

“Hello? Chief Ma? I am Shi Lei from Dream Entertainment! Sorry, I am calling you so late, disturbing you to rest Right?” Shi Lei said in a passenger tone.

As the saying goes, I don’t know how to reach out. Shi Lei is so good, Ma Huatang can’t directly attack, but only imaginary and arrogant: “It turned out to be Chief Shi, I haven’t slept yet, is there anything?”

“I haven’t slept Ah yet? That’s good, that’s good!” Shi Lei deliberately pretended to be a fortune, “Chief Ma, our Xia Nation’s Hacker World, currently fighting with Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation’s Hacker World. Do you know Right?”

Ma Huatang certainly knows this thing, but he squinted and confessed: “Hey, is there such a thing? Why don’t I know?”

Shi Lei turned over roll one’s eyes, and he dared to say that if Ma Huatang really didn’t know, he would eat the keyboard! It’s just that Ma Huatang can’t possibly know. The nature of the Big Penguin Company determines what Ma Huatang must know.

“Yes? I didn’t know Chief Ma! It seems that I was on the phone and it was the right time. Chief Ma, I received the news that your Traffic Information Management System in Shenzhen City seems to have been hijacked by Hacker of Nanyue Nation. “Don’t care?” Shi Lei’s tone, with a touch of sarcasm, “Chief Ma, I remember your Big Penguin Company’s Headquarters, it seems to be in Shenzhen City Right? Beware of Fei Lu Nation’s Hacker, attack you Big Penguin’s Server!”

Ma Huatang’s face is stiff, in the heart, Shi Lei, ‘This damn Shi Lei, actually called, just to mock me! ‘

Even if the heart is not good, Chief Ma is patient, pretending not to understand Shi Lei’s sarcasm, replied: “Is it? Thank you, Chief Shi’s notice, I immediately arranged the Company’s Safety On-duty Personnel, pay attention to the Defense Hacker. “”

Shi Lei listened to Ma Huatang’s answer, and did not ridicule Chief Ma’s performance, but admired Chief Ma.

‘Chief Ma, if we are not an enemy, maybe we can be friends! ‘Shi Lei sighs in the heart, then chills with Chief Ma, and he is ready to start a plan against Fei Lu Nation.

In the fight against Fei Lu Nation, Shi Lei originally wanted to help Xia Nation silently, but from the current situation, it seems that the top level of Xia Nation already knows, otherwise how can the Rongcheng Military District give Shi Lei four pieces? Zhenhai Air-To-Surface Guide?

(To be continued…)

Ps: Very sincere 3300 chapter, giving 300 words