
Chapter 905

hk893 is very proud, Devil is coming!

Nanyue Nation time, May twenty four days, just after 6 o’clock in the morning.

Móng Cái City, Dark Dong Stronghold of Dark Hell, fell into the sea of ​​fire. Since Cheng Dong Stronghold is not connected to other buildings, plus the Chengdong District area is the most mixed place in Móng Cái City. Therefore, even if Cheng Dong Stronghold is in flames, the power of Móng Cái City’s Fire Fighting does not appear immediately.

Sixth Main War Squad’s Stansey is a person directly under Utu Stan. He looks at Cheng Dong Stronghold’s enthusiasm. He is slightly worried: “Leader Utu, Carnwath is a confidant of Raphael, how should we deal with Raphael? Adult explanation?”

Utu Stan smiled lightly, and “Show” had a so-called expression. “Third Little Captain Carnwath, in the confrontation with the enemy, unfortunately was ambushed by the enemy, we tried to take rescue measures, but eventually rescued Effective, Carnwath has given a precious life to Devil Mercenary Corps, let us remember Carnwath, learn Carnwath!”

“Understood! Leader Utu, what do we do now? The enemy base obviously will not leave any evidence, do we go after the enemy? My subordinate people report that the enemy has already reached the southwest direction, nearly 30 kilometers away! Asked Stansey.

Utu Stan responded: “Follow the enemy!”

Devil Mercenary Corps, surrounded by Cheng Dong Stronghold, under the command of Utu Stan, quickly retreated and chased along the direction of Dark Hell ‘escape’.

On the other hand, Dark Hell’s personnel is divided into two paths. Ruling Security and Lonely Massacre’s personnel evacuated through the passage of the natural hole “safety” and exited the battlefield with Devil Mercenary Corps.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, headed by Ye Feng, continue to implement Shi Lei’s plan. Five Nanyue Nation knockoff military use trucks, driving slowly between the dense woods. [

Ye Feng took the Bluetooth headset and received the information from Shi Lei: “A’Feng, Cheng Dong Stronghold has been turned into ruins, Devil Mercenary Corps has caught up, according to their speed, about thirty-five minutes, You will arrive at the location of the secret military use warehouse at the border.”

“Received! Boss, we have a secret military use warehouse from the border, and there are about fifteen minutes of travel. The driving of the forest road is more difficult, and our driving speed is slower,” Ye Feng explained.

“A’Feng, five minutes later, The Steel and Iron, at high altitude, will be withdrawn from the battlefield and will fly directly to Meishan Island. Ten minutes later, The Steel and Iron, which is behind the scenes, will also withdraw from the battlefield and prevent the border from being secret military. Use the radar of the warehouse to find. The next journey, only rely on yourself, tell others, what happens must not panic, you carry the material delivery order, exactly as stated the real material delivery list, you are the real supplies The personnel of Nanyue Nation, on how to investigate, or verify, will not find flaws. Unless, you have revealed the flaws yourself! Do you understand? Also, according to the way I explain you and the border secret military use The personnel connector of the warehouse.” Shi Lei is warned repeatedly again.

Shi Lei had to be cautious, if Ye Feng had an accident at the secret military use warehouse on the border, even if Shi Lei wanted to rescue, it was too late!

Ye Feng said calmly: “Boss is assured that there will be no mistakes!”

Punishment Merc Warsquad’s member, active in the battlefield of Africa, faces the test of life and death anytime and anywhere, their psychological quality is absolutely excellent, basically no tension or guilty feelings.

Five minutes later, the steel and iron escorted by the high altitude evacuated and Izual controlled them to fly in the direction of Meishan Island. Ten minutes later, the four The Steel and Iron at low altitude also rose into the sky.

The four Devil Mercenary Corps members behind the Dark Hell looked at the Steel and Iron. The four tracking personnel are all members of Devil Mercenary Corps Sixth Main War Squad.

One of the members asked: “No. 3, how did those Little Airplanes run?”

“I don’t know! No. 2, keep tracking! Without these nasty Little Airplanes, we can observe the enemy’s movements closer, just too far away, we can only follow them vaguely, we don’t know what they are doing. No. 3 responded, and then the four members accelerated together.

Among the jungles of Nanyue Nation, a hidden mountain near the border of Xia Nation, ushered in five military use trucks. When five military use trucks drove into the mountains, they were suddenly stopped.

More than a dozen people wearing the Nanyue ** suits, stopped the five knockoff military use trucks driven by Punishment Merc Warsquad, and a member of the head, using Nanyue, asked: “Who are you?”

If the personnel of Punishment Merc Warsquad is not driving a real military vehicle, these defensive personnel of the secret military use warehouse have already shot them directly!

Ye Feng looked at the questioning Nanyue **, sitting in the driver’s seat of the military use truck, looking at him condescendingly, “deliver the goods!”

“Delivery of the goods? Why didn’t we receive the notice?” asked Nanyue, the lord, with a strange expression. [

Ye Feng took out the ‘true’ material delivery slip from the left chest pocket and handed it to the Nanyue sergeant. Light snorted: “Look at it! Hurry and let us prepare for eating. This is a broken road, it is too difficult to open!”

Ye Feng deliberately said in a less friendly manner that Shi Lei made Ye Feng deliberately so effective. Because Shi Lei in the Northern Combatant Command’s Internal Network, the border secret military use warehouse data found in it, accompanied by a full file a complaint|sue, all of which are the defensive personnel of the border secret military use warehouse, file a complaint |sue The attitude of the delivery personnel is too bad.

The headed sergeant, coldly snorted, is a bit dissatisfied with Ye Feng’s attitude, but these cargo personnel, usually from the Headquarters of the Northern Combatant Command, are very proud.

Shi Lei and Ye Feng pay attention to the small details of the behavior, apparently received the miraculous effect, the Nansue Nation sergeant instinctively believes that Ye Feng is also the Headquarters personnel of the Northern Combat Command.

“wait a moment, we contacted with Headquarters.” The sergeant headed in response to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is dissatisfied: “You move faster, and get something delicious. Don’t make a toy that doesn’t even eat pigs. Don’t let us all make it unpleasant, we will definitely file a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs|sue you! ”

“You!” The sergeant’s face “color” of Nanyue Nation changed slightly. “Then go to file a complaint|sue!” After that, the sergeant of Nanyue Nation turned and left.

Ye Feng’s mouth is “exposed” with a touch of imperceptible curvature, and the voice is slight: “Everything goes well!”

“Received!” Shi Lei puts his hands on the keyboard and waits for the verification of the border military use warehouse at the Northern Combat Command’s Internal Network.

Shi Lei’s does not have time to modify the Northern Network Logistics information of the Northern Combatant Command. It takes too much too much time, and Shi Lei does not have that much time to waste. The optimization of the Logistics System’s information can’t be modified, but Shi Lei can intercept the verification information of the border secret military use warehouse!

Intercepting the verification of the secret military use warehouse, it is not too difficult. Shi Lei waited for the military use Intranet of the Northern Combat Command. After waiting for less than a minute, he received the secret military use warehouse from the border. Verification number.

The verification number sent by the secret military use warehouse is a stripe string number above the material delivery order. This number represents all the information of the material delivery order.

If the Logistics System inside the Northern Combatant Command has this stripe string number, System will feed back the specific information to query the personnel, so that the information of the query personnel is compared with the information of the material delivery order, so double-verified effect.

After intercepting the verification stripe serial number sent from the secret military use warehouse, Shi Lei immediately replied to the corresponding material delivery form information. This process is exactly the same as the Northern Warfare Command’s “fighting” process, which allows the verification personnel of the border secret military use warehouse to be aware of any issues.

Nanyue Nation, the border secret military use warehouse.

The information that Shi Lei, who was the first sergeant, compared the information from the feedback, determined the true “sex” of the material delivery order. A soldier standing next to him said with a resentment: “Captain Tao, the guys who came over Headquarters, it was too arrogant! Or else, let us prepare a little ‘feeding’ food?”

“Little Nguyen, don’t mess!” Those guys are the personnel of the Northern Combat Command Headquarters. You look at each of our file a complaint|sue for them, and there is no response, so the Headquarters will help them. We are delicious here, and it’s good to send them away quickly. When they are blasphemy, they will pass away!” Captain Tao The material delivery note, the expression of Nai.

“But Captain Tao, I just can’t get used to them!” Little Nguyen said something a bit uncomfortable.

“It’s not just that you look at them badly. I think they are equally upset! You look at the base. Is there anyone who is cool with them? This group of gods, fortunately, this time only five, and still come in the morning, eat and drink stopped will go out. !!! Captain Tao shook his head.

Captain Tao came to the entrance of the mountain with Little Nguyen, and withdrew the metal refusal pile. To Ye Feng said: “Brothers have worked hard, come in quickly, we are basically ready to eat, yes, do you want to order? Good rice wine?”


Among the jungle, a member of Devil Mercenary Corps, driving a motorcycle along the forest path. In the jungle path, the speed of the motorcycle far exceeded the speed of the big truck. Devil Mercenary Corps took less than half of the time of Dark Hell and came to the border military use warehouse near the border.

Utu Stan chose a collection of locations one kilometer away from the border secret military use warehouse, Sixth Main War Squad’s four investigative personnel, and reported the situation to Utu Stan.

“Leader Utu, the four of us personally watched the enemy enter the base in front.” A member of Sixth Main War Squad, proactively said.

“How many people did they go in?” Utu Stan asked.

“Leader Utu, the enemy vehicle, uses an anti-infrared hood. We don’t know how many people they have, but when they retreat from Móng Cái City, there are about 120 people.” The investigation personnel responded again.

“What is the situation with that Secret Base? How do those patrol personnel seem to be wearing the costumes of the Nanyue ** team?” Utu Stan asked.

“Leader Utu, they should be the army that pretends to be Nanyue Nation. We have passed the information back to Headquarters investigate, there is no military base for Nanyue Nation. And, according to the agreement of Nanyue Nation and Xia Nation, it is not allowed within this scope. Set up a military use base.” The investigation personnel said.

Utu Stan’s eyes are condensed, ‘Is this one of the nests of Mr. M’s nest? From the outside of the base, it has existed for at least ten years. Damn, who is Mr. M? ‘

“Leader Utu, what do we do now?” Stansey asked, they now found the enemy’s position. It is impossible to roll back to Right because the enemy put on the costume of Nanyue.

A uniform of Nanyue Nation, but also scared Devil Mercenary Corps. In the Africa area, Devil Mercenary Corps fought against Li Jian Nation; worked with Great Britain’s Special-type Elite; and confronted the Russian polar bears of Soviet Russia. Who is it, they are not fighting for the battle with Devil Mercenary Corps!

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗