
Chapter 915

hk903 finally kills and annihilates Devil!

Nanyue Nation, May twenty on the 4th, 7:03 in the morning.

The secret military use warehouse battlefield, the four The Steel and Iron with a shocking posture, strong combat strength, so that the whole world is more surprised.

Northern Military Command’s military use Internal Network, which directs the Center to each of the combat units in the secret military use warehouse, must be sure to destroy The Steel and Iron; and, at the same time, must try to collect the contradictory commands of The Steel and Iron.

Four of the four Swift Arrow Series on The Steel and Iron were launched, and The Steel and Iron had no threat to h-47Armed Helicopter’s weapon. It is impossible to rely on the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun mounted under the cabin to deal with h-47Armed Helicopter Right?

Shi Lei’s final target has been achieved, not only Destroy has a secret military use warehouse, but also has a tough external image for Xia Nation. On Xia Nation’s acceptance of this image, as long as Nation admits it, it will be afraid of Xia Nation.

“Izual, launching The Steel and Iron’s self-destruction process, makes The Steel and Iron ready to self-destruct!” Shi Lei laughs hē hē’s order.

At the beginning of the design, The Steel and Iron considered a confidential “sex” issue. Once The Steel and Iron is in a desperate situation, how should the Secret of The Steel and Iron be protected from leaks. Therefore, The Steel and Iron designed and built the Self-destruct System, and the Self-destruct System is very overbearing.

Inside the Steel and Iron, there is a high-explosive plastic bombing that is powerful enough to completely break down the internal components of The Steel and Iron into pieces, ensuring that the Steel and Iron’s technical secret is not leaked. 』. In addition, the high-explosive plastic bombing has a separate Communication Module, even if the communication of The Steel and Iron is interrupted, it can also pass the independent Communication Module contact. Not only that, the mini computer inside The Steel and Iron, through the 360° dead end Camera System. A Dynamic Behavior Signature smart review will be made, determining whether the person close to The Steel and Iron has the authority to dismantle The Steel and Iron. [

If it is close to The Steel and Iron’s personnel, the Steel and Iron’s authority is not dismantled, and The Steel and Iron are dismantled. Even if The Steel and Iron did not receive a self-destructive order, it would initiate a self-destruction program to maximize the protection of The Steel and Iron’s technical secret.

“Sr, The Steel and Iron’s self-destruction program starts accomplish and can activate the self-destruction program at any time.” Izual responded to Shi Lei, the four Self-destruct System of The Steel and Iron. It can be activated anytime, anywhere, and then compcomplished to The Steel and Iron’s internal security technology Destroy.

Shi Lei looked at the GPS Global Positioning System and passed the image data. Nanyue Nation’s h-47Armed Helicopter, currently close to The Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron does not have an Air-To-Air guide. They are no longer afraid of The Steel and Iron.

While Shi Lei is preparing to order the self-destruction of The Steel and Iron, the Northern Combat Command military use Internal Network. He intercepted an information.

‘Discovered six unidentified identity ground personnel. The orientation is x972, y523, the ground personnel envelops the orientation, h009, h014, and immediately rushes to the position investigate. ‘

Shi Lei’s eyeballs turned slightly. Immediately ask Ye Feng through the Bluetooth headset: “A’Feng, are you clear, just behind you, track your Devil Mercenary Corps member. How many people?”

Ye Feng thought about it. He quickly shuttled through the jungle, recalling the Engine sound that came from behind him. How many different Engine sounds were there.

“Boss, there are about 4-6 individuals, the law determines the specific number of people, they do not appear in our line of sight range, only through the sound of the Engine “color” determinee, so I am not sure how many people.” Ye Feng cautiously answered.

“Well, I know!” Shi Lei 『露』 smiled, “A’Feng, where are you now? Have you passed the Safety checkpoint?”

Ye Feng’s tone, with a touch of color, “Boss, we have passed the Safety checkpoint, currently outside the encirclement of Nanyue Nation, as long as Nanyue Nation does not continue to increase the strength, or expand the scope of the encirclement, we It’s a little safe!”

Punishment Merc Warsquad in the desperate situation surrounded by Nanyue Nation, through Shi Lei’s remote support, from the suspicion of the situation, accomplish the reversal of life and death, on Ye Feng, or other personnel of Punishment Merc Warsquad, no unhappy .

“Boss, The Steel and Iron is just too powerful, attracting the attention of the entire theater. The Safety checkpoint does not check the personnel at all. We passed the Safety checkpoint easily!” Zheng Sanpao said with an excitement, “Boss When you look at the transformation of The Steel and Iron into a bomber, I can make some bombs of the immense destructive force and let The Steel and Iron throw it!”

“Sanpao, this thing will be said later, you will be completely out of the danger. Then I will go to the guy of Devil Mercenary Corps and give a small gift!” Shi Lei smiled and explained that Nanyue Nation discovered Devil Mercenary Corps. Happening.

The members of Devil Mercenary Corps also own the Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, which is hidden in the jungle and can be discovered by Nanyue Nation. If the Punishment Merc Warsquad is still in the jungle, it is also possible to be discovered!

Punishment Merc Warsquad’s member, fortunately, Shi Lei sent The Steel and Iron to come back and rescue them instead of let them break through. [

Shi Lei temporarily suspended the contact with Punishment Merc Warsquad and asked Izual: “Izual, did you scan the coordinates of the Northern Combatant Command?”

Shi Lei intercepts the information of the Military Use Internal Network of the Northern Combatant Command, although the position of the Devil Mercenary Corps is obtained, which is the coordinate orientation of the Northern Combat Command, rather than the latitude and longitude marker position. To accurately know the location of Devil Mercenary Corps member, Shi Lei can only crack the Northern Combat Command coordinate rules first.

“sr, no specific coordinate rules were found. System automatically performed the calculation, and the initial answer is that the origin of the x972, y523 coordinates is the border secret military use warehouse, the south direction is the x-axis, and the east-west direction is the y-axis. The scale is 1: 05 km.” Izual did not find the coordinate rules in the Northern combat command, the military use Internal Network, but Izual controlled the wnMiwang more than 1000tflops computing resources. Izual referenced the flight paths of the two Armed Helicopters of h009 and h014. , thus calculating the coordinate rules.

Shi Lei looked at the corresponding geographical location on the Number One Server Monitor and found that the rule was calculated according to Izual. The locked position is not far from the position of the previous Ye Feng five people. This further proves that the rules calculated by Izual are correct, and also prove the six persons with unknown identity, which should be the personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps.

“Izual, control The Steel and Iron to fly over!” Shi Lei told.

Four The Steel and Iron hide in the complex space of the trunk layer and are controlled by Izual. The flight environment on the trunk layer is very complicated. If you switch to Shi Lei to operate the Steel and Iron, it will definitely cause The Steel and Iron to crash. Only Izual can compcomplish the “Operation” control of The Steel and Iron, and Izual will select the best flight plan after flight simulation.

This huge amount of calculations is only available as Izual of the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. With the wnMiwang of computing resources exceeding 1000tflops, you can accomplish the Task.

Above the canopy, Nanyue Nation’s h-47Armed Helicopter is getting closer and closer to where The Steel and Iron disappears, if not for fear of The Steel and Iron. These Armyue Nation’s Armed Helicopter has already rushed to The Steel and Iron. Unfortunately. None of them dare. After all, The Steel and Iron was too forformable. Let the Armed Helicopter driver of Nanyue Nation have a fear.

For the time being, they didn’t know that The Steel and Iron had no cards. Izual drove The Steel and Iron on the trunk layer and quickly reached the position shown in the coordinates. However, the two h-009Armed Helicopters, Nanyue Nation h014 and h47, have arrived one step ahead.

In the jungle, six Devil Mercenary Corps members wearing the Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit. Hiding behind several big trees, confronting Armed Helicopter in the sky.

In the sky, two h-47Armed Helicopters, user loudspeakers. The command center uses remotely to speak in many languages, such as Nanyue, Xia Nation, and English.

“Put down the weapon and surrender immediately! You are surrounded, there is no possibility of running away!”

The Steel and Iron is hidden in the trunk layer. Shi Lei hears the screams of Nanyue Nation through The Steel and Iron. He was almost laughed and shivered, and the spirit of the original wilting was also invigorated.

“Is the guy at Nanyue Nation funny? This sentence is not exclusive to Xia Nation Police Force. How was it knocked off by Nanyue **?” Shi Lei hā hā smiled and talked to himself.

Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad’s Dick, sullen, took off the full-covering helmet on his head, and did not care to dissipate the heat, not afraid of Armed Helicopter in the sky, will not find them.

“Captain, what are you doing?” one of the team members asked nervously. “Hurry up with the helmet, you do it, our position will be violent!”

“Our position has been violently exposed! When I first met the search team, I ordered you not to kill them. Why don’t you listen to the order?” Dick extremely furious.

If it wasn’t before they met Nanyue Nation’s search for Squadron and killed each other, how could they be discovered so quickly and stared at the Helicopter?

Jingya Garden.

The Number One Server is connected to The Steel and Iron’s 360° Dead End Camera System. When Dick takes off the full-coverage helmet and exposes the infrared heat, the Steel and Iron accurately Seize to Dick’s position. .

Shi Lei quickly ordered: “Izual, kill the target!”

The Steel and Iron has lost the deterrent of the Swift Arrow Series, and once the h-47Armed Helicopter is close to The Steel and Iron, it can easily use the aircraft gun to get rid of The Steel and Iron.

So The Steel and Iron is still rushing to the final heat, annihilating the personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps!

Izual got the Shi Lei’s command, “Fighting” to control the four The Steel and Iron dropped the High Degree from the trunk layer and came to the main layer of the jungle. The four The Steel and Iron not only have the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, but also the 360° Dead End Camera System. Members of Devil Mercenary Corps have Anti-infrared Thermal Induction, but no Optical Stealth Equipment.

Taking off the Dick of the full-covering helmet, I only heard the sound of the propeller in the air. He just turned his head and saw only four of The Steel and Iron flying over. Then, there is no more, Dick’s eyebrows appear a bloody hole…

(To be continued.)

Ps: utomt

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗