
Chapter 890

hk878 Angel minions, Devil is coming!

May Twenty-three day, close to 12 half.

Tao Wenxian brought a bad news to Shi Lei by phone. Tao Wenxian currently lives in the Jingya Garden No. 4 Room, right next to Shi Lei’s, helping Shi Lei to fight against the Angel Parliament and also helping Shi Lei handle some of the events in the network.

Tao Wenxian and Shi Lei have accomplished the alliance ceremony, and the two formed a true alliance, trust each other and rely on each other!

Shi Lei listened to Tao Wenxian’s phone in a private room. Tao Wenxian’s tone was very anxious, which made Shi Lei have a bad feeling, perhaps a terrible emergency.

“Big Brother Stone, do you have any power, arranged in Nanyue Nation?” Tao Wenxian calmed down and asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei in the heart Surprised, his power in Nanyue Nation did not tell Tao Wenxian, so how did Tao Wenxian know?

“Well, I have some power in Nanyue Nation, what happened?” Shi Lei asked.

Tao Wenxian took a deep breath, tempted to ask: “Big Brother Stone, is that part of the power important?”

“Important! Very important!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively, the feeling of being in the heart is getting stronger and stronger. [

“Very important?” Tao Wenxian coughed twice and continued: “Big Brother Stone, are you powerful at Nanyue Nation?”

Shi Lei thought about it. His power in Nanyue Nation is not too weak, but can be said to be very powerful. It included nearly 50 of The Steel and Iron, fourteen Swift Arrow Series guides, and three Dawns. There are also five people from the Punishment Merc Warsquad, four Elite Squadron from the Ruling Security Company, and more than one hundred Elite fighters from the Organization Lonely Massacre.

This kind of power, even the Standing Army against Nanyue Nation, will not fall to the bottom!

According to Shi Lei’s estimates, the forces placed in Nanyue Nation can at least resist the Kanyue Nation team of thousands of people with heavy weapon and mechanized weapon, and can also take the opportunity to retreat without leaving too much loss!

“What happened?” Shi Lei did not answer directly, but asked again.

“Big Brother Stone, I just used the GPS Global Positioning System and found that the Angel Parliament currently called the GPS Global Positioning System to scan the Móng Cái City area of ​​Nanyue Nation. It is rumored that the Angel Parliament has a strong Merc Corps team. So, I guess, The Angel Parliament is ready to put your hands on the Nanyue Nation!” Tao Wenxian said his guess.

Shi Lei didn’t panic. Angel Parliament did have a subordinate organization, which was exactly as stated a powerful Devil mercenary group. Just how did they find Nanyue Nation?

In accordance with the truth, the Angel Parliament should not know about Nanyue Nation at all!

“Are you sure that it is Angel Parliament?” Shi Lei asked with a puzzle.

Tao Wenxian said with certainty: “Big Brother Stone, I am definitely the Angel Parliament! Originally, I entered the GPS Global Positioning System, just want to investigate the Task you handed me. I found some clues about the Levitation Slate at Yinjia Nation. Use the GPS Global Positioning System to track suspicious picture information in real time.”

Having said that, Tao Wenxian paused for a while and took a sigh of relief. He continued: “But I just entered the GPS Global Positioning System and found an abnormal situation. I own the Third Grade Control Authority of the GPS Global Positioning System. Entering the Global Positioning System is a normal management sequence link that does not attract the attention of the Safety On-duty Personnel. I found an abnormal link in the GPS Global Positioning System, that is, someone invaded the GPS Global Positioning System.”

“Long story short!” Shi Lei reminded.

“Hey!” Tao Wenxian said slightly: “Big Brother Stone, I found someone invading GPS Worldwide positioning, I reverse tracking the intruder’s information, the other party immediately killed me, I entangled with the intruder, through each other’s Tracking, I decided that they are the personnel of the Angel Parliament! At the last minute, if I did not use Izual’s help, I might be caught by the Angel Parliament’s personnel!”

Shi Lei’s brows are deep and wrinkled. “Who is the other person in the Angel Parliament?”

“Big Brother Stone, Izual determine is Blazing Sword Raphael !” Tao Wenxian responded. [

“Raphael? is Raphael!” Shi Lei gnashing one’s teeth said, “We have to find a way to remove the Raphael, lest he always go with us. Yes, you just said, the guy of Angel Parliament, used it. GPS Global Positioning System Scanning Nónue Nation’s Móng Cái City ?”

“En! Big Brother Stone, I suspect that Angel Parliament knows your power at Nanyue Nation, they are ready to deal with you!” Tao Wenxian said nervously.

Shi Lei used the other hand to “snap” the “揉” sun “hole”, the Angel Parliament’s Raphael, which is simply soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.

“This thing, I know, I will tell the forces of Nanyue Nation to pay close attention to the progress of Angel Parliament. Yes, you should pay attention to the GPS Global Positioning System. If you find the Angel Parliament using the GPS Global Positioning System, you must Tell me quickly,” Shi Lei told Tao Wenxian.

Angel Parliament called GPS Global Positioning System to scan Nanyue Nation’s Móng Cái City, most likely to deal with Shi Lei’s Dark power in Nanyue Nation.

If Shi Lei is placed in the Dark forces of Nanyue Nation, only the ordinary dealers drug trafficking, or the Nanyue Nation 乱 “disorder.” Then, Shi Lei will certainly avoid its edge and let Angel Parliament cocky in Nanyue Nation. Shi Lei’s layout in Nanyue Nation is not just fun!

Nanyue Nation’s stronghold was established from the beginning to capture Meishan Island. Now, Meishan Island has succeeded in getting the job of mining N235 Metal, and it is currently in progress.

How could Shi Lei give up the power of Nanyue Nation at this critical time? Give up mining N235 Metal? Not to mention the Devil Mercenary Corps of the Angel Parliament, the aircraft carrier of the exact as stated Li Jian Nation came, Shi Lei will not give up Meishan Island!

N235 Metal is the trump card in Shi Lei’s hands. On how Shi Lei will not give up N235 Metal!

“Big Brother Stone, you can rest assured that I will monitor the GPS Global Positioning System at any time to monitor the progress of the Angel Parliament.” Tao Wenxian replied with assurance, “Big Brother Stone, I heard that the Angel Parliament, what is Devil Mercenary Corps Mercenary Organization, the combat power is very strong, can you stand up to the power of Nanyue Nation?”

Tao Wenxian expressed his concern that the Angel Parliament was on the Sword of Damocles with Shi Lei’s head. If Shi Lei’s forces were heavily damaged by Angel Parliament, it was not a good result for Tao Wenxian.

“Don’t worry, the power of the Nanyue Nation is very strong. The Devil Mercenary Corps of the Angel Parliament may not be able to get the benefits, and maybe even give them a lesson!” Shi Lei said with a cold laugh. “Right, you just said, what is the clue that Yinjia Nation found the clues of the Levitation Slate?”

Tao Wenxian in the heart Surprised, ‘How powerful is the Big Brother Stone in Nanyue Nation? Can you give Devil Mercenary Corps a lesson? It’s the frontier issue of Nanyue Nation, which is exactly as stated…’

“Big Brother Stone, you called me the local news report of investigate Yinjia Nation. I found a news report about ‘Levitate’ in the Uttar Pradesh State of Yinjia Nation, a Small-scale place NewspAPer. I guess that Maybe it’s a clue to the Levitation Slate. So, I want to check out real-time images of the area.” Tao Wenxian responded to Shi Lei.

The Levitation Slate represents an unknown Supernatural Force ‘Levitate ‘, and Shi Lei formerly has received the Levitation Slate, which is the item of the Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters.

Bureau Chief Ling Yuguo of Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters, that is Shi Lei’s future Quasi Father-In-Law, Shi Lei can’t pit Father-In-Law Right? So the Levitation Slate, Shi Lei also gave Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, got detailed information about the Levitation Slate from Quasi Father-In-Law.

Levitation Slate origin The Levitation Slate, which can be determined at Yinjia Nation, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, has a total of two. One piece was obtained by them and the other was still in Yinjia Nation.

Shi Lei put the target on the Yinjia Nation’s Levitation Slate. The previous work of Tao Wenxian has been the origin of the investigate Levitation Slate. If you find origin, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian, you will do everything you can and bring the Levitation Slate back.

In the eyes of Shi Lei, Levitation Slate is about Levitation Tech and Anti-gravity Science and Technology, and its strategic target meaning is as important as N235 Metal.

“I found the exact clues? Then, you should pay attention to the situation of the Levitation Slate! On the Angel Parliament, or the Levitation Slate, I have both intelligence information. If you can’t handle it alone, let Izual help you!” Shi Lei No Politely said.

“Big Brother Stone, what is Izual’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System? Why do I feel that Izual’s logic program is almost no different from real humans?” Tao Wenxian curiously asked.

“Izual is the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, the general Task, you can hand it to Izual accomplish.” Shi Lei did not conceal Tao Wenxian, “Well, you have to deal with the things I told, I have to Nanyue Nation The forces made arrangements.”

Hanging up the phone with Tao Wenxian, Shi Lei immediately contacted Ye Feng of Nanyue Nation. Although Shi Lei is full of confidence in the power of Nanyue Nation, Devil Mercenary Corps, a member of the Angel Parliament, is really amazing!

Waiting for a moment, the phone was connected by Ye Feng, and Ye Feng’s steady voice came over, “Boss?”

Shi Lei coughed and asked: “What happened to A’Feng, Nanyue Nation? Especially the case of Meishan Island!”

“Boss, Nanyue Nation is in good condition. Nanyue Nation Official has lowered the border safety defense grade. The situation in Meishan Island is also normal. It is expected that it will take more than half a month to implement the preset mining plan.” Ye Feng replied Shi Lei.

“How long will it take for more than half a month?” Shi Lei Nai’s sighed, originally the mining plan of N235 Metal, was scheduled for June 15th, and now is the May Twenty-three day, more than the official mining time. Twenty days of time. “Well, for the time being, regardless of Meishan Island. A’Feng, then I want to tell you something, you listen carefully!”

Shi Lei will tell the Devil Mercenary Corps of the Angel Parliament about the troubles they will find at Nanyue Nation.

After listening to Ye Feng, there was a serious tone in his tone, “Devil Mercenary Corps? Boss, we will defeat them!”

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗