
Chapter 896

hk884 Intel conference, reclaim authorization!

May Twenty-three day, six points Forty-two points in the evening.

Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District Back Street, Parando Italian restaurant.

Shi Lei took Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo in a quiet corner, Boss Cesare of Parando Italian restaurant, personally holding the Mousse cake at Shi Lei, and greeting with the official dialect: “stone, long time no see, And your two girlfriends.”

Shi Lei complexion is a bit stunned. He is formally joking with Cesare, saying that Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are his girlfriends. At that time, Shi Lei thought that Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo didn’t understand the Italian dialect. Therefore, he and Cesare jealously blow Mouth Artillery. I know that Mu Shuang actually has an official dialect, and Shi Lei is miserable!

“ke ke, Cesare, you are going to hurry, we have something to talk about.” Shi Lei responded with the Italian dialect.

Cesare didn’t even bother to answer: “I will send you a spaghetti, I will go to other things first, stone, keep it up!”

Mu Shuang’s face with an inexplicable smile, whispered: “Shi Lei, I don’t like to eat spaghetti, wait a minute, my one, you helped me eat it!”

Shi Lei’s confession, nodded and promised: “Okay, no issue!”[

Ling Yumo, as soon as Shi Lei promised, immediately followed the fun: “Stone Monster, I don’t like spaghetti, you have to help me!”

Shi Lei showed a black line on his forehead and looked at Ling Yumo’s face with a look of expectation. What else can he say? Only a bit of a head!

‘Damn spaghetti, I hate eating too! ‘Shi Lei in the heart tears, Cesare is a big pit, what to send, but to send spaghetti!

Shi Lei and two younger sisters, while eating and chatting all kinds of anecdotes, until 8 o’clock in the evening, Shi Lei originally wanted to send two younger sisters to go home, but. Both Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo’s cars are parked at the Emerald Building, and Shi Lei can only send them to the Emerald Building and then go home alone.

Want to further develop with the two younger sisters, Shi Lei has a long way to go!

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei went back to his nest and sat on the sofa in the living room, and thought nothing in his head. Just quiet in a daze. Recently, there have been a lot of things happening, and it is difficult for Shi Lei to have a quiet break.

Near nine o’clock, Izual’s icy sounds, “sr, information retrieval. Found ntelCompany will be held at Li Jian Nation time May Twenty-three at 9 o’clock in the morning, officially held Press Conference. Main System Logical Analysis, ntelCompany’s Press Conference, maybe for Dream Entertainment Company.sr, are you interested in ntelCompany’s Press Conference?”

Shi Lei stood up from the sofa and his face changed slightly. Dream Entertainment Company and mCompany just joined the Press Conference. NtelCompany also held a Press Conference, which clearly has an issue!

“Izual, ntelCompany’s Press Conference, is there a live web report?” Shi Lei asked.

The Press Conference of the Science and Technology enterprise usually has a live web report. In particular, the PpleCompany’s Press Conference, which likes the live broadcast of the network, sends their Press Conference to the entire World. Expand the influence of ppleCompany.

“sr, the Press Conference of ntelCompany has been queried, and the live broadcast will be reported on youtubewebsite. Main System currently connects to the overseas server and gets the youtube live video Link Address.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Li Jian Nation time, nine o’clock in the morning.

NtelCompany officially held the Press Conference, and the ntelCompany executive at the Press Conference was High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Craig Beret. He has the most dealings with Dream Entertainment.

Li Jian Nation, State of California, Santa Clara City. [

Santa Clara City is one of the cities in Silicon Valley, not only the Headquarters of the ntelCompany. There are also female companies and sunCompany, and Headquarters is also located in Santa Clara City.

NtelCompany and the female company are both suppliers of Dream Entertainment First Generation Personal Game Server, and they are more or less related to their Headquarters.

The ntelCompany Press Conference is home to Li Jian Nation’s numerous media and well-known media from around the world. NtelCompany’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General, Craig Beret stands on the podium and holds a microphone using English started talking: “Sir, ladies, good morning, welcome everyone to ntel!”

“Today, our ntelCompany held a Press Conference, mainly announced two things, I am afraid that some well-informed Friends, already know what our ntelCompany will announce. Here, my Hope friends, temporarily keep it secret, lest our ntelCompany’s Press Conference Lost the meaning it deserves,” Craig Beret said with a humorous voice.

Part of the reporter, who was present, gave a good-natured sneer.

“Before declaring our resolution on ntelCompany, please watch a video report!” Craig Beret let go from the middle of the podium to allow the projector to project an image and display it on the curtain behind the podium.

Craig Beret stood on the edge of the podium and as the video was played by the projector, he explained it with a microphone.

“In 2006, our ntelCompany accounted for 90% of the market share in the Worldwide CPU market. Our competitors only had a 7 percent share; our ntelCompany achieved an annual profit growth rate of 17%. Our competitors have sustained a six-year net loss and their liabilities are close to Billions US Dollar.”

In the video interface, the detailed list of ntelCompany, sales in all regions of the world, including the Xia Nation region, sales significantly ahead of mCompany.

“Our technology of ntelCompany is far ahead of competitors. We have complete independent intellectual property rights. The technology research and development expenses we invest every year are also much higher than our competitors. Our ntelCompany has enough confidence in the future. Leading the opponent!” Craig Beret said excitedly.

ntelCompany last year, also known as 2006, is the new technology introduced into the market, that is, the Core Core technology, the market response is good, so mCompany is tired of picking up.

Shi Lei viewed the live broadcast through Izual. After listening to Craig Beret’s remarks, Shi Lei sneered at the light hum and said to himself: “For a long time, it is just satirizing mCompany!”

At the ntelCompany Press Conference, the video of ntelCompany was broadcast. Craig Beret stood back in the middle of the podium. He had a deep confidence on his face and said: “Our ntelCompany. The first thing announced is, in view of Dream Entertainment Company. Single aspect tears up the agreement on Personal Game Server, we file a claim for breach of contract with Dream Entertainment Company. According to the agreement between the two parties, Dream Entertainment Company needs to pay ntelCompany 500 million US Dollar. Our ntelCompany Hope Dream Entertainment Company, at the latest fifteen working days Internally, the liquidated damages will be paid to our ntelCompany account.”

First Item information by Craig Beret. A bit out of the expectations of the Reporter. Similar to this dunning information, in general, the Large-scale enterprise will not express it on the clear side unless the two sides have already broken.

At present, ntelCompany and Dream Entertainment Company are not only broken, but also become direct competitors!

After the acquisition of mCompany, Dream Entertainment Company will certainly not give up the personal computer user market. With the strong financial resources of Dream Entertainment Company, mCompany is significantly more threatening than ntelCompany.

“Second pieces are going to be announced, please befriend your friends, so as not to be scared!” Craig Beret joked about the atmosphere. “The thing that we ntelCompany wants to announce is that we will retract the x86 CPU for mCompany. Licensed by Framework Technology and no longer grants technical licenses related to mCompany.”

After Craig Beret announced the matter, the Press Conference immediately boiled up. Reporters’ all kinds of questions, as well as discussion voices, made a mess.

A middle-aged Reporter in the New York Daily first got the right to ask questions. The middle-aged male Reporter asked: “Mr. Craig, may you ask ntelCompany to reclaim the x86 framework authorization for mCompany. Then mCompany has produced it, based on What should be done with the central processor of the x86 framework?”

Craig Beret is obviously prepared for this issue. “We have already contacted the relevant personnel of mCompany. Currently mCompany produces the accomplish central processor, which will be sold by Freedom. Our ntelCompany will not make any restrictions on this part of the central processor. However, mCompany cannot continue to produce CPUs based on x86Framework Technology. If our ntelCompany discovers mCompany and continues to produce a central processor based on the x86 framework, it will sue mCompany and ask mCompany to make compensation!”

Another female reporter, bb News, got the right to ask for Second Round. This female Reporter, who has a few looks, asked: “Mr. Craig, according to the law of Li Jian Nation, you should take back mCompany’s x86 framework authorization. It belongs to illegal monopoly law. Are you not afraid of Li Jian Nation Government’s sanctions? Or mCompany is currently owned by Xia Nation, Li Jian Nation Government’s monopoly law, choose to let it go?”

Shi Lei lived online via youtube and watched Craig Beret announce his authorization to reclaim the mCompany x86 central processor Framework Technology. His face was sneer and ridiculous.

ntelCompany wants to take back the mCompany x86 central processor Framework Technology, in fact, Shi Lei expected early, ntelCompany to withdraw the technical authorization, Shi Lei has no way to stop.

However, Shi Lei is not a strategy that has not been dealt with!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please read.)

Ps: “Dear Dark, look forward to Light…” – Shi Lei