
Chapter 946

System Back Door of hk934 military use network

On June 2, just after 9 pm.

Shi Lei currently had a phone call with Ye Feng, and Nanyue Nation Meishan Island had some unexpected situations. Shi Lei needed to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, Nanyue Nation is very likely to ‘injure’ N235 Metal.

“Boss, do you have a plan? What should we do?” Ye Feng asked Shi Lei, he didn’t understand what Shi Lei was. If it wasn’t for Dark Hell, Nanye Nation, why didn’t Nanye Nation dare to find Dark Hell? trouble?

Shi Lei’s in the heart, after some thoughts, thought of a good plan, not only can solve the issue of Meishan Island, but also can attack Nanyue Nation, and can also teach the recent arrogant Fei Lu Nation.

Nation around Xia Nation always likes to pair with Xia Nation, including Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation!

Fei Lu Nation in 1999, secretly “touch” “touch” occupied Xia Nation’s AIRE n Island, this year, Fei Lu Nation claimed to withdraw from AIRE n Island, there has been no action .

Shi Lei intends to use Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation to use AIRE n Island as the dispute center, causing two Nation battles, taking the opportunity to transfer Nanyue Nation’s attention, and then help Xia Nation solve the AIRE n Island issue.

Although solving the issue of AIRE n Island has nothing to do with Shi Lei, Shi Lei is willing to help Xiao Nation silently and really help Xia Nation.

“A’Feng, above Meishan Island, how many people are there now?” Shi Lei first asked about the current situation of Meishan Island. [

“Boss, since Nanyue Nation started to pay attention to Meishan Island, I evacuated some of the original staff personnel to the Meishan Island work area. Currently, there are only about 30 staff members on the island except our four Squadrons with Ruling Security. Personnel.” Ye Feng reports on Shi Lei’s inquiry.

Shi Lei thought about it and imagined that if the plot was to provoke a dispute between Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation, the two Nations must be hated each other. However, they are two Nation, the relationship is relatively harmonious.

Nanyue Nation and Fei Lu Nation look across the sea. They usually work together against Xia Nation, and more or less have some ‘Comrade-In-Arms’ friendship.

Shi Lei wants to provoke hatred of two Nations, not a simple matter. However, Shi Lei has long thought of a solution that can be implemented, and Shi Lei has already left a convenient door.

“A’Feng, I will arrange a Steel and Iron right away to work with you. I want you to talk about how you must find the N235 Metal I need within three days. Don’t need too much, just over one cubic. Decimeter is fine!” Shi Lei told.

The density of N235 Metal is 57gm3. Under the Early Grade Application Plan, the calorific value is 120 times that of gasoline. One cubic decimeter of N235 Metal, with a weight of 57kg, EQ uivalent to 684kg, has a caloline combustion calorific value, which is one cubic decimeter of N235 Metal. It has almost the same energy as EQ uivalent to more than seven hundred liters of gasoline.

The average Small-scale car, seven liters of gasoline can exercise 100 kilometers, seven hundred liters of gasoline will EQ uivalent to Ten Thousand km trip!

57kg’s N235 Metal is only one cubic centimeter in size, which is only one liter. With such a small volume, it can explode such powerful energy. What is the qualitative change if N235 Metal is applied to Shadow Dragon or The Steel and Iron?

This is what Shi Lei is going to do!

“Boss, how does that N235 Metal detect?” Ye Feng curiously asked.

“The Steel and Iron will help you detect, you only need to mine N235 Metal when the Steel and Iron detects it!” Shi Lei did not explain the detection method.

The specific detection method, only Izual can understand, even Shi Lei, want to extract the detection method, it is very complicated and troublesome.

“Understood, Boss!” Ye Feng has a little curiosity, but it is definitely not strong. Ye Feng knows what to ask, what should not be asked, some issues that should not be known, don’t know, but don’t worry.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei immediately ordered Izual, directly linked to The Steel and Iron of Meishan Island, launched N235 Metal’s detection system, and detected the surface layer of N235 Metal, and told Ye Feng to dig the acquisition.

After processing the matter that told Ye Feng, Shi Lei called Li Cai again. Li Cai answered the call very slowly. When the phone was connected, Shi Lei listened to Li Cai’s breathing, and he suddenly wanted to swear. Now! [

“Big Brother Stone, hū ~ hū ~ You have, what?” Li Cai seems to have done the same physical work, breathing in a big mouth.

Shi Lei hēi hēi blame two laughs, “Little Plum, what are you doing?”

“What am I doing? I am in the dormitory!” Li Cai didn’t understand Shi Lei’s opinion for a while, but after he answered, he immediately understood Shi Lei’s idea.

“Big Brother Stone, your big pit, I just took the kn99Dust-proof Mask and explained the Iron-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator!” Li Cai of The Steel and Iron.

The kn99Dust-proof Mask filters out 99% points in the air and prevents the lungs from inhaling the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQuency Electric Current Stimulator.

Due to the special “sex” of kn99Dust-proof Mask, the respiratory resistance will increase after it is taken, resulting in a state of intense breathing, so Li Cai’s breathing has some wheezing taste.

“The Steel and Iron’s Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator? Didn’t you say that you can only make a Shadow Dragon matching model?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

When I heard Shi Lei’s enquiry, Li Cai suddenly laughed. “Big Brother Stone, I got an ultra-high Electric-powered machine from my home old fogey, which can adapt to the needs of The Steel and Iron. The power of this ultra-high Electric-powered machine, as long as Power Supply can keep up, provides more power than The Steel and Iron’s original all-aluminum turbocharged engine.”

Shi Lei coughed twice, Li Cai. This is the rhythm of the proper bullshit!

“Little Plum, I am also trying to tell you this. Since you have already handled The Steel and Iron’s Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, I will not say anything more! I just want to give You said that the new Thin Generation The Steel and Iron, the better the better, it is best to resist the attack of the remote Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle. Also, install the iMapon the immense destructive force. The knockoff version of Electromagnetic Artillery, this must be used. Don’t think about the energy shortage issue, the N235 Metal I am talking about, we are about to get it. Long-term Use Capability aspect is definitely not an issue!” Shi Lei explains the situation .

Li Cai listened to Shi Lei’s words and felt something was wrong. “Big Brother Stone, what is your rhythm? Do you want to be a torquer?”

“Hey? How do you know?” Shi Lei answered half a half.

“Really when the terrorist Ah? Who are we doing this time?” For Shi Lei’s answer, Li Cai didn’t feel a little scared, but instead used himself as a Shi Lei’s associate. “Right, Big Brother Stone, I want to do a bit of a terrorist job, I will give you a few fried!”

This time it’s Shi Lei’s shame, how can Li Cai do the bombing? Is the way of making fried food the same as the standard recipe for family recipes?

“Little Plum, you will also do the bombing? What do you do to bomb? How is the power?” Shi Lei asked Li Cai, if Li Cai’s explosive power is strong, it can satisfy Shi Lei’s needs.

Li Cai has a relaxed tone. “Big Brother Stone, I will make RDX, do you need it?”

The explosive power of RDX is the 15 power of tnt, and the chemical nature is stable. It is a high quality Great Destructive Force.

“Hey?” Shi Lei was amazed. The power of RDX, Shi Lei naturally knows, “Little Plum, you will make RDX things, do you know what your family knows?”

“Of course I know! When I was a kid, I made a small RDX firecracker and blew the car next door Uncle Wang into pieces. My dad beat me half-dead!” Li Cai said in a serious tone. .

‘Bear Child ! In the mind of ‘Shi Lei’s, these three words suddenly appeared. Li Cai is the real Bear Child. He used RDX as a firecracker and used to blow up the car. He had to say that Li Cai’s childhood was really domineering!

“Little Plum, you get a few RDX bombs, remember to be a bigger, let The Steel and Iron hang, at least to blow up the military naval vessel!” Shi Lei made a request.

“I x! Big Brother Stone, you don’t really want to blow the military naval vessel Right?” Li Cai asked in surprise.

“Of course, I never kidding!” Shi Lei smiled and explained some things to Li Cai, then hung up. Shi Lei also implements the last preparation plan.

Want to provoke a fight between two Nations, is it so easy?

Shi Number opened the System Back Door, which was formly reserved at the Internal Network of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command, and then entered the Internal Network of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command at Number One Server via Izual and wnMiwang.

This System Back Door was previously invaded by Shi Lei during the last action to annihilate the secret military use warehouse at the Nanyue Nation border. Originally, Shi Lei didn’t think about what it would do. I didn’t expect it to be used now.

In the Internal Combat Command’s Internal Network, Shi Lei first unlocked the authority to create a new operational Task announcement. Also in other words, Shi Lei obtained the ‘new’ authority in the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network.

Shi Lei immediately used the authority of the new information, created a brand new combat task at the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network, and set the secret authority very high.

This combat skating is that Nanyue Nation will start with Fei Lu Nation, the nine No. 10 military naval vessel docked at Xia Nation AIRE n Island, and grab the Controlling Right of AIRE n Island from Fei Lu Nation.

Shi Lei built this battalion, built in the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network, and then chose to release the combat ta …

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗