
Chapter 943

hk931 Explorer go on stage, broken Fax? To: Apple 啲 sadness alliance lord plus more

CCTV Television Station, as the Imperial Court Official station of Xia Nation, although it has not been good in the ratings aspect, and has been overtaken by multiple local TV stations, the Government Station is the Government Station, which has a very large authority.

At the top of CCTV Television Station, the Second decision made will block all news exposures of Dream Entertainment Company!

I have to say that the top of CCTV Television Station is all Right in the trousers. Yue Dexuan also threatened Shi Lei’s, and now the executives of CCTV Television Station have made the decision.

It seems that CCTV Television Station has become accustomed to using this trick, and it can block the news exposure of a certain force.

After the decision of the senior executives of CCTV Television Station, they immediately issued an order to the Television Station, including the radio station, news NewsapAPer, media magazine, etc., all the news units related to Media Industry in the form of Executive Order. .

As for the private “sex” quality news Media Industry, although the CCTV Television Station law orders them with Executive Order, if they do not obey the orders of CCTV Television Station, I am afraid that they will not be able to walk in the news Media Industry.


Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District.

Shi Lei drove back to Jingya Garden, and Ouyang Xiang had already gotten out of bed, which made Shi Lei want to keep up with Ouyang Xiang. [

Ouyang Xiang currently busy in the kitchen, she is preparing lunch for Shi Lei, or breakfast, lunch, and Ouyang Xiang did not have breakfast, they were tossed for too long in the night of yesterday, causing Ouyang Xiang to be rare late. Now!

After all, Shi Lei is not a Shichiro overnight, but it is not the kind of second-gun shooter. They have a very good time in the evening!

“Shi Lei, come over, I will tell you one thing!” Ouyang Xiang called Shi Lei in the kitchen.

Shi Lei currently in the living room, watching the Entertainment related information through the projector, after hearing Ouyang Xiang call him, he opened his hands and lifted it, then joined the middle, the project’s information immediately closed.

Walking into the kitchen, Shi Lei hugged Ouyang Xiang from behind, and her chin rested on the shoulder of Ouyang Xiang, deeply absorbing the aroma of Ouyang Xiang, started talking: “Ouyang, what do you call me?”

“Shi Lei, I am going back to Beiyu District today.” Ouyang Xiang leaned back against Shi Lei, with a disappointing taste in his tone.

“Eh?” Shi Lei’s face is unclear. “Why Ah? You didn’t kill a Great Drug Lord, how come you have a job?”

“Our Drug Enforcement Division has found another clue about drug trafficking, we need to go further to investigate!” Ouyang Xiang feels that Shi Lei’s is not happy, she is in the heart full of sweet feelings, at least she knows, she is in Shi Lei in the heart has a status 哩!

Shi Lei frowns said: “Damn drug trafficker! Waiting for me to unify the black “color” forces of Shuangqing City, I have the first order to be announced, exactly as stated Shuangqing City prohibits the drug transaction!”

Ouyang Xiang listened to Shi Lei’s rhetoric. She should have spoken to prevent Shi Lei from acting to unify Shuangqing City’s black color. But surprisingly, Ouyang Xiang actually nodded: “Shi Lei, my Hope, you can really Do it!”

“Hmmm?” Shi Lei looked at Ouyang Xiang seriously. “Ouyang, are you really Hope?”

“En! Although it is not a good thing to unify the black color, I have Hope Shuangqing City, there is no drug!” Ouyang Xiang continued with a sly taste: “Shuangqing City without drugs” It must be very beautiful!”

“That’s good! I will unify the black color of Shuangqing City and declare that Shuangqing City is not allowed to have a drug transaction!” Shi Lei’s tone is as simple as stepping on a cockroach.

In fact, it is very difficult to unify the black “Shi Lei” of Shuangqing City!

Shuangqing City As a DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, the black “color” forces in Shuangqing City are intricate, and some black “color” forces are not excluded, and there is the case of official force support. [

Especially in the Center area of ​​Shuangqing City, those black “color” forces, if there is no official power behind the umbrella, Shi Lei dare to eat the keyboard! Although it seems that Shi Lei has won the black color of Shuanghu District, it is very simple.

But in fact, if Shi Lei did not have the support of the official forces, and Shi Lei also showed strong power, plus Shuanghu District is the educational institute area, it belongs to the emerging area, and there is not much oil. Therefore, Shi Lei can successfully receive the black color of Shuanghu District.

Shi Lei If you want to win the entire black color of Shuangqing City, the difficulty will be very high!

However, for the wishes of Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei is willing to accept this challenge. Shi Lei is not afraid of other black “color” forces with official support, Shi Lei himself also has an official background.

If two black “color” forces have official support, and the official forces behind the scenes are a few different, then it is necessary for the black “color” forces to compete with each other and determine each other’s strength.

Shi Lei once again ate, lying on back on the sofa. For the cooking of Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei is always tired of eating.

“Ouyang, if you are gone, how can I eat?” Shi Lei is sad with a smile.

Ouyang Xiang gave a white glance to Shi Lei, “Shi Lei, don’t you just like me to cook for you?”

Shi Lei quickly greeted Ouyang Xiang, all kinds of sweet words, slowly melting Ouyang Xiang, so that they played a game of pā pā pā on the sofa.

**In the first place, Shi Lei returned to the bedroom with Ouyang Xiang, and Ouyang Xiang slept on Shi Lei’s chest and circled Shi Lei’s chest with his fingers.

“Ouyang, I am Hope, you don’t want to do the work of Drug Enforcement Police Force for the time being. I think this job is too dangerous!” Shi Lei never gave up the position of persuading Ouyang Xiang to let Ouyang Xiang leave the Drug Enforcement Police Force. .

Ouyang Xiang looked up at Shi Lei and had a firmness in his eyes. “Shi Lei, don’t say this thing anymore? You said, I have my faith, you have your ideals, we support each other. , ok?”

“Okay! But, Ouyang, you have to listen to me, I will arrange a special protection for you!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Ouyang Xiang did not understand: “What special protection? Shi Lei, I don’t want to sit in Office for Logistics support, I have to fight on the First line!”

Shi Lei has long known that Ouyang Xiang wants to say this, so he said: “Ouyang, I am not arranging for you to work in Office, but to arrange special weapon protection for you.”

Having said that, Shi Lei started talking: “Izual, give me contact Li Yuan that brat!”

“Understood, sir, currently contact Rongcheng Military District Li Yuan Major.” Izual echoed the tone of a middle-aged man.

Ouyang Xiang is curious about Izual’s identity. She knows more or less DreamWork Company’s ‘ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System’ and asks: “Shi Lei, is this the Entertainment ICi’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System?”

Shi Lei did not conceal Ouyang Xiang and nodded: “Well, this is the Entertainment System of Dream Entertainment Company. You can call the Intelligence System Izual. You have Izual’s High Grade authority and you can contact Izual at any time.”

Ouyang Xiang was indeed given Izual’s High Grade authority by Shi Lei, who, like Mu Shuang, owns Izual’s Third Grade Control Authority.

Izual was connected to Li Yuan via the satellite phone, and Li Yuan’s voice rang in the sound system of the bedroom. “Hey, Great DIRE ctor-General Shi, how do you have a contact? Why do I have a hard time?”

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Little Yuan Zi, I contact you, naturally there is a reason for contact. Do not take these useless things, I need Lion d Combat System, give me two sets, remember, it is two Set, not two!”

“Two sets? The fear is the same as the Explorer?” Li Yuan’s voice suddenly became sharp. “Shi Lei, what are you kidding? Lion d Combat System, how could you give it? Where are you going to use it?”

“Of course I plan to use it in Shuangqing City!” Shi Lei explained briefly. “My girlfriend works in the Shuangqing City Drug Enforcement Division. Her work is too dangerous, so I need Lion d Combat System to protect her. Little Yuan Zi, I don’t care how you explain Commander He. Anyway, I need two sets of Lion d Combat System. Please bring me to Shuangqing City as soon as possible, don’t let me go to the Military District!”

Li Yuan said with a bitter smile : “My Great DIRE ctor-General Shi 诶, can you be normal, it is ok for you to explore, you want to be afraid of it? That toy is too lethal, in case What happened in the city?”

“Okay, give me Explorer!” Shi Lei agreed directly.

Li Yuan only returned after Shi Lei promised, “Oh, this is not right! Your Mother egg, Shi Lei, you brat Yin I Ah?”

Shi Lei didn’t intend to be afraid of it. The fearer was really used for war, not for the city. Although Explorer is just an Explorer, the combat power is equally slim.

At least in Shi Lei’s estimates, those who are Drug Lord drug trafficker, not at all of Explorer’s opponents, must be smashed into dogs by Explorer.

“What do you do with Yin? Little Yuan Zi, remember, I only need Explorer, don’t be afraid!” Shi Lei replied with a smile, the gun barrel machine gun carried by the fearer, the killing power is too much.

“Well, I am afraid of you! Anyway, I just conveyed the message to Commander He. He did not agree that it was his business!” Li Yuan agreed to Shi Lei’s request, he did only convey the message to Shi Lei, but this kind of conveyance message It is not meaningless.

The message conveyed by Li Yuan is actually a pressure on He Zhenbang. On behalf of He Zhenbang disagree, Shi Lei will seek cooperation with Li Department.

Hanging up the phone, Shi Lei hugged Ouyang Xiang, said with a smile: “Ouyang, the so-called Explorer of the Lion d Combat System, it is…” Shi Lei gave a detailed introduction to the Explorer, and then said: “Owning the Explorer Protection, your safety will get great promoted!”


Emerald Lake Building.

Mu Shuang, through some channels, knew about the ban on CCTV Television Station’s Dream Entertainment Company, and she is currently worried about the impact of this on Dream Entertainment Company.

Suddenly, Dream Entertainment Company received a fax, a fax that can break the CCTV Television Station blockade…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗