
Chapter 910

hk898 quack personnel, in a desperate situation!

The Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector works primarily to detect differences from large background temperatures. Among them, in the place where the temperature is low, the blue “color” light pattern is present; in the high temperature area, the light pattern is biased toward the red color.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, with a full-covering helmet, wearing a one-piece camouflage war suit, is actually designed to prevent body temperature heat from dissipating into the air, and is different from the surrounding ambient temperature, thus being infrared Thermal Sensing Detector found.

Tracking the Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad behind the Punishment Merc Warsquad, they all also have the Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, which can also be avoided by the Armed Helicopter in the sky.

However, it is the guy of Devil Mercenary Corps, a member of Punishment Merc Warsquad, the iron guy riding on them, and no Anti-infrared Thermal Induction.

Mountain off-road motorcycles must have a powerful Engine engine in order to obtain strong off-road performance. Every powerful chemical engine engine, to be straightforward, uses Fuel’s Engine engine, which must emit numerous heat. Especially the Engine itself and the exhaust pipe.

The engine itself must be cooled to maintain normal operation; the exhaust pipe discharges the high-temperature exhaust gas released from the internal combustion of the Engine, which also causes the exhaust pipe to be very hot.

This heat becomes the object of the sky, Armed Helicopter!

In the Bluetooth headset of all members of Punishment Merc Warsquad, Shi Lei’s voice came. “Abandon the mountain off-road motorcycle immediately. More than one kilometer away from you, an Armed Helicopter is flying over. It should have detected the mountain off-road motorcycle. Heat, you only have 15 seconds to escape!”

All members of Punishment Merc Warsquad received Shi Lei’s information, with the slightest hesitation, stopped the mountain off-road motorcycle, and then abandoned the car. I want to race in the mountain jungle, riding a mountain cross-country motorcycle and Armed Helicopter, completely without Reality. If they don’t abandon the car, they have no chance of escaping. Instead, abandon the car to escape, there is a little chance. [

The member of Devil Mercenary Corps, after five seconds, heard the propeller sound of Armed Helicopter in the sky, made the same determination as Shi Lei, they directly abandoned the mountain off-road motorcycle, and did not continue to follow the direction of Ye Feng. It is to retreat to the back.

Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad’s Dick, quite capable of determining, he knows clearly that the Armed Helicopter in the sky has discovered the ground mountain off-road motorcycle. Once the person tracked by them had heard the sound of the propeller of Armed Helicopter, then the front of the personnel would definitely turn to them to find them. So they don’t go ahead and choose to run backwards.

It is a pity that Dick has the power of determination and never imagined that Ye Feng, which they tracked, is not the Nanyue Nation, but is also the enemy of Nanyue Nation.

Dick led the five members of the Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad and retired to avoid the search of Armed Helicopter in the sky.

Ye Feng leads the four members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, running fast in the mountains. They can’t take care of whether the ground will leave footprints, and the enemy will follow these footprints.

Now is not the time to worry about these issues, their current primary target is to be far enough away from the mountain off-road motorcycles to avoid being hit by them.

“hōng hōng hōng ~”

Behind the Punishment Merc Warsquad, three explosions came in, the Armed Helicopter in the sky, directly attacking the mountain off-road motorcycle of Devil Mercenary Corps, just three of the aircraft guns.

“Concealed, keep the action disabled!” Ye Feng informs other members in the Bluetooth headset network to minimize activity and reduce heat generation, thus preventing heat dissipation.

However, strange things happened. Armed Helicopter, hovering in the sky, did not directly attack the mountain off-road motorcycles that Ye Feng and others were riding. Instead, he took the initiative to contact the Center, which was because the Ye Feng five-person mountain biking motorcycle came from At the border secret military use warehouse, belonging to the real Nanyue ** party, the internal installation of the identification code of the enemy and the United States.

“hū called Command Center, call Command Center, found five mountain off-road motorcycles, according to the identification code System determine, these five mountain off-road motorcycles, origin at the s035 border secret military use warehouse. About five kilometers behind the five mountain off-road motorcycles There are several other mountain off-road motorcycles, but these mountain off-road motorcycles are not owned by us. Now, request the command of the Center.” The driver of h-47Armed Helicopter asked the Control Center to process the order.

“h004 please wait, command Center currently to check the record of the use of five motorcycles.” Command Center’s military use network, quickly found the ownership of the five military use mountain off-road motorcycles, as well as the latest dispatched signature list.

According to the record, Command Center immediately contacted Captain Tao of the s035 border secret military use warehouse, “Tao Dekai, Major rank, Patrol Captain of s035 border secret military use warehouse. Hello, here is the command center of Northern Combat Command. I would like to ask Tao Major. Before you were attacked today, you personally approved the transfer of five military use mountain-country off-road motorcycles containing our Identification Code chip. So where are these five military use mountain bikes? Who is using them?”

Tao Dekai tone with the literature network: “The five military use mountain biking motorcycles were handed over to your comrade Captain Ye of the Northern Combat Command! He took his team and left the s035 border secret military use warehouse. “”

“Tao Major, which Captain Ye?” Command Center’s personnel, the tone has always maintained a calm tone, as if there will never be any emotional flow “show”. [

“That is the Captain Ye that we sent Rice to s035 today. He just arrived at six o’clock this morning and came with a five-truck Rice.” Tao Dekai explained in detail.

The Northern Combatant Command commanded the Center’s personnel, and the tone finally changed. “Tao Major, our Northern Combat Command, did not send any personnel today, went to the s035 border secret military use warehouse. Are you sure to ask the Captain Ye? ?”

The secret military use warehouse in the warehouse and the cargo personnel, there must be no Proof of Identity documents, but in order to ensure the smooth handover of the two parties, they will always get a whisper after receiving the Task, as long as the whisper is Exactly as stated himself.

The cold sweat on Tao Dekai’s face was scared in a flash. He didn’t confuse Ye Feng at all. He didn’t get the corresponding whisper hint in the Northern Combat Command’s query System.

This is also in other words, Ye Feng is not the personnel of the Northern Combat Command at all, and the detailed information he inquired is not the feedback from the Northern Combatant Command. After all, shortly after Ye Feng arrived at the base, the s035 base was attacked, which was a bit too embarrassing.

“Tao Major, that Captain Ye is the personnel of the fake Northern Combat Command, right?” asked the Northern Combat Command, the Center’s personnel.

Tao Dekai Nai responded: “Yes! He is a fake person! I am derelict, I am willing to accept the purchase!” Tao Dekai knows that he is finished, s035 border secret military use warehouse is attacked, he does not switch .

Command Center got the exact answer and immediately fed back to h-004Armed Helicopter, numbered h47.

“h004 Please note that here is the Command Center, tracking the personnel using five of our mountain off-road motorcycles, the five personnel posing as the personnel of the Northern Combat Command, have been defined as enemies, command Center authorized Freedom to open fire!” Command Center’s personnel Commanded Armed Helicopter.

Armed Helicopter, numbered h004, immediately responded: “h004 understands that the order has been received!”


Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei has just cracked the surveillance authority of the Northern Combat Command. He listened to the All kinds of intelligence information of the Command Center in the Internal Network of the Northern Combatant Command.

All the intelligence information will be determined by Izual once, and Izual will filter the information that determines the keywords that match the Shi Lei settings. For example, just the fake information of the personnel, Izual was specially screened for Shi Lei.

Shi Lei looked at the information that Izual screened. It was a bit paler because of the pale face of the day and night. He contacted the five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad through a Bluetooth headset. “Punishment Merc Warsquad Please note that you have been marked as a person by Nanyue Nation and become the absolute enemy of Nanyue Nation.”

“Boss, what direction should we go now, is it possible to get out of the danger?” Ye Feng asked Shi Lei and Hope got Shi Lei’s remote support.

Unfortunately, Shi Lei temporarily provides remote support!

“A’Feng, the temporary law provides mapinformation, you use compass to guide, your final destination is Meishan Island, once you arrive at Meishan Island, you are safe!” Shi Lei said with a regret.

Ye Feng did not express dissatisfaction or other attitudes. He just responded: “Understood, Boss.”

Over the jungle, Armed Helicopter, numbered h004, called for support from other Armed Helicopters. If the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad are temporarily leaving the danger area of ​​the secret military use warehouse, I am afraid they are really dangerous!

Punishment Merc Warsquad is the sharpest sharp knife in Shi Lei’s hand. Shi Lei is not Hope. He lost the Punishment Merc Warsquad, but the damn Devil Mercenary Corps suddenly killed, and Shi Lei is also against.

Two minutes later, Punishment Merc Warsquad was in the jungle, and three Armed Helicopters had been gathered. Ye Feng looked at the jungle fault not far away. He contacted Shi Lei: “Boss, we are in a desperate situation. The jungle in front appears. The fault continued, and we continued to isolate the threat from the sky. There were also paratroopers tracking the personnel, Nanyue Nation, and they were able to arrive at fifteen minutes at the latest. Boss, what should we do now?”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗