
Chapter 914

hk902 Nanyue is defeated, Steel and Iron is against the sky!

Xia Nation has been silent for too long, World needs the voice of Xia Nation!

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City southwest to 33.7 km, the border secret military use warehouse. At this time, it has become a battle zone. The Armed Helicopter is hovering in the sky. There are two Su-27Fighters in the higher sky. There are only 300 elite airborne paratroopers on the ground, and the border defense units of the 1200 station.

When the four The Steel and Iron appeared above the canopy and killed three h-47Armed Helicopters in one fell swoop, the troops of Nanyue Nation immediately gave the greatest attention to the four seemingly damaging The Steel and Iron. .

The Command Center of the Northern Combat Command issued a command to shoot down The Steel and Iron directly to all combat units.

Shi Lei’s face was smirked. If The Steel and Iron were so unable to withstand a single blow, then the fundamental law would be favored by the Rongcheng Military District, and there would be no possibility of going to the battlefield. Before The Steel and Iron reached the strategic target, Nanyue Nation was now deployed in the theater, not a good accomplish.

Shi Lei controls a Steel and Iron as the main processor, flying in front. Izual controls three of The Steel and Iron as a downtime, behind the steel and steel control of The Steel and Iron.

Four The Steel and Iron flew to the secret military use warehouse, an h-47Armed Helicopter attempted to fly over to block four of The Steel and Iron, but a guideline for The Steel and Iron, hanging Swift Arrow b-type Air-To-Air is flying out, and the h-47Armed Helicopter, which attempts to block four of The Steel and Iron, has been turned into a fire group.

Full-sized real Armed Helicopter, when faced with The Steel and Iron, was so impossible to withstand a single blow! [

In addition to h-47Armed Helicopter’s own “sex” can be flawed, but also because of Hanyue Nation’s h-47Armed Helicopter, there is no reason to carry advanced weapon.

h-47Armed Helicopter’s huge body. Even the rpg soldier rocket launcher can’t hide well, how can you avoid the more powerful Swift Arrow bseries Air-To-Air guide?

After killing four h-47Armed Helicopters in succession, finally let the other h-47Armed Helicopter, without the courage to directly rush up to courting death. Unfortunately, the four The Steel and Iron shot four Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air guides, and five Air-To-Air guides did not shoot!

Li Jian Nation’s GPS Global Positioning System, which took four of the Steel and Iron shots down the four h-47Armed Helicopters, was pleasantly broadcast, and they wanted to provoke a dispute between Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation. but.

however. Li Jian Nation hasn’t realized that they have done a stupid thing!

Xia Nation’s Internet World, the vast Xia Nation netizens, was put on the ‘Xia Nation Might ‘network paradox scheme by Izual. I can’t wait to rush to the battlefield to teach Nanyue Nation. Li Jian Nation’s live coverage of the theater has made these bloody netizens even more excited. It turned out that they thought the weak Xia Nation. Even with such a strong weapon, Nanyue Nation was completely suppressed and there was no resistance.

At the same time, numerous aspiring youths are ready to join the Rongcheng Military District, and Hope contributes to the Rongcheng Military District. The Rongcheng Military District is a significant voice, and several senior leaders of Xia Nation directly called the office of the Rongcheng Military District Command.

He Zhenbang is sitting in Office. I have a red “color” phone in my hand. This is a Nation secret phone. Only Gov. Official at the provincial level or above has the qualifications. This red “color” Nation secret phone. You can ensure that Nation contacts the relevant person in the event of any strike.

Even if there is a nuclear war, the red “color” Nation secret phone can also be blocked!

“Little He, you honestly talk, Nanase Nation, are you sending people to the past?” In the phone, a warm voice came, don’t think that the sound is very warm, there is no prestige, in fact, the phone The old man at that end is the leader of Xia Nation, the leader of Ranked Second.

“Old Leadership, really not me!” He Zhenbang smiled, in the heart, and Shi Lei was so irritated, he knew that the Swift Arrow Series was handed over to Shi Lei, and there would be no good results.

However, if Shi Lei is not in a hurry, He Zhenbang really likes what Shi Lei’s did. But He Zhenbang just doesn’t understand why Shi Lei knows every time he wants the whole world.

“Little He, I heard that you have a child in the Military District who is very naughty, stealing the twenty guide from the Military District, is it?” The leader of Xia Nation Ranked Second, the tone is still warm, like the neighbor and the Boss.

He Zhenbang quickly denied: “Old Leadership, our Rongcheng Military District issued a report, the twenty Swift Arrow Series guide was lost during the delivery process. No specific lost place has been found yet, or what kind of personnel is in the hands. As for us Military District’s naughty child, Old Leadership, which one are you talking about? My family’s gimmick? Or Li Family that Bear Child?”

Li Yuan, the famous Rongcheng Military District, was described by He Zhenbang as Bear Child, and Li Yuan did not know what kind of expression he would have. [

“You, Little He, you are as cautious as before!” The old man no longer asked He Zhenbang, and hung up and hang up the phone without showing any clear attitude.

Just hang up the phone and the Nation secret phone rang again. On the phone, a hot voice came over, “Bang Zi, I ask you something!”

He Zhenbang has a bitter face, “Dad, can’t you call me Bang Zi, I am a fifties, so I am also a Vice-commander of the Rongcheng Military District, more or less important!”

“Let’s give Daddy less! Bang Zi, I ask you, is the Nanyue Nation thing, is it Grandson-In-Law?” the old man asked.

“What Grandson-In-Law?” He Zhenbang asked a little bit, he didn’t know what the situation was. Right?

Nanyue Nation.

The secret military use warehouse battlefield, the four The Steel and Iron, like the King tour, forced h-47Armed Helicopter to retreat, not to enter the one kilometer around The Steel and Iron.

Just four h-47Armed Helicopter, exactly as stated, were destroyed within a kilometer of The Steel and Iron. The rest of the h-47Armed Helicopter drivers thought they had broken the Steel and Iron’s attack range.

In fact, the Swift Arrow Series leads the “shooting” process, up to three kilometers. Not one kilometer. Just a kilometer away, the air machine gun on the h-47Armed Helicopter is also a threat to The Steel and Iron, and Shi Lei is too lazy to deal with them.

The deterrence of hanging the Swift Arrow b-Air-To-Air guide over The Steel and Iron is far greater than the deterrent that shot them all out. As long as the Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air is mounted on The Steel and Iron, they can shock the restless h-47Armed Helicopter. Without the Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air guide, The Steel and Iron can compete with the h-47Armed Helicopter, and the aviation machine gun gently ‘touches’ the Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron Disintegration in the air.

Four The Steel and Iron flew more than three kilometers later. The secret military use warehouse enters the Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guide, and Shi Lei prepares the Destroy border secret military use warehouse, not to mention Xiao Xiao, but to act!

When Shi Lei prepared the attack, Izual suddenly issued an alarm. “sr, we were locked by the enemy. The source of the lock came from Su 27Fighter!”

Above 500 meters high. Two Su-27Fighters locked four of The Steel and Iron and fired four Air-To-Air Full-sized guides.

“Warning, find the guide! Automatically take over the personnel control body, automatically enter the avoidance mode!” Izual immediately took over Shi Lei’s “Operation” controlled The Steel and Iron.

The two Full-sized Air-To-Air guides from the two 27 shots were traced to the four The Steel and Iron. The four guides rely on infrared guidance, which is to track the infrared thermal response of The Steel and Iron.

Izual controls four of The Steel and Iron, falling directly into the jungle complex of the trunk layer from the canopy. The Steel and Iron’s body size is small enough, and Izual’s control is accurate enough. I am completely daring to drive The Steel and Iron in a more complex environment than Remote Control.

The four Air-To-Air guides of Su 27’s “shooting”, after the Steel and Iron drilled into the trunk layer, also followed the ‘stupid’ chase. They only know that they are chasing the infrared heat radiation of The Steel and Iron, and they don’t know how to change it.

Four Full-sized Air-To-Air guides exploded immediately after drilling into the woods. They don’t have the ‘flexible skills’ of The Steel and Iron, and they can travel freely between the trees.

Four explosions of Full-sized Air-To-Air were heard in four directions, and Shi Lei quickly asked: “Izual, report the loss of The Steel and Iron!”

“Sr, there is no loss of The Steel and Iron!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei hā hā laughed, “Izual, ruined the border secret military use warehouse, five Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides, all shot out, I want this damn border secret military use warehouse , completely disappeared!”

“As you wish, sr!” Izual controls four of The Steel and Iron, re-emerged above the canopy, targeting the secret military use warehouse at the border, and launching five Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides. .

Five Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides, with Destroy’s tail flame, flew to the border secret military use warehouse. The five Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guides, carefully calculated by Izual’s, completely cover every location of the border secret military use warehouse.

“hōng ~ hōng ~ hōng ~ hōng ~ hōng ~ ”

Five sounds of almost all-in-one explosions caused the secret military use warehouse to become ruined and became history. It became a witness to Nanyue Nation’s violation of the Xia Nation border agreement and the revenge of Xia Nation!

Four of The Steel and Iron killed the secret military use warehouse at the border, and Shi Lei did not have any preparations for this, but instead revealed a smile of evil.

“Izual, the remaining five Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air guides, aim me at Nanyue Nation five h-47Armed Helicopters, I want them to be buried for The Steel and Iron!”

“Follow, sr!” Izual returned to complied, immediately called The Steel and Iron’s aiming System, locked five h-47Armed Helicopter. Those h-47Armed Helicopters, just a kilometer away from The Steel and Iron, their drivers thought that one kilometer was exactly as stated as a Safety distance.

Only in the air, after the five Swift Arrow b-Air-To-Air guides were launched, the drivers of the h-47Armed Helicopter knew what they thought was Safety, how innocent!

The five h-47Armed Helicopters have been turned into pieces and beautiful fires!

At this moment, Xia Nation’s net world broke out completely. They kept brushing and said that Xia Nation formidable said that Xia Nation should teach Nanyue Nation. The Nanyue Nation, originally called 嚣, completely died down. They have been beaten by the four small and sleek The Steel and Iron, completely ignorant of the toy like The Steel and Iron, even fighting power so fierce and tough.

The steel and Iron, which is small in size, not only beats the huge h-47Armed Helicopter, but also escapes with the full-sized Air-To-Air of the 27Fighter. At the same time, The Steel and Iron also Destroy the border secret military use warehouse, this powerful combat power, so that all the personnel watching the stadium are shocked!

The national warfare personnel, while observing the situation of the Nanyue Nation theater, is also browsing the information in the network. Izual’s ‘Xia Nation Might ‘network paradox offensive in the whole world, published by The Steel and Iron information, made some Nation very worried. In particular, Xia Nation’s unfriendly neighbors, the annoying Wo Sang Nation, have screamed in the network, saying they want to sanction Xia Nation and prevent Xia Nation from violating its neighbors.

But are these protests screaming useful?

The powerful The Steel and Iron at this moment, accomplished a rebellious feat, and won a tough reputation for Xia Nation, a reputation that is not easy to offend!

(To be continued.)

Ps: utomt

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗