
Chapter 923

hk911 is hard? Hidden! [hello, uncle bin! ]

A high-end living community in the Jade District, Third Building, Thirty-second Floor No. 3.

Shi Lei looked at the center of the clear water room, and the simple table nailed to the plywood was placed with a sallowed “color” envelope, and on the envelope, the words “Shi Lei” were written.

Li Zifeng also saw the envelope. He immediately told the rest of Squadron: “Check the situation of the room!” Li Zifeng himself began to check in the Room after he ordered it.

According to the evidence possessed by Izual, it is proved that Jian Shuangming is in this suite, why is it mysteriously disappeared? The only possible explanation, precisely as stated within the Room, is that there are other passages that allow the sword to leave without a hurry.

Shi Lei picked up the envelope and flipped it over. The wax seal on the envelope was well damaged, indicating that the letter was not taken apart. Shi Lei ripped open the top of the letter and pulled out a white “printed” paper.

On the top of the paper, it is not a printed font, but a pure handwriting, indicating that the letter was handwritten.


Shi Lei:

Hello there! [

I am a sword pair, seeing a letter as a person. When you saw this letter, I was no longer in the half-mountain community, you don’t have to bother looking for me.

You must be very strange, why should I hide from you and not tell you the news that I am not dead. At the same time, you must be very curious as to what identity I am, and what is the purpose of approaching you.

These issues, I will tell you one by one, but not in the letter. Those information, leaving paper documents, too uninsured, I have to tell you face to face.

Shi Lei, if you want to know the cause and effect of all these things, and the Black Hand hidden behind Dai Guanghua, what exactly is identity, you need to come to the following address.

I know that you control the surveillance camera of the entire Shuangqing City, and I don’t specifically ask you to avoid the camera. In short, don’t leave any records. This address, you remember, immediately burned the letter. Remember, you must burn the letter, don’t leave any records, and don’t tell anyone, including the staff of the Ruling Security Company.

Below the plywood table, there is an inflatable lighter, you can use it to burn letters.

Waiting for our meeting, see you again later.

Sword double, 2007 5 month 31 day, personally.


Shi Lei quickly read the letter, Li Zifeng Squadron of Ruling Security Company, and just searched the accuxed Room. Shi Lei folded the letters of the sword pair and made the white color of the paper itself cover up the contents.

“Zifeng, what did you find?” Shi Lei asked calmly.

Li Zifeng nodded. “Boss, there is no one in the Room, but in the master bedroom, we found a trace of the safety rope bundle. The sword pair should descend from the sky directly through the Safety rope and leave the Thirty-second Floor.”

“Is the high-altitude downhill?” Shi Lei had a playful look on his face. It seems that the swordsman has already prepared all the way back.

Shi Lei found the lighter mentioned in the letter from the simple table nailed by the plywood, a lighter of the Ordinary plastic piece of money, he rolled up the letter and leaned on the simple table nailed to the plywood. , lit up the paper letters with a lighter.

The flame of the bright yellow “color” constantly devours the white printing paper and turns it into a black “color” charcoal. Shi Lei stared at the flame until the flame of the bright yellow color burned all the letters. Shi Lei also carefully used the envelope to lick the black charcoal and found that there was no unburned residue. Lei was nodded with satisfaction. [

“Let’s go, this thing is just forget about it. After you return to the team, you are not allowed to mention this. Do you understand?” Shi Lei’s face “color” suddenly became harsh.

Li Zifeng Squadron’s four people, all nod, the same voice: “Boss rest assured, we understand!”

Five people walked out of the high-end residential half-mountain residence, Shi Lei drove the white-colored Porsche Cayenne independent, Li Zifeng Squadron drove the black-colored Jeep off-road vehicle, ready to return to the training base of Shu’an Village.

Among the Porsche Cayenne, Shi Lei contacted Izual, “Izual, mapretrieve, Yan Street No. 66, with No. 3. With the location as the Center area, retrieve a road without a surveillance camera.”

“sr, the address was not found.” Izual replied quickly.

Shi Lei frowned , Izual’s data library, stores all the maps of Shuangqing City, as long as Izual does not retrieve address, it means that there is no such address in Shuangqing City.

‘Do you want to lie to me? impossible! If Swordsman wants to lie to me, why do you want to show up deliberately, and you have left a letter in the end of the week? Isn’t this a toss? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinks secretly.

“sr, System automatically compares the maps of multiple versions of Shuangqing City and finds that there are Yan Street No. 1997 with No. 66 address in the XhuangX Year Shuangqing City version map. System currently automatically plans a route without a camera.” Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module with High Degree Logical Thinking ability, similar to the solution of the exhaustive solution, Izual is very good at it.

Shi Lei’s brow slightly wrinkled, 1997’s version of the map? 1997 Shuangqing City was stripped from Xichuan Province to form an independent DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City. The mapof Shuangqing City was reformed.

“sr, the target location is surrounded by the surveillance camera. There is no route for the surveillance camera. Is the Super Authority mode enabled, combined with Unreal Graphics Processing Software, automatically erase the presence record?” Izual provides the corresponding solution.

As Izual’s become more intelligent, Izual has been able to ‘skill’ use Unreal Graphics Processing Software, and Izual is ready to use Unreal Graphics Processing Software to erase the camera’s record of Shi Lei vehicles in real time.

Shi Lei Nai’s expression agrees, ‘Damn sword double, how to choose such a place! ‘

The white “Porsche Cayenne” under the guidance of Izual’s, follow the scheduled route to Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3, only half a kilometer away from the Mid-Levels Residence a little.

It took less than five minutes for Shi Lei to come to Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3. He parked his car in a nearby neighborhood, not the Underground garage or the roadside. Although Izual is always processing Shi Lei’s driving records, if you park your car in the Underground garage, it will generate a parking record and a non-network parking record that is not controlled by Izual; it is more troublesome to stop at the roadside, just in case of Uncle Police Force Sticking a note, isn’t it properly recorded?

Only if you stop in the residential community, there will be no parking fees, there will be no parking records, and there will be no Uncle Police Force coming in to post the notes. Shi Lei walked out of the residential community, took a pair of significant sunglasses, and used the night color to hide his eyes and eyes, and went to Yan Street No. 66 with No. 3.

Yan Street No. 66 comes with No. 3, now a coffee shop called ‘Dancer’, Shi Lei walks into the dancers’ cafe and sits in a corner position, staring at the entire cafe. Arrangement.

The dancer’s coffee shop is very stylish and looks quite elegant. A young male “sexual” waiter came over and took a picture book and placed it on the table in front of Shi Lei. “You are welcome:” Sir, what coffee do you want to drink? You can watch it slowly. If you need something, you can press the call button on the desk and I will come over to serve you quickly.”

Shi Lei glanced at the electronic button on the table, in the heart secretly surprised, the electronic call system of the restaurant Industry, is not uncommon in later generations, and even many food and beverage industries use the p tablet to order, but now is 2007 years, the electric Subsystem In the food industry, there are not many applications.

After the young male “sexual” waiter finished speaking, he quietly left. Shi Lei looked at the coffee map, which showed the appearance and introduction of coffee, as well as the eye-catching price.

After three pages, Shi Lei suddenly found a piece of paper in the middle of the picture. After he opened the note, he wrote a small line of text: ‘Enter the bathroom, count the men’s washroom from left to right, hit the wall three times quickly on the wall behind, then make two coughs, then tapFour times. ‘

Shi Lei pinched the note in the heart, looked at the bathroom in the cafe, stood up and walked over. Entering the men’s restroom from left to right in the Second position, Shi Lei found that the men’s restroom wall is very stylish, with a vintage decoration, full of all kinds of patch rock and gully dress.

Shi Lei, according to the instructions of the note, first tapped three times, coughed twice, and then tapped four times. The back wall of the bathroom actually slid upwards, and there was no sound in the whole process. Moreover, the sliding cracks and the gully decoration style are combined, so that people can’t see anything wrong.

Seven or eight seconds later, on the back wall of Second men’s restrooms, there was a passage of two meters high and one meter wide. The passage had soft white light and a downward ladder.

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, pulling out the Beretta 92f at the waist, a tactical flashlight, armed with his right hand, a tactical flashlight with his left hand, and a pistol, carefully walking in.

Although Shi Lei in the heart has a faint feeling, the sword pair is not an enemy, it can prevent people’s hearts. Sword double made all sorts of different behaviors, all of which revealed that this is not an Ordinary thing, and Shi Lei is not worried.

Carefully walked into the downward ladder, only after seven or eight steps, the rear wall sneaked down, closing Shi Lei’s retreat.

Shi Lei tried to call Izual, but found that there was no cell phone network signal at all, the method was connected to Izual, and the Izual method provided remote support.

“Damn!” Shi Lei whispered and snorted, and could only walk down the stairs. After four steps, I went down to the Underground for about ten meters, and finally there was no downward ladder.

Moreover, Jianshou stood at the end and looked at Shi Lei with a smile. He said with a smile: “Shi Lei, you are finally here!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗