
Chapter 917

hk905 Raphael funny, Ling Yuguo acquiescence

Command Devil Mercenary Corps to attack Nanyue Nation, investigate and fight Mr. M in the forces of Nanyue Nation, this order was issued directly by Raphael, and now there is an issue. If Uriel is not dead, Raphael may still be Uriel scolded a few words.

But Uriel is now dead, the First Giant and Second Giant of the Angel Parliament have long been in a ‘stealth’ state, and the Great Giant of the Angel Parliament is only Raphael alone.

There was a motion in the Angel Parliament, and the three Little Giants joined together to EQ uivalent to a Great Giant. If Twilight Angel, Sunlight Angel, Moonlight Angel are united, you can 劾Raphael. Only Twilight Angel was killed by Shi Lei, or was killed by Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet Mr. M. Raphael became the king of the Angel Parliament.

I don’t know if Raphael will thank Shi Lei for this matter. Most of it should be no, the hatred between him and Shi Lei is not in total!

Li Jian Nation, New York City.

A bustling high-end apartment, Raphael face “color” angry look at the computer monitor, waiting for the source code feedback information sent, wait a few minutes, source code feedback information before sending back.

Far away from Nanyue Nation.

The regional conflict in the secret military use warehouse is nearing completion, four of The Steel and Iron fall into the water pond; five people from the Punishment Merc Warsquad escaped; six Main War Squads from Devil Mercenary Corps, one hundred Ordinary Fighter, only two Ordinary fighters, Sixth Main War Squad Long Stansey, Fourth Leader Utu Stan, were captured by the Nanyue ** party.

The captives of four Devil Mercenary Corps were escorted by Nanyue Nation to the Northern Combat Command. The four were criminals in the conflict military use warehouse area conflict, and the seniors of the Northern Combat Command were prepared to interrogate them personally. [

The idea of ​​Nanyue Nation is very good. Xia Nation is not trying to deny the conflict in the secret military use warehouse area. Is it completely closed to them? If the four captured, stand up and accuse Xia Nation, that is the best result!

It’s just the top level of Nanyue Nation and the top of the Northern Combat Command, and I don’t know the details of Devil Mercenary Corps. Even if the four people of Devil Mercenary Corps want to frame Xia Nation, Devil Mercenary Corps is very famous in International, and Utu Stan is a blacklist of Nation. Nanyue Nation wants to take this road from Devil Mercenary Corps and get any useful clues. There is no possibility of “sex” at all.

In the temporary cage of Nanyue Nation’s four captives of Devil Mercenary Corps, Utu Stan suddenly became ugly, followed by Stansey, then two Ordinary fighters.

The four men looked at each other and found the meaning in the other’s eyes. Utu Stan used English to start the conversation as calmly as possible: “brothers, Time Is Up !”

Stansey cried and replied, “Yes, Up! Time Is Up!”

Two Ordinary fighters, God’s sorrowful nod, “Time Is Up!”

The four men followed the expression with solemnity and sang in a low voice: “God Loves The Common People, People Do Not Love Themselves; Angel Gloria, Prestige Will Shine In All DIRE ctions !”

The low voice caused the attention of the Nanyue Nation guarding the personnel. The guarding staff used the butt to strike the iron fence of the cage. The fierce martyr: “quiet point!”

The four captives of Devil Mercenary Corps, as if they had not heard it, still sang the praise of Angel Parliament, and the expression gradually became painful.

The guardian staff finally found some anomalies, and Utu Stan was so painful that his forehead was sweating, as if something was consuming him. The caretaker has not yet figured out what happened to Utu Stan, and the situation of the other three Devil Mercenary Corps prisoners.

Utu Stan’s face “color” became paler than the faint, faintly gray, the guardian personnel picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly said in Nanyue: “There was an accident in the captive, it required Doctor! Repeat, the captive had an accident. Situation, need Doctor!”

The caretaker reported the situation, but he did not switch to the Devil Mercenary Corps cage, in order to prevent the Devil Mercenary Corps from planning to escape.

After more than a minute, two medical personnel wearing white robes came to the place where the prisoners were temporarily held. “Come on the cage!”

Seeing the personnel hesitantly asked: “Doctor, what is their situation?”

“Poisoning!” Doctor coldly snorted, “Hurry up open the cage, or else it’s late! Why didn’t you check them carefully before you held them? Why didn’t you put them in the mouth?” The Army Doctor is obviously very familiar with the military practice. He was annoyed and questioned the guardian personnel. [

The guardian staff opened the cage silently, but it was obviously late. Utu Stan’s face was gray, and his mouth was foaming and his pupils were scattered. The situation of the other three captives is not good, and the oil is dry.

“Record, time of death, Thursday, May 4th, four days in the morning, at 7:00 Forty-six points, the identity of the deceased is unknown.” After the military doctor ordered the assistant, he smashed his sleeve and left.

The caretaker looked at the four captives of Devil Mercenary Corps. He didn’t understand why the four men died. Even if the Doctor has already said that it is the cause of poisoning, why are these four prisoners, why are they suddenly poisoned?

Even though they contain poison in their mouths, when they were just captured, they did not choose to take drugs to commit suicide. Why did you choose this time?

The guardian personnel naturally did not know that the poisonous liquid in the mouth of Utu Stan was not activated by them voluntarily, but was activated remotely by the Great Giant Raphael of Angel Parliament.

Every member of Devil Mercenary Corps, in the large teeth in the mouth, will house a very small High-tech poison sac. In addition to ensuring that Devil Mercenary Corps member is not betrayed, the poison capsule can be activated remotely to obliterate the target that needs to be erased.

Utu Stan did not compile the Raphael to explain the Task, but made things a complete mess, which made Raphael very angry pissed, thus remotely activated the poison capsule of Utu Stan et al.

After Raphael killed Utu Stan, he felt that the heart was still full of anger. He controlled the Supercomputer Holy and killed the Dream Entertainment Company.

Izual immediately prompts Shi Lei, “sr, detects Hacker invasion. According to Hacker invasion feature analysis, the intrusion personnel is Angel Parliament Raphael. sr, Raphael sent information, is it received?”

Shi Lei nodded curiously. “Look what Raphael said!”

On the Number One Server’s Monitor, a dialog box appears, and the Raphael message is not very friendly.

‘Mr. M, you are waiting for me, the next time will not be like this one! ‘——Raphael

Shi Lei looked at the message of Raphael, and his face was “showing out” the eccentric god color. Raphael said that he would give Shi Lei the next time, but every time Shi Lei taught Raphael.

I have to say that the child of Raphael, which is bitter and forced, is a little bit miserable by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei couldn’t help but replied, ‘Raphael, you even let me arrange the defense in Dream Entertainment to breakthrough, and say what else? Nanyue Nation, please, can you not be so naive? I tell you, Nanyue Nation is my domain, you can mobilize the military to destroy you anytime, anywhere! ‘——mrm

Shi Lei put on Mr. M’s Sockpuppet and teased Raphael and misled Raphael to think he had any contact with Nanyue.

Raphael really fooled, immediately replied: ‘Mr. M, you dare not tell me, who are you? ‘

Shi Lei snorted, Raphael This is completely funny. If Raphael asks him real identity, he will say it, isn’t it funny?

‘Raphael, is it that you are too naive, or I am falling behind, do not understand the rhythm of this World. Do you think I will tell you my real identity? ‘——mrm

After Shi Lei replied, the cell phone on the computer desk rang, and the Caller ID was ‘Ling Yuguo’. For the future Father-In-Law adults, Shi Lei did not dare to neglect.

“Uncle Ling, this early morning, what are you looking for?” Shi Lei asked with a smile.

Ling Yuguo said with a serious tone: “Shi Lei, Nanyue Nation, I am very satisfied!” After that, Ling Yuguo hung up and said nothing.

Shi Lei suspiciously confuses the cell phone. He doesn’t understand what Ling Yuguo is. It is a very early morning. Just call a phone and just tell himself that he is very satisfied and hung up the phone.

Shi Lei, who didn’t understand, didn’t continue to think about what Ling Yuguo was in the opinion. After all night, Shi Lei’s spirit was very sleepy. What he wanted to do now was to rest in bed, and he did.

Lying in bed for a while, Shi Lei fell into a dream, until the fourth day of the twenty in May, and at seven o’clock in the evening, only then became fascinated.

“Izual, when is it now?” Shi Lei didn’t get up, just blinked and asked Izual.

“sr, it’s 7:16 in the evening, from the time you go to sleep until now, 12 has passed 13 minutes. System has referenced nutrition and health, and booked a dinner for you. Do you want to inform Emerald Lake Guesthouse immediately? The service personnelnel will send the scheduled dinner?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

Emerald Lake Guesthouse is the best guesthouse in the Shuanghu District. It is almost the Dreamhouse Company’s Guesthouse. Izual orders food under the name of Dream Entertainment Company. There is no need to pay any fees at all, anyway, it is paid monthly.

Shi Lei nodded. “Call them to come over!”

“Right, Izual, did you have any important things during my sleep?” Shi Lei got up from the bed, washed it, and cleaned up the living room a little, ready to wait for dinner.

“sr, during your sleep, Nanyue Nation and Xia Nation, because of the conflict in the border area, have already held an urgent meeting, but have not come up with any feasible plan. In addition, Mr. Tao Wenxian next door, when you are asleep I have been looking for you once, but System automatically blocks it.”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗