
Chapter 898

hk886 powerful Devil!

Jingya Garden, May twenty on the 4th, at 0:16 in the morning.

Shi Lei received the emergency assistance from Ye Feng, the situation of Nanyue Nation, and the Top 10 score was bad. Previously, Shi Lei told Ye Feng to expand the surveillance of Móng Cái City, arrange Automated Weapon System, and assemble the forces of Nanyue Nation to prepare for the attack of Devil Mercenary Corps.

But Shi Lei did not expect that the attack by Devil Mercenary Corps came so fast that Ye Feng had no accredit Shi Lei’s order. Whether it is to expand the scope of monitoring, or to install Automated Weapon, have not yet had time to implement.

The only good news is that Ye Feng gathered the forces belonging to Dark Hell to avoid being broken by Devil Mercenary Corps one by one.

Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Dark Hell’s personnel, relying on the advantage of the main venue, resisted the offensive of Devil Mercenary Corps. If it wasn’t Cheng Dong Stronghold, I was prepared to be under siege in advance, and I was afraid I was already attacked by Devil Mercenary Corps.

Ye Feng contacted Shi Lei through a confidential phone call and sought Shi Lei’s support.

“A’Feng, you were attacked by Devil Mercenary Corps? What happened?” Shi Lei’s tone was full of horror, as if he couldn’t believe the Devil Mercenary Corps appeared so quickly.

Ye Feng explained the current situation simply and quickly. Finally, I asked for help: “Boss, we need remote support. The firepower of Devil Mercenary Corps is too strong. We are suppressed inside the Cheng Dong Stronghold. After the battle, the rough It is estimated that Devil Mercenary Corps has at least six Main War Squads and hundreds of Ordinary fighters.”[

Shi Lei sucked in a cold breath, Devil Mercenary Corps has dispatched at least six Main War Squads, and there are hundreds of Ordinary fighters. This lineup is really amazing. What do they want to do?

“A’Feng, why not use Dawn? And The Steel and Iron?” Shi Lei’s tone, with a touch of anger and questioning.

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile : “Boss, we sent two The Steel and Iron temptations. They just got out and were killed by the Devil Mercenary Corps’s rocket launcher. As for Dawn, I haven’t sent it yet, I am worried about Devil Mercenary. Corps has more individual rocket launcher attack points. After all, Dawn shouldn’t be able to hold the attack of a single rocket launcher.”

“The Steel and Iron was killed by the individual rocket launcher?” Shi Lei’s tone is full of surprise, The Steel and Iron’s air mobility is very flexible, and the individual rocket launcher is not tracking the Right? The individual rocket launcher is Weapon, which is going straight, will only fly in the direction of “shooting”, and will not change the attack track as the position of the target changes.

The Steel and Iron was smashed by the individual rocket launcher. Shi Lei didn’t know that The Steel and Iron’s “fighting” as a staff was too stupid, or should he admire the Devil Mercenary Corps guy too?

“Is the loss of our personnel serious?” Shi Lei asked with a heavy heart.

Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad is not the same as the Ruling Security Company’s Elite Squadron, personnel. The Elite Squadron of the Ruling Security Company is all four Squadron, while the Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad has a number of five to ten people per Squadron, depending on the Squadron’s damage.

According to Ye Feng’s preliminary calculations, Devil Mercenary Corps dispatched at least six Main War Squads, and in other words, Devil Mercenary Corps had at least 30 main force fighters. In fact, Devil Mercenary Corps’s main force fighter is definitely more, and it’s not surprising that it is more than Forty.

This combat is very powerful and can completely suppress the elite of the Punishment Merc Warsquad and the Ruling Security Company. Devil Mercenary Corps’s hundreds of Ordinary fighters were able to suppress Dark Lell’s subordinates, Organization Lonely Massacre.

The form of combat is completely unfavorable to Dark Hell!

“Boss, Dark Hell has no personnel loss, only the two personnel of Ruling Security Company are hit by the arm, which is a minor injury, and can still fight. The subordinate is Organization Lonely Massacre, there is a reduction, a personnel is unfortunately shocked by the rocket. Halo, then it was killed by the other sniper.” Ye Feng reports the situation.

Shi Lei is slightly sighed in relief, Dark Hell has no combat downsizing, and the subordinates of Organization Lonely Massacre have only one member, and the loss is still within acceptable limits.

“A’Feng, remote support currently scheduled, you insist on one and a half minutes, can you hold on?” Shi Lei looks at the remote connection System countdown displayed by Izual.

Shi Lei previously told the Yellow Triangle Region to send The Steel and Iron to Nónue Nation’s Móng Cái City for remote enquiries through Izual’s. Currently, Móng Cái City has a Forty-five rack, The Steel and Iron.

To control these Steel and Iron, Izual first needs to access the corresponding communication satellite before controlling the Forty-five, The Steel and Iron. Accessing the corresponding communication satellite is not a simple matter. You must first choose a synchronous stop or a satellite that temporarily stays over Nanyue Nation, and then select the communication satellite to control The Steel and Iron. Therefore, Shi Lei did not send remote support at the first time of receiving Ye Feng’s request. [

“Boss, relying on terrain advantages, optimistically we can hold on for fifteen minutes. Even the worst case, you can stick to three minutes.” Ye Feng took a sigh of relief, let them independently face Devil Mercenary Corps, the pressure is too Big.

Devil Mercenary Corps is definitely not just in name only, but also in reality fierce and tough, their combat power is stronger than even the ordinary’s fighter and the Ruling Security Company’s elite personnel, there is no difference, even a little bit more powerful. After all, Devil Mercenary Corps’s fighter has long faced the test of blood and fire, walking between life and death, and their combat power is naturally stronger than the Eling Squadron of the Ruling Security Company.

“A’Feng, you are only defensive, try to achieve zero personnel casualties. After ten minutes and ten seconds, we will take over the control of The Steel and Iron, and then give Devil Mercenary Corps a taste!” Shi Lei sneer It seems to have been expected, Devil Mercenary Corps’s defeat.

Time is a minute and a second, this ten-second time is particularly long. When the last second countdown is accomplish, Izual rules the Forty-five rack The Steel and Iron.

In the Bluetooth headset, Izual’s icy voice prompted Shi Lei: “sr, The Steel and Iron is ready to fight, ready to enter the battle!”

“A’Feng, ready to disturb the enemy’s line of sight, whether you use flash or smoke, create a mess in the enemy, cover the steel and Iron fly out of the base stronghold!” Shi Lei told Ye Feng.

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City, Dark Hell Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Ye Feng kept talking through the Bluetooth headset, and said: “Brothers, our reinforcements are coming, ready to disturb the chaos, throwing flash and smoke collectively!”

The Elish of the Punishment Merc Warsquad and the Ruling Security Company immediately followed Ye Feng’s command implement, and some of the Lonely Massacre’s Little Captain characters also received flash and smoke, and they also emulated Ye Feng’s orders.

A considerable amount of flash and smoke were thrown out of the collective. For a time, outside of Cheng Dong Stronghold, the light after the flash explosion brightened the night sky in the morning.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s personnel, blink of an eye for a moment, Izual controlled The Steel and Iron’s successful breakout from Cheng Dong Stronghold’s base and flew into the dark night sky.

Forty-five The Steel and Iron’s flight path, under Izual’s arrangement, follows a certain queue, with the Forty frame The Steel and Iron protecting the other five The Steel and Iron. The five The Steel and Iron carry five Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface guides without carrying any Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air guide.

Shi Lei owns Swift Arrow Series guide stock, a total of fourteen. The Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface is five and the Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air is nine. The Air-To-Air Swift Arrow’s attack power is a bit smaller and more suitable for dealing with aerial targets. Therefore, Shi Lei’s original order did not allow Ye Feng to carry the Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air guide on The Steel and Iron.

Forty-five The Steel and Iron took off, Izual’s Main System paralleled them, launched the Night Vision System and the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, scanning the ground target.

The Steel and Iron, powered by the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface, hovered over the higher night sky and maintained an irregular flight attitude, and five of The Steel and Iron remained in the high-altitude cover. The Steel and Iron by Swift Arrow Series. The remaining thirty-five The Steel and Iron, after locking the target, swooped down from the sky and slid out the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun underneath the cabin.

“dá dá dá ~ ” mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun burst into flames in the sky, attacking the offensive personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps. However, the Devil Mercenary Corps member hit by The Steel and Iron is all the personnel of the Ordinary War Squad.

Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad, when the Steel and Iron took off, found the bunker hidden.


Suddenly, in the night sky, a dazzling spark broke out. It was that The Steel and Iron was hit by the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, which caused the Steel and Iron to explode.

Jingya Garden.

Izual immediately reported, “sr, lost a Steel and Iron, and did not find the coordinates of the attacker.”

“Damn!” Shi Lei squeezed his fist snorted, and he didn’t blame Izual for his bad work. It’s night, the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine has a much lower recognition rate in night mode, and the on-site personnel too much, The Steel and Iron can’t be the first time Seize to threaten the action, it’s not a strange thing.

“Izual, carefully guard the The Steel and Iron with the Swift Arrow Series guide, don’t be hit by the other side of the Swift Arrow Series, so as not to cause a burst!” Shi Lei glared at Izual.

“yes, sr!” Izual affirmative answer.

However, when Shi Lei’s order, just released accomplish, a device responsible for protecting the Swift Arrow Series guided The Steel and Iron, directly into the air into a fire!

Devil Mercenary Corps’s strength after the attack on The Steel and Iron was quite strong, and even The Steel and Iron did not form an absolute suppression of them…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗