
Chapter 940

hk928 all in vain !

On June 1st, the Forty-five points were at 6 o’clock in the evening.

Shuanghu District Police Force Substation, the current Bureau Chief is Gu Bin, who used to be the Shuangqing City Bureau Fugitive Chasing Division Head, took over the position of Lei Lianglin’s Branch Bureau Chief, and he is the Bai Qiang line of personnel.

Substation First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun is also a personal body of Bai Qiang, and the relationship with Ling Yuguo is also quite in place.

The entire Shuanghu District Police Force Substation, except for Chen Guangliang of the Serious Crime Group, is almost all Shi Lei’s friend. Even in the Serious Crime Group, Chen Guangliang’s subordinate is also Shi Lei’s friend.

Jia Zhengchun sits in the Branch Bureau Chief Office, the Bureau Chief Zhong Weijian of the National Security Agency, the Bureau Chief Bai Qiang of the Shuangqing City Bureau, the Branch Bureau Chief Gu Bin, and the Substation First Vice-chief Xiang Yangchun, and the Chen of the Serious Crime Group. Guangliang, accompanied by Jia Zhengchun.

“Bureau Chief Bai, rumored that you have a very good personal relationship with Shi Lei?” Jia Zhengchun tasted a good oolong tea, with a smile on the skin, looking at Bai Qiang strangely.

Regarding the personal relationship between Bai Qiang and Shi Lei, Jia Zhengchun has already done investigate. Before Jia Zhengchun’s law forced Mr. Shi Lei to do what he wanted to do, he also had the influence of Bai Qiang. In which the interference.

Otherwise, Jia Zhengchun has already used tough means!

‘Bai Qiang, this time Shi Lei has exact suspicion, I see how you want to protect him! ‘Jia Zhengchun in the heart, thinking about it, if Bai Qiang wants to protect Shi Lei, perhaps by this opportunity, Bai Qiang can be overturned! [

“Elderly Jia, I have a certain personal relationship with Shi Lei. But please rest assured, I know the public and private, there will be no circumstances for forgetting the public.” Bai Qiang said affirmatively.

“If that’s the case, then it’s good!” Jia Zhengchun nodded. Although Bai Qiang didn’t have a tough choice to keep Shi Lei, Jia Zhengchun was a bit disappointed. However, she was able to pull down Shi Lei first, and Jia Zhengchun was very happy.

Jia Zhengchun would like to ask Shi Lei’s mouth about the news of Jian Shuang. If Shi Lei is asked this way, Jia Zhengchun knows very well that Shi Lei will not answer him. Only by grasping Shi Lei’s handle, through threats, it is possible to let Shi Lei speak.

“Bureau Chief Zhong, your subordinate, haven’t heard yet?” Jia Zhengchun turned to look at Zhong Weijian, “showing a touch of unhappy god”.

Jia Zhengchun had previously told Zhong Weijian to let Zhong Weijian’s subordinate bring some of the more famous hoodlums of Shuanghu District to facilitate the identification of Yue Dexuan. Then through these hoodlums, make a secondary identification of Shi Lei.

Zhong Weijian The unhappiness in the eyes flashed away. As the National Security Agency Bureau Chief of Shuangqing City, Zhong Weijian’s status is very high. Even if Jia Zhengchun’s status is higher, it is not a direct management of the system. Jia Zhengchun calls him. Calling away, let Zhong Weijian in the heart more or less unhappy.

“Elderly Jia, our National Security Agency rarely deals with similar issues, so it’s not clear what some of the more famous hoodlums in Shuanghu District. My subordinates are united with the Police Force of Shuanghu District Substation.” Zhong Weijian Slightly perfunctory answer to Jia Zhengchun.

Jia Zhengchun This Old Ghost, for a moment, heard Zhong Weijian’s unhappy, he smiled and said: “Bureau Chief Zhong, this is a major Nation Safety case involving the Yue Dexuan Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station. Your National Security Agency has detected this case and it is also a great achievement!”

Zhong Weijian smiled reluctantly and did not answer anything.

A few minutes later, the National Security Agency’s personnel, and the Shuanghu District Substation’s Police Force uncles, returned with more than a dozen people, a staff member of the National Security Agency, reported: “Bureau Chief, we caught a total of fourteen A well-known hoodlum, are you interrogating them now?”

Zhong Weijian did not speak, looked towards Jia Zhengchun, indicating that Jia Zhengchun took the idea.

Jia Zhengchun shook his head slightly. “No! Temporarily in the interrogation room. After the victim arrives, after identifying the perpetrator, we will interrogate.”

trial room.

Shuanghu District More than a dozen Faction’s hoodlum leaders, all on the stainless steel table, they are the hoodlum leader of the Shuanghu District Faction, headed by the Black Tiger Gang Ge Dahu.

Ge Dahu first whispered: “All calm, all conceited, silent!” [

The rest of the hoodlum leaders nodded. They understood Ge Dahu’s opinion. As a mixed in Shuanghu District, can you know Shi Lei’s status in Shuanghu District? At the beginning, when Shi Lei laid the status, he used the power of Official.

Now, Shi Lei’s status is completely your own strength!

Even the power of Official is not as powerful as Shi Lei’s own power to the hoodlum. The power of the Official is at most a jail, and Shi Lei’s power can easily be used to kill them, but also involve others.

In contrast, they understand how to choose, is the best choice!

At seven o’clock in the evening, the sky outside the color was completely dark.

Jia Zhengchun finally felt something was wrong. He asked: “Bureau Chief Bai, have you just notified Shi Lei? Why can’t he still come? Shi Lei seems to be in Shuanghu District, come close to Right?”

Bai Qiang nodded: “I sent an inform to inform him!”

“Call him and tell him to come over!” Jia Zhengchun snorted, “I called Yue Dexuan at CCTV Television Station, why he hasn’t come yet!”

Listening to Jia Zhengchun’s secret, Bai Qiang in the heart snorted, ‘Oops, Yue Dexuan was at the Shuanghu District First General Hospital. According to the Elderly Jia ghost, Yue Dexuan should have already arrived, but it has not arrived yet. Is it…”

Shuanghu District is Shi Lei’s Core domain, Shi Lei has many eyes and ears in Shuanghu District, Yue Dexuan can not Safety from First General Hospital to Police Force Substation, or a big issue!

Bai Qiang in the heart He had guessed that he didn’t call Shi Lei immediately, but he was waiting for the Edward Jia ghost to call Yue Dexuan. He wanted to know the specific situation of Yue Dexuan. Can Eldly Jia Ghost contact Yuy Dexuan? .

Jia Zhengchun took the cell phone and dialed Xu Yanying’s cell phone number, Xu Yanying’s cell phone, which was used by Yue Dexuan. The number just dialed out, and the cell phone listened to the message, “I am sorry, you The user dialed has turned off the machine !”

“turn off the machine?” Jia Zhengchun suspiciously said to himself.

Yue Dexuan and Yue Shangyun are currently ‘swim’ in Emerald Lake, and the phone that Yue Dexuan carries with them is naturally in Emerald Lake. After the cell phone is soaked in water, it will of course short-circuit the turn off the machine and then prompt off the machine!

Bai Qiang heard Jia Zhengchun’s turn off the machine. He in the heart confirmed the guess. He dialed Shi Lei’s phone number and waited for ten seconds. Shi Lei connected the phone.

“Old Brother Bai, good evening, is there anything?” Shi Lei greeted in a close tone.

Bai Qiang asked in a serious tone: “Shi Lei, why haven’t you come to the Police Force Substation in Shuanghu District? I just sent you the information, have you not received it?”

Shi Lei responded with a smile: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Old Brother Bai, I didn’t read Text Message, just watched a movie at home! Is there anything?” Shi Lei’s personal communication, on the phone, or Text Message, Izual There are hints, how could he not see Bai Qiang’s information?

However, Shi Lei has made corresponding arrangements. Yue Dexuan has already gone to Huang Quan. What does it matter if he does not go to Shuanghu District Substation? Can Jia Zhengchun still force him to plead guilty?

Shi Lei didn’t want to go to the Shuanghu District Substation, Ouyang Xiang currently kitchen to make delicious food, how could Shi Lei go to see Jia Zhengchun that old fogey?

“Shi Lei, there is a situation on our side, you need to come confirmed.” Bai Qiang did not explain the specific situation, in fact, he is not too clear, but Jia Zhengchun is just a drum.

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Old Brother Bai, is the Old Jia Ghost in which isn’t that right? Is it because someone has poured Yue Dexuan’s wine? Let him find Yue Dexuan first! Let’s just do it, I have to eat!”

In the kitchen, the aroma of braised pork came in, and Shi Lei hurriedly hanged up and slid into the kitchen. Ouyang Xiang currently vacated the braised pork in the pot, Shi Lei monkey grabbed a piece with his hand and put it in the mouth, so that he could not breathe.

Shuanghu District Police Force Substation.

Bai Qiang looked at Jia Zhengchun with a smile. “Elderly Jia, Shi Lei, however, he said that we have no evidence, so don’t harass him. If we have any evidence, then contact him to find out.”

Bai Qiang did not say Shi Lei’s original words. Shi Lei’s original words were very unfriendly, and there was a strong suggestion that he had killed Yue Dexuan.

Jia Zhengchun’s expression was stiff. He called again to contact Yue Dexuan, but he still indicated that the number dialed had turned off the machine. This situation is very unscientific, obviously what happened.

Just as the Bureau Chief Office of the Shuanghu District Police Force Substation fell into meditation, Tao Jun of the Serious Crime Group knocked in and his face was a little anxious.

“Captain, there are circumstances!” There are a lot of big people in Office. Tao Jun weighed a bit and reported to Chen Guangliang.

Chen Guangliang looked towards Bai Qiang. Among the big men in the field, Bai Qiang is the direct leader of the Police Force System. On how high the status of other leaders is, Chen Guangliang also needs to ask Bai Qiang first.

Bai Qiang looked towards Tao Jun, instead of Chen Guangliang: “What is the situation?”

“We just received an anonymous call. The policeman said that at the Nanbao section of Emerald Lake Huanhu Road, a taxi rushed down the fort and fell into Emerald Lake.” Tao Jun answered Bai Qiang.

Chen Guangliang looked bright, and some did not understand the rules: “Does the policeman explain when it is?”

“I just asked the policeman. The policeman said that it was about six o’clock.” Tao Jun recalled what the policeman said.

“It’s close to six o’clock!” Chen Guangliang flashed a flash of light in his mind. “Oops, in the taxi, it should be our victim, they have been poisoned!”

Chen Guangliang’s words made Jia Zhengchun’s face “color” drastically change. Bai Qiang did not have a too much accident. When he talked with Shi Lei, he already knew that Yue Dexuan might have been accidentally.

“You make it clear that our victim, what poisonous hand?” Jia Zhengchun in the heart holding the last trace of Hope.

Chen Guangliang looked at Bai Qiang and looked at Gu Bin before he whispered started talking: “We are currently investigating what is likely to be involved, and then our victims are likely to be poisoned by someone. “”

Chen Guangliang and Shi Lei played too much times. At the beginning, Shi Lei used Chen Guangliang to let Li Zhiyue’s senior male student enter the prison. Chen Guangliang and Shi Lei had an intersection.

Chen Guangliang is very clever and does not say Shi Lei’s name, but let Jia Zhengchun guess it himself. As a result, Chen Guangliang will not attract Shi Lei’s hatred, let Jia Zhengchun resist the strange in front, and resist Shi Lei’s all kinds attack .

Chen Guangliang is very upright, but he is not awesome!

Jia Zhengchun Brow wrinkled into a ‘Chuan’ word, he originally thought that he could pull down Shi Lei, but did not expect that the end is the rhythm of all in vain!

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗