
Chapter 941

hk929 is a small win, and finally goes to the Police Department!

June 1st, 7:18pm.

Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei sat down in a well-behaved manner, hands on the table, acting like an obedient Elementary School. Ouyang Xiang took the last tea-free mushroom, and looked at Shi Lei, she looked at the rules. There was a smile in the eyes.

Recently, Ouyang Xiang has cracked a major drug smuggling case, and she finally has time to return to Shuanghu District, with Shi Lei. Ouyang Xiang loves Shi Lei. There is no doubt that she is reluctant to leave Shi Lei. Just as Police Force, as a Police Force with a sense of justice, Ouyang Xiang loves this Profession very much. There are some things that she must do!

“Shi Lei, hurry to eat!” Ouyang Xiang in the heart has a thousand words, and it only ends up in this sentence.

Shi Lei picked up the chopsticks on the table and began to fight with all kinds of delicious foods, especially braised pork. This is Shi Lei’s favorite and one of the best dishes Ouyang Xiang has done.

Shi Lei usually only eats one night of rice at dinner time. But when Ouyang Xiang came back to cook himself, Shi Lei ate three bowls of rice, which was exactly the performance of the big stomach king.

At about eight o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei lying on back on the sofa, a meal full of wine, ke ke, Shi Lei not drinking Eh!

Ouyang Xiang cleaned up the mess, Shi Lei originally wanted to help Ouyang Xiang to wash the dishes, but he really ate too much, only comfortable to lie down. Plus Ouyang Xiang dislikes Shi Lei’s clumsy. This is because the last time, Shi Lei washed the dishes and broke two bowls, and there was a plate, leaving the impression. [

In less than ten minutes, Ouyang Xiang cleaned up all the chores. She also sat on the sofa. Shi Lei put her head on Ouyang Xiang’s “sexual” thigh, Ouyang Xiang hand touched and touched Shi. Lei’s cheeks.

The two enjoyed a rare quiet time and kept the state of this quiet for almost an hour.

“Ouyang, what are you busy with recently?” Shi Lei lying on back, looking up towards Ouyang Xiang from the bottom up, asking about the current situation of Ouyang Xiang.

Ouyang Xiang looked down at Shi Lei and showed a big smile. “Shi Lei, we recently knocked out a Great Drug Lord! According to our investigate, the leader of this Great Drug Lord, every month to Shuangqing City Enter at least 500 kilograms of various drugs. After we have lost this Great Drug Lord, we will save many of our Shuangqing City families!”

Shi Lei smiled at Ouyang Xiang and praised: “Ouyang, you are amazing!”

In the praise of Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei’s right hand is not honest, along the Ouyang Xiang’s clothes, and drilled inside. Ouyang Xiang’s face was red, and it turned red in a flash.

Ouyang Xiang’s original perseverance, becoming “fascinated”, seems to be covered with a layer of water mist, her hands pressed on Shi Lei’s right hand, trying to block Shi Lei’s attack, but the strength is so gentle, the basic method to block Shi Lei’s The claws of An Lushan.

In Shuangqing City, June, the temperature is already high. Ouyang Xiang just wore a long-sleeved single-sleeved dress with corset and Shi Lei’s right claw. It came out of the lace corset and felt the softness inside through the lace corset.

In the mouth of Ouyang Xiang, a singer, a pair of limpid autumn water, has been closed, as if he had accepted his life, accepting Shi Lei’s indecent assault.

Shi Lei is now lying on back. On Ouyang Xiang’s thigh, the posture is very inconvenient. He got up from Ouyang Xiang’s “sexual” thigh, sat next to Ouyang Xiang, and then leaned down slightly to Ouyang Xiang.

Shi Lei The hot air sprayed from the nose was directly printed on the face of Ouyang Xiang. Ouyang Xiang’s closed eyes and the eyelashes shivered slightly. Obviously she felt that Shi Lei was close at hand.

Shi Lei leaned sideways, his right hand caught Ouyang Xiang’s shoulder, his left hand slightly supported Ouyang Xiang’s face, and then gently kissed Ouyang Xiang’s lips.

Ouyang Xiang struggled a little and accepted Shi Lei’s kiss. His hands crossed under Shi Lei’s and hugged Shi Lei’s back, responding to Shi Lei.

The lips of the two opened, Shi Lei’s rough tongue, chasing Ouyang Xiang’s small tongue, feeling the sweetness and tenderness, letting Shi Lei linger.

In Shi Lei’s deep kiss, Ouyang Xiang’s breathing gradually increased. Shi Lei originally took Ouyang Xiang’s right hand and once again showed the color. It carefully pressed the long-sleeved clothes to Ouyang Xiang. On the chest, slowly squatting. [

In the nose of Ouyang Xiang, a low-pitched “仿” appeared, and Shi Lei saw the time was ripe. He poured Ouyang Xiang on the sofa with a little effort. He fell straight on Ouyang Xiang and kissed Ouyang with concentration. Xiang.

A wet kiss that lasted for more than five minutes made Ouyang Xiang’s neck slightly reddish. Shi Lei temporarily let go of Ouyang Xiang, but chose Ouyang Xiang’s red neck, staying on her slender neck. A series of kisses were printed.

The neck of a female “sex” is a very sensitive place, and when it is kissed, it will produce great comfort. Of course, the intensity does not need to be too big, otherwise it will become a pain.

Ouyang Xiang’s hands are holding Shi Lei’s head, and the fingers are slightly open, and the mouth is bursting low.

Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang were on the sofa, and after nearly half an hour of lingering, Ouyang Xiang whispered: “Shi Lei, I want ~”

“Hmmm?” Shi Lei has unlocked Ouyang Xiang’s long-sleeved clothes button, “showing out the skin of the wheat” and the lace corset. He looked up at Ouyang Xiang, hēi hēi said with a smile : “Ouyang, what do you say?”

Ouyang Xiang took a few bites of his lips and sounded like a mosquito. “Started talking: “Shi Lei, hold me in~”

Going in, naturally means entering the bedroom!

Shi Lei, what do you still don’t understand? He picked up Ouyang Xiang and walked into his bedroom. After gently placing Ouyang Xiang on the bed, Shi Lei’s hands in the air and quickly made a series of moves.

This is a gesture command, translated into a text command, exactly as stated : ‘Izual , close Safety Monitoring System , close Sound Collection System . ‘

In his own room, Shi Lei not only installed a high-definition surveillance camera, but also a combined microphone array System. If you don’t close these systems, Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang may have to play the rhythm of Love Action Art Film.

Although it was only recorded by Izual, Izual is only a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Without True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence, Shi Lei feels uncomfortable.

Izual closes the corresponding System, temporarily to Shi Lei’s bedroom, lost the information monitoring, only the external Emergency Situation, Izual will tell Shi Lei. Otherwise, Izual will not bother Shi Lei for the time being.

In the bedroom, after Shi Lei put Ouyang Xiang on the bed, he removed his clothes from the top, and then hēi hēi smiled and took off the clothes of Ouyang Xiang. Only one left. A piece of corset and a small cotton underwear.

The light gradually darkened. After a while, there was a whisper in the Room, followed by a rhythmic humming sound, like the sound of a clapping hand, but longer than the clapping time. For a long time too much …


June 3rd.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Izual simulated the voice of a middle-aged man, and politely issued a message: “Good morning, sir, now it is nine points Twenty-seven points, received the information from Shuanghu District Police Force Substation, the other party Hope You can arrive at the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation before ten o’clock.”

In Shi Lei’s bedroom, Ouyang Xiang is on Shi Lei’s arm. From her fragrant shoulder, she can see that she is not wearing clothes and Shi Lei is not wearing clothes.

Yesterday What happened in the evening, except for the two of them, even Izual did not know.

At the prompt of Izual’s, Shi Lei opened his eyes. If there were other people present, Izual would simulate the emotional sound. This is the plan set by Shi Lei.

“Izual, Shuanghu District Police Force Substation What is the situation there?” Shi Lei whispered, trying to avoid waking up Ouyang Xiang, but Ouyang Xiang still woke up.

Ouyang Xiang’s brow wrinkled slightly and whispered: “Shi Lei, have you done anything illegally?”

Shi Lei looked at Ouyang Xiang with a smile. He, a criminal who slept a beautiful Police Force, how could he admit that he is a criminal? “Ouyang, where do I dare to do the illegal crimes? This is someone who deliberately wants to fix me. If it is not Bureau Chief Bai, I am afraid that the other person wants to give me a Black Hand!”

Ouyang Xiang suddenly smiled twice and glanced at Shi Lei. “Shi Lei, you don’t have Black Hand on others. It’s already Thank the Heavens, Thank the Earth. How can anyone dare to give you Black Hand?”

Shi Lei looked at Ouyang Xiang. What he did before, Ouyang Xiang can usually guess that he doesn’t make much sense to explain too much.

“Shi Lei, I only Hope, don’t you hurt, can you?” Ouyang Xiang’s heart “sex” is full of justice, and only when she faces Shi Lei’s, she will have a feeling of extrajudiciality.

“Ouyang, you can rest assured that those people are deserved of sin!” Shi Lei sighed in relief said.

If Ouyang Xiang has to care about these things, what can Shi Lei do? As for Yue Dexuan, it is not sinful, Shi Lei can definitely say that Yue Dexuan must be guilty!

Look at the behavior of Yue Dexuan, the old “color” wolf, and know how many women he had forced in the past to do things he didn’t want to do.

“Shi Lei, you still have to go to the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation, don’t let them be embarrassed.” Ouyang Xiang advised Shi Lei, “You should have evidence of guilty Right? Go for a process, lest my former colleagues don’t Good work.”

“Okay, listen to you!” Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled and opened the quilt suddenly, letting Ouyang Xiang’s perfect body violently “show” in the air, and he turned into Ouyang Xiang like a hungry wolf.

Nearly half an hour later, Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang finally accomplished the story of a Love Action Art Film. Shi Lei washed it at random, took the car key, and cautiously took the pistol to the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation. go with.

The reason why I brought pistol, Shi Lei is worried that Jia Zhengchun’s Old Ghost dog jumped on the wall!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗