
Chapter 924

hk912 Dragon Rise’ Plan !

More than eight o’clock in the evening on May 31.

Shi Lei came to the old address, Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, in the secret space of the secret.

The underground space is more than ten meters deep, a corridor-like passage, the ground is cyanslate, all around the wall is also decorated with cyan stone, and the electronic energy-saving lamps with “milk” and white color are hung above. Although in the Underground, the air in the space is not dull, obviously there is a ventilation system.

Sword double stood at the end of the passage, looked at Shi Lei with a smile, and took the initiative to say hello.

Shi Lei looked at the sword pair and quickly looked at the sword double dress. He did not find that the sword pair had weapon. He relaxed the Beretta 92f and asked: “Sword double, what are you doing?” ghost?”

“don’t be impatient, here is not the place to talk, come with me!” Swords did not care about the Beretta 92f that Shi Lei had in his hand. He turned and walked in front, coming to an inconspicuous end at the end of the corridor. In front of the wall.

Shi Lei followed the sword and saw that the sword’s right hand was pressed on a piece of abnormal cyanslate, and pressed slightly inside, cyanslate actually sagged inward, then a Fingerprint Reader appeared, and a pupil Iris Recognizer.

The sword double right hand is pressed on the Fingerprint Reader, the Fingerprint Reader sends a green color signal, and the voice prompt verification passes, please perform iris verification. Iris Recognizer needs to be aligned with Iris Recognizer. The sword double passes the iris verification again. He explained to Shi Lei: “This Iris Recognizer is not just an Iris Recognizer, but also a laser transmitter. If there is no authority, When Iris Recognizer is used, it will be laser-attacked and the Ultra-high Temperature laser will shoot directly from the pupil, killing the person without authority.”

Shi Lei in the heart A chilly, this insidious setting directly makes the violent cracking scheme seem more horrifying. Because even if I steal the iris certification with authority, I can’t easily take the contact lens to try. No one knows if the iris verifier can be tricked through without starting the laser. [

“En!” Shi Lei casually returned to complied.

The sword double passed the double verification. The wall of the cyanslate was separated from the two sides. The “exposed” had an allic channel, and the sword double walked in front, indicating that Shi Lei followed.

The alloy channel is not long, only about twenty meters. But only the total channel of twenty meters, Shi Lei has a few mysteries, the powerful channel hides the powerful weapon Defense System, Shi Lei secretly guess, these Defense System, even does not rule out the existence of biochemical gas.

Through the alloy channel, I came to a very modern Underground space. The empty space of this Underground space is about three meters, the length and width are unknown, and Shi Lei will not be less than twenty meters. In this Underground space, all the places are all high-tech equipment, Shi Lei does not understand, but Shi Lei at least understands that the electronic computer Extremely Advanced.

In addition to the electronic computer, there are some instruments for the science aspect, but unfortunately Shi Lei is completely a rookie in the concept of creature, and he is not familiar with the usefulness of those devices.

But in this Underground space with a very modern and special color, there is a strange place, which is exactly as stated. The First Year Underground Laboratory is actually only a sword.

Shi Lei’s in the heart, at this moment is full of a huge question mark, he looked to the sword double, with the eyes of the god of doubt. Sword double also looked towards Shi Lei with a touch of complex expression.

“Shi Lei, re-recognize, my name is Jianshuang, I am sixteen years old, Product of Dragon Rise’ Plan, here is the First Division of Dragon Rise’ Plan, my parents are the person-in-charge of First Division, because they …” Swords double introduced himself and spoke a noun that is not clear about series Shi Lei.

“Wait!” Shi Lei called the stop, “Swords double, what is the Dragon Rise’ Plan, what is the First Division, you explain in detail!”

Sword double looked at Shi Lei strangely. He found that the expression on Shi Lei’s face was very real. It was not like a fake, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, “You really don’t know?”

“Should I know?” Shi Lei quickly asked, in the heart, thinking about the double pair’s opinion, ‘Dragon Rise’ Plan, the mysterious Underground Laboratory, First Division, Capital City’s Underground Laboratory, and I am also Dragon Rise. ‘ Plan’s Product? ‘

Sword double god “color” complex look at Shi Lei, explained in detail, “Dragon Rise’ Plan is a secret Genetic Engineering Plan, which aims to benefit humans, by modifying the defects of human genes, making humans more Powerful, whether it is strength, or speed, or cell vitality, memory strength, etc. In short, it can make humans more perfect. This plan is not much different from Wo Sang Nation’s Deity Plan. “”

“Deity Plan ?sbprojet? Super Biological Project ?” Shi Lei’s face was slightly changed. He didn’t think that Xia Nation had a similar plan, which was beyond his expectations.

“Well, that’s right! Have you ever thought about how Xia Nation might have such a plan? This plan obviously violates some of the laws above, right?” “color”.

He did not wait for Shi Lei to answer and continued: “The starting point of Dragon Rise’ Plan is wonderful, and it has been successful. I am a successful example and the only successful example on data. In my mother with me. At the time, my parents modified my genes, and their research was successful. I grew up healthily like the Ordinary teenager, getting more powerful muscle power, faster nerve reaction speed, and more sensitive. Organ sensation, as well as better physical endurance, the intelligence and memory of each aspect far exceeds the Ordinary human.”[

Shi Lei was surprised to see Swordsman. He thought about the identity of Swordsman, from the Army Special-type Elite to the mysterious martial arts family. Even the Internal Strength practitioners who didn’t rely on it were considered, that is, they did not consider the sword. The double is actually the ‘Product’ of genetic engineering.

Using ‘Product’ to describe the sword pair may not be appropriate, because the sword pair is a living human, but the sword pair is indeed the ‘Product’ of the Genetic Engineering Manufacture.

“How, is it strange?” Swordsman said with a self-deprecation: “When I was a child, other little friends were still playing with toys, and when I was catching the fascination, I started learning all kinds of knowledge, especially the contents of the creature engineering aspect. When other peers read Elementary School, I have already accomplished the degree program at the University level, and it is a professional university course. When 12 was old, I already had the knowledge of EQ uivalent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Level, at the age of fourteen. My expertise exceeds the level of a general academician.”

Shi Lei in the heart Imagine the childhood of Swordsman. He can imagine how the tragic childhood of the Swordsman has gone through. It is a tragic memories of Right?

“When I was fifteen, the news of the success of Dragon Rise’ Plan was accidentally flowed out. The top of the Implement Dragon Rise’ Plan, I knew my successful experimental individual, and they invited me to Hope. The Headquarters at Capital City accepts research from the Capital City Headquarters. “The sword’s double face is sullen.”

Shi Lei in the heart turned up the sky, ‘Capital City Headquarters? Could it be that the secret Underground research institute about my life is really the Headquarters of Dragon Rise’ Plan? ‘

“My parents are the person-in-charge of Shuangqing City First Division. They disagree with the Headquarters proposal. Because they know what kind of life I will live as a research object, if necessary, those of Headquarters, It will even make me a vegetative person for them to study slowly.” Sword double gnashing teeth said, then the tone became gentle again: “But my parents chose to resist, they first cleared Shuangqing City First Division. Inside, those who are trying to send me to Capital City Headquarters.”

Speaking of this, Sword Double looks around the surrounding environment and continues: “In Shuangqing City First Division, most research personnel regard me as my own, and they all choose to stand on one side of my parents. Zhou Bobo , Yang Grandfather, Tan Grandfather, Wei Ayi, Liu “milk” “milk”, they all see me as their own child. I also actively cooperate with their research work in the First Division, we are very happy to live together!”

“But, damn Capital City Headquarters, they have to transfer me, even if our First Division is willing to hand over all the research content, they will not let me go. In order not to let me be accepted by Capital City Headquarters Inhuman treatment-like research, my parents resolutely opposed the Capital City Headquarters. Unfortunately, our First Division did not have strong force, including my parents, all of whom were poisoned by Capital City Headquarters! In the eyes, “lude” has a hatred than the eyes.

The sword of the double mother, formerly by Dai Guanghua’s subordinate strong wheel, this hate sword double is always remembered in the heart. Therefore, Shuang Shuangning is willing to let Shi Lei benefit, but also to kill Dai Guanghua.

“Since this is the First Division, and you are still wanted by Capital City Headquarters, why are you coming back here?” Shi Lei asked sharply.

Sword double hēi hēi said with a sneer : “This is the First Division is not fake, but now the Control Authority here, completely in my hands! First Division has a completely independent Energy System, Management System and Life Supply System, Headquarters can not help First Division. Now I have all the authority of the First Division, including the Automatic Defense System. Although the First Division’s Defense System is not as powerful as your Dream Entertainment, the defense here is enough to protect my Safety.”

Shi Lei nodded. “Sword double, your identity, I almost understood. So, can you tell me now, why are you approaching me?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗