
Chapter 942

hk930 timid Shi Lei?

On June 2, 10:10 in the morning.

Shi Lei drove the white Porsche Cayenne to the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation. He just stopped the car in the parking lot and Tao Jun was waiting for him.

“Shi Lei brothers, you will be careful, the Bureau Chief of the National Security Agency is in the Office of the Bureau Chief. Yes, there is an old man named Jia, as if the status is very high, even the Bureau Chief of the International Security Agency. And our Bureau Chief Bai, also listened to his arrangement. The old man seems to be looking for trouble.” Tao Jun whispered.

Shi Lei nodded and cast a grateful look at Tao Jun. Even if Tao Jun said something, Shi Lei was completely clear, but Tao Jun had this kind of mind, and withstood the pressure of losing work, secretly told Shi Lei These informations are worthy of being thanked by Shi Lei.

If Shi Lei does not show gratitude, what makes Tao Jun feel good?

“Big Brother Tao, thank you, I will pay attention!” Shi Lei responded with a smile.

When Tao Jun came to the Shuanghu District Police Force Branch Bureau Chief Office with Shi Lei, Shi Lei knocked on the door and heard the voice of Bai Qiang.

“Please come in!”[

Shi Lei opened the Office wooden door and scanned a circle of Office personnel, all of them are acquaintances!

Police Force System has the most acquaintances, Bai Qiang Bureau Chief of City Bureau, Gu Bin Bureau Chief of Substation, First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun of Substation, and Captain Chen Guangliang of Substation’s Serious Crime Group.

National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief Zhong Weijian, Shi Lei yesterday has seen, Zhong Weijian actually nodded to Shi Lei, Shi Lei quickly responded. This is the Bureau Chief of the National Security Agency. If Shi Lei has a relationship with him, it is definitely mutual benefit!

Sitting in the middle of the talks in the Branch Bureau Chief Office, it was the Lei Jia guessed by the Liang Jia ghost, and the elite Jia stood next to his bodyguard and assistant.

“Ah? Everyone is in Ah? Is this a discussion for a spring tour?” Shi Lei played with with a smile.

Bai Qiang corner of mouth twitching, almost laughed out; Zhong Weijian also showed a smile, apparently teased by Shi Lei’s ability to laugh. Gu Bin, Xiang Yangchun, and Chen Guangliang. The three people’s status is lower, and they can only hold back their smiles.

Only Jia Zhengchun coldly snorted and said: “Shi Lei, do you know, today is calling you, what is it?”

“How do I know? I am not the Jade Emperor Old Man. I know that I know the astronomy and know the geography. I know it for five hundred years, and I know it for five hundred years. If I have that kind of skill, I will buy each one. The lottery of the period!” Shi Lei replied deliberately.

“Shi Lei, serious! According to our grasp, you are currently a suspected murderer, you need to answer some of our issues!” Jia Zhengchun said with a serious expression.

Shi Lei completely looked at Jia Zhengchun. Severe squeezing sat next to Gu Bin. “What’s the matter, Mr. Edward Jia, please hurry up and ask, it’s not too late. Do you want to leave me for lunch? Declare one thing first, I compare it to dinner. Picky, too bad, don’t leave me!”

Jia Zhengchun hē hē Two laughs. “Shi Lei, yesterday, at noon, where are you?”

“yesterday noon? I think about it!” Shi Lei in the heart thought about it. At noon, he went to Emerald Lake Fish Village with Mu Shuang and three guys from CCTV Television Station at noon.

Li Zifeng reported the matter of yesterday to Izual in detail, and Shi Lei also checked the situation. Yesterday There was a fish that slipped through the net, and that was the female secretary Xu Yanying.

Shi Lei is not a killer, at least not a woman who is not a threat. It seems that Jia Zhengchun should have found the key person Xu Yanying. Can you identify Shi Lei yesterday with Yue Dexuan, or can you identify Ge Dahu for Yesterday?

‘well! It is underestimating the energy of the Elegant Jia ghost! ‘Shi Lei in the heart smirked twice and wanted to understand later. Shi Lei is not planning to be a lied, directly admitting: “yesterday noon, I and Yue Dexuan Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station, as well as his assistant and female secretary. Eat at Emerald Lake Fish Village.”[

“What happened?” Jia Zhengchun was a little surprised. He thought that Shi Lei would make a situation, so that the cards he had in his hand would play a very crucial role.

Jia Zhengchun mastered the key eyewitness of Xu Yanying, as Shi Lei guessed.

“There are a few hoodlums that have been filled with Station DIRE ctor Yue and his assistants.” That’s it! Station DIRE ctor Yue is too impulsive. In public, Sun and Sky Risk Ancients, isn’t that self-finding? I guess the few hoodlums, should not be used to the behavior of Station DIRE ctor Yue, only want to drink with Station DIRE ctor Yue, than the capacity for liquor!” Shi Lei said in a calm tone, the slightest Do not care about the fact that he is also on the scene.

Shi Lei’s “Sun and Sky Risk Ancients” is the local dialect of Shuangqing City. The meaning in Xia Nation Mandarin is: excessively boasting of some things, that is, the boaring opinion.

Jia Zhengchun slammed the table. “Shi Lei, since you are with Station DIRE ctor Yue, watching Station DIRE ctor Yue being bullied by hoodlum, why didn’t you help Station DIRE ctor Yue?”

Shi Lei shrugged and said: “How can I help him? Shuangqing City has many people know that my capacity for liquor is not good, let alone what is the five 12 degree High Degree Five Grain Liquor, exactly as stated Ordinary beer I am also a bottle of drunken goods. How do you ask me how to help him?”

“Why don’t you help Station DIRE ctor Yue to teach those hoodlums?” Jia Zhengchun asked again.

“Learn those hoodlum? Mr.Elderly Jia, let’s not say whether the crowd fight is an illegal thing, just say that there are eight people in the hoodlum, I only have one person, there are two ladies around, how do you teach me how to teach those hoodlum? Please, Mr. Edward Jia, I am timid, I am afraid that those hoodlum will retaliate against me afterwards!” Shi Lei said nothing.

Bai Qiang almost squirted the tea out of the mouth. Shi Lei feared that hoodlum would retaliate? Shi Lei is the head of those hoodlums!

“Mr. Eldest Jia, Station DIRE ctor Yue is a person of Capital City. He has contradictions with those hoodlums. Naturally, he can pat the butt and leave. I am a person from Shuangqing City. If something happens, I want to How to run Ah? Is it possible to go to Capital City and Station DIRE ctor Yue? The price of Capital City can’t be hurt!” Shi Lei looks like a spit.

Jia Zhengchun was almost vomited by Shi Lei’s sophistry. Fortunately, he had already experienced it once, and he was forced to press in the heart. Jia Zhengchun asked: “Why don’t you call the police?”

“I want to call the police! But when we were eating, Emerald Lake Fish Village suddenly had no cell phone network signal! If you don’t believe it, you can ask the staff personnel of Emerald Lake Fish Village.” Shi Lei Truth Really said.

In this case, Xu Yanying has already told Jia Zhengchun that Jia Zhengchun does not understand Network Technology, and does not understand that cell phone has no signal, and it can be the reason for network Signal Interference.

Shi Lei cocked his legs and smiled. “Mr. Eldest Jia, what else do you want to ask?”

“Shi Lei, yesterday, Station DIRE ctor Yue and his assistant, fell into the lake with a taxi, passed our salvation investigate and found their body, but did not find the body of the taxi driver. We have found The driver of the taxi, the driver of the taxi showed that he didn’t go to work on the afternoon of the yesterday, and his colleague didn’t go to work. I don’t know what you think about this thing?” Jia Zhengchun asked with a temptation Road.

“What do you think? Do you suspect that it is me?” Shi Lei’s cocked Erlang’s legs kept swaying. “Tell you, Senior Jia, if this thing is what I did, I will kill you together.” !hēi hēi, isn’t that a hundred?”

“impudent!” stood in the middle-aged man behind Jia Zhengchun, sternly glaring at Shi Lei.

Jia Zhengchun is also complexion changed, guessing the truth of what Shi Lei said.

Bai Qiang deliberately coldly snorted and said: “Shi Lei, Elderly Jia is the High Grade leader of Nation. Are you going to rebel against the country?”

Shi Lei complexion unchanged, hippie smiled and said: “Bureau Chief Bai, Mr. Edward Jia, I am just making a joke, do you need to be so serious? Smile and smile!”

In response to Shi Lei’s question, in the face of Shi Lei’s embarrassment, they completely lost their role. They also have no key evidence to prove that Shi Lei is guilty, so this time, the question is only the end!

Less than half an hour before and after, Shi Lei drove away from the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation. After Shi Lei left, in the Shuanghu District Branch Bureau Chief Office, the personnel of each party remained silent.

After a few minutes, Jia Zhengchun said: “This Shi Lei has threatened one side prosperity! Bureau Chief Zhong, the strength of your National Security Agency, should pay attention to Shi Lei!”

Zhong Weijian nodded in response, then said: “Elderly Jia, you should inform the Rongcheng Military District. Shi Lei is not only the active Major of the Rongcheng Military District, but also has a very close cooperation with the Rongcheng Military District. If we move Shi Lei, not to mention the power that Shi Lei has mastered, the Rongcheng Military District is just that!”

Jia Zhengchun complexion Gloomy ratio, ‘Damn! These guys clearly don’t want to deal with Shi Lei. It seems that I should mobilize my strength! ‘

Zhong Weijian really does not want to deal with Shi Lei, not only the relationship of Rongcheng Military District, but also because Shi Lei’s own strength is also very strong, what does the National Security Agency want to provoke him? Shi Lei has no threat to Nation’s Safety!

On the other hand, Shi Lei is still contributing to Nation, cleaning up some hidden mites!


Capital City.

The top executives of CCTV Television Station received the death of Yue Dexuan. The top executives of CCTV Television Station were not all fools. They guessed what the reason for Yue Dexuan’s death was.

CCTV Television Station immediately convened an emergency meeting to discuss two decisions. First decided, exactly as stated, completely refused to cooperate with Dream Entertainment Company and never broadcasted Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

As for the Second decision, the impact on the Dream Month Company will be very large…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to mqn to read.) 9