
Chapter 897

hk885 AMD 64 framework, Devil is coming!

Li Jian Nation is a Ruled by Law Nation, but it does not mean that Li Jian Nation’s law must be fair. The so-called absolute justice only appears in Fairy Tale World, not the real world.

The Antitrust Law is very strict in the Li Jian Nation implement. Thanks to the protection of Antitrust Law, mCompany has not closed down and has been helped by the competitor ntelCompany.

It is rumored that ntelCompany holds a part of mCompany’s stock. Unfortunately, ntelCompany finally chose to sell mCompany’s Stock and chose to hand mCompany to Dream Entertainment.

This is not ntelCompany kind, take the initiative to help Dream Entertainment Company, but ntelCompany has something to do!

How can ntelCompany suffer? They found the law of Antitrust Law, or Li Jian Nation would like to drill the antitrust Law’s flaw to ntelCompany.

Shi Lei is very aware of the Antitrust Law and the positive law has an impact on the ntelCompany. Unless mCompany is still the capital of Li Jian Nation, then mCompany is likely to rely on the protection of the monopoly law and continue to struggle in the shadow of ntelCompany.

At the ntelCompany Press Conference, Craig Beret looked at the Female Reporter of BB News with a smile on her face, until the Female Reporter, who had a few poses, was embarrassed and Craig answered her question.

“Ms., maybe you are not familiar with Li Jian Nation’s law. Even if our ntelCompany reclaims the authorization for the mCompany x86 central processor Framework Technology, it will not violate Antitrust Law!” Craig Beret replied affirmatively.

BB News’s Female Reporter asks the bottom line: “Mr. Craig, you ntelCompany and mCompany are direct competitors. In the personal computer field, the manufacturer that sells pu central processor, only you ntel and m. If you ntelCompany, after blocking mCompany In the entire market, in addition to your ntelCompany’s pu central processor, are there other products to choose from? Is this not a monopoly?”[

Craig Beret is smiling, not a little nervous, or an angry expression, just a faint started talking: “Ms. You are not a professional in the relevant Industry, you don’t know the situation of mCompany. Even if we are ntelCompany cancelled on mCompany x86 central processor is licensed by Framework Technology, but mCompany has a similar replacement technology.”

After a moment of pause, Craig Beret continued to explain: “mCompany has developed m86Framework Technology based on x64 central processor Framework Technology. m64 technology can be backward compatible with all technologies of x86 framework, any software that can run in x86 framework system. It can also be run in the m64 framework. From the central processor Framework Technology, m64Framework Technology is more advanced than our ntelCompany’s x86Framework Technology. It belongs to the next generation of Framework Technology and supports the latest Sixty-four bit CPU!”

Craig Beret actively screams for mCompany, but in fact, m64Framework Technology has some flaws. The biggest flaw, accurately as stated, is the compatibility of software, especially the support of System, mrosoftCompany has always been alliance with ntelCompany, and the two companies form Intel Great Coalition!

How can mrosoftCompany actively support m64Framework Technology?

It is for these reasons that m64Framework Technology has not developed, and it has always been the technology of mCompany, which is a technology threat from ntelCompany.

BB News’s Female Reporter doesn’t understand the shortcomings of m64Framework Technology. It is also a silly question: “Mr. Craig, since mCompany has more advanced technology, why use ntelCompany’s backward technology?”

Craig Beret smiled more on his face. “This issue, my method answers. Because, I don’t know why!”

Some of the industry Reporters present, sneer, they know more or less about the gratitude and grudges of ntelCompany and mCompany. If mCompany can defeat ntelCompany with m64 framework, then mCompany has already done it!

The history of previous life, mCompany did win some market share with the m64 framework, but ntelCompany immediately adopted the similar 64 bit processor Framework Technology ntel64, and immediately suppressed mCompany.

Shi Lei’s fall-out program, exact as stated. Take the m64 framework, abandon ntelCompany’s x86 framework, and also abandon mrosoftCompany’s wnowsseries “Operation” as System, learn ppleCompany, and develop autonomous Sealed Off System belonging to Dream Entertainment Company.

The mosSystem developed by ppleCompany and the osSystem of mobile devices have swept the whole world, won the numerous loyal user and became the company of World Top 500 Ranked First.

Shi Lei is also planning to take the ppleCompany’s road. However, it is not too simple to develop a Graphical system for System. Shi Lei intends to develop a simple system first, similar to xbox and plystton. , that is, Exclusive Entertainment’s Exclusive Gaming System.

m is the Second Generation Personal Game Server developed by Dream Entertainment Company. I am afraid that it can only be used for the game temporarily, and it can only be used for Brave’s World.

Shi Lei intends to spend three months to four months, in conjunction with Tao Wenxian and Izual, together with Accomplish Dream Entertainment Company’s visualization of Graphical “Operation” as System.

This work is very large, but it is not too difficult. Shi Lei intends to build a Graphical based on the lnux kernel, and he writes Core Procedure with Tao Wenxian, and Izual fills in the basic code. [

When Dream Entertainment Company’s exclusive visualization of Graphical is the System Accomplishment, it is the Second Generation Personal Game Server made by mCompany for Dream Entertainment Company, or the pu central processor sold by mCompany independent. You can use Dream directly. Entertainment Company’s exclusive System.

Like bmCompany’s powerpseries microprocessor, it only uses bmCompany’s own “fighting” system, and “sex” can be very powerful.

May Twenty-three, at 10 o’clock in the evening.

NtelCompany’s Press Conference, after an hour, finally came to an end. Shi Lei watched the NtelCompany’s Press Conference and was not too angry.

The cell phone he put on the computer desk rang, the Caller ID is Xie Hui. It seems that the Press Conference of ntelCompany makes Xie Hui a little bit uncomfortable. As for mCompany, Shi Lei has already explained Dirk Mayer and Old. Iven, mCompany will not be affected by the ntelCompany Press Conference for the time being.

“Hey, Old Xie, what’s the matter?” Shi Lei pressed the answer button and got right to the point.

Xie Hui said anxiously: “Chief Shi, ntelCompany held a Press Conference, they announced their withdrawal…”

“Retracting the license to mCompany’s x86 CPU technology framework?” Shi Lei interrupted Xie Hui and said calmly: “Old Xie, I know this thing, you don’t have to worry, when we acquired mCompany, I expected this situation, and everything is in control now!”

Maybe Shi Lei’s calmed down and Xie Hui calmed down. “Chief Shi, what about our Second Generation Personal Game Server? NtelCompany and us are out of the way, and the Personal Game Server produced by mCompany is sure to bypass the x86 framework. Otherwise, we postpone the release of Second Generation Personal Game Server?”

“No! Personal Game Server, handled by Mirror Science and Technology’s First Main Technology Department, Old Xie, you just handle the Dream Entertainment Company, understand?” Shi Lei reminds Xie Hui, let Xie Hui not worry Got too much.

Xie Hui listened to Mirror Science and Technology’s First Main Technology Department, in the heart, but he couldn’t ask. He could only answer: “Understood, Chief Shi!”

After hang up the phone, Shi Lei put the cell phone back on the computer desk and took a look at the time in the lower right corner. It was just ten o’clock and ten minutes later. Shi Lei opened the door and said: “Izual, open the software editor!” He is preparing to write the Exclusive Gaming System of the Second Generation Personal Game Server, which is just a simple “Action” system dedicated to running Brave’s World’s Game System.

In fact, this is dedicated to running Brave’s World’s Game System, source code is very simple, Shi Lei took less than an hour, accomplished the Core Source Code, and then Izual fill in the basic code.

Near 11:30, Izual completed the preparation of the basic code, and then, under the command of Shi Lei’s, debugged and verified all the code and conducted the actual test.

“sr, tested, the Exclusive Gaming System runs Brave’s World perfectly. The Exclusive Gaming System reduces the pressure on the Graphical Graphics Card device by 8% and the pressure on the central processor by 11%.” Izual reports Happening.

The exclusive Game System, in the “sex” aspect, even surpassed the wnowsseries System. This kind of performance is not surprising, such as xbox or plystton game consoles, in the hardware configuration aspect, absolutely can not catch up with the high-end personal computer. But they are above the game quality, obviously more outstanding. This is an exact as stated professional system optimization design, with a complete focus on game aspect optimization.

Shi Lei’s Exclusive Gaming System is similar to this, and the professional tends to Brave’s World’s Game System, reducing Brave’s World’s demand for computer hardware.

After a yawn, Shi Lei was a bit sleepy: “Izual, pressure test Exclusive Gaming System, looking for possible buginformation. Record the possible buginformation and wait for me to wake up tomorrow and tell me.”

However, Shi Lei had just finished grooming and was ready to go to sleep. The phone on the computer desk rang again.

“Izual, who called me?” Shi Lei was already lying on the bed, not wanting to move at all.

“sr, calls personnel is Ye Feng of Nanyue Nation, is it connected?” Izual asked.

“Ye Feng?, is there any accident?” Shi Lei quickly said: “Izual, hurry up!”

When the phone was just connected, Ye Feng said in a hurry: “Boss, we were attacked by Devil Mercenary Corps and requested remote support!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗