
Chapter 901

hk889 smuggling Rice?

Xia Nation Time, close to the early morning.

Shi Lei was surprisingly not sleepy, but instead planned to give Devil Mercenary Corps a set-up, a conflict between Devil Mercenary Corps and Nanyue Nation’s secret military use warehouse, and then confronted the military of Nanyue Nation.

“Boss, what plan do you have?” Ye Feng asked Shi Lei. If you let Ye Feng implement a certain combat command, Ye Feng will be a perfect accomplish battle target. However, let Ye Feng plan to crafty plots and machinations, it is a bit difficult.

Shi Lei once again controlled Ye Feng, Notebook Computer’s mouse, marked a red dot on the map. “Here is the natural hole “hole” you found, and the Ruling Security and Lonely Massacre personnel are all arranged. Here, yes, how many exits does the natural hole “safety” safety point?” Shi Lei asked cautiously.

If there is only one Safety import and export, Shi Lei’s plan will make a change. After all, if there is only one Safety Import and Export in a natural hole, it is a dead end, which belongs to the rhythm of courting death.

“Boss, the natural cave base, has a total of five safety import and export. In addition to the positive import and export, there are four import and export. One of the import and export, through the internal stretch of the hole, extends to five kilometers. In a hidden mountain forest. Even though Devil Mercenary Corps, blocked the front and back of the import and export, but also blocked our retreat, we can completely escape the front blockade with the help of the intricate internal routes.” Ye Feng tone Self channel.

“Very good!” Shi Lei is very pleased with the safety of this natural cave. “A’Feng, the Task that lures Devil Mercenary Corps is very dangerous. I plan to pass Ruling Security and Lonely Massacre’s personnel through the natural hole. 』Safety is temporarily transferred to Meishan Island, leaving only the personnel of your Punishment Merc Warsquad, to implement the next Task, do you have an issue?”

“No issue!” Ye Feng replied firmly.

“That’s good, our plan is like this, you write it down carefully.” Shi Lei will seduce the plan of Devil Mercenary Corps, and said it completely, then shouted: “A’Feng, you must remember Don’t make a mistake, do you know?”[

Ye Feng After listening to Shi Lei’s plan, the forehead sweating involuntarily, Shi Lei’s plan is very bold, but it is quite effective, the chance of success is very high, Devil Mercenary Corps will definitely be fooled.

“Boss, guarantee accomplish Task!” Ye Feng wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said firmly. At the beginning, Ye Feng swears allegiance to Shi Lei, and he has paid the price of his life.

Shi Lei assured Ye Feng that if Ye Feng had any misfortune, Shi Lei would bear all the expenses of Deng Xiaoling and be responsible for all the life issues of Deng Xiaoling.

Deng Xiaoling is the only concern of Ye Feng. Without Deng Xiaoling, Ye Feng may choose to go with a bigwig, not an exile, to become a mercenary.

“Well, you should follow the plan for the preliminary work. I have to prepare some relevant documentation. If there is any abnormal situation, please contact me immediately.” After Shi Lei finished, he hang up the phone.

Put the cell phone on the computer desk, Shi Lei stood up, went to the living room to open the water heater, then found two bags of instant coffee, brewed a cup of espresso to prepare for staying up late.

Shi Lei rarely stays up late, usually around 12, and will fall asleep. Without the espresso, Shi Lei may really fail day and night. He has slept early this evening and there are still many things he needs to prepare.

Nanyue Nation.

Ye Feng put down the cell phone, picked up another local cell phone from Nanyue Nation, dialed a number, waited for a moment, and there was a dissatisfied voice in the cell phone’s earpiece: “Hey, Who? So late.” , call what?”

It is currently 2 o’clock in the morning at Nanyue Nation. Normal people are disturbed at this time, and there is absolutely no good temper.

“Li Bing, I am Old Owl!” Ye Feng responded in a cold voice. ‘Old Owl’ is the codename of Ye Feng at Nanyue Nation, representing the mighty Drug Lord.

The man known as Li Bing, the dissatisfaction in his tone disappeared immediately, with a pleasing one: “It turned out to be Old Owl, is there anything?”

Ye Feng didn’t look down on Li Bing because of Li Bing’s attitude change. Instead, he felt that Li Bing is a man who can bend and stretch, and is a material for the major event. “Li Bing, give me a hundred tons of Rice, I am going soon!”

“One hundred tons?” Li Bing’s voice, with a surprise and doubt, “Old Owl, are you talking about one hundred kilograms?”

“One hundred tons! I didn’t make a mistake, you didn’t get it wrong! I am going now, you will be ready for me immediately. Don’t say you don’t have it, your bottom is fine, I know it is clear. Now the sky is also “color” It’s not early, your buddies are estimated to have fallen asleep. I give you a price that is twenty higher than the market price. I want to see a hundred tons of Rice right away. Remember?” Ye Feng’s tone is not to be rejected. Said. [

Li Bing’s careful liver trembles, a hundred tons of Rice, and buys at a price twenty above the market price, which is definitely a profitable business. Li Bing is an authentic Xia Nation who relies on the smuggling Rice business to get mixed up in Móng Cái City. Smuggling Rice is not a felony. It depends on the Rice transaction spread between Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation. Li Bing is also a Number One character in Móng Cái City.

“Old Owl, what bag?” Li Bing knows what Ye Feng is doing, so I have to ask more. Rice, sold by Li Bing, offers all kinds of packaging, including Nanyue Nation Ordinary merchandise packaging, military use for packaging, and even summer packaging. Shi Lei formerly strolled around Móng Cái City and found that Nanyue Nation actually sold Rice for Summer, but surprised him.

“Nanyue ** team packaging! Li Bing, I will pay you cash, you want Xia Nation Yuan, US Dollar, or Gold?” Ye Feng offered to pay cash, and added a sentence: “Li Bing, this one Things, only you know that I know what I know, I don’t Hope, you spread it, sold a batch of Rice to me, understand?”

“Give me Xia Nation Yuan, go directly to my anonymous account! As for the confidential issue, Old Owl, you still believe me? You can rest assured, I absolutely understand! I will arrange the most cronies, prepare this batch for you. That’s right, you are going now? When will you come to transport?” Li Bing promised Ye Feng, in the heart, secretly guessing, ‘This Old Owl, is it ready to use Rice to carry the drug clearance? ‘

“After a while, Old Pan will send five cars in the past, one car will give me twenty tons, don’t give me anything wrong!” Ye Feng shouted, then hands on Notebook Computer, entered the page of Online Banking Service, Li Bing’s anonymous account has a copy of Xia Nation Yuan. “The money is gone, you look up, things are going to be profitable, after the event, you will not be able to benefit you!”

Li Bing took a look at the anonymous account on the computer, looked at the money from Ye Feng, and shook his hand with the mouse. He asked with amazement: “Old Owl, how much more do you give?”

“According to the market price of 1.5 times, I just need to keep the safety, don’t let me down. If you fail me, you will guess it yourself!” Ye Feng said, hung up.

After a pause, Ye Feng continued to call the next call. He wanted to contact the truck carrying Rice. There was a steady voice on the phone. Obviously the other person had not slept. “Old Owl, so late, looking for me?”

“Old Pan, I want five Large-scale freight cars, each of which can carry more than tons of tons of cargo, and also have to climb the ridge, you have Right?” Ye Feng asked directly.

The Old Pan is also the Xia Nation, the largest car smuggler and car remodeler in Móng Cái City, specializing in cars that were smuggled from Xia Nation to Nanyue Nation, and then changed their face and sold them on the Nanyue Nation open and aboveboard.

“Yes! When are you going?” Old Pan didn’t have much nonsense. He also knew what Ye Feng was doing. The anti-upright family was doing the business of the illegal business. It is common to help each other.

“I want it now! Those freight cars, my Hope is the appearance of the Nanyue ** vehicle, but also the military license, to fake the real license. And the outside canopy material can withstand the Infrared Thermal Exploring Sensing Detector. Can you do it?” Ye Feng asked again.

“No issue! Every license Hundred-thousand block, 900,000 block per car, a total of 5 Million blocks! Old Owl, this price, do you agree?” Old Pan said his request directly.

“Well, I have no objections!” Ye Feng didn’t think that the Old Pan was starting to sit, the price quoted by Old Pan was very real, and the freight car 900,000 was the buyout price. Old Pan was very clever and didn’t ask much, but he needed the military use car appearance and the military use license plate from Ye Feng, and he decided to come out. This batch of cars is very likely to get back, so he directly said the buy price, and Not a rental price.

“My account, you know Right? Money is on the way, this is my rule!” Old Pan said very directly.

Ye Feng did not hesitate to transfer 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan to Old Pan’s anonymous account through an offshore anonymous account. Old Pan This person is very direct, but the work is definitely Professional Grade.

“The money is coming, the goods are sent to Li Bing. When Li Bing puts the goods in, arrange your people, send me the car to Dongmang Street, and let your people leave. Car key stay in Inside the car, there is no need to lock the door.” Ye Feng explains the transaction method.

Old Pan hesitated for a moment, sighed said: “Old Owl, look at everyone’s compatriots, don’t drag Li Bing into the water, he has a small and old, not suitable for your way!”

Ye Feng Slightly a glimpse, “Old Pan, you made a mistake, I bought a batch of Li Bing goods. As for what to do, I am not convenient to say, this thing, Old Pan, I Hope you don’t pass it out. ”

“Reassured!” Old Pan sighed in relief, a short answer, the same as Xia Nation people in the field, although they are doing the business of illegal, but everyone cares for each other, so as not to be bullied by the local forces of Nanyue Nation, this is the Old Pan The survival creed also gives Old Pan a wide network of contacts in Móng Cái City.

Ye Feng hangs up the phone, then brings everyone together, tells Ruling Security Company’s four Elite Squadrons, leads hundreds of Lonely Massacre people, leaves the longest exit of the natural cave safety site, and goes directly to Meishan Island. Waiting for the Punishment Merc Warsquad to meet.

Shi Lei didn’t worry about Arling’s Elite Squadron and Lonely Massacre’s personnel in the natural cave safety site. In case the Devil Mercenary Corps’s heart-wrenching caves caused the cave to collapse, isn’t that funny?

Ye Feng arranged the personnel of the Ruling Security Company and Lonely Massacre, then took the four people of the Punishment Merc Warsquad into the independent small room.

“Brothers, Boss arranged for us an independent Task, a very dangerous Task, are you willing to implement? Even if this one Task, you may be killed, are you willing?” Ye Feng asked Punishment Merc seriously The remaining four of Warsquad.

This is a danger of the Task, also a test of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, the addition of member loyalty Task. Punishment Merc Warsquad Originally only three people, Ye Feng is a Captain, a divisional assaulter, mainly responsible for providing fire support; Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao are Ye Feng formerly’s Comrade-In-Arms, helping Ye Feng achieve revenge and participate in The Yasukuni Shrine big bang, the loyalty of the two of them is beyond doubt.

However, Punishment Merc Warsquad currently has six people. In addition to Zeng Bin in the Yellow Triangle Region, Zhu Mingxuan and Chen Xingrui are new members. In the action of the Yasukuni Shrine big bang, Shi Lei did not let them participate, not them. Not enough, but they still have full trust.

The so-called trust is not created out of thin air, but after you have to do something worthy of being trusted, you can gain trust.

Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao responded first: “Will!”

Chen Xingrui did not hesitate and replied directly: “No issue!”

Zhu Mingxuan “Liang” out of the hesitant god “color”, his youngest face, face “sorry for the inconvenience”, asked: “Captain, if we really sacrifice, Boss will make compensation for Right ? “

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗