
Chapter 908

hk896 jungle tracking, Nanyue troop!

At the rear exit of the mountain where the secret military use warehouse is located, Ye Feng controls the off-road motorcycle while talking through the Bluetooth headset: “Brothers, note that 100% will be attacked after we have a mountain. Devil Mercenary Corps’ personnel We are ambushing outside, we have to be careful.”

Zheng Sanpao cautiously said: “Brother Feng, is the ambush of Devil Mercenary Corps?”

Chen Xingrui with some worried feelings, “Captain, if it is the Main War Squad of Devil Mercenary Corps, what should we do?”

In the early hours of the morning, Punishment Merc Warsquad and Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad had already confronted each other. For the combat power of the Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad, the members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad are very clear.

The combat power of Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad is not inferior to the member of Punishment Merc Warsquad. The strength of the two sides is equally divided into autumn colors. The factors that determine the outcome of the battle are mainly the terrain advantage and the advantages of the equipment, as well as the number of personnel. Advantage three aspect.

Now, Devil Mercenary Corps clearly has the upper hand. If they set up an ambush at the exit behind the mountain, they must have a favorable terrain, waiting for the Punishment Merc Warsquad to arrive, or other enemies walking right into a trap.

Ma Liang suddenly hēi hēi blame said with a smile: “Devil Mercenary Corps If the little scorpions dare to lie outside, I will definitely call them wow!” Ma Liang’s jokes, let the slightly nervous atmosphere dissipate, Punishment The member of Merc Warsquad regained confidence.

“Well, everyone should not talk. After they rush out, they will follow me immediately. We will rush into the jungle and have a greater chance of escaping from the jungle!” Ye Feng made the final decision.

Five Nanyue ** used off-road motorcycles and rushed out of the Back Door of the secret military use warehouse. They just rushed out of the Back Door of the secret military use warehouse. Ye Feng immediately led the members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad to change the direction of travel. The small slope on the left rushed into the jungle. [

Although the road is more difficult to pass in the jungle, the jungle’s line of sight is blocked, and the “shooting” target will also be affected. Therefore, Ye Feng chose the jungle.

Devil Mercenary Corps personnel, who are behind the secret military use warehouse, are Fifth Main War Squad and Little Captain is Dick, with a total of seven members.

The order they got was to annihilate all the personnel from the border secret military use warehouse and escaped. When Ye Feng was driving a cross-country motorcycle, the member of Fifth Main War Squad was originally preparing for attack Ye Feng and others. However, Ye Feng and others chose to escape into the jungle, which is different from the original set script of Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad.

In front of the Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad, there are now two roads.

First, give up the original task objectives and track five people like Ye Feng. However, Ye Feng and other five people with full-coverage motorcycle helmet, Devil Mercenary Corps Fifth Main War Squad, do not know who Ye Feng and others are.

Second, let go of five people like Ye Feng and continue to stay at the Back Door of the secret military use warehouse at the border, waiting for more personnel to escape. Because, they are afraid that Ye Feng is just a bait and swindles them to leave the chess piece.

On what is the case, for the Fifth Main War Squad, it is not a good choice. Fifth Main War Squad’s Captain Dick, immediately contacted Devil Mercenary Corps’ Fourth Leader Utu Stan.

“Leader Utu, just inside the target, there are five personnel driving off-road motorcycles and fleeing into the jungle. Are we chasing?” Dick asked.

Utu Stan took a moment to think about it and immediately responded: “Leave a person to continue to defend, you chase with the rest of the members. I will arrange other personnel to take over your position, don’t let the five people escape!”

“Understand!” Dick responded immediately, then told the member of Fifth Main War Squad: “Little Keton stays, wait for a while for other Fraternity to help you defend. The rest of the brothers chase the five guys with me!”

Deans Mercenary Corps used the means of transportation, which is also a motocross. They drove off-road motorcycles and followed the wheel marks left by five people like Ye Feng.

The traces of the wheels left by the off-road motorcycles in the jungle are very obvious. It is completely unwilling to clean up the traces of the wheels. It is better to run a little longer when it takes time to clear the wheels.

Ye Feng Five people driving off-road motorcycles between the jungles, trying to get off faster and harder with Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad is definitely not a good idea.

“Brother Feng, the Idiot of Devil Mercenary Corps, didn’t seem to be chasing us?” Ma Liang asked.

Ye Feng didn’t answer accurately. “Don’t mess” guess, keep the fastest speed, leave this danger area. Even though Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad, choose not to follow us. However, the reinforcement of Nanyue Nation is about to For a wide range of searches, if we are caught by the Nanyue ** party, the consequences do not need me to say Right?”[

Ma Liang 讪said with a smile : “Brother Feng, I know!”

Behind the jungle, the Fifth Main War Squad stayed in the secret military use warehouse outside the border, and the remaining six members all chased them up. Their total number is still one more than the Punishment Merc Warsquad. However, there is no geographical advantage between the two sides.

Listening to the rear motocross Engine sound, Ye Feng quickly said through the Bluetooth headset: “Brothers are careful, the guys at Devil Mercenary Corps are catching up, we try not to get in touch with them.”

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei took an all-nighter and the spirit was already sluggish. He continued to pay attention to the situation of Nanyue Nation, waiting for the final result. Shi Lei squeezed a cold sweat when he heard that Ye Feng and others were being followed by Devil Mercenary Corps.

‘Damn Devil Mercenary Corps, damn Nanyue Nation, why haven’t you killed each other yet! ‘Shi Lei in the heart cursed.

In fact, Shi Lei’s wish has been fulfilled because Devil Mercenary Corps killed two h-47Armed Helicopters dispatched by the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command, which provoked the anger and determination of the Northern Combat Command.

Northern Combat Command.

A staff member of the Air Command Center reported to the Head of the Air Command Center: “Head Cao, the two h-47Armed Helicopters we dispatched, just entered the battlefield of the secret military use warehouse on the border and immediately lost the signal. So far, two h-47 feedback signals have not been received. We have determined that two h-47Armed Helicopters have been destroyed by the enemy.”

Staff personnel are afraid that the bad news is not enough. Continue to say: “In addition, we lost contact with the secret military use warehouse on the border. After multiple analysis and discussion, we determine the possible “sex” of the secret military use warehouse. Some of the possible “sex” of the fall are as high as Sixty, and the possible “sex” of the twenty, destroying the Communications System of the secret military use warehouse at the border.”

The main person-in-charge of the Air Command Center is Cao Ming. His face is “colorful” and he growls and asks: “Who can tell me who is attacking the border secret military use warehouse? How do the enemy know the border secret? Military use The location of the warehouse?”

The secret military use warehouse, the reason is called ‘secret”s military use warehouse, that in other words The location of this warehouse is information, even if it is related to staff personnel, only know the warehouse code s035, but not the specifics of the warehouse. position.

“Head Cao, don’t be impatient, the border secret military use warehouse was attacked, maybe not a bad thing!” is a Forty-old middle-aged man named Huang He’an, who is the Air Command Center. The total dispatch is also the subordinate of Cao Ming’s confidant.

“Old Huang, what do you think?” Cao Ming asked a little calmly.

Huang and Anzui’s horns showed a smile. “Head Cao, some time ago, our Nation’s border safety, there was a huge issue, isn’t that right? Although there is a famous terrorist Laden taking the initiative, everyone is not Believe in this result.”

Cao Ming’s eyes lit up. “Old Huang, you mean this time attacking the personnel of the secret military use warehouse s035, exactly as stated the front two times of the crime committed?”

Huang and An smiled, not sure, nor denied. As for the personnel attacking the border secret military use warehouse s035, is it the first two times to attack the border station and the mysterious personnel of the border military use airport, just grab them and say they are that!

“Head Cao, if you seize the mysterious power of the safety of our borders, it is a great achievement. So, this is not a bad thing, right?” Huang and Ann smiled lightly.

Cao Minghēi hēi smiled. “Come on the border of the secret military use warehouse. The rescue force around the warehouse s035. In addition, connect me to the Hanoi Air Force Base and I will talk to them!”


The secret military use warehouse, due to the left hand of Zheng Sanpao, made the issue of the secret military use inside the warehouse Power Supply. Although it is already 6 o’clock in the morning, the sky is getting brighter. Can lose Power Supply, still make the border secret military use warehouse very passive.

At least, some devices that require Power Supply will continue to operate!

In this case, the defensive side of the secret military use warehouse, which was already at a disadvantage, was further caught in a dilemma, and the mountain pass was almost lost.

The emergence of two Armed Helicopters gave Utu Stan of Devil Mercenary Corps a vigilance. However, after all, it was only two backward h-47Armed Helicopters. There was not much threat, and they were killed directly. Utu Stan was not alert because of his vigilance.

“Accelerate the speed of attack and break through the mountain pass as soon as possible!” Utu Stan gave orders and he was about to lose patience.

However, Utu Stan just finished the order and there were two roars in the sky. The roar, unlike the rhythmic roar of the propeller, is the jet engine, the kind of high-speed jet roar…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗