
Chapter 927

hk915 Dark Night is a fierce battle, police Helicopter!

Shuangqing City, Middle Jade District, Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3. Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, Underground Tenth Floor.

Sword double walked in front, Shi Lei asked the sword double loudly, and Hope sword gave a statement. Shi Lei doesn’t know how powerful the Dragon Rise’ Plan Capital City Headquarters is, but Shi Lei definitely doesn’t want to face them alone.

Although Shi Lei carries two Beretta 92fs, he only has two clips, which means that there is only one spare clip for a gun. According to the clip capacity of the Beretta 92f, one clip has only fifteen hairpins, and in other words there is only a Sixty hairpin.

“We are rushing to the emergency exit. This layer of emergency exit is very secret, belonging to the Secret of the First Division, and even the personnel of the Capital City Headquarters.” Jianshuang took Shi Lei and quickly stopped at a Culture Tank. before.

On the control keyboard at the bottom of the Culture Tank, Sword Double quickly entered a series of passwords. I saw a glass Culture Tank with a diameter of more than one meter, which was quietly opened, and the sealed compartment at the bottom was also opened. The ladder below.

“Come on!” Sword double urged Shi Lei, indicating Shi Lei walked in front.

Shi Lei did not doubt the double of the sword double, walked in front, from the bottom of the glass Culture Tank, along the downward ladder. As Shi Lei stepped forward, he found that there was a hole in the bottom of the Culture Tank.

The downward step was only a dozen steps, and then exactly as stated a tilted up channel. The passage is not wide, the whole is semi-circular, the width of the road is about two meters, the road is about the top of the semi-circular passage, and the High Degree is about two meters. The pavement of this passage is made of cement and there is no ladder. Still relatively flat.

Sword double stepped behind Shi Lei and walked in. He came to the right of Shi Lei’s and slammed it on the concrete wall to find a hidden organ. After the sword double untied the organs, behind the cement wall, there was actually a mountain motorcycle! [

Sword Double came out of the mountain motorcycle and rode up and said: “Come on! The distance of this passage is full of 12 points six kilometers, crossing the Beijiang District and directly entering the Beiyu District.”

Shi Lei had different eyes, but he still sat on a mountain bike. Jian Shuang immediately started the mountain motorcycle’s Engine. The mountain bike rushed out like a dislocated wild horse.

The width of the channel is only two meters, and the channel that is inclined upwards is not a straight road, but also the inflection point of the varying sorts and varieties. However, Jianshuang actually maintained the speed of mountain bikes at more than 100 kilometers per hour!

It must be said that the nerve reaction speed of Jianshuang is very Outstanding, and it is replaced by Ordinary people. In such a narrow passage, the speed of mountain bikes is maintained at Sixty kilometers, which is also very penal.

The length of the escape Underground channel is six kilometers from the 12 point. The sword pair took Shi Lei and only took nearly seven minutes to reach the exit. The exit was locked by an iron fence and was located in a remote mountain forest in the Beiyu District.

Outside the iron fence at the exit, there is a sign that says: ‘Abandoned mine hole, there is a danger inside, don’t enter it! ‘

Sword Double quickly unlocked the chain of the iron fence. He was just about to rush out. Shi Lei pulled him back and reretated it several times.

“Be careful!” Shi Lei whispered, taking a Beretta 92f from the waist and a spare clip to the sword pair. “There is an ambush outside!”

Swordsman took the Beretta 92f with no politeness, and also whispered: “How do you know there is an ambush outside?”

Shi Lei took the Beretta 92f under his arm and took it in his hand. He pointed his finger at the iron fence. “There are footprints, at least three people!”

The sword doubled and looked at it, and it was found on the ground.

Here is the secret escape passage exit of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division. The location is very remote and locked by the iron fence. Under normal circumstances, no one will come at all, and there will naturally be no footprints at the door.

Now there is such a ‘fresh’ footprint, which naturally proves that someone is ambushing outside!

“What should we do?” asked Swords.

Shi Lei swears, “Let the mountain bikes hit the door to attract the attention of those people, we take the opportunity to determine their position, and then try to kill them, or break through!”

After Shi Lei gave instructions, he took out the cell phone and saw that he had recovered the network signal. He immediately connected to Izual through the Bluetooth headset. Shi Lei did not call Izual’s name because of the sword.

“Determine my location and immediately send Ellin Squadron from three Ruling Security Company. In addition, I need the rescue from The Steel and Iron!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Now the time is close to eleven o’clock in the evening, the sky “color” has completely darkened, and there is only Moonlight that is not too bright. The Steel and Iron can give air support without being discovered.

Sword Double was next to Shi Lei and heard Shi Lei command accomplish before asking: “When can you, your person?”

“For the time being, don’t know, current confirmed our location, you wait a while!” Shi Lei took the cell phone and waited for Izual to feedback the mapinformation. Nearly half a minute later, Izual fed back the mapinformation and showed it on Shi Lei’s cell phone.

Only the cell phone in 2007, the screen is relatively small, and the mapdisplay is relatively unclear. Shi Lei’s current location is located in Beiyu District, close to Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field in Shuangqing City, less than six kilometers away.

According to The Steel and Iron’s flight speed, just taking off from Shuanghu District, it takes 8 minutes to get the fastest. Although 8 is not a long time, it can be said that it is Jianshuang, or Shi Lei, and dare not take the risk of waiting for eight minutes.

Shi Lei briefly explained the situation and said: “Swords double, we can only break out and then try to stick to it for eight minutes. In this, we want to stick to eight minutes, the variable too much. You have What do you think? Or, are you willing to break out with me?”

Sword double with the slightest hesitation nod, “just follow what you said before, use mountain bikes to attract the attention of the other side, we will break out.” Sword double is not a fool, this secret escape passage exit, there is no danger at all. Can be kept, once the other party has determined their position, it is grenade, or sniper rifle, or smoked, they are absolutely the rhythm of catching a turtle in a jar.

After the two men discussed the specific plan, the sword crossed the mountain bike and stepped back a distance. Shi Lei carefully shot the West with a slapin the air, purposefully opened a few shots to attract the attention of the other party, thus opening the iron fence.

After the iron fence was opened by Shi Lei, the sword doubleed and accelerated, and the speed of the mountain motorcycle was promoted and rushed out of the iron fence. Near the exit, Jianshuang jumped from the mountain motorcycle and rolled a few laps on the ground to remove the power of the usual sex.

The mountain motorcycle rushed out of the escape passage mouth, because the sword double purposely closed the headlights of the mountain motorcycle, let the ambush personnel outside, it is not clear whether there are people on the mountain motorcycle. They only knew that there were mountain bikes rushing out, so they shot.

Pēng pēng pēng pēng ~

Outside the secret escape passage, intensive gunshots, both Shi Lei and Swordsman have a keen sense of hearing, and they quickly determine the number and location of enemies.

“Four enemies!” Sword double first determined, and then quickly pointed at ten o’clock: “One enemy at ten o’clock; one enemy at 12; two enemies at two and a half!”

Shi Lei nodded, and the information from the sword’s double determination, Shi Lei also determined, which made Shi Lei in the heart faintly doubtful whether he was really the ‘Product’ of Dragon Rise’ Plan. If not, why can he compare the hearing and position determine of the sword pair?

“Shi Lei, I deal with two people at ten o’clock and 12 o’clock; you deal with two people in the direction of two and a half. No issue Right?” Sword double discusses the enemy’s distribution issue.

Shi Lei nodded and said that he accepted the distribution plan of the sword pair. “Sword double, you should be careful!” For the sake of caution, Shi Lei just released five shots to mislead the enemy’s empty guns. Shi Lei specially changed the folder and let the child Restore the best condition of fifteen.

“Reassured! My life is hard!” The sword nodded.

Shi Lei erected the three fingers of his left hand. “I count down three or two. After the countdown is finished, rush out together, don’t hesitate to kill them!”



“One! Chong!”

Shi Lei groaned low, and he and the sword double rushed out of the secret escape passage exit, while attacking the enemy while looking for a bunker.

“The enemy at ten o’clock has killed!” The sword snorted and then hid behind a big tree.

Shi Lei put three shots in a row, and there was no attack to the enemy. This is not Shi Lei’s not as good as the sword, but Shi Lei’s luck, the backbone of all the concentrated trees.

“pēng pēng ~ “The sword double hides behind the big tree, carefully observes the enemy in the direction of 12, then shoots quickly, and cleanly kills the two enemies belonging to him.

“Need help?” In the tone of Jian Shuang, with a smile.

Shi Lei did not refuse, and directly agreed: “Hurry up to help!” This time, not the time to reflect individual heroism, but to get out of the battle as soon as possible. Shi Lei has clearly heard that the two enemies hidden in the direction of two and a half, call the reinforcements.

Swordsman returned to the direction of four o’clock. By the faint Moonlight, he made a gesture to Shi Lei, indicating that he actively attracted firepower, and Shi Lei quickly killed two enemies.

Shi Lei replied with an ok gesture and the two started acting again.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ~”

A series of gunshots, accompanied by two screams, Shi Lei and Jianshuang solved the last trouble, but one of the enemies did not seem to have completely died.

Shi Lei and Swordsman went to the enemy hiding place at half past two. One of the enemies shot in the shoulders. Although the injury was serious, they did not die immediately.

The enemy looked at the sword double, his face “color” shouted: “Sword double, you have killed me, you have kind of kill me, our people will certainly retaliate for me, like killing you that old ghost Like Dad, you are just an ant in our eyes!”

“pēng~ ”

Currently quack quack’s enemies, a blood hole appears in the middle of the eyebrow.

Sword double expression is indifferent, as if talking to himself. “I have never heard of this request. If you let me kill you, then I will kill you with great kindness. In addition, tell you, I have kind of !”

Shi Lei took a shot of the sword’s shoulders. “Swords double, let’s go, let’s get out of here, the enemy called for reinforcements!”

“It’s the best, how much I kill!” Sword double’s tone is arrogant.

In the Bluetooth headset worn by Shi Lei, Izual’s cold voice suddenly came out. “Sr, in the Shuangqing City Police System, I found the Shuangqing City Police Department, dispatched the police Helicopter. It is expected to arrive at your current location after four minutes! ”

“What!” Shi Lei’s face “color” has changed dramatically!

There are only three police Helicopters in the Shuangqing City Police Department. To dispatch any police Helicopter, the highest senior officer of the Shuangqing City Police Department, that is, the Bureau Chief Bai Qiang of the Shuangqing City Police Department, must be able to mobilize the police Helicopter.

Bai Qiang has a close relationship with Shi Lei’s. He dispatches police to use Helicopter to chase Jian Shuang. Bai Qiang will never do such a thing. Whether Bai Qiang knows that Shi Lei is with Jian Shuang, he will not easily rule out Helicopter.

After all, Bai Qiang knows the relationship between Jianshuang and Shi Lei’s. If it is the police Helicopter sent by Bai Qiang, he will definitely contact Shi Lei.

“Come on investigate, what is the situation?” Shi Lei shouted loudly.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗