
Chapter 906

hk894 offense! attack! Devil no place to fear !

Nanyue Nation, May twenty four days, more than six in the morning.

More than 30 kilometers from Móng Cái City southwest, outside the secret military use warehouse on the Nanyue Nation border, more than 100 people from Devil Mercenary Corps are hidden in the jungle.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s Fourth Leader Utu Stan, currently, looks at the secret military use warehouse at the border. He secretly examines the enemy and considers the current situation.

After asking about Utu Stan, Stansey waited peacefully for Utu Stan’s answer without interrupting Utu Stan’s thinking. Stansey is very aware of the consequences of disturbing Utu Stan’s thinking, so he is not stupid.

After waiting for a full minute, Utu Stan took the entire border secret military use warehouse through the telescope and saw it all over again. “Stansey, what is the slogan of our Devil Mercenary Corps?”

“Offensive! Offense! Devil is afraid!” Stansey said in a serious tone.

The slogan of Devil Mercenary Corps is not just a slogan, but also a regiment by Devil Mercenary Corps, which stands for Devil Mercenary Corps’s Code of Conduct: Always Fear!

Utu Stan Zheng focused on the head, “Offensive! Offensive! Devil feared! Stansey, passed down, we Devil Mercenary Corps, fear! Even this secret stronghold internal defensive personnel, really the military force of Nanyue Nation, we have to They pay the price!”


Border secret military use warehouse.

In a secluded canteen, the five people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad are enjoying a hearty breakfast. On the stainless steel long table, some mountain game and seafood, a large plate is placed.

Captain Tao ‘confirmed’ After Ye Feng’s identity, he chose to eat and drink for Ye Feng and other five people. He only Hope Ye Feng, they will get out early, so as not to stay in the secret military use warehouse in the border.

For the delivery personnelnel sent by the Northern Combat Command, the border military use warehouse is stationed in the personnelnel, no one likes it, but the identity of the other ‘Imperial Kingdom’ is also led to have to receive.

Ye Feng ate a pheasant in a big mouth, and suddenly there were a few loud noises coming out of the cafeteria. Because the interval between several loud noises was too short, Ye Feng did not determine it, and several explosions occurred outside.

The other four people at Punishment Merc Warsquad, when they heard the loud noise, quickly put down their chopsticks and placed their right hand on the gun holster at the waist, ready to pull out pistol anytime, anywhere.

Ye Feng gave them a look and then screamed in Nanyue. “Come, come!”

The Ordinary soldiers of the two secret military use warehouses ran obliquely and slanted. The face was calmer and asked: “Senior Officer, what is the order?”

“What happened outside?” Ye Feng’s face was a bit flustered, like a soft egg that had lived in the Headquarters Safety environment for a long time in the Northern Combat Command.

One of the Ordinary soldiers in the secret military use warehouse in the border, involuntarily brought a contempt, “Senior Officer, we don’t know the situation for the time being.”

“Idiot! You don’t know the situation, don’t you ask? Hurry up and ask, what happened outside! And let Captain Tao send someone to protect us!” Ye Feng is calm and slightly Panic God “color”, the performance is in place, fully reflects the image of a soft egg outside the strong.

The Ordinary soldier, who had scorned the color of the god, had a more scornful color, but because of Ye Feng’s identity, he had to respond with a salute: “According to the Senior Officer, let’s go and see what happens outside. What happened, then look for Captain Tao and give you protection personnel.”

After that, the Ordinary soldiers from the two secret military use warehouses walked outside the canteen. When they reached the door, the former Ordinary soldier suddenly stopped and turned to Ye Feng and said: “Senior Officer, some time ago, you heard about Right? The rumored Exceed Grade terrorist Laden, currently looking for trouble with our Nation. If the explosion outside is related to him, you must find a place to hide!”

“hā hā hā !” Another Ordinary soldier hā hā laughed.

This sentence was originally scared to scare Ye Feng. The two Ordinary soldiers thought that the mines outside the warehouse were triggered by what animals, so they made a loud explosion. In the past, this situation has not happened. Two Ordinary soldiers have long been accustomed to it. [

However, when they went out, they found that the situation seemed different!


Devil Mercenary Corps’s Fourth Leader Utu Stan issued an offensive command, Devil Mercenary Corps’ five Main War Squad, and more than 80 Ordinary fighters, with the slightest hesitation’s secret military use warehouse, launched an attack.

Sixth Main War Squad’s Stansey, led the four members responsible for the investigation, in order to avenge the dead teammates, they used five individual rockets and put on the Special-type war suit against the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. The sneak peeks and touches came to the secret military use warehouse at the border, less than two hundred meters.

Five people took advantage of the individual rocket launcher, aiming at five knockoff military use trucks driven by Punishment Merc Warsquad. After locking the aiming ruler, five individual rockets flew out.

The five individual rockets hit five knockoff military use trucks almost indiscriminately, and they were blown into fire groups. They were also the culprit in which Ye Feng was heard in the canteen.

After the five knockoff military use trucks were destroyed, they did not wait for the defensive personnel of the secret military use warehouse to respond. They were set up on two hidden watch towers at the mountain entrance of the mountain, and the four lookout personnel were directly killed by the sniper.

The alert of the secret military use warehouse at the border, Crazy’s rang.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad quickly cleared the oil on their hands. Under the leadership of Ye Feng, they found the Captain Tao of the patrol of the secret military use warehouse at the border.

“Captain Tao!” Ye Feng’s face was pale and toned, and it seemed to be a bit confusing: “What happened? Leave, protect, we have to drive!”

Captain Tao face “color” is quite ugly, the border secret military use warehouse’s defense intensity is very high, the general Brigand bandit, simply do not dare to hit the border secret military use warehouse idea, this is also in other words, as long as someone finds the border secret military Use the trouble of the warehouse, it must not be a small trouble.

“Captain Ye, you calm down, don’t panic! We have been attacked by unknown forces. Our manpower is not enough. For safety reasons, I suggest you temporarily hide inside Basement. Otherwise, I don’t guarantee your safety!” CapTal Tao clearly disagreed with Ye Feng’s request.

On the warehouse delivery list, Ye Feng’s Nanyue Nation name, still surnamed ‘Ye’, just became ‘Yeye’, implying the ‘Grandfather’ ridicule, deliberately teasing the defensive personnel of the secret military use warehouse on the Nanyue Nation border.

“Captain Tao, are you kidding? I am now ordering you, and I will arrange for someone to leave us to leave this danger. We will need to return to the Northern Combat Command immediately to reply!” Ye Feng’s face was pale. Showing a feeling of fear of the enemy.

Captain Tao “露” impatient god “color”, coldly snorted and said: “Captain Ye, hurry with your people to Basement to avoid! I am not kidding, our current defense is not enough, the law guarantees you Safety!”

Ye Feng can’t help but say: “Captain Tao, I don’t care! If you don’t send someone to send us Safety, I will file a complaint|sue to the Ministry of Internal Affairs! In addition, tell you, among our shipping teams, There is a member whose identity is no small matter. If his life safety is threatened, Captain Tao, even if you are killed, other consequences, the person you are related to may be the same!”

Captain Tao’s eyes quickly swept over the other four faces of Punishment Merc Warsquad, and finally locked Zhu Mingxuan. After all, Zhu Mingxuan was the youngest and seemed to be quite white, quite in line with the definition of identity.

A child of Big Shot, come to ‘one line’ gold plating. Although the goods are shipped to the border secret military use warehouse, there is usually no danger in the case, but after all, it is also considered to be the first line of combat, the most convenient for gilding.

Captain Tao bite his teeth before starting talking: “Captain Ye, the military use truck you drove has just been solved by the soldier launcher of the mysterious force personnel. If you want to leave, how do you plan to leave?”

The reply of Captain Tao seems to be soft, but no one noticed the faint disdain of Captain Tao.

Ye Feng said with a sneer : “Is there a cross-country motorcycle?”

“Of course!” Captain Tao nodded, then picked up the walkie-talkie, started talking: “Little Nguyen, you immediately took four people and drove five off-road motorcycles!”

Less than a minute later, Little Nguyen and four other fighters rushed over on five off-road motorcycles. Little Nguyen glanced at Ye Feng and said, “Captain Tao!”

Captain Tao snorted, “Little Nguyen, handing off-road motorcycles to Captain Ye!”


At the foot of the secret military use warehouse, Devil Mercenary Corps showed their strength and they completely suppressed the conventional fighter of the secret military use warehouse at the Nanyue Nation border.

The battle took less than four minutes, and Devil Mercenary Corps killed the defensive personnel of the secret military use warehouse at the Nanyue Nation border, at least beyond the twenty name. In contrast, the loss of Devil Mercenary Corps, in addition to a little “medicine” consumption, what is the loss?

Utu Stan looks at the battle through a telescope, his expression is relaxed and comfortable, and there is no defensive personnel in the secret military use warehouse at the Nanyue Nation border.

“Mr. M, is this your card?” Utu Stan asked himself.

In the secret military use warehouse, Ye Feng rides five off-road motorcycles. Ye Feng is impatient and asks: “Captain Tao, where is the Safe Exit?”

Captain Tao refers to the rear of the mountain. “There is a Safe Exit, the enemy is on the front, we help you block the enemy!”

“Great, Captain Tao, I remember your human feelings, next time there is something, ask me for help, absolutely no issue!” Ye Feng remembered the appearance of Captain Tao, then led Punishment Merc Warsquad’s member, riding five off-road motorcycles, headed for the back of the mountain.

Little Nguyen looked at the back of Ye Feng and others, and got angry gnashing one’s teeth said : “Captain Tao, why let them go so far?”

Captain Tao “Show” a mysterious smile…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗