
Chapter 965

hk953 Shi Lei must be banged!

On June 4, the Forty-nine score was two o’clock in the morning.

Rongcheng Military District Vice-commander He Zhenbang Was awakened by Shi Lei’s phone. He Zhenbang, who was awakened from his sleep, was very pissed. He Zhenbang’s cell phone needs twenty hours and does not turn off due to identity and work quality. The machine, He Zhenbang has not been disturbed once even!

The current World, in peacetime, is unlikely to have an emergency that needs to alarm He Zhenbang. So, after He Zhenbang became the Rongcheng Military District Vice-commander, he really didn’t wake up late at night.

After he was woken up, He Zhenbang took the cell phone phone of the private communication satellite of Rongcheng Military District. He asked who the other party was in a bad mood. If the other party couldn’t say one or two, He Zhenbang must make him look good. Although it is not for the purpose of personally framing the other party, you can punish it, it is completely possible!

“Sorry for the inconvenience, sorry for the inconvenience, Commander He, I forgot the time!” Shi Lei responded with a smile. “However, Commander He, don’t pissed, I am looking for you so late, there must be good things!”

He Zhenbang is Shi Lei’s voice, the in the heart’s anger is a little less, a little more Nai: “Shi Lei, Hope, you are telling the truth, or you know, next time you look for Rongcheng Military District ‘borrowing’ what thing, I think it will be very difficult!” He Zhenbang deliberately on the ‘borrowing’ word, aggravated tone. In fact, it is to remind Shi Lei that if Shi Lei dupe him, he would like to deceive anything from the Rongcheng Military District next time.

Shi Lei quickly promised in a hip-hop tone: “Commander He, you can rest assured, absolutely good news!”

“Then you are going to hurry up?” He Zhenbang sat up from the bed. Back against the bed, did not open the bedside lamp. The light on the cell phone screen slightly illuminates the surrounding Dark. [

Shi Lei smirked, “Commander He, telling you that this good news is not an issue, but, you Rongcheng Military District, profit from it, is it worth giving me some benefits?”

“What good do you want?” He Zhenbang asked for the “sex”. He already knows Shi Lei’s “sex”, and as long as Shi Lei is good enough, most things are better discussed.

Shi Lei 『露』 a mysterious smile, pretending to hesitate for a moment, only started talking: “Commander He, I do not ask much, I can provide technical support. To facilitate your benefits, you can also provide more help with aspects. Includes support for force aspects.”

He Zhenbang snorted, Shi Lei actually gave force support to the Rongcheng Military District? Do you need Shi Lei to provide military support? Is that completely funny?

“Shi Lei, you still don’t make trouble. What the hell is it? Hurry up and say “sex”, I don’t have time to accompany you.” He Zhenbang said with a yawn.

Shi Lei did not answer He Zhenbang’s issue positively, but said that he asked: “Commander He, I only need 10% for your Rongcheng Military District. I provide an information for you, and you get the benefit of this information. If you have 100 Million, I only need 10 Million. How?”

He Zhenbang replied casually: “No issue, no issue, hurry up, what good news do you have?”

“Commander He, I found a Gold Ore! A Gold Ore of at least five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan! According to the intelligence data I got, it’s just the amount of Gold that is currently being explored, worth more than five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan, and it’s just the current situation of exploration. If you explore further, I’m afraid there are more Golds.” Shi Lei also said in a casual tone.

“This joke is not funny! Shi Lei, if you have nothing else, I hang up!” He Zhenbang did not have the excitement of Shi Lei’s imagination, but the tone was plain.

“wèi wèi wèi !Commander He, I said half-point is not false, don’t you believe me?” Shi Lei complained with a complaint.

He Zhenbang snorted, “Since it is true, such a huge Gold Ore, where?”

“hā hā ,Commander He , have to say, you are more and more cunning, actually want to lie to my information?” Shi Lei saw the small trick of He Zhenbang, “Commander He, want to get Gold Ore’s information, we still Talk about the way of cooperation.”

He Zhenbang refused: “Shi Lei, we have a law regulation for Nation, mineral resources belong to Nation, even though we found Gold Ore in Rongcheng Military District, we must also notify Nation, which is managed by Nation.”

“Commander He, in this case, you still say to the Ordinary people!” Shi Lei responded with a smile.

Xia Nation does have such a law, let alone Gold minerals, which are exactly as regular metal minerals, which are also owned by Nation. No one can misappropriate Nation’s assets. [

On the contrary, in Li Jian Nation, this situation is slightly better, and some of the resources in the land, Ordinary citizens can also be their own. One of the places in Li Jian Nation is very famous. It is located in the National Park of Diamond Pit State in Murfreesboro, Aken. It is a Diamond origin of Li Jian Nation and is allowed to be opened to the public.

Anything that tourists find at National Park in Diamond Pit State can be used as their own. Whether it is Diamond, earth, or Little Shi, whatever you like, you can take it away!

Of course, the public facilities of the park are not allowed to be taken away by destruction.

Previous life, Shi Lei also went to Diamond Pit State Park, but unfortunately did not find Diamond, he did not expect to find Diamond, just to feel, the atmosphere, the kind of mineral resources that can take their own.

At Xia Nation, mineral resources do belong to Nation, but in some high-level games, if He Zhenbang of Rongcheng Military District comes up with a Gold mine worth five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan, it will be He Zhenbang. Promote capital!

“Shi Lei, you won’t understand our Law’s Law Right?” He Zhenbang patiently explained that he can’t be impatient, worth five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan, even more Gold Vein, if he will This information, handed over to Nation, will properly seat the Rongcheng Military District Commander and have a chance to rise to a higher position.

Shi Lei certainly understands the law of Xia Nation, but Law has always served the strong, and Shi Lei now has qualifications called strong!

“Commander He, we also don’t confess, the data of the Gold mine that I said can be handed over to you Rongcheng Military District; I can also don’t want any dividends. But I can’t do any benefit without Right?” Shi Lei threw the issue to He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang agrees with Shi Lei’s opinion, “Let’s say, what are your benefits? I can help you find a solution within the limits of what you can.” He Zhenbang has really not much to do. Therefore, he did not directly agree to it, but only showed that he could find a solution.

How can Shi Lei not distinguish this kind of small text trap?

Shi Lei is not broken. He is quite measured. What should be done to help the Rongcheng Military District? What should be solved by himself? Shi Lei fully understands.

Shi Lei mentioned earlier, want to share the 10% of the income of Gold Vein, just negotiate capital. Gold Vein has a 10% gain, and may even exceed Ten Billion Xia Nation Yuan. Shi Lei is not tempted. The income of Gold Vein can’t be obtained once, but it takes a long time to mine.

Shi Lei’s rough toughness compensates for the benefits of the Gold mine, and it takes at least 50 years to mine so many Gold Veins. For more than 50 years, how can Shi Lei wait?

Ten Billion Xia Nation Yuan makes Shi Lei very excited, relying on Brave’s World, and The Future’s Doomsday War, Shi Lei has the confidence to earn Ten Billion Xia Nation Yuan in one year.

Therefore, Shi Lei does not need the income share of Gold Vein, Shi Lei has a picture!

“Commander He, I remember I owe you the acquisition cost of the Rongcheng Military District Three Billion Xia Nation Yuan Right? Lin’an Underground Base, right?” Shi Lei asked.

He Zhenbang smiled a bit, and Shi Lei expressed the obvious opinion. This is to use Gold Vein’s data to offset the arrears of Rongcheng Military District!

“Shi Lei, is your data a little too expensive? Even if you don’t tell us the data of Gold Vein, I know the existence of Gold Vein from you, and our Rongcheng Military District can detect it ourselves.” He Zhenbang With the threat of a threat.

Shi Lei doesn’t care: “Commander He, you don’t have to test and threaten me, I just give you a suggestion. If you want to detect it yourself, then you can detect it yourself! Anyway, this data, I am also accidental. I don’t care if I can get the benefits from it. Commander He, you think about it, how many exploration costs will you spend on the Rongcheng Military District? Gold Vein’s detection is not casual. You can find it by scanning it.”

Shi Lei paused a bit and continued: “The issue of the probe fee is not mentioned for the time being. How long does it take for the detection process? One year? Or ten years? We will not say for a moment, how many personnel will appear in the process of detection. Unexpectedly. After all, the field exploration work is not a trip to the park. Commander He, we only say one thing, even if your Rongcheng Military District detects Gold Vein, how much benefit can you get?”

He Zhenbang was asked by Shi Lei to breathe, Shi Lei said nothing wrong, He Zhenbang submitted Gold Vein’s data and He Zhenbang command to detect Gold Vein, which are completely different concepts.

Even the He Zhenbang command to detect Gold Vein may be accused of overstepping power!

Gold’s detection has never been the privilege of the military. Gold’s detection work belongs to the Gold Police Force, and subsequent work is not part of the military.

Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, location is confidential.

He Zhenbang’s private rest room, he leaned back against the bed, in the dark, the law looked at He Zhenbang’s expression, only heard He Zhenbang gave a long sigh.

“Shi Lei, you are victorious!” He Zhenbang said with a nephew, in fact, he is also for his own benefit.

In this World, only the benefits are the most important!

If He Zhenbang’s law benefits from this matter, Shi Lei is also unlikely to get any benefit.

Therefore, the benefit is the only timeless…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗