
Chapter 944

hk932 is from Starry Sky!

June 2nd, afternoon.

Mu Shuang’s Office, Dream Entertainment Manager’s Deputy General Manager Xie Hui, stood in front of Mu Shuang’s desk with a Fax. Xie Hui placed the Fax on Mu Shuang’s desk and retired two steps.

Although Mu Shuang is quite young and female, Mu Shuang has a very high status and prestige within the framework of the Mirror Science and Technology Group.

As the Mirror Science and Technology Group framework, in Xia Nation’s Deputy General Manager, in addition to Shi Lei’s stockholder on the bright side and the non-existent Xia Nation Region General Manager, Mu Shuang is Mirror Science and Technology Group. The highest leader of all Child Company at Xia Nation.

Usually, in the Child Company under the Mirror Science and Technology Group, what is the solution to the problem is handed over to Mu Shuang. The same is true for Dream Entertainment Company. Even if Shi Lei is the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei is not in the company for a long time!

Therefore, the matters related to Dream Entertainment Company are still handled by Mu Shuang.

Xie Hui stood opposite Mu Shuang and he asked: “Chief Mu, our Dream Entertainment Company, received a Fax, I don’t know what to do, how do you see?”

“Hey?” Mu Shuang picked up the Fax on his desk and looked at it carefully. Fax was sent by Starry Sky Media Group, a Large-scale media company.

Starry Sky Media is a news group affiliate, belonging to News Group’s Wholly Owned Subsidiary. It is the largest media group in the Asian Area. It distributes related TV programs to 53 Nation and over 300 million people in seven languages. [

Every day, more than 100 Million people watch Stary Sky Media’s various channels. It can be said that Starry Sky Media’s coverage far exceeds that of CCTV Television Station. In addition to the coverage of the aspects, CCTV Television Station relied on Xia Nation’s unique state-of-the-art color to defeat Starry Sky Media.

If Xia Nation’s “Government” opens full channel rights to Starry Sky Media, CCTV Television Station does not have the qualifications for Starry Sky Media shoes.

Starry Sky Media, owned by Starry Sky Media, also has some Xia Nation Mandarin programs on the Xia Nation area, but the area is limited and only covers the Dongguang Province, but not in the rest.

If Starry Sky Media’s Starry Sky TV can be played in full Xia Nation, I am afraid that Xia Nation’s native Television Station will be hit by Starry Sky.

“Starry Sky Media Group?” Mu Shuang looked at Fax, revealing a strange god of color. She didn’t know Starry Sky Media, but she was very clear about the reputation of Starry Sky Media Group and the existence of the news group behind it.

Unceremoniously, News Group is a role model for all-world media companies, and it controls a very powerful media opinion privilege.

As a relatively monopolistic company that opens up the “Industry” industry, why does News Group and Starry Sky Media choose Dream Entertainment Company?

Is it because of the collapse of Dream Entertainment Company and CCTV Television Station?

CCTV Television Station is a great thing in Xia Nation. This kind of thing is famous all over the world. As a Nation’s Government Station, CCTV Television Station is almost the envy of the entire World Government Station.

Looking at Xia Nation’s next door neighbor, how hard is it for Wo Sang Nation’s Government Station NHK Television Station? NHK Television Station, as the government station of Wo Sang Nation, does not have a lot of resources, and is often suppressed by tbs, Asahi Television Station, etc.

Throughout Xia Nation, although CCTV Television Station did not perform well in the ratings aspect, it was suppressed by some local TV stations. CCTV Television Station has administrative power. When the local Television Station provokes CCTV, you can have good fruits. eat?

The Dream Entertainment Company was banned by CCTV Television Station and the news spread quickly. Although Ordinary Volkswagen, will not know this thing, can be used as relevant staff members in the media, can they not know?

“Well, Starry Sky Media, Starry Sky Media of News Group, they want to get exclusive rights to our Brave’s World’s. Especially this time, Brave’s World’s First, Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Starry Sky Media aspect, think To get exclusive rights to play, whether it’s a TV channel or a live network.” Xie Hui explained to Mu Shuang.

Mu Shuang quickly read the contents of Fax, she couldn’t understand it, Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, is there such a big sucking gravity?

To be honest, Mu Shuang didn’t try to play Brave’s World, so I don’t know how big Brave’s World is sucking gravity. [

As the number of registrants exceeds 10 million, the active Gamer is close to 10 Million’s Exceed Grade game, and the game also uses a number of new technologies, which have a huge gravity ratio to Gamer.

Starry Sky Media took a fancy to Brave’s World’s gravity to Gamer, and CCTV Television Station made a ban on Dream Entertainment. Starry Sky Media saw the opportunity, so chose to practice contact Dream Entertainment Company in an attempt to get an exclusive play license. .

“Exclusive authorization?” Mu Shuang watched Fax, his face “color” smiled and shook his head. “Exclusive authorization is impossible!”

The exclusive license represents Dream Entertainment Company and can only rely on Starry Sky Media. Whether Starry Sky Media is operating properly for Brave’s World’s, Dream Entertainment Company can only choose to accept it. This is definitely not possible and not reliable.

Besides, the network live broadcast license, Dream Entertainment Company will not hand over, Dream Entertainment Company will have to keep it, at least in the Dream Game Company Forum’s Official Gamer Forum, do a Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Live column.

“Chief Mu, Starry Sky Media will give us a very rich live broadcast fee share.” Xie Hui explained, “I just called a vice president of Starry Sky Media and they are willing to share our net profit with us.”

The so-called net profit of five or five is not half of all income, but after all operating costs are eliminated, the net profit is split into half.

Mu Shuang still smiled and shook his head. “Chief Xie, this thing, you better ask Shi Lei’s opinion.”

Xie Hui Nai nodded, he also knew that CCTV Television Station blocked Dream Entertainment Company. If you can get support from Starry Sky Media, for Dream Entertainment, it will successfully break the media blockade of CCTV Television Station.

After going out of Mu Shuang’s Office, Xie Hui took out the cell phone and dialed the Shi Lei’s number. Shi Lei is not in the Dream Entertainment Company for a long time. He wants to contact Shi Lei and can only use the phone.

The Shi Lei’s number was dialed and waited for nearly half a minute before the call was connected.

“Old Xie, what?” Shi Lei called Xie Hui and asked directly.

Xie Hui will just report it to Mu Shuang once again, and then said: “Chief Shi, we were ordered to block Right by CCTV Television Station? If you can get help from Starry Sky Media, what CCTV Television Station is threatening? Come to us!”

Shi Lei refused: “You can’t agree to Starry Sky Media’s exclusive rights to play. If you give them exclusive rights, how do we play Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to the whole world?”

“Chief Shi, then I reply to Starry Sky Media and refuse them?” Xie Hui asked with a temptation.

Shi Lei refused again: “Old Xie, I said, don’t give them the right to broadcast, but don’t give them Live Broadcasting Right. Tell Starry Sky Media, let them reduce the profit share given to us, and then only give them the Television Station’s Live Broadcasting Right. The right to play in the network, our Dream Entertainment Company, keeps it for itself.”

Xie Hui responded: “Okay, Chief Shi, I understand!”

After hanging up the phone, Xie Hui returned to Mu Shuang’s Office and discussed the decision made by Shi Lei with Mu Shuang. Only Starry Sky Media Television Station Live Broadcasting Right is given, which is a good solution.

Although only Starry Sky Media Television Station Live Broadcasting Right will allow Starry Sky Media to reduce the profit share to Dream Entertainment, Shi Lei does not care about the live profit share.

Mu Shuang and Xie Hui, who had been discussing for less than ten minutes, accepted Shi Lei’s decision and only gave Starry Sky Media Television Station Live Broadcasting Right, not to other privileges.


Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2003 Room.

Shi Lei hung up Xie Hui’s phone and threw the cell phone on the bed, but accidentally fell to the ground. Fortunately, Shi Lei’s cell phone is Nokia, famous for being hard and drop-proof, and you can also lick walnuts! Falling from the bed, there is no harm to Nokia at all.

Ouyang Xiang sat next to Shi Lei’s and asked: “Shi Lei, what happened?”

Shi Lei shook his head. “There is nothing, just the thing in Company. Ouyang, are you going back to Beiyu District today?”

“En!” Ouyang Xiang nodded. “My vacation is only one day. I have to go back today. Our Drug Enforcement Division found some clues, we have to go investigate.”

“Well, but Ouyang, you must promise me. If there is any danger, you must contact me, or contact Izual. We will send you reinforcements in the shortest time!” Shi Lei said solemnly .

Ouyang Xiang with a touch of emotion should be, “Well, I remember, there should be no danger, just a regular investigate.”

Shi Lei smiled and shook his head. In the work of Drug Enforcement, there is really no conventional investigate. Once the clue is found, it represents tracking to the drug trafficker. Xia Nation’s law is very unfriendly to drug trafficking, and will be sentenced to death, so that the poison drug trafficking, we are very fierce and tough “sex”.

As long as the Drug Lord drug traffickers, tracked by Uncle Police Force, is definitely the rhythm of desperate resistance.

“Izual, confirm Ouyang Xiang as a special Protection Target, launch the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine super authority, keep track of Ouyang Xiang’s dynamics, and proceed to the destination danger prejudgment. As long as any danger situation is found, give the highest authorization to start The Steel and Iron. Allows The Steel and Iron to carry weapon, allowing The Steel and Iron Freedom attack to destroy any enemies that might threaten a particular Protection Target!” Shi Lei speaks directly in front of Ouyang Xiang and says some secrets.

Ouyang Xiang God “color” complex look at Shi Lei, “Shi Lei, you…”

“Well, I have some of your Police Force System’s authority, you can call your High Force function of the Police Force System, Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine.” Shi Lei said frankly.

Ouyang Xiang sighed and didn’t say anything good and bad. She only knew that Shi Lei was treating her with sincerity, otherwise how could she say these things to her?

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗