
Chapter 895

hk883 responds to the tide, the power of Nouveau Riche!

May Twenty-three day, close to six in the afternoon.

Shi Lei and Mu Shuang talked about in Office and resolved the low-profile solution for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, using Shi Lei’s ‘馊 idea’.

Whether it is ‘Victory Reward’, or ‘Virtual Lottery’, or ‘Virtual Lottery’, is a slight trick, but the Gamers have to accept.

The Center idea of ​​these three tricks is all ‘avaricious’!

Victory Reward provides a Hope for Gamers. As long as Gamer in the heart has avaricious meaning, it is inevitable to sign up for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

The registration fee does require the 100 text copper coin. What can be calculated from the 100 text copper coin compared to the rewards listed by the Dream Entertainment Company?

Virtual Lottery is also a weapon to attract Gamer, the vast majority of humans in the heart, are gambling. If you know the result of winning, why not gamble once?

For example, a Level 20 Gamer and a Level 30 Gamer met on the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. As a normal matter, Level 30’s Gamer has a winning percentage of over 90%. In this case, why not bet on Level 30 Gamer to win? [

The Virtual lottery is almost the same as the Reality lottery, except that it was changed to Brave’s World and the currency was changed to Brave’s World’s copper coin.

Shi Lei proposed three options, each of which closely grasps Gamer’s inner greed, and allows Gamer to reject Shi Lei’s conspiracy. For business management aspects, Shi Lei’s does not have Mu Shuang well done; but for the people’s mind, Mu Shuang is not Shi Lei’s opponent.

“Shuang Shuang, Gamer will not protest!” Shi Lei replied with affirmation, “Gamers will only support our resolutions, not the issue of our resolutions.”

Mu Shuang sighed. “Well, since you are so sure, there is no better way at the moment, then follow the implementation you said!”

“Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, you two are waiting for me at Office. I will go to the Machine Room at Basement Fifth Level and post the plan I just decided on OffiCIA l Website. Then we will go eat together.” Shi Lei looked at it. Mu Shuang, looked at Ling Yumo again.

Mu Shuang nodded. No rejection.

Ling Yumo will not refuse, and the response is okay: “Stone Monster, you move faster, I am a little hungry Eh!”

“Well, my movements will be very fast!” Shi Lei replied with assurance.

Underground Basement Fifth Level is Izual’s Parent Server. Supercomputer Origin’s Machine Room, Shi Lei released the solution just mentioned. Just pass the voice. You can let Izual accomplish the rest of the work, the speed will naturally be very fast.

I took the elevator to the Underground Basement Fifth Level and entered the Core area of ​​the Machine Room. Izual greeted and greeted: “sr, good evening.”

“Izual, record the order. Release Brave’s World news announcement…” Shi Lei gave the three scenarios that had just been discussed with Mu Shuang to Izual.

Izual’s powerful Natural Lion guage Processing program completely records what Shi Lei said and then generates Brave’s World announcement information. “sr, announcement is completed, is it released?”

“Publish!” Shi Lei confirmed’s answer, “Right, Izual, at Parando Italian restaurant, give me a reservation, I am going to eat soon.”

“yes, sr!” Izual responded again.

Shi Lei took the elevator back to the 38th floor, opened the wooden door of Mu Shuang Office, looked at the two younger sisters sitting on the leather sofa, and smiled and said: “Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, let’s go eat!”

Mu Shuang curiously asked : “Shi Lei, how can I handle it so soon?”

He left Office from Shi Lei and now he is back, just ten minutes before and after, this speed is too fast.

“hēi hēi 嘿, Shuang Shuang, just a brief announcement of our resolution, where is the need for too much time?” Shi Lei replied with a smile. “Two beautiful people, are you hungry Right? Let’s go, I will take you to dinner!”

Ling Yumo jumped up from the leather sofa and walked to Shi Lei, holding Shi Lei’s one arm and cheering: “Okay, I am already hungry! Shi Lei, what are you going to take us to eat? Ah? ”

Mu Shuang calmly got up and walked to the other side of Shi Lei’s, and also took Shi Lei’s arm, as if he didn’t realize the provocation of Ling Yumo. The tone was natural: “Shi Lei, I have recently been inconvenient, I don’t want to eat hotpot.”

The so-called inconvenience, can not eat hotpot, Shi Lei think a little, then understand the Mu Shuang’s opinion, this is the relative of Mu Shuang!

“Don’t eat hotpot, I booked the location of Parando Italian restaurant. We haven’t been to it for a long time, and I miss Parando’s mousse cake, ready to try it!” Shi Lei responded to Mu Shuang.

Ling Yumo whispered, with a very low voice, smashed and said: “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, you have changed, you will not open and aboveboard fight with me, now I have to fight with me!”

Shi Lei didn’t understand what Ling Yumo was saying and asked, “Little Mo, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing, let’s go, let’s go to Parando, I also want to eat a little lambchop from their home.” Ling Yumo glanced at Mu Shuang, with a firm look in his eyes, not releasing the opinion that held Shi Lei’s arm.

Out of the woman’s intuition, Mu Shuang understood Ling Yumo’s opinion, and she did not let go of the Shi Lei arm’s opinion. The two women left Shi Lei’s arm and walked out of Office.

Along the way, the Dream Entertainment Company and the Immortal Picture Company’s personnel looked at Shi Lei three differently, but everyone did not ask for it. When the Shi Lei three people took the elevator to leave, the entire Mirror Science and Technology’s Child Company immediately flies all kinds of gossip.

In the Dream Entertainment Official Forum, it is also all kinds of information, Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website, updated announcement information, let Brave’s World’s Gamer, discussed in the Official Forum.

A small number of Gamer who signed up through the educational institute Cup event expressed dissatisfaction and thought that Dream Entertainment Company was in the middle of money. However, more Gamer has embraced the latest resolutions of Dream Entertainment Company.

Especially the low-end Gamer, they have protested before, and think that the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is basically related to the Low-end Player, which is completely the performance show of High-end Player.

This time. Dream Entertainment Company updated the reward program for Brave’s World Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, which actually brought the glad tidings to the Low-end Player. Although some of Gamer understands that the plan announced by Brave’s World looks good, the actual odds of winning will definitely be horrible.

As Shi Lei said, he gave the Gamer Hope, on how embarrassing this Hope is, but that is Hope!

Dream Entertainment Company changes the bonus settings of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, although it tends to be in Low-end Player. High-end Players, there is no worry at all.

The ‘Victory Reward’ measure is equally applicable to the higher Gamer and they will receive more rewards. And, part of the High-end Player. Also in the Official Gamer Forum, an acquisition post was posted.

Exceed Grade Gamer Storm. High profile at the Official Forum. Post a post and use Brave’s World’s copper coin to post his post in a limited time.


“Astronomical price is scheduled to acquire reward items! 》

Everyone, Brave’s World’s Gamer, the Dream Entertainment Company, changed the reward scheme for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition and added the Victory Reward measure. Give the Gamer a chance to get a lottery.

I really like Dream Entertainment Company’s attitude towards Gamer. This solution benefits all of Gamer. It can be seen that Dream Entertainment Company is really thinking about Gamer, not just avaricious to get benefits from Gamer.

All right. No nonsense, lest some of the Gamer want to speculate that I am the Dream Entertainment Company!

This Dream Entertainment Company, announced the Victory Reward lottery items, including Legend Rank Equipment, Epic Rank only Task Scroll, and even Myth Rank article clue scroll, on what rewards, as long as there is Gamer acquired, I am willing to buy a sky-high price!

Please, Gamer noticed that if you were in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, you relied on Victory Reward to get High Grade items, and you want to replace it with Real Currency. Then, you must remember to find me, I am Storm, Brave’s World, my Nickname is Dugu Qiye, and the only digital account is 188888.

If there is a Gamer friend who needs to sell the item to me, please contact me directly via voice information. The source language is preferably English, so as to avoid inaccurate system translation and misunderstanding.

As long as the items of Gamer are high enough, my bid will definitely satisfy you. Don’t doubt if I have money, I only care if you have anything that makes me feel good.

Finally, play another ad, my personal Third Grade Faction, Storm Stronghold recruits Worldwide Expert, as long as you are Brave’s World’s Expert, as long as you join Storm Stronghold, our Storm Stronghold will sign a formal contract with you to give you a good gift. Salary!

what are you waiting for?

Join Storm Stronghold!


Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s name, on the Official Forum, or Brave’s World, is very famous. In addition to his domineering digital account, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm spent a lot of money at Brave’s World, making him famous.

The post from Storm quickly gotten emulated by other Nouveau Riche, and the rest of Nouveau Riche posted similar purchases. These Nouveau Riche practices made some of the Low-end Players quite equivalent.

Clearly, Dream Entertainment changed the reward scheme of Martial World Struggle for Power Competition and took care of the Low-end Player a little bit. But these Nouveau Riche, a solution that will take care of the Low-end Player, will be transformed into a solution for the high-end Nouveau Riche Gamer.

Can only sigh, Nouveau Riche’s power is really powerful!

Many low-end and low-end Gamers have replied to the Storm’s post. As long as they get High Grade items, they will be given priority to sell to Storm.

In this case, Shi Lei is not without consideration, even Shi Lei Hope’s situation, exactly as stated! Give Hope in the Low-end Player, a profitable Hope, and the Low-end Player will be more active.

Shi Lei Hope Brave’s World’s positioning is not only a fun game, but also a game of making money. Don’t ask every Gamer to make money, but at least a small portion of Gamer makes money. In this way, more Gamer will be brought into Brave’s World!

(To be continued.)