
Chapter 907

hk895 light base, Devil is armed!

Nanyue Nation, the border secret military use warehouse.

Captain Tao watched Ye Feng five people, riding off-road motorcycles, listening to Little Nguyen’s words, his face revealing a mysterious smile, said in a strange tone: “Little Nguyen, I seem to forget to tell Captain Ye a message!”

Little Nguyen didn’t hear the eccentricity of Captain Tao, with a bit of resentment: “Captain Tao, what have you forgotten to say? Let them bring words to the Northern Combatant Command, let the Northern Combat Command come to rescue us? ”

“No!” Captain Tao deliberately sighed, as if talking to himself, with a deep regret of “color”, “Little Nguyen, I forgot to say, according to the report of the patrol, attack our mystery The forces, not only in the frontal attack of the foothills, but also the retreat behind the foothills, our hidden sentry also lost contact!”

“This…” Little Nguyen was shocked. “Captain Tao, what if those guys are all dead?”

Captain Tao snorted, he just pretended to be scared by what ‘special identity’, but Captain Tao is not afraid at all, or Captain Tao has designed everything, with a perfect explanation.

“Little Nguyen, do you think Captain Ye is running away?” Captain Tao did not wait for Little Nguyen to answer, and continued: “Captain Ye feels that we have met the trouble, he took the initiative to take the Task to attract the enemy behind. The enemies behind the foothills are too strong, our Captain Ye and his lead members, heroic sacrifice! As the Patrol Captain of the s035 warehouse, I recommend granting the title of Captain Ye ‘heroes’, thanks to Captain Ye for us Thanks to the contribution of the s035 warehouse!”

Little Nguyen looked at Captain Tao with her eyes, and her tone suddenly became very damn. “Captain Tao, you are so smart, I like you very much!”

Captain Tao scorned Little Nguyen’s chin, hēi hēi smiled and said: “Little Nguyen, when we repel the mysterious forces attacking the personnel, I will ‘clean up’ you!”

“Èn! Captain Tao, are we calling for reinforcements?” Little Nguyen said with a little concern. “This attack on the personnel seems to be very powerful. It seems to be the person who caused the front two times border crisis. If only our guards Personnel, I am afraid it is difficult to resist them.”

Captain Tao caressed Little Nguyen’s tender face and comforted: “Little Nguyen, don’t be afraid, we called the reinforcements as early as the attack. There are still two minutes, the nearest Armed Helicopter , will arrive at our location.”

Little Nguyen sighed in relief, my eyes looked at Captain Tao, and the voice softly said: “This is good! Captain Tao, I will go back to the dormitory to take a shower.”

Captain Tao nodded, “Go! Wait for me!”

Nanyue Nation, the border of the military use of the warehouse, the entrance to the mountain.

The offense of Devil Mercenary Corps has caused more deaths than the Forty name, and Devil Mercenary Corps has not seen any combat downsizing. If it weren’t for the purpose of avoiding war damage, Devil Mercenary Corps had long rushed to crush the defense personnel at the secret military use warehouse.

Utu Stan ordered Devil Mercenary Corps to steadily attack, don’t worry to compete for size, and try to reduce the damage of the party. After all, Devil Mercenary Corps lost a Third Main War Squad, and also died an Elite sniper and eighteen Ordinary fighters. If there is a large-scale battle damage, it is difficult to guarantee that Raphael will not take the opportunity to make a fuss, puniment Utu Stan.

However, Devil Mercenary Corps’s cautious strategy, if placed in the Africa area, is absolutely nothing wrong. It can only be a big mistake for the border forces of Nanyue Nation.

It was only on the border of Nanyue Nation that there was an issue, and they always wanted to capture the power to destroy their borders. This time, when the border secret military use warehouse was attacked, they immediately sent a rescue organization to the surrounding base, that is, the other military bases around the secret military use warehouse, all of which were attacked by the border secret military use warehouse. The news, and according to the regulations of the Nanyue Nation Nation Defense Bureau, they must go to the rescue.

Two h-47Armed Helicopters, currently rushed to the border secret military use warehouse.

The h-47Armed Helicopter driver, who is the main processor, calls the Center at present. “Command Center, command Center, here is Bobcat One, 50 seconds later, will enter the theater, please command Center to give orders.”

“Bobcat One, command Center Command, destroy the enemy, cooperate with the ground forces, capture at least two captives! Repeat orders, destroy the enemy, cooperate with the ground forces, and catch at least two prisoners!” Command Center responded to Bobcat One.

“Bobcat One received, the order understood!” Bobcat One h-47Armed Helicopter, the huge propeller in the air, stirring a lot of sound.

Yamaguchi, the currently attacking Devil Mercenary Corps, heard the propeller sound of the h-47Armed Helicopter. Little Captain Stansey of Sixth Main War Squad, immediately reported to Utu Stan via a line headset.

“Leader Utu, we heard the Helicopter’s propeller sound!” Stansey only reported the situation and did not come up with any self-explanatory answers. [

Utu Stan’s face is “rut” and seems to feel something wrong, “the direction of the sound!”

Stansey waited a little for a moment, trying to determine the direction of the Helicopter propeller sound, “Leader Utu, the sound comes from the southwest direction.”

Utu Stan didn’t say much, but immediately turned his head and looked through the telescope to the southwest, high-definition telescope with the Night Vision Function, and clearly saw the h-47Armed Helicopter flying southwest.

“h-47Armed Helicopter?Nanyue Nation is Nanyue Nation, a poor and backward country. This old Armed Helicopter didn’t expect the Boeing Company to sell its design drawings to Nanyue Nation!” Utu Stan saw through the telescope When I was in the sky, I laughed at h-47Armed Helicopter.

h-47Armed Helicopter is an attack Helicopter designed and manufactured by Boeing Company. It was originally replaced by ‘easy to shoot’ uh-1. It can only be replaced by the Bell Helicopter Company’s h-4 Cobra Helicopter after only producing the 1 frame.

Only four miserable products have been produced. Naturally, there are defects of various sorts and varieties. It is called ‘easy to shoot down the second generation’. The Boeing Company has always invested in research and development costs. In order to recover the cost loss of R&D investment, Boeing Company is naturally looking for Pick up the man.

Nanyue Nation At the Armed Helicopter aspect, there is no data and direction to develop at all. Maybe h-47Armed Helicopter looks very unreliable in Li Jian Nation. In the eyes of Nanyue Nation, it is a big Gold Mountain.

Boeing Company and Nanyue Nation happily reached the secret agreement and transferred the design drawings of h-47Armed Helicopter to Nanyue Nation. Therefore, Nanyue Nation developed h-47Armed Helicopter.

Devil Mercenary Corps has long been in the Africa region and is facing the advanced Armed Helicopter in the battles in the Africa region. Like the h-47Armed Helicopter, the defective “color”, Devil Mercenary Corps is not at all!

“All the attention, eight points twenty points around southwest direction, two h-47Armed Helicopter is expected to enter the battlefield after thirty seconds. Seventh Main War Squad, Eighth Main War Squad, kill them separately! Only success, no failure, no personnel Casualties!” Utu Stan arrogantly ordered.

Devil Mercenary Corps’ guy, in the early hours of the morning, suffered a big loss at Dark Hell’s Cheng Dong Stronghold. This offensive was either the Main War Squad or the Ordinary fighter, all equipped with the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector war suit. To prevent aiming by the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector.

More than six o’clock in the sky, the light is not bright enough, two h-47Armed Helicopter, relying mainly on the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector to find the enemy. However, Devil Mercenary Corps members all wore anti-Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector war suit, h-47Armed Helicopter in the sky, and could not find them.

When two h-47Armed Helicopters entered the battlefield, the personnel of the Nanyue Nation border secret military use warehouse were all sighed in relief. However, in the next moment, almost ten fire tongues broke through the sky, and then two red radiances lit up in the sky, dispelling the remaining Dark, followed by a loud noise.

The two h-47Armed Helicopters had just arrived on the battlefield and were shot down Destroy because of the inconsistency of the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector war suit.

Nanyue Nation border inside the secret military use warehouse, Ye Feng five people driving off-road motorcycles, rushing to the rear of the hill where the secret military use warehouse is located.

They carry the full-coverage motorcycle helmet, via the cell phone network Bluetooth headset contact, “Sanpao, your previous layout, no issue Right?”

Zheng Sanpao inside the secret military use warehouse, some places where the defense is not tight, will be a lot of plastic bombing, placed on the power cable, as long as these plastic bombs all explode, the border secret military use warehouse Power Supply, A serious issue will occur, causing a short circuit in the route, while a supply of power failure forces.

“Brother Feng, everything goes well! Is it going to detonate now?” Zheng Sanpao asked.

“Sanpao, are we out of the scope of the explosion of the danger? If you leave the radius of the explosion, immediately detonate!” Ye Feng said coldly.

Zheng Sanpao didn’t say much, but the secret military use warehouse behind them was suddenly caught in the dark. The plastic bombing of Zheng Sanpao is not very powerful, just to destroy the power transmission route.

The strategic purpose of the plastic bombing explosion was fully achieved, and the border secret military use warehouse was caught in the Dark, which caused the guardian personnel of the border secret military use warehouse to fall into a double panic. h-47Armed Helicopter has just been shot down, and the secret military use warehouse in the border suddenly power failure, the defense personnel can not panic?

Ye Feng glanced through the rearview mirror of the off-road motorcycle and looked at the situation behind him. Then he looked at the warehouse exit not far from the front, and his eyes sparkled with a glimmer of light.

‘Captain Tao, about the familiarity with Devil Mercenary Corps, you are too tender! Devil Mercenary Corps is also placed in the rear of the foothills with ambush Right?

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗