
Chapter 911

hk899 Shi Lei’s backhand, Li Jian Nation conspiracy!

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City southwest, more than 30 kilometers away from the jungle.

The current situation at Punishment Merc Warsquad is very serious. There are already three Armed Helicopters hovering over the jungle. Although these three Armed Helicopters are just h-47, which is known as the ‘easy to shoot second generation’, Ye Feng is used for secret military use. Warehouse, weapon carry only two pistol, not even assault rifle, and what weapon to deal with Armed Helicopter?

In front of the jungle, there was a vacuum with a fault. The five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad could only stay in the shadow of the jungle, and did not dare to act in order to avoid the attention of Armed Helicopter in the sky, which led to the disaster. Ye Feng They are also flesh and blood, it is impossible to play the airplane with a small pistol, there is no chance of winning.

But even later Ye Feng They can lurk in the jungle, thus avoiding being discovered by Armed Helicopter; but how should the ground force search be avoided?

This time against the secret military use warehouse in the border, Nanyue Nation made a big effort, all kinds of military forces, all at no cost to the battlefield. Three hundred paratroopers joined the secret military use warehouse battlefield through airborne.

As long as the three hundred paratroopers were within the blockade of Armed Helicopter, the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad were spared, and the “sexuality” was very small.

To make matters worse, Shi Lei found a more Despair’s information in the Military Use Internal Network of the Northern Combat Command. The Northern Combatant Command is still continuing to send more troops into the combat zone of the secret military use warehouse.

The Northern Combat Command dispatched five surrounding ground forces, bringing the total number of 1200 people. If all of these ground forces flooded into the battle zone of the secret military use warehouse, the five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad had no chance to leave.

“A’Feng, you can’t move for a while, I confirmed the situation!” Shi Lei’s pale face “color”, the expression is very anxious, the power of the State Apparatus is too strong, when you need to face the violent body of the State Apparatus alone, Shi Lei It also feels too difficult. [

“Izual, query Liu Dazhuang’s position information!” Shi Lei told Izual. At the time when Dark Hell split the way, Shi Lei had a hunch that if the Punishment Merc Warsquad was in crisis, there should be at least an emergency backup plan.

Although Shi Lei’s original plan, there is no rescue backup plan at all, but it needs Ye Feng to escape. According to the previous situation, the plan went very smoothly. Ye Feng accomplished the Task of the Devil Mercenary Corps and the secret military use warehouse fire, and also accomplished the Power Supply that cut off the border secret military use warehouse, thus interrupting the border secret. The military use warehouse and the contact of the Northern Combatant Command.

Even the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad have already followed the plan to the final step, driving the mountain off-road motorcycle ‘escape’ the border secret military use warehouse.

It was only Nanyue Nation who sent too much power to join the battlefield of the secret military use warehouse, and they had prematurely recognized the identity of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, which caused the Punishment Merc Warsquad to be trapped and threatened with life.

Nanyue Nation, the border secret military use warehouse in the jungle of Northern.

Inside a very inconspicuous pile of dead leaves, there are five people hiding the Punishment Merc Warsquad. The youngest Zhu Mingxuan, with a little worriedly said: “Captain, do you say Boss will save us?”

Ye Feng quietly: Can!

“But the situation is not very optimistic. What method does Boss use to save us?” Zhu Mingxuan actually wants to say, if Shi Lei does not come to rescue them, what should they do?

Sitting and waiting is definitely not a good choice. If you must die, Zhu Mingxuan will choose a large-scale battle to die, instead of being captured by the enemy, suffering from all kinds of torture and humiliation.

Ye Feng’s tone is firm and steady. “Boss said that if we want to save us, it will definitely save us. If Boss does not save us, he will not say how to find a solution, but will let us break through. Do you understand?”

Zhu Mingxuan nodded and chose to believe in Ye Feng, or believe in Shi Lei. Shi Lei’s has a good reputation, and for his own people, he has done what he says.

Jingya Garden.

The Izual implement command passed for half a minute, and finally feedback on the information, “sr, Ruling Security First Mid Captain Liu Dazhuang, apply for a secure voice communication connection, is it connected?”

Shi Lei quickly said: “Connect now!”

The secret voice communication connection was connected, and Shi Lei immediately asked: “Dazhuang, I am instructs you, have you done it yet?”[

“Boss, I have done it!” Liu Dazhuang’s tone, with a good fortune, “Móng Cái City has been martial law, but fortunately there is the help of Old Pan, otherwise this thing is really a bit of a mystery!”

“Old Pan?” Shi Lei is a little curiously asked, “Who is Old Pan? Why help us?”

“Old Pan is the largest car smuggler in Móng Cái City. The truck we used this time is exactly as stated by Old Pan. Boss, you don’t have to worry, Old Pan is a Xia Nation person, his reputation is very good!” Liu Dazhuang Explain, then said: “Boss, the four The Steel and Iron can take off at any time!”

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “They have taken control of them to take off, Dazhuang, lead your Squadron, rush to Meishan Island, pay attention to Safety.”

“Boss rest assured that we are in the Móng Cái City but the head of the snake, many forces are sold to us.” Liu Dazhuang hēi hēi smiled.

In a remote warehouse in Móng Cái City, four of The Steel and Iron, under the control of Izual’s, flew to the secret military use warehouse at the border of 33.7 km in an ultra-low-altitude flight.

At 33.7 kilometers, it takes only eight and a half minutes for The Steel and Iron. Considering that when approaching the theater, The Steel and Iron could not blatantly fly above the canopy, then it would need to enter the jungle space to fly, thus reducing speed. Then, the time when the four The Steel and Iron enter the theater may be delayed to ten minutes to 12 minutes.

Cut off the voice communication with Liu Dazhuang, Shi Lei immediately contacted the five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, “A’Feng, Sanpao, Liang Zi, Xingrui, and Mingxuan, support forces have been dispatched, a total of four The Steel and Iron, About ten minutes to 12 minutes, you will enter the battlefield area, you need to insist on at least so much time. The Steel and Iron have locked in your position, they will attract the attention of the enemy, you should escape from the theater as soon as possible, understand ?”

“Understand!” the five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad responded collectively.

“I will arrange the Task of The Steel and Iron first, and collect intelligence from the enemy. You must Hold On, on what you can do!” Shi Lei issued a dead order.

“Boss, we must be accomplish Task!” Ye Feng replied with a low voice.

Shi Lei temporarily stopped the contact with Punishment Merc Warsquad, quickly entered the command on the keyboard with both hands, loaded a series of commands through the Number One Server, loaded Supercomputer Origin, and mobilized the resources of wnMiwang, and finally Shi Lei confirmed Target address Intrusion.

Shi Lei is preparing to invade the GPS Global Positioning System to further determine the border military use warehouse battlefield through the GPS Global Positioning System.

Although living in the next door of Tao Wenxian, with the GPS Global Positioning System’s Third Grade Control Authority, now the Nanyue Nation border secret military use warehouse battlefield, not only by Nanyue Nation, but also other Nation’s detection satellite, is also watching The case of Nanyue Nation.

Under this circumstance, it is not worthwhile to use the Third Grade Control Authority of GPS Global Positioning System in case of being discovered by the forces of Li Jian Nation aspect, thus losing the Third Grade Control Authority of GPS Global Positioning System.

Therefore, Shi Lei prefers to invade the GPS Global Positioning System. He just needs a little query authority, and does not need any High Grade authority to let satellite change.

The GPS Global Positioning System has a high level of defense, and Shi Lei formerly can query the several pieces of GPS Global Positioning System in the Angel Parliament. Now, all the flaw information still exists, and Shi Lei easily enters the GPS Global Positioning System.

After entering the GPS Global Positioning System, Shi Lei discovered how in the GPS Global Positioning System, Shi Lei found at least twenty illegal links. These illegal links did nothing, just follow the GPS Global Positioning System. Data only. Because, GPS Global Positioning System, the current focus is the battlefield of the Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City southwest to 33.7 km, the border secret military use warehouse.

Shi Lei looked at the transmission data of the GPS Global Positioning System. He found that those illegal links were all relaying the real-time picture of the GPS Global Positioning System.

‘Damn Li Jian Nation! ‘Shi Lei understood the GPS Global Positioning System for a moment, why there are so many illegal connections, because Li Jian Nation Hope will let local World know about the local conflicts in Nanyue Nation, especially Xia Nation!

Nanyue Nation built a secret military base on the Xia Nation border, which is a violation of the border agreement between Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation. As long as Xia Nation is a little stronger, it will definitely cause friction between Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation, resulting in a regional “sex” Nation conflict.

This is why Li Jian Nation has tolerated numerous illegal links into the GPS Global Positioning System!

Just from this point of view, Li Jian Nation is really too sinister, completely deliberately provoke the dispute between Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation. What are the benefits of Li Jian Nation after the dispute between these two Nations?

That can only be said that Li Jian Nation can get a lot of benefits!

The biggest benefit, precisely as stated, is to keep Xia Nation growing faster and faster, dragging Xia Nation into the quagmire of war. Nation, who is related to war, has anyone who has gained great benefits except Li Jian Nation, the World Suspended Tyrant?

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗