
Chapter 916

hk904 biggest winner, mad happily Raphael!

Nanyue Nation, border secret military use warehouse battlefield, x972, y523 coordinates.

Four of The Steel and Iron easily killed six members of Devil Mercenary Corps. The reason for The Steel and Iron’s easy win was that Devil Mercenary Corps didn’t realize it, and there was an attack from The Steel and Iron.

It wasn’t until the last moment before death that Dick discovered The Steel and Iron, his eyes were not closed and he was not blind. The other five members of the Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad were also easily hit by the Steel and Iron in the deadly area.

“sr, kill target Task accomplish!” Izual responded to the battle report.

Shi Lei nodded. “Izual, did you just find a water pond?”

“currently retrieve record, please wait a moment …, find the water pond record location.” The Steel and Iron When flying, the 360° dead end Camera System will automatically generate the corresponding record.

“Fly over the water pond, start the self-destruction process, and then let The Steel and Iron fall into the water pond.” Shi Lei carefully considered that after The Steel and Iron self-destruct, he felt less secure and wanted The Steel and Iron fell in the water, causing the internal electronic components to burn completely.

“yes,sr!” Izual implements the Shi Lei’s command.

Four The Steel and Iron hovered over the water pond, the h-47Armed Helicopter of Nanyue Nation, and discovered the location of The Steel and Iron through the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. [

Over time, Armyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter is no longer afraid of The Steel and Iron’s cards. Six h-47Armed Helicopters surrounded The Steel and Iron in an attempt to land The Steel and Iron.

However, when six h-47Armed Helicopters, surrounded by four of The Steel and Iron, found four of The Steel and Iron, suddenly falling from the air, and below is a big water pond.

Four of The Steel and Iron fell into the water pond, splashing a lot of splashes, and the six h-47Armed Helicopter drivers looked at the four falling Steel and Iron.

“The h009 Report Command Center, four Remote Control People’s Helicopter with unknown identity, fell into a water pond.” The Armed Helicopter driver of the number h009 reported.

Command Center has not answered for a long time, as if it has been made by this answer. In the military of Nanyue Nation, the small and powerful The Steel and Iron, I am afraid that the cost is not low, their owners will definitely find ways to recycle.

However, how can the military of Nanyue Nation know that The Steel and Iron’s cost only needs Hundred-thousand Xia Nation Yuan, which is not expensive at all, can be manufactured on a large scale, and can be abandoned at any time. Even though Self-destruct System failed, gaining the power of The Steel and Iron, and copying The Steel and Iron is unlikely.

The Steel and Iron’s fh “fighting” system, Shi Lei set a lot of secret means, if so easily cracked by others, Shi Lei simply go home to grow sweet potatoes more safety.

“h009, continue to block the scene, the relevant ground personnel, currently rushed over. After the local personnel arrived, you need to cooperate with the ground personnel to salvage the Remote Control person Helicopter sinking into the water pond, understand?” Command Center commanded Road.

“Understand!” the driver of the h009 Armed Helicopter responded.


Xia Nation.

In the net world, Izual implement’s Xia Nation Might network paradox attack has caused a lot of impact on Xia Nation’s Internet. The numerous youngster posts support Xia Nation and let Xia Nation withstand the pressure of the whole world, and must continue to impose sanctions on Nanyue Nation.

Li Jian Nation made a mistake. They used the GPS Global Positioning System to broadcast the ‘Xia Nation’ sanctions against Nanyue Nation. They thought that this would make the Xia Nation law repudiate, but in fact they did this to Xia Nation. The people’s grievances have been greatly alleviated.

Shi Lei looked at the youngster post on Xia Nation Internet, and his face showed a smile. However, continuing to sanction Nanyue Nation is completely a fantasy. Xia Nation will certainly not sanction Nanyue Nation, and will certainly deny that what happened to Nanyue Nation is related to Xia Nation.

Unfortunately, this time Shi Lei guessed wrong! [

Xia Nation, who used to be a ‘denying party’ for a long time, chose a plausible answer!

Xia Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs news spokesperson, replied: “About the incident of regional conflicts between Nanyue Nation and our borders, I officially stated on behalf of Xia Nation that the conflict in the region is completely related to Xia Nation. Xia Nation is not in Behind the scenes, all this, before the conflict in the region, Xia Nation did not know that Nanyue Nation had a secret military base in the area.”

“For the behavior of Nanyue Nation, I expressed strong protest and solemn condemnation on behalf of Xia Nation, Hope Nanyue Nation gave us a formal explanation of Xia Nation, and an apology to open to the public. We Xia Nation adheres to ‘peace development, create the future’ The idea, as the basic policy of Nation. Although Nanyue Nation violates the border agreement with our Xia Nation, we will not sanction Nanyue Nation.”

“As far as everyone cares, some of the contents of the network said that in the Nanyue Nation border conflict, the human-machine attribution to the Nanyue ** party was attributed to the issue. After our Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District investigate, confirmed the network In the case of the conflict in the border area, the four people Helicopter, which is the gt-b type The Steel and Iron developed by Rongcheng Military District, is also the Swift Arrow Series Small-scale guide developed by Rongcheng Military District. “”

“But, on behalf of Xia Nation, I reiterated that although there was a summer ** use of weaponry in the conflict in the border area of ​​Nanyue Nation, all this was related to Xia Nation. The Rongcheng Military District declared the military as early as a month ago. Use Equipment Lost situation. The Rongcheng Military District lost the twenty Swift Arrow Series Small-scale guides while transporting the Swift Arrow Series Small-scale guide, and soon afterwards, the Rongcheng Military District was lost. Thirty gt-b types of The Steel and Iron.”

“Currently, Xia Nation’s National Security Agency, Rongcheng Military District, currently co-investigate loses weaponry. The Swift Arrow system of Nanyue Nation is the Small-scale and The Steel and Iron, which belongs to the lost furniture of Rongcheng Military District, not Rongcheng. The Military District is involved.”

The news spokesperson of the Xia Nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which seems to be righteous and righteous, denied that Xia Nation was behind the scenes, but could open to the public and admitted to the Nanyue Nation border area incident, causing the Nanyue team The severely hit weapon was designed and owned by Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District.

This is a potential invisible threat, indicating that if the Rongcheng Military District wants to come out, it will definitely send more The Steel and Iron. Just four of The Steel and Iron made Nanyue Nation almost a tragedy, what if more of The Steel and Iron? Isn’t Nanyue Nation directly linked?

Xia Nation open to the public, acknowledging the possession of The Steel and Iron and Swift Arrow Series, in addition to shocking Nanyue Nation, is also a tough warning to Li Jian Nation and Nation against Xia Nation.

Shi Lei was surprised to see the video of the speech of the Xia Nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson. He said to himself: “Oh, our great Xia Nation has shown such a ferocious momentum, which is hard to come by!”

In fact, Xia Nation originally wanted to show weakness, but now Xia Nation is not allowed to show weakness, and Xia Nation does not show weakness, and there is no shortage of meat. Why should Xia Nation show weakness?

After thinking about these reasons, Shi Lei couldn’t help but sighed. Devil Mercenary Corps was looking for the troubles of Dark Hell’s forces in Nanyue Nation. The biggest benefit from the beginning to the end was Xia Nation!

Xia Nation gets the most benefit, Shi Lei is not without benefits, Shi Lei gave Xia Nation a precious gift, can Xia Nation’s leadership guess? I will definitely repay Shi Lei in the future.

The Rongcheng Military District also received great benefits. They were exposed in the military forces of the whole world. In the domestic Military District Ranked, the Ranked Military District’s Ranked must also be promoted. He Zhenbang I was also appreciated and praised by the top. The benefits of Rongcheng Military District and He Zhenbang are also the same as Shi Lei’s. The cooperation between Rongcheng Military District and Shi Lei’s will be even closer.

Shi Lei also got a direct benefit, which is to weaken the power of the Angel Parliament. Devil Mercenary Corps is an organization directly under the Angel Parliament and is responsible for the All kinds of violence of the Parliament. Shi Lei killed half of the Devil Mercenary Corps, and the exact as stated reduced the strength of the Angel Parliament.

In fact, Shi Lei also got another extra benefit, a benefit he didn’t know. When the previous four The Steel and Iron killed six members of the Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad, one of the members was hit by the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun.

But that member has a subtle difference from the Ordinary, he is mirroring the right heart!

Even if The Steel and Iron’s mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun hit his left chest, he didn’t die like a normal person, but he was seriously injured.

After the Steel and Iron and Nanyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter flew away, the member of the Devil Mercenary Corps passed an emergency contact plan to pass the information back to the Headquarters of Devil Mercenary Corps.

‘Mr. M colluded with Nanyue **, we were in the ambush! ‘

Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad’s mirrored right-hearted member automatically fills the relationship between Mr. M and Nanyue. If Shi Lei knows about this, Shi Lei will be very happy.

The reason is that the Angel Parliament had already investigate the relationship between Shi Lei and Mr. M, so that Mr. M is very likely to be a Xia Nation person. But after this information is sent back to Devil Mercenary Corps and Devil Mercenary Corps reports to the Angel Parliament, Angel Parliament will consider the relationship between Mr. M and Nanyue, and even consider Mr. M as the Nanyue Nation.

On the final result of the Angel Parliament, they will consider the possible “sex” of the collusion between Mr. M and Nanyue. Even if this kind of possible “sex” is very low, as long as there is such a possible “sex”, Angel Parliament will consider it. This reduces the focus on Shi Lei’s and reduces Shi Lei’s degree.

Li Jian Nation.

Raphael originally went home with a happy mood. When he turned on the computer and looked at some information, he immediately became furious.

“Idiot Utu Stan, even this little thing can’t be done!” Raphael said, and then hit a series of codes on the keyboard to send out…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗