
Chapter 902

hk890 Shi Lei’s plan, invade military use network!

Nanyue Nation, May twenty four days, more than two in the morning.

Dark Hell is located in Cheng Dong Stronghold, Móng Cái City, in an independent room, Zhu Mingxuan, the youngest of the Punishment Merc Warsquad, asked an issue and waited for Ye Feng’s answer.

Everyone at Punishment Merc Warsquad opened an anonymous account in Bank, a permanent neutral country in Switzerland, opened a Bank safe with an anonymous account, and set up the opening Shi Lei. Inside the safe, Chen puts the wishes of everyone at Punishment Merc Warsquad. After they die, Shi Lei follows the promise to open the safe and try to accomplish their wishes.

Ye Feng in the Swiss Bank safe, leaving the desire to accurately as stated Hope Shi Lei can treat Deng Xiaoling well and protect Deng Xiaoling peaceful for a lifetime without any mistakes.

The real age of Zhu Mingxuan is a secret. It is a mystery to have an adult. It is a strange thing to be a youngster of this age, who is mixed in the mercenary world.

Ye Feng looked at Zhu Mingxuan, silent for a moment, nodded hard: “Boss will definitely make compensation! The ‘last wish’ you left, as long as it is not accomplish, Boss will definitely help you accomplish.”

At the beginning, before Ye Feng did not loyal to Shi Lei, Shi Lei began to help him. Ye Feng can be said to be a witness to the rise of Shi Lei and Dream Entertainment. He trusts Shi Lei in the heart!

Zhu Mingxuan got Ye Feng’s guarantee, and his face was “smiling” with a smile. “If that’s the case, then I will be relieved. Captain, on the front is Dragon Pond, or Tiger”, I will follow you. The footsteps!”

“Remember our slogan?” Ye Feng asked with a serious look. [

“Despite the regret! Xos!” Zheng Sanpao and Chen Xingrui and other four, a loud response.

“xos!” Ye Feng back to complied.

This slogan is the highest slogan of Dark Hell, which stands for ‘Die A Worthy Death, although it is regrettable! ‘As long as the slogan is shouted out, it means they are ready to die. This slogan is only circulated at the Punishment Merc Warsquad and the Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, they are the Core Power of Dark Hell.

With a satisfactory answer, Ye Feng put Shi Lei’s plan, one by one, to the whole. Shi Lei designed the plan to make the rest of the other four people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, and they will be shocked. If there is any mistake in the plan, they will die in the dead!

Detailed explanation of Shi Lei’s plan, Ye Feng told the four people of Punishment Merc Warsquad: “You should first prepare, then try to rest, we can act at any time. Pay attention to get high-energy food, eat before starting, restore Spirit and strength.”

The rest of the Punishment Merc Warsquad nodded, returning to their own room, preparing the Equipment to use, and taking the time to rest as much as possible to keep the spirit in a state of fullness.

Ye Feng didn’t have a break, but went to another room. Inside the room, there were some Electronic Equipments, including two computer EQ uipments. These two computer EQ uipments were small and high-quality servers. They are responsible for all the monitoring equipment of Dark Hell in Móng Cái City.

‘I don’t know if Boss will need the file to process accomplish. If I can successfully accomplish the plan, Hope will pin it on a thin file. It feels bad! ‘Ye Feng sits in front of two high-tech servers and stares at the quiet printer.

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei has already drunk the Second cup of espresso. He is currently invading the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command and invading a Nation’s military use System. This is a very difficult thing. The military use network is usually isolated from the network, with only a handful of hidden connection points, maintaining an exchange of information with the Internet.

This connection point must be the target of the military Cyber ​​Security Specialist’s heavy defense. It is quite difficult to enter the military use network from the network.

Shi Lei, in conjunction with Izual’s, also called wnMiwang’s more than 800tflops of computing resources, which took nearly three hours and finally entered the military use network of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command.

Just enter it!

Shi Lei does not have any authority in the military use Internal Network of the Northern Combat Command. Don’t say anything about copying, moving, deleting, or even viewing the authority.

Once Shi Lei performs any inappropriate “operations” in the Northern combat command’s military use Internal Network, it is very likely to be discovered. Shi Lei can only carefully pass Izual to scan the information about the secret military use warehouse near the Móng Cái City. [

Black into the military use Intranet of the Northern Combatant Command, Shi Lei does not intend to carry out any sabotage activities, he just wants to forge a document for the border military use warehouse, transporting supplies.

With this document, Shi Lei asked Ye Feng to lead the Punishment Merc Warsquad into the secret military use warehouse. As a result, the Devil Mercenary Corps guys will transfer the target to the secret military use warehouse on the border. They mistakenly believe that the border secret military use warehouse is also the force of Mr. M, thus working together on Destroy.

As long as Devil Mercenary Corps dares to start with the secret military use warehouse on the border, they will definitely regret it, and the forces of Nanyue will surprise Devil Mercenary Corps at First Time.

Nanyue Nation’s border Security Issues, which was previously attacked by two times, although the domineering This Uncle stood up and said that it was responsible, the senior officials of Nanyue Nation had a long debate and denied the possibility of the attack being planned for This Uncle.

In order to seize the behind-the-scenes Black Hand, the frontier security level of Nanyue Nation, in the previous period, was promoted to the highest Grade. Although it is now reduced, it can still be higher than the normal standard.

Shi Lei’s trap, precisely as stated, allowed Devil Mercenary Corps to take a black pot. Once Devil Mercenary Corps was caught, the two frontier Security Issues of Nanyue Nation would basically be counted on Devil Mercenary Corps.

Devil Mercenary Corps is well-known in the mercenary world, and this reputation has made Devil Mercenary Corps a favorite in the Africa region. But if they are marked as a terrorist by Nanyue Nation, that’s not fun. At least, the noisy World Police Force, Li Jian Nation, is absolutely happy to do something for Devil Mercenary Corps.

On the 4th of May, Xia Nation Time, at 4 in the morning, Shi Lei finally found the data he wanted at the military use Intranet of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command.

In the military use Intranet of the Northern Combat Command, Shi Lei looks at the material delivery list for the secret military use warehouse at the border, as well as the delivery documents and related considerations for the shipment.

Shi Lei cracked the authority to view the data, but did not copy and move the authority. However, this does not stop Shi Lei, perhaps the slightly lesser Hacker will choose to intercept the screen to save data. However, for some confidential data with strict defenses, there is often a spying program. If the spy program Seize goes to the screen to intercept the event, it will immediately generate an alarm.

Shi Lei didn’t dare to test the military use Intranet of the Nanyue Nation Northern Combat Command. If you have such a defense plan, there is no need to test it. He has a better way!

“Izual, HD camera preparation, record all data information!” Shi Lei directly told Izual.

Shi Lei in the Jingya Garden’s Room, equipped with high-definition high-speed cameras, can quickly record all kinds of data, use the camera to record data, just to crack the current embarrassing situation.

“Sr, HD high-speed camera is ready to accomplish, is it starting to record?” Izual asked.

“Begin!” Shi Lei gave a clear reply, then picked up the coffee cup on the computer desk and drank a large mouthful of coffee, so that his tired and sleepy spirit continued to support.

After a few seconds, Izual accomplished all the records, “sr, all data records accend.”

Izual Main System includes image processing technology that includes two technologies. The first technology is the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, which is responsible for recognizing dynamic image information. The Second technology is Word Recognition Engine, which is mainly responsible for identifying text-related information.

With Word Recognition Engine, Izual quickly processed the information recorded by HD cameras and successfully screened out the information needed by Shi Lei. “sr, System automatically filters information accomplishment and automatically calls the text information related to Unreal Graphics Processing. Please check the final result.”

On the screen of Number One Server, there is a ‘Material Arrangement’ indicating that a hundred tons of Rice will be shipped into the secret military use warehouse.

According to the data from the investigate of the Northern Combatant Command, this material warehousing order also requires the border secret military use warehouse and the Northern Combat Command to perform network data confirmed. Also in other words, Shi Lei also needs to enter the serial number of this material into the Northern Combatant Command Logistics System at the Northern combat command’s military use Intranet.

Shi Lei invaded the Northern combat command military use Intranet for one purpose, and he has now done it, which is to obtain the relevant data of the secret military use warehouse at the border.

As for the military use Intranet at Northern Combat Command, modifying their Internal System data, Shi Lei never thought about it. It is not Shi Lei that can’t do it, but Shi Lei has no time to do it. I want to use the Northern Command Command in the Northern Combat Command and I don’t know it. According to Shi Lei’s estimate, it takes a day or two to slowly crack the military use network internal defense.

But where can I find a day or two to spend Shi Lei?

Shi Lei has another Backup Plan!

Pick up the cell phone on the computer desk, Shi Lei dials Ye Feng’s confidential route. After connecting, I immediately ask: “A’Feng, is your printer ready?”

“Boss, the printer is ready, the address is our Server.” Ye Feng sat in the Machine Room of Cheng Dong Stronghold, his voice just fell, and the printer made a sound of ‘shuā shuā shuā’.

A ‘Northern Combat Command Material Delivery Order’ was perfectly ‘replicated’ by the printer.

With this thin piece of paper, Shi Lei will have a great chance to deviate from the Devil Mercenary Corps, one of the Angel Parliament’s minions, to Nanyue Nation!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗