
Chapter 947

hk935 Fei Lu Nation, surrender to my big Nanyue Nation!

Shi Lei planted the System Back Door in the Military Use Internal Network at Nanyue Nation’s Northern Combat Command, and used the System Back Door to successfully win a certain authority. In the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network, Hacker’s approach created a combat plan that did not exist.

This attacked Xia Nation AIRE n Island, annihilating the battle plan of the Fei Lu ** ship, and set a very high viewing authority in the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network.

The general authority is not enough for the personnel, the fundamental method to see this combat plan. There is authority to view the personnel of the battle plan, and most will not view it. Because, like this kind of confidential battle plan, it is rarely placed in the Internal Combat Command’s Internal Network.

In the Internal Network of the Northern Combatant Command, Shi Lei issued a battle plan to attack the AIRE n Island and destroy the Fei Lu ** ship. It was not to deceive the subordinate combat units of the Northern Combatant Command. Let them really send personnel to implement the battle. Plan.

Such a combat plan, which is issued to the Northern Combatant Command, which subordinate combat unit implement, will be in the Reality, ask the higher authorities.

As long as you ask the higher authorities in Reality, the Shi Lei’s Hacker means will be immediately recognized. Therefore, Shi Lei did not intend to send this combat plan to any of the subordinate combat units of the Northern Combatant Command.

Shi Lei just saved the screenshot of the Battle Plan of the Northern Combatant Command’s Internal Network with a screenshot of the Tool, and then Shi Lei merged into a Hacker Organization Forum of Nanyue Nation.

In this Nanyue Nation Second Generation Hacker Organization called ‘Star of Annam’, Shi Lei steals an Inner Member’s Identity Information. In the Inner Member exchange area, he brags in words, ‘You brothers, I just got a shock. Confidential message! ‘

‘Confidential message? In the exchange area of ​​’Inner Member, someone immediately responded, and many people are watching. Hacker always gets some Confidential Information in the network. [

Shi Lei used the stolen Inner Member identity to send the text information again, ‘Our Nation, seems to be using force against our neighbors, and seems to occupy a part of the territory of Xia Nation! ‘

Star of Annam’s Inner Member exchange area, immediately active, a lot of Hacker, all asked Shi Lei, trying to know the true or false of Shi Lei said information.

Not just asking, some “sex” eager Hacker, even began to track Shi Lei’s real paddress, attempting to investigate clear Shi Lei’s identity, or scan Shi Lei’s computer Hard Disk.

Shi Lei is currently calling the wnMiwang resource. How can these Hackers defeat him?

‘This news, is it true, or Fake? ‘Star of Annam’s Inner Member exchange area, quite a few Inner Members, almost all asked about this issue.

Shi Lei saw the time was ripe and began to explain it. ‘This news is absolutely true, I have evidence! For you, the pictures below are all the operational plans arranged in the Internal Network of our Nation Northern Combat Command. ‘

The name of the Northern Combatant Command is very loud, and most of the Hackers of Nanyue Nation know. However, in the Star of Annam Organization, there were also objections. One of the Core Members, called ‘Nguyen Xiao’er’, made a sharp issue.

‘Bei’an, your technique, I know more or less, you can’t enter the Internal Combat Command’s Internal Network, and you get a combat plan to read such a High Grade authority. This so-called evidence, will not be your fictional Right? Now the image processing software, very advanced, similar to photoshop software, making a picture of this kind, no big difficulty! ‘Core Member Nguyen Xiao’er tempted Shi Lei.

‘Bei’an ‘exactly as stated Shi Lei The stolen, Star of Annam Inner Member’s account Nickname.

Shi Lei didn’t know the relationship between ‘Bei’an’ and ‘Nguyen Xiao’er’. He didn’t dare to answer it in a random way. Fortunately, for this issue, Shi Lei had already thought of excuses and reasons for explanation.

‘I didn’t invade the Northern Combat Command. Instead, I caught the Zombie and found this thing in a Platform Zombie computer. Originally, I still don’t believe it, I thought it was made using photoshop, but I have repeatedly verified that this image has no trace of being processed at all. It is completely raw data. It should be a screenshot from Northern Combat Command, Internal Network. of. ‘

Shi Lei said a good excuse. Although this reason can’t be said to be a smattering, it can be more or less an explanation, and there is no too much way to verify the implementation.

If someone says that they get the Zombie address of the picture and say an offline Zombie address directly, they will not find any useful thing.

Core Member Nguyen Xiao’er of Star of Annam seems to agree with Shi Lei’s rhetoric and does not continue to provoke in text chat.

The time of Nanyue Nation was one hour later than Xia Nation. When Xia Nation Time was more than ten o’clock in the evening, Nanyue Nation was still at 9 o’clock in the evening and was at the peak of the Internet time. [

After Lei announced the Northern Combat Command in Annan, he re-registered his account and posted a post at the Ordinary Forum, where the local traffic of Nanyue Nation was large.


“Great Nanyue is Formidable ! 》

As a big Nanyue person, I am very fortunate, because our big Nanyue is very formidable, not like the soft egg next to Xia Nation, being bullied and not screaming.

According to reliable sources, our big Nanyue will capture the AIRE N Island of Xia Nation in the near future and will also destroy the Fei Lu ** ship on AIRE n Island. Our big Nanyue Nation, to announce to the people of the whole world, our big Nanyue Nation is very powerful!

With evidence of this reliable news, we got help from Insider and got a screenshot of the Internal Network of the Big Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command.

This picture does not have any traces of the modified image. This is a raw image, which is taken directly from the Northern Combat Command Internal Network!

Whether it is Xia Nation or Fei Lu Nation, you are all ready to surrender to my big Nanyue Nation!


Shi Lei, the big pit cargo, posted such a Pulling Hostility post on the local well-known Forum in Nanyue Nation, which is a huge hatred for Nanyue Nation, especially the hatred of Xia Nation and Fei Lu Nation.

Which Nation’s network does not have any network features?

Shi Lei posted a post on the famous Forum in Nanyue Nation, which was quickly known by Xia Nation and Fei Lu Nation. The two Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Department quickly checked whether the images sent by Shi Lei had traces of modification. It is also a trace of software processing such as photoshop.

However, the result is the same as Shi Lei’s “explosion”, the image does not have a trace of processing, and it has been confirmed by the Cyber ​​Security Department of the two countries as the internal network system of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command.

In the network, some of the vast majority of Internet users, in fact, got the conclusion step by step. Shi Lei looked at the reply of the netizens and had to sigh that the power of the netizens always made him stunned.

Xia Nation and Fei Lu Nation, analyzed by Shi Lei’s ‘explosives’, Nanyue Nation attacked AIRE n Island, two Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Departments, and quickly reported upwards to the final speaker.

Whether it is Xia Nation or Fei Lu Nation, High Degree has attached importance to Shi Lei’s ‘black material’ on the Nanyue Nation website. The “black material” that Shi Lei burst on the network made the netizens of Nanyue Nation very happy.

These Netizen Nation netizens are very Hope and their Nation is a bit stronger. Unfortunately, the stupid Nanyue Nation Monkey doesn’t even know that it’s all Shi Lei’s trick.

Nanyue Nation’s Official Cyber ​​Security Department, investigate the black material that Shi Lei broke out, chose to report to the higher level department, they handled this kind of thing.

Nanyue Nation’s Nation Safety Defense Bureau immediately sent an inquiry to the Northern Combat Command. However, the results were unexpected. Because the most Supreme Commanding Officer of the Northern Combat Command directly replied to the Nation Safety Defense Bureau, their Northern Combat Command did not issue similar orders at all. In the military use Internal Network of the Northern Combat Command, there is no such order. The presence.

The Nation Safety Defense Bureau, after the relevant evidence data, that is, the picture released by Shi Lei in the famous Forum of Nanyue Nation, was sent to the Northern Combat Command, the Northern Combat Command confirmed the true “sex” of the picture, which is indeed the Northern Battle. Command’s Internal Network.

But the Northern Combat Command has no such plan!

This can only explain an issue, the Northern combat command’s military use Internal Network, was Hacker’s invasion, all of which was Hacker’s ghost. Only this reason can explain the current situation.

Northern Security Command’s Security SpeCIA list, after careful analysis, found the System Back Door left by Shi Lei and submitted it to the Nation Safety Defense Bureau.

The Nation Safety Defense Bureau and the Northern Combat Command quickly joined forces to hold the Press Conference. At the Press Conference, two military departments in Nanyue Nation clarified the ‘rumors’ in the network, indicating that it was only the Hacker’s invasion of the Northern Combatant Command’s Internal Network, not the real operational plan of the Northern Combat Command.

Nanyue Nation has repeatedly reiterated that they respect the authority of Xia Nation. They cherish the friendship of Fei Lu Nation, whether it is Xia Nation or Fei Lu Nation. How can they believe the declaration of Nanyue Nation?

Especially when Xia Nation, Nanyue Nation respected it as the authority of a big country? As for the friendship between Fei Lu Nation and Nanyue Nation, I understand that people will hē hē a smile, and what real friendship can there be between countries? The supremacy of interests is the true relationship between the country and the country!

Shi Lei looked at the performances between the three Nations, and his face showed a smirk, ‘Nanyue Nation, the performance is very good, but the more you clarify now, the more trouble you will have in the future! ‘

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗