
Chapter 948

hk936 hurricane ignites, the world is chaotic!

Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation, formerly are the younger brothers of Xia Nation. However, Xia Nation is not a big Bobr. For many years, Jianghu has no legend of Xia Nation, only Li Jian Nation is the authority of the new Boss.

Under the dual attack of the new Big Shot Li Jian Nation’s Yinwei and the sugar-coated guns, the two younger brothers, Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation, immediately changed their flags and invested in the new Faction. They chose to sell the former Big Bro and get the new Big Bro. Appreciation.

To a certain extent, Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation are all two or five, and Xia Nation does not hate two Nations. This time, the Northern Combat Command of Nanyue Nation made some make trouble out of nothing, and Xia Nation certainly has its own plans.

Xia Nation’s top management has more or less understanding of Shi Lei. If they don’t understand Shi Lei, it is definitely awkward, a huge State Apparatus. If you want to investigate someone, how can you find nothing?

What Shi Lei did, although quite secretive, Nation aspect could not grasp the evidence, but this did not prevent Nation’s top management from knowing what Shi Lei did.

There are some things that don’t require any evidence. I just need to know the results. The Nation executives are not guilty of Shi Lei’s sin. There is no need to know the detailed evidence!

Rongcheng Military District.

In He Zhenbang’s Office, as the actual speaker of the Rongcheng Military District, He Zhenbang is currently answering a call and is a red “color” route.

The red “color” route phone guarantees the absolute smoothness of the phone, even if a nuclear war suddenly occurs, it is also possible to contact the relevant personnel through the red “color” phone, and not afraid of the Electromagnetic Wave interference of nuclear war. [

“Understood, Old Leadership, this thing, I will cooperate!” He Zhenbang responded with respect and respect. With He Zhenbang’s status, I want He Zhenbang to show a respectful attitude. The person at the other end of the line can be imagined.

In the telephone receiver, a hoarse old voice continued, “Zhenbang, you must do this. If you have done this, the Commander position of the Rongcheng Military District is not yours!”

He Zhenbang had a touch of color on his face, “Old Leadership, I understand, I think that brat, I will be very happy!”

“Well, that’s it!” The old man at the other end of the phone hangs up.

“hū ~ ” He Zhenbang took a long breath, then picked up the Ordinary phone, dialed a number, and after a few moments, Lu Qiang appeared in front of He Zhenbang.

“Old Lu, give you one thing, you must do it for me, and be sure to keep it secret!” He Zhenbang whispered.

Lu Qiang is the Major General Division Commander. It belongs to the absolute lofty position. It is also the absolute confidant of He Zhenbang. The general secret thing, He Zhenbang will be handed over to Lu Qiang to implement.

“Commander, what?” Lu Qiang also whispered.

He Zhenbang waved Lu Qiang and signaled that Lu Qiang was close. He Zhenbang whispered quickly. After a few minutes, He Zhenbang looked at Lu Qiang and said, “Old Lu, do you understand?”

Lu Qiang’s face “color” has been very surprised. He hesitated for a moment, and finally said: “Commander, this thing, do you know above?”

Just what He Zhenbang said, it’s too amazed. If you don’t know it, He Zhenbang is so implemented. In case something goes wrong, He Zhenbang definitely wants bad luck, and maybe even loses Rongcheng Military District Vice-commander. Position.

Lu Qiang must be cautious to ask, after all, he is He Zhenbang’s absolute relationship, if He Zhenbang is not anything, he will never escape the result of being cleaned.

He Zhenbang light snorted, “Old Lu, is there no command above, I will implement this obviously wrong command?”

“Is it allowed? It’s good!” Lu Qiang sighed in relief. If this is allowed, Lu Qiang doesn’t have to worry anymore. He can think of it. He Zhenbang implement, He Zhenbang must have gotten it. Appreciation above, this is the rhythm of promotion!


Internet World.

In the network of Nanyue Nation, there was a big news, and this thing has spread throughout Internet World. Internet World, without any distance, has been rumored and spread all over the world.

Xia Nation, Nanyue Nation, and Fei Lu Nation, these three Nation Internet Hacker Worlds, are already full of strong “medicine” flavors. It seems that the three countries’ Hacker World, in the net world, also launched a Intense battle.

In particular, Hacker World of Xia Nation, one of Hacker World’s powerful countries, Xia Nation’s Hacker World is very annoyed at the arrogance of Nanyue Nation, and it is not in the network, open to the public means to teach Nanyue Nation.

And Hanyue Nation’s Hacker World, although not as powerful as Xia Nation’s Hacker World, is shameful for Nanyue Nation’s Hacker World and Nanyue Nation Official’s Cyber ​​Security Department!

They usually stir together and do everything together. Whether it is the Hacker World of Nanyue Nation or the Cyber ​​Security Department, you can change it to the member of the other party at any time.

This kind of cheating scheme, the power of let them can not be underestimated!

The situation of Fei Lu Nation is almost the same as that of Nanyue Nation. Anyway, it is a nest of snakes and rats. It can’t tell the difference between the two sides, or there is no difference at all. If Xia Nation Hacker World is to be a pair of two, no, it should be a pair of four, challenge two Nation’s Hacker World, and two Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Department, this pressure is also very large.

Xia Nation Hacker World’s logo “Organization”, Second Generation Hacker Organization Hacker Union, Inner Member exchange area, currently discuss this matter. Hacker Union is the most well-known Hacker Organization of Xia Nation. Although its strength is not the most powerful, it is definitely the best known.

Hacker Union has more than 300,000 registered members, Thirty Thousand is a member, and the Near Member of nearly 500 people, and a full ten Core Member, this neat, orderly, high-low-powered member sequence, makes Hacker Union’s power very Strong.

Hacker Union’s Core Member, Ranked Tenth’s Black Heart, currently Inner Member, asked the Inner Member’s comments.

‘About this time, Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command, broke the information, what do you think? Should we give Nanyue Nation a lesson? ‘

Black Heart in the Inner Member exchange area, published text information, as the Core Member, Black Heart text, there is a special display area in the Inner Member exchange area.

Hacker Union’s Inner Member exchange area, like a Large-scale chat room, there are a lot of Small-scale chat rooms inside, enter the Inner Member exchange area, automatically stay in the public chat room, if you need, you can look for independent Small-scale chat room.

The text information sent by Black Heart will be displayed above the chat area of ​​all chat rooms to ensure that all Inner Members can be seen.

With the inquiries from Core Member Black Heart, the Inner Members began to focus on the public chat room and expressed their opinions.

In the Inner Member, the famous ‘Black Chicken’, issued a reply: ‘Black Heart Boss, Nanyue Nation is so arrogant, we can’t help but teach them! ‘

Another well-known Inner Member ‘Black Screen’ also expressed his opinion, ‘Nanyue Nation wants to occupy the territory of our Nation, this matter, how the “Government” reacts, we are Cyber ​​War, Have to fight against Nanyue Nation! Black Heart Boss, my Hope, our Hacker Union, make some contributions to our Nation! ‘

Black Chicken uses the t function in the public chat room and attempts to contact Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet ‘Black Stone’. Although Shi Lei is not in the Hacker Union’s internal chat room, Izual is constantly monitored and monitored through normal channels. .

Ishial immediately notified Shi Lei when Black Chicken contacted Shi Lei’s with t function.

“sr, Hacker Union Inner Member exchange area, Black Chicken currently contact you, do you respond?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei currently Nanyue Nation’s net world hurricane ignites, he is afraid of the rhythm of things, the bigger the trouble, the more happy Shi Lei is, the best is that Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation fight directly, saving him hands-on.

“Black Chicken?” Shi Lei thought for a while and remembered the Black Chicken in the Hacker Union Inner Member. Black Chicken’s technology is good, there is a World First-rate standard, but Black Chicken is in the Hacker Union. Compare Tibetan mastiffs.

“Izual, Signed In Hacker Union Inner Member exchange area.” Shi Lei replied to Izual, who is ready to see it in the Hacker Union’s Inner Member exchange area.

When Shi Lei entered the Hacker Union Inner Member exchange area, the public chat room was very enthusiastic. Shi Lei naturally joined the discussion.

‘I think that it is Nanyue Nation or Fei Lu Nation, and we should all sanction them. “Government” aspect does not act, we are soldiers of Freedom, we must make a difference! We want to let Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation know that the big country can endure the teasing of the clowns? ‘Shi Lei said in a textual way in the internal exchange area of ​​Hacker Union.

Shi Lei’s remarks, immediately supported by some Inner Members, how can Xia Nation be bullied by the small Nation around?

Black Heart also agrees with Shi Lei’s point of view, ‘Black Stone, you are doing a good job, we have to sanction Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation! We want these two little Nations to know that our Xia Nation’s Hacker World has the power to completely destroy their Nation network! ‘

If a Nation’s network is Destroy, even if the Destroy is only short-lived, the corresponding loss is not measurable for this Nation.

The traditional Cyber ​​War has never caused anything about the Internet being completely Destroy. The Hacker Union law ruined the network of Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation. The Black Heart is just a talk. But this shows the determination of Black Heart, must be eager to clean up the two Nation.

‘Black Heart Boss, you are right, we have the power of Destroy their Nation Internet! Black Heart Boss, you talk to other Boss, we are going to attack Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation! ‘Shi Lei is touting Black Heart in the Inner Member exchange area.

Shi Lei has a very good set of hurricane igniting, it looks flat and faint, but it always gets good results…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗