
Chapter 900

hk888 lures Devil’s prelude! [Geely chapter number]

. May twenty on the 4th, at 0:30 in the morning; Nanyue Nation time, 1:30 in the morning.

After Devil Mercenary Corps’ Elite sniper was killed by The Steel and Iron, Devil Mercenary Corps without the slightest hesitation chose to retreat. Just as the night gave them protection, the night also gave The Steel and Iron the best protection. In addition to the Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad, hiding into the complex air environment, outside the scope of the Restriction The Steel and Iron, Devil Mercenary Corps’ Ordinary fighter has no other way to deal with The Steel and Iron.

Shi Lei did not order the pursuit of Devil Mercenary Corps’s personnel, but instead chose to let go of Devil Mercenary Corps. This is not Shi Lei’s sudden kindness. He wants to use this as an opportunity to talk to the Angel Parliament, but Shi Lei wants to hang a Devil Mercenary Corps.

As for peace talks with Angel Parliament?

That is completely sloppy!

If you want to talk to the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei will not provoke the Angel Parliament from the very beginning. As long as Shi Lei does not provoke the Angel Parliament, Angel Parliament will not look to the Dream Entertainment Company for the time being.

Shi Lei never thought about peace talks with Angel Parliament. Previous life, Angel Parliament sold him and put him in a death catastrophe. If it wasn’t for God’s care, he gave him a chance to come back again, and he had already fallen into an exhausting sleep.

In order to retaliate against the sale of Angel Parliament, there is another reason why Shi Lei and Angel Parliament can’t get through. Shi Lei’s internal status in the Angel Parliament is very high, surpassing the three Little Giants of Twilight Angel, Sunlight Angel and Moonlight Angel, and the status is close to Four Great Giants.

Among the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei is called the Giant Giant by the Angel Parliament Inner Member. In fact, Shi Lei is a real-named Fifth Giant. In addition to not having a formal name, Shi Lei exercises all the privileges that Great Giant has in the Angel Parliament. [

If Shi Lei really joins the Angel Parliament, enters the Core Parliament of the Angel Parliament, and chooses to face up with the other Great Giants of the Angel Parliament, then Shi Lei will become the Fifth Giant of the Angel Parliament. Unfortunately, Shi Lei rejected First Giant’s proposal and always wanted to investigate his own life secret. It is also because of this secret that Shi Lei will be abandoned by Angel Parliament.

After the rebirth, Shi Lei analyzed the reasons why Angel Parliament abandoned him many times, and finally got a result, that is, Angel Parliament knows his life experience, and Angel Parliament is not willing to publish it.

Perhaps this secret is very involved, Angel Parliament is afraid of being implicated; perhaps the power associated with Shi Lei’s life is too strong, and Angel Parliament is not willing to collide with it.

Shi Lei himself investigate the secret associated with his life, and finally investigate to the secret Underground research institute of Capital City, Cyber ​​Security of the secret underground research institute, under the direct responsibility of Xia Nation’s nsCyber ​​Security Intelligence Division. nsCyber ​​Security Intelligence Division EQ uivalent to Li Jian Nation’s nsNational Security Agency Cyber ​​Security Department is very powerful.

Capital City The secret underground research institute does not use a wide-area network. It only takes a limited metro network. They have contact with the other Underground research institute of Capital City. They use the metropolitan secret network and also in other words. It is possible to enter the metropolitan secret network in the fixed network of Capital City.

However, using Capital City’s fixed network means that it is easily caught by the ns’s personnel. Shi Lei last time surfed the Black Net in Capital City, trying to invade the secret Underground research institute, and was almost caught by ns agents. Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain the information of the secret Underground research institute.

It may be for this reason that Angel Parliament gave up Shi Lei. Angel Parliament would rather give up a World Summit Grade Hacker than to provoke the secret Underground research institute. I don’t know the secret underground research institute. What hidden secrets and how powerful is it to protect? This kind of confidential Laboratory, why not use the isolation network processing solution?

These issues, Shi Lei’s temporary law is known. Shi Lei is now thinking about a sinister plan, ready to make Devil Mercenary Corps cool and add to the Angel Parliament!

“A’Feng, report our loss!” Shi Lei asked Ye Feng.

“Boss, our losses are the same as before, the two Ruling Security personnel are slightly injured, the subordinate Organization Lonely Massacre loses a brothers, and the others are the loss of some property aspects.” Ye Feng reports the situation, The Steel and Iron participate in the battle After that, Dark Hell and Lonely Massacre’s personnel did not continue to suffer.

“No loss!” Shi Lei put a little relieved. “A’Feng, just the Steel and Iron were destroyed three times, plus two of you lost, you arranged the personnel to take the surrounding The Steel and Iron pieces. , all cleaned up, don’t leave any traces.”

“Received! Boss, are there any other instructions?” Ye Feng asked.

Shi Lei thought about it and asked: “A’Feng, we are in Móng Cái City, are there other places?”

Dark Hell At the location of Móng Cái City, Shi Lei ordered two, one of which, Lao Chao Stronghold, had been ordered to destroy. Cheng Dong Stronghold is now discovered by Devil Mercenary Corps and has been attacked, lacking in the Safety “sex” aspect. However, Shi Lei did not know Ye Feng. They also prepared other Safety locations in Móng Cái City.

“Boss, we have also prepared a Safety stronghold, but the location is somewhat remote. If Devil Mercenary Corps has a heavy weapon, it will be difficult to get support from other forces after it is surrounded by us.” Ye Feng said with a little hesitation. . [

“Where is the location?” Shi Lei asked.

“In the direction of Twenty-seven in the south of Cheng Dong Stronghold, 15 kilometers away. Member of Lonely Massacre found a natural hole in that place. We changed it a bit and changed it into a Safety. Base. At present, the Safety Base is still relatively simple, and most areas still maintain the original natural conditions.” Ye Feng answered Shi Lei’s issue.

Shi Lei turned his eyes. Before Shi Lei helped Ling Yuguo, he provoked two times disputes on the Nanyue Nation border. Destroy had a border station and a border military use airport. In addition to these two targets, there is the last target, the border secret military use material warehouse.

The secret military use warehouse is the most difficult target, and the defense is the strongest. Once attacked, the surrounding support forces are also the fastest. Shi Lei intends to attract Devil Mercenary Corps to the secret military use warehouse at the attack border and let Devil Mercenary Corps be the scapegoat.

“A’Feng, I will clean up the pieces of The Steel and Iron, I will give you an action plan. A’Feng, do you have a computer at hand? I will send you a mapand tell you something first. The situation of the map.” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“Boss, I will start the computer right away.” Ye Feng keeps the cell phone communication, opens Notebook Computer, waits for a minute or so, and Notebook Computer starts successfully. “Boss, the computer starts accomplish.”

“Signed In I told you the address!” Shi Lei said a list of website addresses, let Ye Feng Signed In go in, Izual controlled Ye Feng’s Notebook Computer through Ye Feng’s Signed In, and then transferred the mapdata. The past.

“Boss, the mapis received!” Ye Feng opened the map. He knew that Shi Lei was a powerful Hacker. Shi Lei formerly helped them get the Wo Sang Nation nationality information. Ye Feng learned about it afterwards, to do this kind of thing, How difficult is it.

Shi Lei controls the mouse on Ye Feng’s Notebook Computer desktop and points the mapwith the mouse. “A’Feng, here is the natural hole “hole” safety base you found. Take the natural hole “hole” base as the origin, west to the west At eleven degrees south, continue to Twenty-three kilometers, there is our target. There is a secret military use warehouse at the border of Nanyue Nation. We let the guys of Devil Mercenary Corps think that there is our stronghold, let them help We went to attack the secret military use warehouse at the border of Nanyue Nation, let them play with the military of Nanyue Nation, let the damn Nanyue ** team, help us suppress Devil Mercenary Corps !”

“How does Boss, Devil Mercenary Corps know where we are?” Ye Feng asked inexplicably.

Shi Lei said with a sneer: “Reassuringly, Devil Mercenary Corps has a lot of Experts. Don’t watch them temporarily retreat now, but there must be a monitor around us.”

“There are people monitoring us around us? Boss, don’t have to send The Steel and Iron to search? The Steel and Iron is equipped with the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, and any hidden personnel will be discovered by The Steel and Iron.” Ye Feng Startled.

“A’Feng, if I remember correctly, there are many other forces around Cheng Dong Stronghold? If the personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps is hidden in these forces, how does The Steel and Iron use the heat of induction investigation? Again, don’t Thought that only we have a thermal Induction detector, the guy of Devil Mercenary Corps must have it!” Shi Lei said.

Devil Mercenary Corps As a world-renowned Merc Corps, how could there be no advanced Science and Technology Equipment?

As Shi Lei guessed, Devil Mercenary Corps did leave surveillance personnel, and there was more than one. They hid in the surrounding power groups and monitored the situation of Cheng Dong Stronghold using a thermal Induction detector.

The thermal Induction detector is so easy that Devil Mercenary Corps has a good grasp of Dark Hell’s personnel position information, whether the determine Dark Hell’s personnel stay in Cheng Dong Stronghold, and whether there is a transfer base.

Ye Feng was shocked by Shi Lei’s words and then reacted. Recently, their opponents were not Móng Cái City’s local clay chickens and pottery dogs, precisely as stated the rogue Drug Lord. These enemies, not only the Waste, but also no advanced auxiliary equipment. Long-term coping with this enemy, so that Ye Feng forgot, Devil Mercenary Corps is not the rookie, they have High-tech Equipment is very normal.

“Boss, what should we do now?” Ye Feng blamed herself: “Boss, everything we attacked, blame me, if I hurry up, lay out more surveillance cameras, and install accumlish Automated Weapon System. The guys at Devil Mercenary Corps are not going to suppress us.”

Shi Lei did not blame Ye Feng, but instead persuaded: “A’Feng, installing a surveillance camera is not a simple matter. In addition to the need to hide the location, there is no dead angle. In such a short time, you have no accomplish. It’s quite normal. Now, according to my plan implement, I will bring Devil Mercenary Corps to the secret military use warehouse at the border of Nanyue Nation, and let Devil Mercenary Corps and Nanyue ** team fire!”

Shi Lei’s did tell Ye Feng to expand the security monitoring range of Móng Cái City and install Automated Weapon System. However, as Shi Lei himself said, installing the Monitoring System is not something that can be done casually. Can’t blatantly install Security Surveillance Camera, where everyone finds Right?

Is that still secret Security Surveillance Camera? People who don’t know, think it is the Security Surveillance Camera of Nanyue Nation “Government”! .

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗