
Chapter 912

hk900 screaming, Xia Nation Might!

Li Jian Nation, the World Suspended Tyrant, has the title of ‘World Police Force’ and has long been arrogant in the whole world. It is said that ‘Ye Wan people admire, whoever dissatisfied will fight! ‘

After entering the new millennium, Xia Nation’s national strength has developed very rapidly. World Suspended Tyrant Li Jian Nation has long wanted to pack up Xia Nation, the development speed of restriction Xia Nation, so that Xia Nation will not develop too fast, affecting Li Jian Nation ‘ Ten thousand people admire the ‘status’.

Just World Suspended Tyrant Li Jian Nation has never found an opportunity, because Xia Nation has [Peace Halo] and [Millennia Turtle] dual sex, and how to provoke World Suspended Tyrant Li Jian Nation, Xia Nation just ignores.

However, this time World Suspended Tyrant Li Jian Nation finally found a good opportunity. Nanyue Nation open to the public violated the border agreement with Xia Nation to establish a secret military use base at the border. If Xia Nation is a Millennia Turtle and plays the ninja turtle, I am afraid that Nation around Xia Nation will all learn Nanyue Nation, in flagrant violation of the border agreement with Xia Nation.

In front of Xia Nation is a dilemma, either to swallow and accept the blatant arrogance of the surrounding Nation; or to tear up the mask of peace and find Nanyue Nation to settle accounts. However, it is not good to decide which kind of choice Xia Nation is!

The illegal link inside the GPS Global Positioning System passes the images of the GPS Global Positioning System to the major video websites of the whole world, allowing the people of the whole world to share the military conflicts within the Nanyue Nation.

In general, Li Jian Nation’s three intelligence agencies will jointly block the bad information in the network, but they are not only blocked, but have a tendency to help.

Within the GPS Global Positioning System, Shi Lei even discovered the shadow of Xia Nation Hacker. Shi Lei, while monitoring the data of the GPS Global Positioning System, commands Izual to track the information of Xia Nation Hacker.

Originally, Shi Lei thought that Izual couldn’t catch up with Xia Nation Hacker’s Identity Information. Because it can independently invade the Hacker of GPS Global Positioning System, how can I catch the other side with Izual and Black Magic Software alone? [

However, the result was out of Shi Lei’s surprise. Black Magic Software and Izual joined together and actually tracked Xia Nation Hacker to the real paddress!

This is not the mysterious addition of Black Magic Software and Izual. It is the ‘Hacker’ dish of the ‘invasion’ GPS Global Positioning System. There is no too much defense measure at all. Caught by Izual.

“sr, has locked the other party’s real paddress, and queried the real address, whether to notify the relevant department?” Izual asked Shi Lei to process the opinion.

Shi Lei shook his head and rejected Izual’s treatment plan, “Izual, maintaining GPS Global Positioning System monitoring, paying attention to any intrusion data. I have to see for myself, this Xia Nation Hacker, what the guy is!”

Izual took over Shi Lei’s monitoring data inside the GPS Global Positioning System. Shi Lei set out to handle the Black Magic Software and Izual intrusion channels and entered the Xia Nation Hacker’s computer.

Shi Lei secretly scanned the computer system’s hardware inside the Xia Nation Hacker’s computer and found that the computer used by the Xia Nation Hacker was just an Ordinary home computer.

If you use a home computer, you can black out the GPS Global Positioning System. If there is such an Expert, Shi Lei should also properly give him a sneak peek into the 跪 模式 mode.

This Ordinary home computer will simultaneously transmit the monitoring data obtained by the GPS Global Positioning System to a well-known video site of Xia Nation, allowing the users of Xia Nation to view it casually. Xia Nation’s network and World network are separated by a Great Wall FIRE wall. This FIRE wall is very exaggerated, and it isolates the 99% point netizens from browsing the overseas websites.

‘A good Li Jian Nation, a murder a person with a borrowed knife! ‘Shi Lei in the heart sneer, this ‘invasion’ GPS Global Positioning System’s ‘Hacker’ is clearly the rhythm of the Li Jian Nation’s personnel.

Xia Nation On a famous video website, Nanyue Nation’s regional clash event was broadcast live on the website homepage, and also used the bright red title Pulling Hostility: ‘Nanyue Nation deliberate attack Xia Nation, border military base exposure! ‘

In addition to these, the homepage of the video website was also opened to the review section, and a well-known military comment Specialist Teacher Zhang was also invited to comment on the border military base of Nanyue Nation in the website review section. event.

In the review section, Host and the invited Teacher Zhang talk to each other in words:

Host: Teacher Zhang, for Nanyue Nation to build a secret military base on the border with China, and also caused regional chaos, how do you view this issue.

Teacher Zhang: This is absolutely a violation of the border agreement with our country by Nanyue Nation. According to the agreement between our Nation and Nanyue Nation, in order to maintain peace on the border, no military base can be built except for the express border stations and gateways. Nanyue Nation secret The construction of military bases is a serious violation of the promises of each other. Our Nation has privilege to ask Nanyue Nation to explain.

Host :Teacher Zhang, Nanyue Nation made such a big mistake, can we just ask Nanyue Nation to explain? [

Teacher Zhang: We will also condemn the actions of Nanyue Nation, strongly protest, and ask Nanyue Nation open to the public to apologize to us.


Shi Lei looked at the information content in the review section and almost laughed. This is definitely the content of Li Jian Nation professional personnel. They actually understand Teacher Zhang’s speaking habits, as if they were really Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang’s comments are very unloved by the majority of netizens, which just provoked the anger of the majority of netizens and was used by Li Jian Nation’s ulterior motives.

This Li Jian Nation personnel, which uses the means of network to deliberately create rumors and events, is precisely as stated. The so-called network agent, referred to as Net!

Shi Lei didn’t take care of these nets, just looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, then picked up the cell phone and dialed a number, waiting for a moment, the phone was connected.

“Hello? Shi Lei, what are you looking for?” Ling Yuguo’s voice came over and hesitated a little. He then asked: “What happened on the Internet?”

On the network, the Nanyue Nation area conflict, the Center point position is exactly as stated Ling Yuguo handed over to Shi Lei’s target, and Shi Lei called in such a coincidence time, had to let Ling Yuguo doubt, all this It was Shi Lei’s big move.

“Uncle Ling, this is the Third target!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Ling Yuguo Some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “Shi Lei, I’m letting you secretly “touch” and “touch” to kill this target, not everyone who knows the whole world. You look at the current situation. It’s already out of control, and it’s a dilemma for Nation. How are you going to deal with it now?”

Shi Lei hā hā A smile, “Those Li Jian Nation’s Net special, online rumoring us Nation is a millennium soft egg, a thousand years old. In addition to condemnation and warning, absolutely no other actions. If we have action in Nation What?”

Ling Yuguo directly denied: “Impossible! Shi Lei, with the big picture in mind, we can’t give excuses to Li Jian Nation, let them drag us into the war of Abyss.”

“Xia Nation Official will not, but other forces will! As long as the time comes, the outside forces agree that Xia Nation does, but Xia Nation Official does not admit that it is done by himself, on Nanyue Nation or Li Jian Nation. I can’t help Xia Nation at all.” Shi Lei pleased said.

Li Jian Nation’s nets have their own good plans, and Shi Lei also has his own wall ladder. You will know better if you are better than one. The network agent is doing this on the Internet, and Shi Lei is not a newcomer.

Ling Yuguo was silent for a while, and replied affirmatively: “Well, then you can do it!” Ling Yuguo’s answer is that he supports Shi Lei’s practice, while Ling Yuguo’s support represents the Ling family. stand by.

Shi Lei hangs up and contacts the Punishment Merc Warsquad via a Bluetooth headset: “A’Feng, what’s the situation on your side?”

“Boss, the situation is normal, we are still waiting in the same place. However, the Armed Helicopter overhead is still hovering, we can’t find a chance to leave.” Ye Feng responded to Shi Lei.

“Open your p, I will send you a mapinformation for you, which contains your escape route. In addition, after three minutes of twenty seconds, the four The Steel and Iron will arrive in the theater, you are ready to escape.” Shi Lei Look at the flight path of The Steel and Iron.

Ye Feng is slightly sighed in relief. Although Ye Feng is willing to make even a decision to sacrifice, who can die without death?

Waiting time of more than three minutes, suspected to be the toughest moment, Shi Lei used the Voice Command to Izual: “Izual, start the network paradox plan, implement ‘Xia Nation Might’ code scheme!”

“sr, start the Xia Nation Might program, what is the event to do hype?” Izual asked.

‘Xia Nation Might ‘network’s public opinion program, mainly Shi Lei’s counterattack against Li Jian Nation, is just a big framework, and there is no specific small plan.

Shi Lei quickly ordered Izual to convert the current situation into command voice, let Izual go to the implement network and attack the Xia Nation.

“sr, the command analysis is completed, and the corresponding Action Plan is generated currently. The Action Plan is analyzed. Is the immediate implementation of the ‘Xia Nation Might’ program?”

Shi Lei nodded and watched The Steel and Iron arrive at the battlefield for more than a minute. He laughed hēi hēi.

Izual got the Shi Lei’s command and immediately launched the network paradox of ‘Xia Nation Might’ in the entire World Internet…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗