
Chapter 889

hk877 Intel Company’s tricks, steep changes!

May 2nd 12 Day, ten points twenty points.

Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Emerald Lake Guesthouse’s Press Conference Room, Dream Entertainment and mCompany, held mCompany officially integrated into the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Press Conference.

Gold-medal Scooper David of the Wall Street Journal, asking for a sharp issue, but Shi Lei’s understatement, Dream Entertainment Company, is willing to pay for the brash of contract damages. This kind of answer made David quite dissatisfied.

“Mr. Shi, do you know that mCompany’s central processor, using Framework Technology, origin is a technical license for ntelCompany. If you Dream Entertainment Company, take over the mCompany and kick the original partner ntelCompany, So will ntelCompany be furious and cancelled to use mCompany’s Framework Technology license?” Gold-medal Scooper David continued.

Shi Lei smiled mysteriously and said: “Mr. David, I think you are a worry. ntelCompany is an Internationalized Industry Giant Company. They can’t do such superficial things. Our Dream Entertainment Company, although the single aspect has torn up with ntelCompany The cooperation agreement signed. However, according to our agreement, our Dream Entertainment Company is willing to pay liquidated damages. Moreover, we are willing to pay a high amount of Framework Technology authorization fee. ntelCompany has no reason to reject our cooperation application! You are right? Ah? ”

Shi Lei’s move to retreat into the argument, directly handed over the choice to the ntelCompany. He deliberately touted ntelCompany if ntelCompany was really canceled with authorization for mCompany’s Framework Technology. More or less will be affected by a certain reputation.

Distant Li Jian Nation.

Currently watching Dream Entertainment and mCompany joint Press Conference live ntelCompany High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General, Craig Beret said with a sneer: “bullshit! Not authorized to you is superficial? You single aspect breach. Is not superficial? All his? Is bullshit !”[

NtelCompany’s Board of DIRE ctors, for the issue of Dream Entertainment single-aspect breach, has long been a hunch. Not long ago, when Dream Entertainment Company and mCompany ‘browed to the eye,’ the seniors of ntelCompany guessed that Dream Entertainment Company wanted to acquire mCompany and prepared a single aspect to tear up the cooperation agreement.

Even Dream Entertainment Company, announced that acccomplish is absolutely controlling for mCompany. Repeatedly stated that it will continue to maintain the cooperation agreement with ntelCompany, but the top level of ntelCompany does not believe Shi Lei’s rhetoric.

NtelCompany has always made the worst plan, that is, after the Dream Entertainment Company acquired mCompany, handed over the Personal Game Server project to the mCompany implement, which caused the impact on the ntelCompany.

Now their hunch is coming true. The board of DIRE ctors at ntelCompany, authorized Craig Beret to handle the Dream Entertainment Company. Among them, including the payment of 500 million US Dollars, and the revocation of the Framework Technology license to mCompany.

As for what is superficial and superficial, it is nonsense!

In commercial wars, there is only the benefit of naked. Where do you need a face? If the face can be exchanged for money, the merchants have long lost their face to exchange money! The real face needs strength support!

ntelCompany wants to reclaim the x86Framework Technology that is licensed to mCompany, leaving the mCompany’s central processor directly in a desperate situation. after all. The current software ecosystem, all supporting the x86 framework. Including mnowsoftCompany’s wnowsseries “Operation” as System. It is also a supported x86 framework.

Once ntelCompany does not authorize the mCompany x86 framework, mCompany’s central processor is definitely a big tragedy.

Emerald Lake Guesthouse’s Press Conference Room, Reporter kept asking questions about variant sorts and varieties, Shi Lei, Mu Shuang, Dirk Mayer, Tom Cruise, and Xie Hui and Hong Xiang, and answered them one by one.

Near the noon 12 point, Shi Lei coughed, started talking: “You Reporter Friends, today’s Press Conference, is coming to an end. We are ready to thank the luncheon, you Reporter friend can use the Reporter card, free lunch. Thanks Everyone is here!”

“Mr. Shi, I have the last issue!” The Reporter of the Washington Post grabbed the opportunity before the end and shouted loudly.

Shi Lei glanced at the Washington Post’s Reporter and recognized the Washington Post logo. He showed a strange smile. He nodded and used English: “Washington Post’s Reporter friend, what is your issue?”

The Washington Post’s Reporter is a youngster, and he is excited and high-spirited: “Mr. Shi, our Washington Post’s OffiCIA l Website, was Hacker attack two days ago and posted some very untrue news stories. It is rumored that your Dream Entertainment Company has a very strong Hacker power. Does this matter, do you have Dream Entertainment Company involved? After all, this incident led to the fall of Bodales Clise, and his restriction, your Dream Entertainment Company, controls mCompany. The motion is also naturally void. Your Dream Entertainment Company is the biggest beneficiary of the Hacker invasion. You are also the biggest suspect in this invasion!”

The Washington Post’s youngster is obviously deliberately thorny. Generally, Reporter does not ask such a brainstorming issue. This is not called Reporter’s question, more like questioning whether Dream Entertainment Company is guilty.

Most of the Reporter present, surprised to see the young reporter of the Washington Post, the expression on his face is very weird. [

A Reporter of Li Jian Nation, whispering to the Reporter next to him: “This youngster, I am afraid not the Reporter of the Washington Post, he is more like the Person of Li Jian Nation Official, perhaps the personnel of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation. It is said that Washington Post In the invasion, the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation has lost face!”

“Hey? It’s still involved in the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation? I don’t know how to answer the EO of Dream Entertainment Company?” another Reporter curiously replied.

Shi Lei standing on the “Chairman” stage. Looking at the young Poster of Washington Post, said with a smile: “Mr. Reporter. If I didn’t get it wrong, you said it was ‘rumored’ what our Dream Entertainment Company is, since it is rumored. Is it true? If the Cyber ​​Security On-duty Personnel of the Washington Post is all IQ standard like Reporter, I can only regret that your Cyber ​​Security method is guaranteed, it is not a strange thing. !”

“hā hā hā hā ~”

Reporters who are present. I heard Shi Lei’s teasing about the Washington Post Reporter and all laughed loudly.

“You!” The young Reporter of the Washington Post, with a very angry expression, shouted Shi Lei, coldly snorted and said: “Mr. Shi, we know this thing is related to your Dream Entertainment Company! Your Dream Entertainment Company is careful, We will keep a close eye on you!”

On-site Security personnel at Ruling Security Company. I came to the Washington Post Young Reporter and was ready to take him out.

Shi Lei quickly stopped: “Stop! Our Dream Entertainment Company, we are sitting right, these unwarranted accusations, our Dream Entertainment Company is terrified. Mr. Reporter of Washington Post, I can represent Dream Entertainment Company. Accept yours. Doubt. However, if you want Dream Entertainment Company to make compensation, or if you sue the Dream Entertainment Company, you may need exact evidence.”

After Shi Lei finished, Xia Nation’s Reporter. First, they took the lead and applauded. They cheered: “Chief Shi is right! The little bastard of the Washington Post. Do you have evidence?”

“Little Suckled Child, did you tell Mama that the accusation needs evidence?” Shuangqing City’s native Reporter used a dialect greeting.

Washington Post’s young Reporter, coldly stunned the surrounding Reporter of Xia Nation, turned and walked to the door, apparently not planning to stay to eat the thank-you lunch provided by Stopped Dream Entertainment Company.

Shi Lei stood on the “Chairman” stage and laughed hē hē: “Friends in the news media industry, just a little accident, Hope will not affect everyone’s mood.”

Announced the official end of the Press Conference, Shi Lei took the Mirror Science and Technology Group executives, as well as the mCompany executives, to the independent lunch box.

In the Large-scale box, mCompany’s eoDirk Mayer raised a red wine glass and said with a polite attitude: “Mr. Shi, we will become colleagues in the future, Hope in the future, please take care!”

Shi Lei’s face is slightly shy: “ke ke, Mr. Dirk, my capacity for liquor …ke ke, you know Right?”

Dirk Mayer had a slight glance, but Tom Cruise volunteered: “Dirk, Mr. Shi is allergic to alcohol!”

“so it was originally this!” Dirk Mayer learned the habits of Xia Nation and finished a glass of wine in one go, pretending to be a hero: “Mr. Shi, I did it, please forgive me for being rash.”

Shi Lei glanced at Tom Cruise and then looked at Dirk. “It doesn’t matter, Mr. Dirk, you don’t know it after all!”

Ling Yumo sat next to Shi Lei and looked at Shi Lei with a smile. Although she didn’t drink too much, she could beat Shi Lei if she really drank it. This is Ling Yumo’s most proud thing.

The luncheon was held in a cheerful atmosphere, Dirk Mayer talked to Xie Hui, and Tom Cruise discussed with Li Cai. Li Cai, Brat, was brought in with Wen Ruoyun, the staff of Ruling Security Company, all know Li Cai. And Li Cai has a low authority in the Mirror Science and Technology Group, and Li Cai can naturally be mixed into the thank-you luncheon.

Li Cai, this cowhide, is obviously much more powerful than Shi Lei. He has already captured Wen Ruoyun!

Shi Lei and Ling Yumo whispered, the cell phone in the trouser pocket, rang, and Shi Lei took out the Caller ID, which was dialed by Tao Wenxian, and Shi Lei couldn’t help himself.

Under normal circumstances, Tao Wenxian will not take the initiative to contact Shi Lei. Unless there is a special Emergency Situation, Tao Wenxian will contact Shi Lei!

Shi Lei stood up with the cell phone, his face “color” calmly said: “Sorry for the inconvenience, I will answer a phone call, work aspect, Mirror Science and Technology Headquarters.”

After that, Shi Lei left the box, walked into an empty box, locked the door, and then pressed the answer button, asking: “What’s the matter?”

In order to avoid the “disclosure” of the information, Shi Lei did not call the name of Tao Wenxian, nor did it call the ‘jzz’ code.

“Big Brother Stone, the major event is not good!” Tao Wenxian said on the phone, nervous and anxious.

Shi Lei in the heart snorted and quickly asked: “What major event is not good? Don’t worry, slowly explain!”

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Special thanks] srnerson, reward 10000

[Thank you for your appreciation] white clothed 丶影,,,, Imperial Guard Boss, I will always support you, Ting Yu, reward 100

The full 3400 word count!

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