
Chapter 945

hk933 N235 Metal crisis

Ouyang Xiang finally drove away from Shuanghu District. Shi Lei didn’t say much, but there was a feeling of uneasiness in the heart, but what it felt like, Shi Lei couldn’t tell.

However, Shi Lei has arranged a special protection plan for Ouyang Xiang, which will maximize the protection of Ouyang Xiang’s Safety.

However, implement special protection plan, will consume Izual very large part system resources, let Izual’s Main Server, which is Supercomputer Origin, bear a lot of pressure.

Unfortunately, the XCompXtflops Supercomputer donated by mCompany has not been assembled with accomplish. Once this Supercomputer is acquired, Supercomputer Origin can be used as a backup server to prevent the computer network of the Mirror Science and Technology Group system from eventually crashing.

On the evening of June 2, the twenty point just passed.

Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, an anonymous Gamer, broke the news in the Gamer Forum.


“Dream Entertainment, was murdered! 》

Insider information! [

Absolute inside information!

According to an industry insider in the news media, CCTV Television Station has officially issued an Executive Order notice to major Television Stations, Newscaps and magazines across the country, requesting media to receive a ‘blocking order’, collectively blocking any relevant. Dream Entertainment news.

Some non-Official news Media Industry also received hints from Official asking them to block Dream Entertainment’s news exposure.

CCTV Television Station’s move will have a huge impact on Dream Entertainment, and Dream Entertainment Company and related news will disappear greatly in Xia Nation, or even be completely annihilated.

It is possible for CCTV Television Station to make such a decision. We cannot help but wonder what Dream Entertainment has done for CCTV Television Station.

Dream Entertainment has always been proud of its performance in the industry. This arrogant attitude is not only for Gamer, but also for the news media, Dream Entertainment is also very rude. Could it be that CCTV Television Station wants to interview Dream Entertainment and make a column show, but was rejected by Dream Entertainment?

If this is the case, CCTV Television Station does have a reason to be angry!

As a passion for Dream Entertainment, I love Brave’s World’s Gamer, and my heartfelt Blessing, Hope Dream Entertainment Company can pass this barrier and break the fate of being blocked by CCTV Television Station.


Shi Lei looked at this post at the tip of Izual’s, and his face showed a strange expression. This post is definitely not a gun article published by Dream Entertainment Company. Shi Lei is not even clear about it. CCTV Television Station wants to block the details of Dream Entertainment.

“Izual, query the poster’s connection paddress record to see if the other party is online. If the other party is online and track the other party’s real paddress, I have to see if Gamer is posting.” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“yes, sr, currently relevant query, please wait a moment …” For the Ordinary type of tracking paddress, Shi Lei is generally handed over to Izual. Unless it is facing Expert, Shi Lei will personally take it.

Because, for the Ordinary type of tracking paddress data scheme, Izual is faster and more efficient than Shi Lei. After all, wnMiwang provides more than a thousand tflops of computing resources to Izual anytime, anywhere. Although they are only distributed distributed computing resources, they can’t be underestimated.

“sr, tracked to the true paddress of the poster, System automatically scans the computer Hard Disk of the address, after one thousand seven hundred Forty-seven verification analysis, System determines the address is the individual user address, the user is not found to be invaded, not I found suspicious traces.” Izual replied to Shi Lei and decided that all kinds could be determined.

Shi Lei nodded, and Shi Lei did not distrust Izual’s answer. Although there are some Hacker intrusions that can trick Izual’s scans, Isual will definitely find suspicious traces. [

Since Izual did not find suspicious traces, it is naturally no suspicious, not invaded. The post that broke the news is indeed Gamer’s personal behavior, and not other forces have planted Dream Entertainment.


Nanyue Nation, Meishan Island.

At the beginning, Shi Lei designed to frame Devil Mercenary Corps, and Devil Mercenary Corps took responsibility for the attack on the secret military use warehouse. Although, in that operation, Shi Lei’s power was a great success. Except for the consumption of some material aspects, there is no other loss.

But now the sequelae have appeared!

At that time, Lonely Massacre and Dark Hell’s personnel, under Shi Lei’s arrangement, all went to Meishan Island. More than a hundred people entered Meishan Island, adding some pissed to Meishan Island, but at the same time attracted some attention.

In particular, Nanyue Nation’s Nation Safety Defensive Power has already focused on Meishan Island, a group of people who are thinking about how to get rid of the situation that Nunyue Nation Safety is concerned about.

Meishan Island, inside a hidden room.

Five people from Punishment Merc Warsquad and four Little Captain from Ruling Security Company, the discussion of secret.

“Captain , Nanyue Nation Those guys are too much. If we don’t take action anymore, Meishan Island will be discovered by Nanyue Nation Official. If we lose Meishan Island, think about how pissed Right Boss will be?” Chen Xingrui whisper Said.

Chen Xingrui is right. N235 Metal is one of Shi Lei’s most valued resources. If Dark Hell’s personnel, Meishan Island and N235 Metal, let Nanyue Nation know, he will definitely be very pissed.

Even if Ye Feng, Zheng Sanpao, Ma Liang, these three follow his subordinate from the beginning, and will definitely be subject to very strict punishment.

Although Ye Feng does not know the role of N235 Metal, he knows how much Shi Lei pays attention to N235 Metal. Shi Lei has made great efforts to win Meishan Island and made a lot of plans. If Meishan Island is lost, and EQ uivalent to lose N235 Metal, Shi Lei will be angry.

“Xingrui, I know that Boss will be very pissed, but we are not going to do anything at the moment. What we do, it will be more attractive to the strength of Nanyue Nation Official.” Ye Feng analyzed.

Ye Feng is not a coward, but a courageous Elite Soldier King. The current form of Meishan Island is very subtle. Nanyue Nation is only concerned about Meishan Island, but only concerned.

Nanyue Nation’s reason for paying attention to Meishan Island is that Meishan Island suddenly has a lot of humans. This is the strange thing of Nanyue Nation. They have no doubt about what is the issue of Meishan Island.

After all, N235 Metal is still unknown metal for the time being. There is no detection method and identification method. Nanyue Nation has nothing to do with Meishan Island.

However, if Dark Hell and Lonely Massacre at Meishan Island did something inappropriate, such as attacking a passing ship and attacking the surrounding forces of Nanyue Nation Official, it will definitely attract more attention from Nanyue Nation.

“Captain, what if we don’t move, Nanyue Nation comes to the door?” asked the youngest Zhu Mingxuan.

Ye Feng took a moment to think and sighed. Nai said: “Arrange the personnel of Lonely Massacre and temporarily return to Móng Cái City, let them manage the power of Móng Cái City.”

“But…” Zhu Mingxuan wanted to say something but was interrupted.

“Nothing!” Ye Feng said loudly, “If you just don’t act because of the danger, what do we want a subordinate Organization to do? The sales we do are full of high risks, no risk, and what they need to do. ?Mingxuan, you think too much.”

Whether it is Dark Hell or Lonely Massacre, all of them have experienced the test of blood and fire. If they adopt the choice of life and death, what is the use of them?

Can’t always spend money to raise them without using them Right?

Zhu Mingxuan was silent. Lonely Massacre was a subsidiary of Dark Hell. Under Shi Lei’s arrangement, Dark Hell gave Lonely Massacre a drug trafficking business. Although this business is illegal, and Shi Lei has a lot of restrictions, the profit is very rich.

Since Lonely Massacre has chosen to take advantage of it, it is natural to give Shi Lei a solution!

Ye Feng considered the situation, as if to say to himself: “Just turn the Lonely Massacre’s personnel away and not fully insure. Forget about it, report to Boss and let Boss worry about these things!”

After listening to Zheng Sanpao, even connected points said: “That’s right, Boss is very familiar with how to deal with these things, we and Boss do their best. Boss is our Commander, he refers to where we call where!”

Ye Feng laughed a few times and announced the dissolution of the meeting before dialing the Shi Lei’s number. Ye Feng uses a secret route, which is protected by Izual’s at any time, and also has a satellite connection to ensure that the phone is always available.

Waiting for a while, Shi Lei only connected the phone, he is currently handling CCTV Television Station’s ban order!

Upon receiving a call from Ye Feng, Shi Lei was a little surprised. “A’Feng, is there anything?”

Ye Feng explained the situation of Meishan Island to Shi Lei in detail before asking: “Boss, what should we do now?”

Shi Lei’s brows became a ‘Chuan’ and CCTV Television Station blocked the Dream Entertainment Company. It didn’t make Shi Lei feel a little troubled. Meishan Island is different. When I heard Meishan Island accident, Shi Lei in the heart suddenly worried.

“Damn Nanyue Nation Monkey, always give me something to do, it seems that a few times before, have not made them comfortable!” Shi Lei said quite gloomy.

“Boss, your opinion is, we have to clean up Nanyue Nation?” Ye Feng is in the heart, some do not agree with Shi Lei’s practice, and now continue to trouble Nanyue Nation, isn’t it stimulating Nanyue Nation?

Shi Lei affirmed: “Well, that’s right! Just take a look at Nanyue Nation again, be afraid of it, hurt it, and naturally dare not find us again!”

Ye Feng couldn’t help but say: “Boss, Nanyue Nation is a Nation, they won’t be soft to us!”

Shi Lei sighed in surprise: “What are we? We will not deal with Nanyue Nation, and deal with Nanyue Nation, and others!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗