
Chapter 909

hk897 group machine pressure Devil!

Nanyue Nation, May twenty four days, 6:37 in the morning.

Utu Stan’s face is very ugly to use the telescope, looking at the two Su-27Fighter in the sky, swearing: “sht! What is the situation, even the Su 27Fighter is sent out!”

The emergence of Su 27Fighter made Utu Stan understand the seriousness of the situation. Even if Utu Stan is a Chrysanthemum Pig, I know that the situation is not right. The border base of this secret is absolutely impossible to be the stronghold of Mr. M, but the really important military base of Nanyue Nation.

Otherwise, Nanyue Nation can’t dispatch Su 27Fighter!

Two Su-27Fighter locks the Battlefield area, gradually lowering the High Degree, and hovering around the Battlefield area. If there is anything wrong, the guide of the 27Fighter will be with the slightest hesitation. Go out.

“Concealed and distracted, fast retreat!” Utu Stan rushed to retreat the order, “all retreat, heard no, fast retreat!”

Currently in the jungle, after tracking the Ye Feng five people’s Fifth Main War Squad, after receiving the order, Little Captain Dick quickly asked: “Leader Utu, we are about to catch up with the five people who fled, are you going to retreat now?”

“Retreat! We are fooled. Here is the extremely important military use base of Nanyue Nation. The Nanyue Nation aspect has sent Su 27Fighter. You will retreat directly. You don’t have to return to the team. Let’s go to the agreed Third assembly point and wait for us. If we are not in agreement Time is up, you can find a way to leave!” Utu Stan, as the Devil Mercenary Corps Fourth Leader, has considerable courage and even the possibility that he can’t escape.

“Received, Leader Utu!” Dick received the order and continued to pretend to track five people like Ye Feng. They wanted to catch up with Ye Feng and others and kill them. Now, they just want to follow Ye Feng and others and escape from this place. [

Dick deliberately reduced the speed of off-road motorcycles, prevented too much pressure on the front Ye Feng, and suddenly stopped to find them desperately. A minute ago, Dick refused to stop Ye Feng. But now, this time!

In front, Ye Feng carefully determines the Engine sound coming from the rear, comparing the strength of the Engine sounds before and after, so as to how far the trailing soldiers are from them.

“Brothers, beware, the trailing chasing down reduces the speed of chasing, there may be traps in front, or there are enemies blocking us.” Ye Feng tells the rest of the Punishment Merc Warsquad through the Bluetooth headset.

Shi Lei suddenly started talking: “Don’t worry, you continue to leave at the fastest speed. The secret military use warehouse on the border, Devil Mercenary Corps has encountered trouble, and the enemy behind you, I am afraid not to track the attack now, but It is to use you to lead the way.”

Devil Mercenary Corps and Dark Hell’s personnel, which were originally similar to the fire, now have a rhythm of running together, and have to say that there is a bit of irony. Unfortunately, Devil Mercenary Corps still doesn’t know the top five, not the power of the Nanyue Nation Official.

“Received, Boss!” Ye Feng responded to Shi Lei.

The secret military use outside the warehouse, Devil Mercenary Corps’s four Main War Squad, and more than 80 Ordinary personnel, orderly retreat, did not show a little bit of panic.

Su 27Fighter is amazing, what about it? Is it possible for Su 27Fighter to fly down to attack the individual soldier on the ground? Unless the driver of the 27Fighter is willing to use the Air-To-Surface guide. Use the Air-To-Surface guide for the individual soldier target, unless the driver of this Su 27 is stupid x!

However, it is indeed impossible for Su 27 to land down against a single soldier target, but Armed Helicopter is completely Possible! Armed Helicopter’s main target, effectively as stated ground armor and individual target.

Two Su-27Fighters hovered at a low altitude of about 500 meters, and more than ten h-47Helicopters appeared on the edge of the theater. Their appearance made Devil Mercenary Corps anxious.

Armed Helicopter is very threatening to individual forces, although h-47 has the ‘easy to shoot second generation’ nickname, but it is in the case of High-tech weapon, if only basic firearm such as rifle and Sub-machine Gun, Without the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, there is no single rocket launcher, and the Ordinary base firearm does not pose much threat to it.

In addition, before Devil Mercenary Corps shot down two h-47Helicopters, the new arrival of h-47Armed Helicopter was a bit cautious. Moreover, the sky color changes with time, and even if h-47Armed Helicopter’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector is shielded by Devil Mercenary Corps’ Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, they can also use the naked eye to find Target .

For example, now two h-47Armed Helicopters, through the naked eye, may have enemies of Devil Mercenary Corps hidden in the woods. The two h-47Armed Helicopter, on-board aviation machine guns immediately fired.

“哒dá dá dá ~ ~”

The large-caliber aviation machine gun hits all the trees that are in front of the muzzle into shredded wood chips. In the woods, there were a few screams. It was the ordinary member of Devil Mercenary Corps. After being hit by the aviation machine gun, he screamed involuntarily. [

Perhaps the screams of their death were concealed in the noise of the propeller manufacturing, and the law caught the attention of Armed Helicopter. However, when they died, the hot blood sprinkled, absolutely avoiding the search of Armed Helicopter.

Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, when shredded by the large-caliber air machine gun, the heat from the hot blood caused the attention of the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, Armed Helicopter immediately scanned the hot Induction image and further confirmed There are indeed enemies in the jungle.

“All units noticed that here is Command Center, h012 found the enemy, the enemy fighter wears Anti-infrared Thermal Induction to detect Equipment, authorizes all attack units, Freedom attack has no target for Identification Code.” Command Center received the number h012Armed Helicopter After the report, the specific reasons were analyzed immediately, and then the order was passed to each combat unit.

Command Center’s command delivery uses synchronous satellite technology, anti-interference ability is quite strong, and the real-time transmission of information is guaranteed. Shi Lei also desires to have a private satellite, which is convenient for all kinds of devices.

More than a dozen Armed Helicopter, after receiving the command of the Command Center, no longer search for the confirmed target, only formally implement the attack, but after discovering any suspicious targets, there is no attack code directly, and then directly attack.

This move is obviously receiving the miraculous effect. How can the ground personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps be in the maneuvering speed aspect, beyond the sky’s Armed Helicopter? Devil Mercenary Corps hides off-road motorcycles located one kilometer from the border military use warehouse. Therefore, the member of Devil Mercenary Corps can only be hidden in the jungle.

More than a dozen Armed Helicopter, after the fire, the numerous Devil Mercenary Corps member, was hit by a stream made by Armed Helicopter. In the battlefield, the flow is quite dangerous. Because they don’t know these streams at all, they will fly in what direction and how to avoid them.

Seeing that the attack method is effective, more than a dozen Armed Helicopters are more energetic. Their “fighting” is a personnel, not only using the aviation machine gun attack, but even the rocket launcher is also used.

The rocket launcher sends a “shoot” in the nest, and the rocket flies out and shoots out, dragging the fire of a “fan”. A kilometer away, Devil Mercenary Corps Fourth Leader Utu Stan looked at the distant scene with a telescope. His gnashing teeth whispered: “Damn Raphael, damn Mr. M, you are all beasts. Hey!”

The secret military use outside the warehouse, Devil Mercenary Corps currently suffered a huge loss of personnel, whether it is Main War Squad or Ordinary fighter, all the heavy losses.

However, this is not the worst case. Because according to the current situation, there are at least a small number of Devil Mercenary Corps personnel, have the opportunity to escape. There was a huge propeller sound in the sky. The sound of this propeller was completely different from that of the Helicopter propeller. At this time, the propeller sound from the sky was even more shocking.

Utu Stan quickly lifted the telescope and wanted to see what monsters were in the sky. It’s a dandelion-like parachute!

Nanyue Nation In order to seize the mysterious forces that attacked the secret military use warehouse on the border, this time a big cost was incurred, even the paratroopers were dispatched.

Utu Stan looked at the paratroopers in the sky, and the body shook a little, as if to faint.

“sonofbth!” Utu Stan couldn’t help but scream loudly. The original Armed Helicopter had spread the encirclement and formed an irregular circular encircle with a border military use warehouse as the center and a diameter of more than ten kilometers. Utu Stan is in this circular encirclement, he knows he can’t escape!

Devil Mercenary Corps initially entered the six Main War Squad of Nanyue Nation and one hundred Ordinary fighters, almost all of which were ruined at Nanyue Nation this time.

The only ones that escaped from Hope were the six people of the Fifth Main War Squad who were following Ye Feng. They were driving mountain biking and were likely to rush out of the encirclement.

Utu Stan in the heart Hope Fifth Main War Squad escaped. Although the Fifth Main War Squad escaped, he also rushed in to rescue him. At least the Person Main War Squad’s personnel can return to Devil Mercenary Corps Headquarters and report to Nanyue Nation. The situation, which caused some trouble for Raphael.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s command to attack Nanyue Nation is entirely Raphael’s plan, and the situation of Nanyue Nation, in Utu Stan’s view, is completely the wrong information given by Raphael. Then, Raphael needs to pay a serious price.

Of course, this is just the idea that poor Utu Stan will have. If the remaining three Great Giants of Angel Parliament know this idea, they can only tell him with a smile, he wants more Right?

Deep in the jungle, Ye Feng was driving on a mountain off-road motorcycle. Ye Feng also wore Anti-infrared Thermal Induction Detection War Suit, which was discovered by Armed Helicopter in the sky. However, it is not only Ye Feng that they radiate infrared heat radiation.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗