
Chapter 899

hk887 Steel and Iron is fierce, Devil is back!

Nanyue Nation, May twenty on the 4th, a little twenty points in the morning; Xia Nation Time, May twenty on the 4th, the morning at 0:00 twenty points.

Dark Dong’s Cheng Dong Stronghold is located in the eastern suburb of Móng Cái City, where fish swim with dragons, the security environment is very bad, belonging to the most chaotic place of Móng Cái City.

Devil Mercenary Corps and Dark Hell, who played in Cheng Dong Stronghold, surrounded the local forces of Móng Cái City, and did not know what they were doing, and they closed their eyes with a blind eye.

The combat power displayed by Devil Mercenary Corps was too strong. The local forces that had the idea to participate in the war directly went back to the public. After all, it is a single rocket launcher, and it is Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle. It doesn’t look like a small hoodlum, but there is a criminal group in the background.

In the early morning of Móng Cái City, the Moonlight is dim in the sky, and The Steel and Iron are in the night sky, just like invisible. However, the powerful Devil Mercenary Corps, or the powerful sniper of Devil Mercenary Corps, destroyed two of The Steel and Iron in a short time!

One of The Steel and Iron is also the cover of The Steel and Iron with the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface. If you let the sniper directly hit The Steel and Iron with the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface, it will definitely have more serious consequences.

“Izual, did you lock the position of the sniper? Kill the sniper immediately!” Shi Lei stared at the screen, and the projector cast a “shot” image, and the tone was a bit uncomfortable.

“sr, the target is not locked for the time being, and the method accurately measures the position of the target!” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

The night environment was protected by Devil Mercenary Corps, and The Steel and Iron’s Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine received a great degree of interference. Otherwise, the location of the sniper has long been discovered. [

“Izual, in the No. 2 projector, give me a Panorama Mapin the battle zone, I want all the enemy’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector to scan the position information!” Shi Lei commanded, lost two of The Steel and Iron, Shi Lei There is not much anger, The Steel and Iron is cheap, and losing The Steel and Iron is far better than losing Combatant.

“yes, sr. No. 2 projector’s image has been established accomplish, all enemy hot Induction images are displayed, the enemy’s position information delay is transmitted for two seconds, Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector’s scan data, real-time transmission.” Izual reminds Shi Lei.

Position information delay for two seconds, Shi Lei is barely acceptable, not too delay is too far off the mark.

‘If you have your own communication satellite, delay what is all clouds! ‘Shi Lei in the heart sighs, but the cost of a comprehensive communication satellite, less to say Billions US Dollar, according to the current situation of Dream Entertainment Company, temporarily affordable.

Dream Entertainment Company acquired mCompany 90% of Stock, which cost a total of 1.6 billion 50 Million US Dollar. Dream Entertainment Company’s financial book, which counts First Round’s stock of mCompany’s Stock and earns 800 million US Dollars, a total of 3.8 billion US Dollars, spends 1.6 billion 50 Million US Dollars only, and two 1.15 Billion US Dollars .

It sounds like two 1.15 Billion US Dollars, a lot, enough to spend ten lifetimes. However, there are other uses for this money. Li Jian Nation and Xia Nation’s Mirror Science and Technology Company Headquarters site selection requires a lot of money; instead of mCompany carrying the supply chain debt, Billions US Dollar is needed.

Not only that, Dream Entertainment Company owes to Rongcheng City Three Billion US Dollar, and Shi Lei owes a lot to the Rongcheng Military District Three Billion Xia Nation Yuan. There are many places where Dream Entertainment and Shi Lei need money.

Therefore, having a private integrated communication satellite is completely a cloud!

Shi Lei looked at the two-second delay’s Panoramic Mapinformation. He quickly analyzed how the sniper of Devil Mercenary Corps might be. The sniper must not be hidden in many places, and the interference sniper would aim. Therefore, Shi Lei first looks at the personnel, which is exactly as stated.

“hōng ~ ”

In the sky, another Steel and Iron was sniper into a fire group. Izual quickly reported: “sr, System analyzes the position of the sniper, origin is in the Western direction, but the specific personnel is still determined.”

Shi Lei cast his gaze on the Western North direction and quickly locked one of them. In the image of the two-second delay, Shi Lei pointed to a humanity: “Izual, lock this guy!”

The person identified by Shi Lei, after the explosion of The Steel and Iron, immediately chose the transfer position, which violently exposed him!

“Sr, target is locked. The three Steels and Iron have locked the target from different directions and expect to reach the target after 12 seconds.” Izual reports on the implementation.

The Number One projector, which displays the image of the night vision image, when the three The Steel and Iron surrounded the target, through the night vision image, Shi Lei found that the Target Person is the sniper, the sniper rifle behind him, the violence His identity. [

“Izual, hurry up and kill him!” Shi Lei without the slightest hesitation.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s sniper reacted very quickly. When he found the front of The Steel and Iron flying over to him, he took the slightest hesitation and took the snipe rifle on his back. Without too much aiming, he was right. The front of The Steel and Iron opened fire.

The 05-inch snipe rifle has a very powerful power. It is usually used to deal with light armor tanks, so it is named Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle.

The Steel and Iron was wiped in the side by a 05-inch snipe rifle, a powerful habitual force that caused The Steel and Iron to lose control and finally fall from the sky. When the Izual method controlled the flight path of The Steel and Iron, it immediately made a self-destruction setting.

When The Steel and Iron was about to crash, the internal battery and high-concentration plastic bomb exploded, bombing The Steel and Iron into pieces of unsearchable value. At the same time, the metal fragments that flew “shot” were unfortunately hit. Sniper’s cheeks pulled out a blood mark and made the sniper look a bit like a scorpion.

The other two The Steel and Iron, successfully approached the sniper, mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, and the unique gunshots sounded. Although Sniper is very stubborn in making evasive actions, Izal, Izual, Izual, High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, which controls The Steel and Iron. Izual didn’t aim at the mistakes at all. The two Steels and Irons hit the sniper properly and let the sniper fall into the night.

Losing the powerful sniper cover, Izual controls The Steel and Iron to quickly harvest the “sex” life of the Devil Mercenary Corps Ordinary War Squad personnel. Main War Squad’s personnel, the combat power is too strong, and the dark night, to provide them with protection, Izual also find and attack them in a time.

“sr, Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector finds enemies around, current retreat, is it blocked?” The Steel and Iron is not only equipped with a night vision device, but also has an Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector.

Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector In Dark, it is the best way to search for humans with hot radiation.

“Izual, don’t let go of any enemy, block them all back, I want to wiped out them!” Shi Lei said coldly, Devil Mercenary Corps is part of the Angel Parliament, annihilating the power of Devil Mercenary Corps, precisely as Stated the Angel Parliament’s minions.

“yes, sr!” Izual quickly implemented Shi Lei’s command, three The Steel and Iron from the sky, chasing outside. However, the three The Steel and Iron have just chased, and in other directions, the retreat of the personnel has reappeared.

And, the three steels that tracked out, The Steel and Iron, received a powerful attack. If it weren’t for The Steel and Iron, it would have to be spiked in spikes.

“Izual, retreat back!” Shi Lei looked at the image of the Global Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. The Devil Mercenary Corps’s personnel broke through, with six sharp corners leaving from six directions, and the rest of the personnel leaving with the six sharp corners. It seems that these six sharp corners, exactly as stated Devil Mercenary Corps’ six Main War Squads.

“Sr, our strength, at least three escapes to the Little Group, whether to pursue?” Izual reminded.

Shi Lei shook his head and said, “Give up tracking!”

“Understood, sr, does all of The Steel and Iron return to the base?” Izual asked again and said: “Sr, The Steel and Iron lost three, and the remaining Forty-two The Steel and Iron, two of them Inflicted with a Moderate degree, you need to replace the parts of the repair 360° dead end Camera System.”

“Izual, controlling The Steel and Iron to return to the base! With the order information, let Ye Feng repair The Steel and Iron need to replace parts!” Shi Lei told.

“yes, sr!” Izual’s loyal implementation of Shi Lei’s command, without any doubt, without any hesitation. If it is replaced by a real human being, Shi Lei’s command that he has just not pursued may be questioned.

In fact, Shi Lei does not track the escape personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps, it is not unreasonable. The Steel and Iron tracks the personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps without much practical significance.

In Dark, relying solely on The Steel and Iron to annihilate the Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad, quite not Reality. As long as Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad, hiding in the woods, using the narrow nature of the woods, you can call The Steel and Iron, then attack The Steel and Iron, and it is highly likely to destroy The Steel and Iron.

Shi Lei is not afraid to break the Steel and Iron, but is afraid that The Steel and Iron will lose too much, and it will be too much trouble to clean up the evidence, leaving some subtle clues.

The Steel and Iron have lost three of them, all of which have been turned into pieces, randomly scattered around Cheng Dong Stronghold, all of which are evidence of the existence of The Steel and Iron, and they want to clean them up. A more troublesome thing.

In addition, Shi Lei in the heart also has a plan that needs to be performed by Devil Mercenary Corps. Accomplish his final drama at Nanyue Nation. How can he easily kill Devil Mercenary Corps?

(To be continued.)

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