
Chapter 925

hk913 powerful showdown, Shi Lei’s uncle?

Shuangqing City, Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, Underground Space, Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

Shi Lei stood opposite the sword and asked the sword double with a serious tone. The identity of Jianshuang actually hides so many secrets, and the scope of the involvement is so wide. Why did he choose to approach himself? For this issue, Shi Lei in the heart is full of vigilance!

Sword double looked at Shi Lei, his face still “exposed” a complex god “color”, he is in the determination Shi Lei’s identity, whether it is an enemy, or friend. Or, what he said in determining Shi Lei, can you believe it?

“Shi Lei, before answering this issue, I Hope you play with me!” Swordsman made a request for marvel. After he finished, he ignored Shi Lei’s promise, turned and led the way, added. One sentence: “Follow me!”

Shi Lei looked at the back of the sword pair and recalled the complicated expression of the sword double. He chose to follow up. He didn’t have any extra choices. He could only follow the sword.

After walking more than ten meters with the sword, I came to the edge of the Underground research institute. The sword double placed the right hand on the metal wall again. It was originally a silver-colored metal wall, and suddenly it was light green. The radiance of 』.

Jianshuang explained: “This is also the Fingerprint Reader, which is the controller that opens into the next elevator. Don’t think that I can just recognize the fingerprint by pressing the right hand on the wall. In fact, the location of the Fingerprint Reader is already I am firmly in my mind, it is accurate from the ceiling and the ground, I can do the exact determination and measurement like a caliper.”

When explaining this, Xiao Xiao, who is self-deprecating by Swordsman, said: “This is also the Dragon Rise’ Plan, the effect of transforming genes. For the numerical determination, my senses are very sensitive, and basically there will be no mistakes!”

As the fingerprints of Jianshuang were identified, the silver-colored “color” metal walls suddenly indented on both sides, and an elevator appeared. The sword double took the lead and Shi Lei followed the sword into the elevator. [

The elevator sinks down and the speed is very fast. Shi Lei silently calculates how much High Degree the elevator is running down. What depth position they have in the Underground, he can only feel vaguely, and the elevator runs down. Forty is about 50 meters.

Sword Double seems to see Shi Lei calculating the High Degree of the elevator drop. He said accurately: “The elevator has dropped 523 meters, which is about the High Degree of the X 5-Layer research institute, and also the Dragon Rise’ Plan Shuangqing City First Division. The most bottom level. There is the Energy System of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division and the Life Cycle System. The First Division has an independent Power Supply Program, which uses the same Miniature Nuclear Reactor-supplied Energy as the nuclear submarine. 95% of the domestic water used in the base is re-converted and recycled. The Water System is connected to groundwater and can be used at any time for groundwater use.”

“In addition to these necessary facilities, the rest of the space will be known for a while.” Swords double added.

Shi Lei glanced at the sword pair and didn’t say much. He couldn’t tell the difference. The data given by Sword Double was based on his familiarity with the base, or the Dragon Rise’ Plan gave him a super strong sensory determine.

First Division’s Underground 5-Layer, at a glance, the entire Underground 5-Layer is full of fitness facilities. Sword pair took Shi Lei and came to a boxing ring. He patted the boxing ring, pointed his finger at Shi Lei, pointed his finger at himself, and started talking again: “Shi Lei, let’s play one!”

Shi Lei looked at the sword’s serious expression and didn’t ask much. He took the two Beretta 92f and the tactical flashlight down, put it on the ground, and then rolled over with the sword pair into the boxing ring.

The two stood in a corner, took the boxing sleeve on the side column, and the head protective cover and braces. They walked to the middle without saying a word, and immediately opened each other after punching each other.

Shi Lei’s figure is slimmer, giving a feeling of no power, like a scholar who is bound by the power of the chicken; sword double is similar to Shi Lei, and the same type of person who feels thin and feels no power.

However, when the two men’s gloves collide, the power that erupts makes people look at them. Shi Lei retreat took three steps, and Sword Double also retreat three steps.

Shi Lei was surprised to see Swordsman. He ‘formerly’ was specially trained in Devil Mercenary Corps. His strength is so powerful that he is quite clear. Shi Lei In the heyday, against the SpeCIA l Forces King of Ye Feng, it can also be done in one pair and two, and it can also be perfect. If it is an adult man of the Ordinary, how many people come to it, as long as Shi Lei wants to go, the Ordinary people can’t stop it.

Although Shi Lei is not in its heyday, it can also completely suppress Ye Feng in one-on-one situations. In the case of this kind of strength, even with the sword double-divided in autumn, I have to say that the strength of Jianshuang is very strong.

Like Shi Lei’s surprise, Sword Double is even more surprised!

Jianshuang knew how powerful he was. He did not think that Shi Lei could actually fight with him. Isn’t Shi Lei really the product of Dragon Rise’ Plan? But why haven’t you heard of it? At the time of Dragon Rise’ Plan, wasn’t it only me? ‘

The situation in which both of them were evenly matched, provoked a triumphant heart. Shi Lei slammed each other’s fists and looked at the sword pair provocatively. The sword double rushed over to Shi Lei.

Pēng pēng pēng ~[

On the boxing ring, Shi Lei and Jian Shuang are coming and going, and the game is completely defeated. The two men played for nearly half an hour, during which they did not stop for any minute. The sweat of the two men was raining, but there was no obvious heavy breathing.

Sword double stared at Shi Lei, his eyes with the suspicion of “confused” God, “Is Shi Lei really the product of Dragon Rise’ Plan? If not, why is his physical strength and resilience so long lasting and rapid? And his nerve anti-“shooting speed” is significantly higher than the Ordinary people, the reaction speed is too fast! ‘

Shi Lei tried to calm down the breathing of the chaos. ‘The strength of the sword pair is really powerful, and it is much better than the strength of Ye Feng. Is the Dragon Rise’ Plan really so powerful? So broken, is it really my product of Dragon Rise’ Plan? Otherwise, how do I fight against the sword? ‘

Think of yourself as the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan, Shi Lei in the heart. However, in the twinkling of an eye, Shi Lei was suddenly clear about whether he was the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan, he is still Shi Lei, he is still himself!

Shi Lei spit out the braces, and Shi Lei looked at the sword and said: “I still can’t fight?”

Sword double also spit out the braces and shook his head. “You don’t have to fight! Shi Lei, you just asked me why you are approaching you, I will tell you why.”

“What is the reason?” Shi Lei leaned on the rope, although he still had physical strength, but not tired. Hearing that Shuang Shuang wants to tell him the truth, Shi Lei in the heart has a strange feeling, as if something bad is going to happen.

Sword double learned Shi Lei, leaning against the force rope opposite Shi Lei, he said: “My parents, formerly told me, let me go to Shuangqing University in Shuangqing City to find you.”

“Look for me?” Shi Lei looked puzzled. Shi Lei is very confirmed, he does not know the sword double, or the parents of Jianshuang. I don’t even know the parents of Jianshuang, why arrange the sword to find him. “why?”

“They let me find you and give you a thing.” Swordsman continued.

“What thing? Why didn’t you hand it over to me?” Shi Lei curiously asked, he affirmed that the sword pair did not hand him any thing, and he did not receive any thing from Jianshuang.

Sword double smiled and shook his head. “I didn’t give it to you, because you don’t meet the situation described by my parents. My parents describe that you are just an ordinary student at Shuangqing University, not a leader of the Large-scale force. I doubt you. I was hooked up with those people, so I only tried you and examined you.”

“Is it passed now?” Shi Lei asked with a smile.

“Complete completely!” Sword double took a apology: “My parents asked me to hand you a u disk, I have checked the contents, it records some information data, let you take me to find you uncle.”

“Uncle?” Shi Lei’s face was eccentric and looked at the sword pair.

Shi Lei’s uncle called Shi Wen, a “sexual” lonely t-programmer, not only “sexual” is so isolated, but in Shi Lei’s view, his uncle is “sexual” cool, Shi Lei’s all kinds tuition and living expenses I rely solely on Shi Lei to do it myself, not his uncle.

Previous life, even if Shi Wen gave Shi Lei a little bit of care, Shi Lei would not join the Angel Parliament, and eventually went astray.

“Sword double, you don’t know what my uncle is Right? I haven’t contacted him for more than three years, I don’t know what he is now, and I don’t know where he is!” Shi Lei said the truth, though Shi Lei didn’t like Shi Wen, but Shi Wen was his uncle after all. Shi Lei formerly tried to contact Shi Wen but couldn’t find where Shi Wen was.

Today, Jianshuang mentions Shi Wen, Shi Lei suddenly discovered that perhaps Shi Wen’s identity is not easy!

“Well?” Sword double frowned, “What are you talking about? If the method contacts Shi Wen, according to the data in the u disk, Shi Wen should have encountered trouble. Shi Lei, I don’t know if you have queried, in Official In the data, there is no such person as Shi Wen, and your identity data has always been the state of orphans.”

“Of course I know. This thing, I used to ask him when I was young, but he didn’t say anything.” Previous life, Shi Lei is quite dissatisfied with Shi Wen, now after the double point of the sword, Shi Lei seems to understand something. .

‘Damn Shi Wen, who is he, and what is the truth? ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly guessed Shi Wen’s situation.

“Shi Lei, after I killed Dai Guanghua, I stopped contacting you, in fact, to avoid encountering the danger. Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City’s Headquarters, there are a lot of people in Shuangqing City, if I You are very likely to be implicated by me. Dai Guanghua is a strong supporter of Dragon Rise’ Plan in Shuangqing City. Otherwise, what qualifications does he have against Bai Qiang? Another supporter, precisely as stated Responsible For Economy’s Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng, you have to be careful about him.” Jianshuang also said a fact, a worrying fact.

“Shuangqing City has the personnel of Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City Headquarters?” Shi Lei asked inexplicably: “Why don’t you kill them?”

“Which is so easy? Those people are all Elite of the Special-type force, and they are fully armed, have Lawful’s Gun license, and have a privilege that can be fired at will. Although I have some weapon, they can cause them. The attention, I can only die in the place of death!” Sword said bitterly.

Shi Lei thought for a moment and asked about a key issue: “Why are you taking the initiative to contact me this time?”

“I didn’t expect to be discovered by your Monitoring System. If I don’t contact you, would you be able to offer me a reward on the road? As long as your reward is issued, the personnel of Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City Headquarters will definitely follow you. The rewards found me. They won’t let me go, and you and I should be allies. My parents told me to look for you, then contact Shi Wen, which has absolutely any purpose. And, Shi Lei, I feel that you are also Dragon Rise’ One of Plan’s production…Successful Personnel.” Swordsman originally wanted to say ‘Product’, but scolded Shi Lei’s face and said ‘Successful Personnel’.

Shi Lei kept smiling, did not say yes, did not say no, just a faint smile.

Is he really a serious Personnel of Dragon Rise’ Plan, is there any big relationship? Shi Lei now only wants to find Shi Wen, then finds Shi Wen to give him an answer. What is the situation of his life…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗