
Chapter 926

hk914 Headquarters personnel show up and escape!

On May 31, the twenty just arrived at nine o’clock in the evening.

Shuangqing City, Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, Underground 5-Layer base.

On the boxing ring, Shi Lei and Jian Shuang were separated by a boxing ring. They leaned against each other on the strength ropes. After a half-hour uninterrupted matchup, Sword Double identified Shi Lei as the Dragon Rise’ Plan. ‘Product’.

“Shi Lei, do you want to know if you are the winner of Dragon Rise’ Plan?” Sword double pressed the force line and stood up with the help of the force rope.

Hearing the words of Jian Shuang, Shi Lei in the heart hesitated. Previous life, Shi Lei’s World Fragmented, supporting Shi Lei’s move, only the reason for finding the mystery of life.

This reason is still the answer that Shi Lei pursues in this life!

“Do you have any way to confirm?” After Shi Lei’s heart struggled, he still asked about Jian Shuang. Shi Lei also wanted to know the answer.

Sword nodded, and said with pride in his tone: “There is a way! And in the First Division, you can confirm. I also have about the biological gene technology forget about it, just do a genetic sequence characterization, no any at all. Issue.”

In fact, the knowledge of the sword in the Biological Gene Technology aspect is very proficient. It can be called the Specialist of the Top in China, and even the Specialist called World Grade. There is nothing wrong with it. [

Sword Double is the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan. The memory aspect is very colorful. He has learned the knowledge of Biological Gene Technology aspect since he was a child. The professional technical standard is very outstanding.

“How is the accuracy aspect?” Shi Lei asked with concern.

If the genetic sequence is characterized, the accuracy aspect is not high enough, and the wrong determination is given, Shi Lei may not be the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan, but is misjudged as the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan. .

Swords confidently said: “99% points the accuracy rate of 99999, and the probability of mistakes in other words, only one of 10 million, almost no mistake!”

With only one error rate of 10 million, Shi Lei is slightly sighed in relief. Fortunately, there is no such high error rate as ‘parental identification’ and there is no risk of ‘likes to be awkward’. Shi Lei said that it is acceptable.

“In this case, let’s go to the appraisal!” Shi Lei agreed.

“Good!” The sword on the face of the “Liang” smiled. As the ‘Product’ of the Dragon Rise’ Plan, the sword double is very Gudu. He has a certain self-doubt about his existence, he is eager to find a ‘ Companion’, a ‘companion’ of the same Dragon Rise’ Plan.

“Come here, let’s take a shower and wash off the sweat on the body to avoid the interference test results.” Sword double pointed to the east side, marking the ‘bath room’.

Shi Lei coughed twice, and the tone was serious: “Swords double, bathing can, but not soap, not base!”

Sword double face “color” changed, shouting Shi Lei, “Daddy is not gay guy!”

After the two finished speaking, hā hā laughed, they are all normal people, and there will be no such thing as disharmony with soap. The man took a quick shower. After a few minutes, the two washed and dressed neatly out and took the elevator to the First Level of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

The sword doubled out a needle and said to Shi Lei: “Let’s relax, I first draw a little bit of your blood “liquid” to test. Rest assured, my technique is very accurate, it won’t make you hurt!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, get started!” Shi Lei said coldy.

The sword draws blood from both hands and feet, transfers the blood liquid to the test tube, and puts the test tube in the genetic analyzer to let the genetic analyzer analyze the Shi Lei’s blood.

Shi Lei stared at the sword pair for all kinds of “fighting” and asked: “How long does it take to be accomplish?”

“The analysis results take two hours before you can get it.” Sword double currently through the microscope, observe Shi Lei’s blood “liquid” slice, “Patience wait! If you feel more chat, you can play computer, then The desk on the side is a blue “color” computer that can be connected to the Internet, but I suggest that you do not want to access the Internet to avoid the fact that Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division is still running.”

“Well? Your opinion is Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City Headquarters, I don’t know Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, is it still running?” Shi Lei in the heart was surprised, the tone asked.

“En! They don’t know! So, they let the place be idle!” Sword double’s tone is dodging.

Although Shi Lei heard the dodge of Jianshuang, he did not ask much. Everyone has his own secret. Sword double may have concealed anything, but Shi Lei does not want to go deep into it.

“Okay, I know!” Shi Lei walked to the computer that could connect to the Internet, proficiently booted up, then ignored the warning of Jianshuang, connected to the Internet, and sent an information to Dream Entertainment’s Supercomputer Origin. .

‘Izual, I am Shi Lei, identity verification procedure starts, dynamic authorization code s0076117. ‘Shi Lei sent an information to Supercomputer Origin in the form of an encrypted code.

Supercomputer Origin has the Defense System, and wnMiwang’s assistance protection, even though Shi Lei, there is no way to capture Supercomputer Origin from the outside, at least relying on the computer of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, Shi Lei can not compromise the Defense System.

Fortunately, Shi Lei has reserved an array dynamic authorization code in Izual’s Main System to temporarily obtain the First Grade authority. The reason is the First Grade authority, not the Super Authority, which is also pre-set by Shi Lei.

There is only one Izual’s Super Authority, which is the authority that will be enabled after Izual actively confirms Shi Lei’s identity. This restriction, written in Izual’s Core Procedure, makes a change.

The temporary dynamic authorization code measures can ensure that the Izual’s First Grade authority is temporarily obtained by the temporary authorization code when the Izual method determines the Shi Lei’s identity through the voiceprint, fingerprint, Dynamic Behavior Signature, and Human FaCIA l Feature.

‘Certification passed! Sr, welcome back! ‘Izual replied to the information on the computer screen.

Shi Lei looked at the information that Izual replied, in the heart slightly sighed in relief, and he quickly entered a series of commands on the keyboard.

‘Izual, monitor Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, all surveillance cameras within one kilometer, and immediately notify me of any suspicious personnel. ‘

Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3 exactly as stated Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division address, Shi Lei just learned that this First Division is not absolutely Safety, Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City Headquarters, have not given up here Monitoring with investigate.

‘yes,sr! System detection scans into the computer environment you are in. There is no audio device, and System will automatically control the color of the screen to provide a warning. ‘Izual uses text to reply to Shi Lei.

Due to the computer of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, there is no such thing as a speaker. Izual can only control the color change of the screen and prompt Shi Lei.

‘I know, once I found something Emergency Situation, the control screen flashed red, I know that Emergency Situation has occurred. ‘Shi Lei replied with words.

When Shi Lei was still in communication with Izual, the Dragon Level’s First Level space, where Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, Shi Lei and Swordsman were located, suddenly flashed a red “color” warning light and a harsh alarm.

“Sword double, what is the situation?” Shi Lei asked aloud, he thought it was Izual who controlled the alarm system, but obviously not Izual!

After the sword double heard the alarm sound, the face “color” suddenly changed. He quickly paused the genetic analyzer and took Shi Lei’s blood “liquid” out of it, together with the needle collecting Shi Lei blood “liquid” and glass slice. Put them together in a transparent high strength plastic bag.

“Shi Lei, let’s hurry up, Capital City Headquarters come, they know we are inside!” Swords both ran and greeted Shi Lei. As he passed by a wall, he reached out and pressed it on the wall. A silver-colored “alloy” box came out, burning behind the silver-colored “alloy” box.

Sword Double threw the high-strength transparent plastic bag in his hand into a good place to burn evidence, which was the experimental raw material and the contaminated material burning furnace.

Shi Lei followed the sword double and asked inexplicably: “Sword double, what are you doing?”

“Remove the evidence of your existence! These blood “liquid” samples will be exposed to you in the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division. If you do not eliminate this evidence, your situation will be very troublesome.” Sword double responded.

As the sword double said, those blood “liquid” samples, it is indeed violent “show” Shi Lei to the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, this is definitely not a good thing.

“Sword double, ten 5-Layer’s boxing ring, I shed so much sweat, if they want to investigate, absolutely can investigate!” Shi Lei calmly asked.

“It doesn’t matter, X 5-Layer has been absolutely perfect cleaning and disinfection after we left, including the bath room, all disinfected, they investigate less than your presence.” Sword double answered Shi Lei, he Walk in front, take the elevator and Shi Lei together, and go down to the tenth floor of the Underground.

On the tenth floor of the Underground, the sword pair is still in front, and Shi Lei continues to ask: “Swords double, how do you know that the Capital City Headquarters are coming?”

The sword’s double face “color” suddenly became difficult to look at. “My insider told me that he can start the alarm system in the First Division. Since he started the alarm system, he must have been shit by Capital City Headquarters. Kind of it!”

Shi Lei thought of the ground part of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, a coffee shop called the dancers, a youngster that was a bit calm and welcoming.

“Swords double, what do we do now? Are you trapped here? Don’t tell me a Large-scale secret Underground Base, there is no backup escape system, or other secret channels?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗